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Gone with the Wind | Margareth Mitchell
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Confession: I have never had any desire to read GWTW (or watch the movie). I decided I was going to tackle it this year as one of my #1001books for 2019.

I started it last night on audio, and I am SO HOOKED. Already into Part II and I‘m struggling to make myself read my other books.

God‘s nightgown... all the heart-eyes. 😍

BookDragonNotWorm I love this one, but it's one of the rare instances where I like the movie better. 5y
Godmotherx5 I started it as a read-a-long with The Book Cougars @chris.wolak and @ReadingEnvy Unfortunately, I fell behind but I‘m still intrigued. Halfway through the audio at this point. Enjoy it! 5y
LibrarianRyan The first 200 pages are so boring but after that, can‘t put t down. 5y
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Melissa_J I loved this book! Strangely though, I didn‘t like the movie 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
Ashley_Nicoletto I never had any desire to read this either, but once I did I became slightly obsessed. It‘s so good. 5y
sprainedbrain @Ashley_Nicoletto Your posts had a lot to do with me deciding to finally read it! 5y
Ashley_Nicoletto @sprainedbrain ☺️ I‘m so glad you‘re enjoying then. 5y
ReadingEnvy @Godmotherx5 it's so long in audio but I can see the appeal! 5y
ReadingEnvy Well fiddle-dee-dee, I had such a hard time reading anything else while I read this, and for a few days after. 5y
Bookartbookmarks So many people have recommended this to me and no idea why I‘m so hesitant. You‘re inspiring me to pick it up. 5y
sprainedbrain @ReadingEnvy I wish I could have read along with you... that was such a terrible time for me to keep up with anything. So, I‘m fashionably late. 5y
sammisho Read it in fourth grade for the first time. Thank god for that school librarian who let me check it out way more times than usually allowed to let me finish it! 5y
TorieStorieS This is one of my favorite books!! I don‘t even know how many times I‘ve read it!! I‘m so glad you‘re enjoying it!! ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
BethM I‘ve never read or watched- am I missing out? 5y
sprainedbrain @BethM I can‘t comment on the movie (I may watch it after I finish the book), but the book is really, really good. 5y
HKGirl YES. I never had a desire to read it either, but some here on Litsy (her handle escapes me at the moment) started a read along, and I thought "Why not?" And then I was hooked. So good. So much more than I expected it to be. 5y
rubyslippersreads I read this for the first time in sixth grade and have probably read it at least 30 times since then. 😊 #teamrhett 5y
BarbaraBB I‘m happy you are loving it! 5y
HOTPock3tt This is one of my moms favorite books... she loves the book and the movie so I grew up watching the movie with her (or at least being in the room) every single year it came on TV (every Easter I think 🤔) and it STILL has never held an appeal for me personally 🤔 Glad to hear you are enjoying it!!! I think I‘m still not there yet 😅lol! (edited) 5y
sprainedbrain @HOTPock3tt I think if I had grown up watching the movie that often I would be the same! To be honest, I‘m still not sure I will watch the movie. I‘m sort of ashamed to admit it, but classic movies of that type/era really never have done anything for me. 😬 5y
HOTPock3tt @sprainedbrain Me either. I think it‘s the era. It‘s never done much for me either. (My mom is just addicted to pretty much ALL classic novels!! 🤣) But I‘m glad to hear that the book is so addictive, it makes me think maybe it deserves the hype it‘s always getting 🤔 5y
readordierachel I've never had any desire to read it either. You're making me rethink that! 5y
BilboBookends ITS SO GOOD 😍😭😍😭 5y
Peddler410 I read it the summer between Sophomore and Junior year in high school. I loved it and plan to reread some day. 5y
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Day 22 - #literarycrush #literarylove

Couldn‘t pick just one literary crush!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💗💗 6y
vkois88 Great choices 6y
Atticus6905 Yes!! Atticus!!! 6y
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Time for the bookish discussion question of the day ???????! Here it is: Which literary couples did you say, "No-no-noo! ?" to? #BookTalk

