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A Routine Infidelity | Elizabeth Coleman
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An Australian cozy crime type story set on the streets of Melbourne‘s inner north and featuring a youngish female PI with a big family and an emotionally complicated backstory. It‘s an OK central mystery, but overall a bit over complicated with subplots. I enjoyed the local references but, I don‘t know, it was all a bit meh🫤 #Ozfiction #52BookClub #RelatedToTheWordMurder

Librarybelle Interesting that the author is a screenwriter for the Miss Fisher mystery series 2y
squirrelbrain I love books that are ‘local‘ to home, but it sounds like you won‘t be reading any more in this series…🤔 2y
Cinfhen Sometimes I really appreciate when my books keep it simple 2y
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CarolynM @Librarybelle Yes, but this story doesn‘t have such a strong central character, nor the interest in the setting. I think she was trying to drum it up by the backstory & by tying it closely to real streets & suburbs, but I think you need a bit more than that to get real colour into your characters & setting. 2y
CarolynM @squirrelbrain No, I really don‘t think I‘ll need to read any more of these. 2y
Librarybelle Agreed! 2y
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I happily devoured this fifth in the Midsomer Murders series on audio. The character studies in each of these novels is remarkable, and this addition is no exception. Barnaby and Troy come off as cantankerous and crass, respectively, and the mystery and murder are so twisted. Great listen! #192025 #1996 #52BookClub23 #RelatedToTheWordMurder

Bluebird I‘ve been eyeing this series for awhile. I really must get to it soon! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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Another great installment of the Ruth Galloway series! Ruth had moved away from Norfolk for a fresh start. However, a murder suspect won‘t tell DCI Nelson where bodies are buried unless she agrees to be the one to dig them up. I‘ve come to like Ruth more and more with each book. At first I thought her too weak and whiny. But she has become stronger and more confident.
#serieslove23 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

#52bookclub23 #relatedtothewordmurder

Cinfhen Great review/ I‘m not familiar with this series. Sounds good 2y
Librarybelle I definitely have to get back to this series! I enjoyed the first book, but have yet to read the others. 2y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen It is an excellent series. 2y
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Andrew65 @Librarybelle The books only get better as the series progresses. 2y
Andrew65 Excellent review. 2y
TheSpineView Love this series! Waiting on the next installment. 2y
Librarybelle @Andrew65 Good to know! 2y
Bluebird @Librarybelle I agree with @Andrew65 the series starts off strong, and keeps getting better. 😀 2y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Can we please cease the “First-Name-Last-Name-is-Verbing-Noun” and “The-Adjective-Noun-of-First-Name-Last-Name” freaking book title trend?? Enough is enough. 😂 But, I digress. It took a minute for this to grow on me, but a struggling author who accidentally becomes a hit woman is sneakily funny and entertaining. I‘ll definitely continue this fun series!

Hooked_on_books I love this series! The latest one comes out at the end of the month! 2y
Sarahreadstoomuch Yes! Just finished this yesterday too and felt the same. So fun! 2y
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AlaMich I love your rant! I feel that way about the cover-with-a-woman‘s-back-on-it trend also. I refuse to read them on principle. 😂 2y
britt_brooke @AlaMich YES. 😂😂 I‘ve had enough of that, too! 2y
LiteraryinPA I was just talking about this naming trend with @BennettBookworm recently! Lol 2y
britt_brooke @LiteraryinLawrence 😂😂 I usually enjoy watching cover and title trends, but this is so overplayed! 2y
BennettBookworm Lollll agreed! 2y
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I liked this one, though not quite as much as the 1st in the series. Something about the characters in this story didn‘t grab me as much as those in hometown Kiewarra in The Dry. But I‘m definitely enjoying my new obsession with Jane Harper! Can‘t wait for Exiles at the end of the month. #52bookclub23 #relatedtothewordmurder

BarbaraBB I felt the same about both books ands am looking forward to Exiles too. 2y
Cinfhen I hope the Exiles don‘t disappoint 💗 2y
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squirrelbrain I think that this was my ‘least favourite‘ of her books, not that I didn‘t love it still, but the others were even better! (edited) 2y
CarolynM I'm with @squirrelbrain This one is my least favourite. I didn't think the setting was as good and I had a bit of a problem with resolution. 2y
Librarybelle Can‘t wait to read the Exiles! 2y
LaraReads @CarolynM yes! Exactly this. The setting just wasn‘t a connection for me. And I was pretty ho-hum about the ending. 2y
LaraReads @squirrelbrain agreed! I just started The Lost Man. It‘s not the same series, but I‘m liking it a lot so far! 2y
LaraReads @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle less than 2 weeks! And I don‘t think it will @Cinfhen it looks really good! 2y
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