Book mail from #Powells to keep me sane tonight.
I though this was a fun display I came across at my local bookstore 😁👻 📚 🔪
#bookstore #powells #halloween #display
The act of going to a physical bookstore or library is a joy separate from reading. The look, smell and feel of books, with the promise of their worlds and all humanity has to offer, is pure magic. The hope and anticipation I feel when surrounded by books is akin to falling in love. ✨
#lastnight #rendezvous #powells #magic #happyplace
My haul from #Powells! I was very reserved and good during my visit. This was all under $40! #BookHaul Has anyone read any of these? I hadn't heard of the bottom 2 before seeing them at Powell's. I hope they are good!
The new #indiespensable box is here!!!! #indiebuddyreads #powells
My #Indiespensable box came today! As well as the tagged book, it contains an early copy of a new edition of Territory of Light and a lovely ceramic beverage coaster. I was just listening to @Liberty rave about this book on the All the Books podcast, so I look forward to it.
When you‘re on a book business trip in #Chicago it‘s obligatory to spend $100 of your paycheck at #Powells
How can you tell we just spent nine days in Oregon? #Powells #Titlewave #Portland #nosuchthingastoomanybooks
I‘m so behind on my #bookmail posts 😫
These three are from #powells #indiespensible book club last month.
Has anyone read Rachel Kushner?