Amandajoy I rooted for both of the Twilight guys to leave the girl in the middle of the road. 🤓 6y
LibrarianRyan Bella and Edward. Harry and Ginny. Ron and Herminoe. 6y
LibrarianRyan @Amandajoy hahaha. We were thinking the same thing. 6y
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Lcsmcat Katniss and Gale in 6y
DGRachel @Amandajoy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 6y
raeintheworld Prof Bhaer and Jo March. She should have ended up with Laurie. 6y
night_shift First two that came to mind: Bella & Edward. Ana & Christian. 🤢 6y
Ruri_kaichou @raeintheworld I totally agree!!!! 6y
BillBlume Audrey Rose and Thomas Cresswell in the Stalking Jack the Ripper series. The second book especially left me turned off by this pairing. Makes no sense. 6y
rubyslippersreads Scarlett and Ashley! #teamrhett 6y
Sharpeipup @LibrarianRyan Ditto plus Katniss & Peta and Tessa & Jem 6y
Dragon Catherine and Heathcliff , cringing! 6y
Dragon I agree with @raeintheworld I ship Jo and Laurie 👍 6y
jfalkens I'm with @rubyslippersreads ! Scarlett and all the guys she was with/interested in instead of Rhett #TeamRhett 6y
LibrarianRyan @Sharpeipup I always wanted Katness with PETA but not sure if I don't know or just don't remember Tessa and Jem. 6y
TiredLibrarian @rubyslippersreads @jfalkens Agree; Scarlett & Ashley 🤢🤮 6y
Sharpeipup @LibrarianRyan I am a sucker for best friends falling in love thus my hope for Katniss & Gale. Tessa & Jem are from the Infernal Devices trilogy. 6y
LibrarianRyan @Sharpeipup ahhh. Okay. I've only read MI 1-3. That's all there was supposed to be. I'll read the rest eventually. 6y
Pamwurtzler @jfalkens @TiredLibrarian @rubyslippersreads Definitely! Scarlett & Ashley, Scarlett & Charles Hamilton 6y
rubyslippersreads @Pamwurtzler @TiredLibrarian @jfalkens Let's not forget Scarlett and ol' Ginger Whiskers Frank Kennedy. 😄 6y
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Ashley Wilkes is a bit dense. #shelovesyou dude. She should be saying #youretheonethatiwant to Rhett much sooner (and more convincingly), though. I‘m team Rhett all the way.


vkois88 😍😍😍 I love the movie, I just can't watch it frequently... and I'm terrified to attempt to read such a chunkster... also, I'm #TeamRhett as well 😉😉 6y
Mdargusch Good one! 6y
Hollie @Mdargusch thank you! 😘 6y
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Hollie @vkois88 I love a good chunkster! 6y
Cinfhen Well done💚 6y
GypsyKat Good choice! 6y
ValerieAndBooks Agree with you!! 6y
Hollie @valerieandbooks great minds think alike! 💕 6y
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❤️Small City- like Savannah, GA: my most favorite place on the planet!!!
🧡Rock- but 90s rock, not classic or hair bands!
💛Thriller all day everyday
💚Pineapple- 🍍 on everything please.
💙Rhett- is this even a real question?! 💃🏻


TheKidUpstairs Yes! 90s rock! 7y
readherwriteher @TheFunkyBookworm I have an amazing 90‘s rock playlist that is over 13 hours long. Love me some 90‘s rock. 7y
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Trashcanman Cool litsy name. 7y
TheFunkyBookworm @Trashcanman thanks! Yours is pretty trashy 😜 7y
saguarosally Welcome! Got any suggestions for good bookstores in your area? I see we‘re near the same place nowadays! 7y
TheFunkyBookworm @saguarosally hi! I hear inkwood books in downtown Tampa is cool but I haven‘t visited yet.... I am a frequent patron of the library tho! 7y
Tex2Flo I would totally eat pizza with you while we both sneak reads of the thrillers we packed in. My background music would be blues, though. 7y
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My #charactercrush! Really he's my one and only. ❤️❤️❤️Rhett Butler❤️❤️❤️ #autumnreads

rubyslippersreads He's mine too! 💓 #teamrhett 7y
GypsyKat Mine too! 😃❤️ 7y
ValerieAndBooks Rhett ❤️❤️!! 7y
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Hollie Love him! 7y
emilyhaldi Lol, I won't tell Dad 😂 7y
Mdargusch We have a great team @rubyslippersreads @GypsyKat @ValerieAndBooks and @Hollie! #teamrhett 4ever! ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Mdargusch He wouldn't get it @emilyhaldi 😂 7y
Reviewsbylola Mine too!! 7y
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After finishing Part 4, my favorite section, I had a deep desire to rewatch the movie so here is my night... hello visitor from Charleston 😍 #gwtwreadalong #teamrhett

Texreader I just saw the movie for the first time on plane home from vacation. To the extent it could it remained so faithful to the book. Great casting. 7y
rubyslippersreads Ooooh, that visitor from Charleston! 😍 #teamrhett 7y
MKbookworm @Texreader The casting is almost perfect. I do find that they portray Scarlett as much colder than she actually is but as the viewer can't hear her thoughts that is to be expected. I generally don't like when movies add things not in the book but I love when Scarlett throws the clay at Jonas Wilkerson at tells him that's all of Tara you'll ever get. One of my favorite scenes. I have always felt uncomfortable though with how the portray Prissy ⬇️ 7y
MKbookworm They make her stupid. I read that Butterfly McQueen said something along the lines of I like being funny but I resent having to play stupid. I don't get the sense in the book that she is stupid. A little desperate to impress sometimes and a little scared maybe but not stupid and to add to that she was only a child probably no more than 12 at the beginning of the book. (edited) 7y
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