The hour before the whole house wakes up is all mine! #bliss #peaceandquiet
The hour before the whole house wakes up is all mine! #bliss #peaceandquiet
The husband found a book he can‘t put down and as an added bonus Fox News has been off all day. #MiraclesDoHappen #Husband #PeaceAndQuiet #HappyWife
Somewhere in Atlanta, there is a book nerd hiding out from her husband and kid (who haven't been to school or to work all week due to the weather). And she's eating a Big Mac and fries while polishing it off with a regular (not Diet) Dr. Pepper. And she's reading in peace. #sorrynotsorry #whatsthelargestsizefriesyouhave
After a bout of the flu that knocked me down for days and both my mother and mother-in-law visiting at the same time, I'm finally able to pick up a new book to read. Glad this one finally came to me from my hold list at the library. #currentread #peaceandquiet #ifinallyfeelhumanagain
Reading while the boys watch a movie. Let's see how long this lasts. #bookmark #harrypotter #peaceandquiet
One boy is in pre-school right now and the other is napping. Actually sitting down to a quiet lunch today. 😊 #itsthelittlethings #peaceandquiet #chapteradayfail