I received my marked up book back! Love all the comments and I had a great time reading all of this round‘s selections! Thank you, ladies!!! #LMPBC #Round8
I definitely struggled a little bit at the beginning, it was a slow start but towards the middle it really picked up and I was enjoying it a lot more. Great pick @Shadowfat this'll be coming back to you tomorrow 😊
#LMPBC #GroupF #Round8 @hwestfall
With this my #LMPBC #round8 group short stories is done. I liked this, didn‘t love it. Glad to have read it but would probably never think of it again. In all honestly I would have probably preferred the authors radio performances.
I‘ll mail out tomorrow.
A very different style of King. Much different from what I‘m used to, but a solid story nonetheless! Enjoyed this pick for #Round8 of #LMPBC
@BookwormAHN I‘ll pick up an envelope today and get this on its way to you in the morning! 📖 ✉️
@Mynameisacolour @suvata @rsteve388
The colossal head known as the “Younger Memnon,“ from the mortuary temple of Ramses in Thebes. Now in London. Created around 1270 BC and installed in the British Museum Egyptian Room #4 in 1834. The arrival of the Younger Memnon in London in 1821 likely inspired the twin sonnets entitled “Ozymandias“ by P.B.Shelley and Horace Smith. #lmpbc #round8 #groupC @laughterhp @unidragonfrag
3⭐️. To close to life to call it a great read for me. But for others it will be.
It will be mailed on tomorrow. #lmpbc #round8
Here are my selections for #round8 #lmpbc. These have all been on my TBR for quite a while. Let me know what you guys would like to read. I can always come up with more options too. 💙💙
I got your package yesterday @UnidragonFrag ! Thanks for sending them both.
@mrsmarch I‘m still planning to read your pick. I‘m not sure when I‘ll get to it, but I‘ll try to get it back to you in July. (Sounds so far away but it‘s really not 🤪)
#LMPBC #Round8