I‘m attempting to get out of my reading slump by listening to this one. Wish me luck.
I‘m attempting to get out of my reading slump by listening to this one. Wish me luck.
Has anyone read/listened to this one? I‘m getting ready to bail on it. Should I stick around? #thedisasterartist
Read this. Pass it on to every young person you know. Talk about it with them. Pass it on again. Repeat. #theserpentking
This author is brilliant. I finished this story wrapped in a hammock. I laughed out loud SEVERAL times. Granny is wild! #mygrandmotheraskedmetotellyoushessorry #summerreads #lakelife
“The Soul selects her own Society- Then- shuts the Door.” #room #emmadonoghue
#thealmostsisters is our July book club pick! I haven‘t started it yet, but we‘ll surely see how it goes.
I can‘t help but listen to another story about Missouri‘s drug backdrop. It‘s ever-present. #wintersbone
I‘m actually obsessed. I‘ve got old students and current students sucked into this case: Serial & this story. #freeadnan #adnansstory
I‘m obsessed with this case. #FreeAdnan #justice
“But she was wonderfully striking, with a presence that still reached out from all those years ago and captivated him. She had been dead for forty years, but she was still his life, and her death had given him his purpose. It had made Andrew Peardew the Keeper of Lost Things.”
The writing... 💜💜 #thekeeperoflostthings
I listened to this while I picked weeds out of the garden over a couple of semi-dry days.
I loved reading this story until I didn‘t anymore. It counts for my reading goal, but that‘s about it.
This is an INTENSE read! I‘ve cleared my schedule for the next couple of hours. I need to know what happens ASAP! #fiercekingdom
If you‘re looking for a feel-good read that makes you feel better about your completely dysfunctional family that you love unconditionally (for the most part), this is it! 📖
“It‘s not your job to be anyone‘s mirror.” #thenest 💛
While I waited for 15 minutes for parents to pick their offspring up from track practice, I read. 🙃
I‘ve been meaning to read this one for a hot minute! #thenest
There‘s a tree stump next to my garden where I‘m going to read and watch these guys grow all summer long.
On Brassard‘s Farm has me wanting to connect with my home and the land that it‘s on. Tonight I planted green beans and yellow onions. Tomorrow, before the storm, I‘ll plant a couple of rows of lettuce.
Home is where I‘m lost and found here lately.
I need a quiet day of nothing but binge reading. #onbrassardsfarm #busybee
On Brassard‘s Farm has me wanting to retreat to the woods and live like a hermit. I‘m exhausted by society. #onbrassardsfarm
“There‘s got to be a more honest, less divided way to live.” #onbrassardsfarm
These words reached out and hugged my soul. #onbrassardsfarm
On Brassard‘s Farm is my book club pick for the month of April. I‘m loving it so far. 💛 #onbrassardsfarm #bookclub
“For all the young brothers and sisters in detention centers around the country, the ones I‘ve seen and the ones I haven‘t. You are loved.”
#longwaydown #jasonreynolds
I am wildly in love with F. Scott Fitzgerald and how The Great Gatsby came to be. I just finished reading this story for the 5th time. Before reading it again, I took some time to learn more about him. Because of this, I‘ve added Zelda to my list of books to read. ❤️ #thegreatgatsby
I was socially obligated to attend an indoor pool party in January. I was anxious about being forced to socialize and make small talk. As always, a book to the rescue. ❤️
Also, this is the February pick for the book club I‘m in. #whenthemenweregone #bookclub
This will be a story that I listen to... again. ❤️
The main character is so well-developed that I feel like I know him. Through this story, I feel like I have a friendship with Ernest Cline. I want to call him up and talk about this.
Salinger‘s Holden Caulfield would know what I‘m talking about here.
Household chores are haunting me. I‘d much rather be reading. My compromise? Audiobooks. 🎧❤️ #readyplayerone
I‘ve had this one on my shelf for awhile. Being cooped up for the weekend isn‘t so bad. #whataliceforgot #weekendread