There‘s an interesting discussion of “Good Omens” on the podcast “Black Mass Appeal” where members of The Satanic Temple talk about why they love the book. It‘s episode 25: “The omening” on itunes or at blackmassappeal.com
There‘s an interesting discussion of “Good Omens” on the podcast “Black Mass Appeal” where members of The Satanic Temple talk about why they love the book. It‘s episode 25: “The omening” on itunes or at blackmassappeal.com
A recurring gag is witch hunter Sergeant Shadwell's obsession with counting nipples. I found the likely significance of this is that Shadwell is based on the real 17th century Matthew Hopkins, who investigated women accused of witchcraft. Investigations included searching the accused for teats at which it was believed the devil's imps came to suckle. Unnatural marks of some kind were almost always found, further damning the accused.
When a good book you always meant to read is being made into a movie...you better burn some pages quick!
Weirdly wonderful. Like a morbid fairy tale set in 18th century France.
Kurt Cobain said in an interview this book inspired him and some of his music. Should be a weird summer read!
“Take the dough for a ride around town in the back of the car. Dough loves the gentle motion and warmth of the automobile.” ...People get weird about bread/baking tips. Why do they have to make it so complicated?!
...And one boy said, “I want an Indian with the big beautiful feathers on.” I said, “Oh, you‘re not looking for an Indian, you‘re looking for something else. I said I was full-blooded Cherokee Indian, I didn‘t say I was a chicken.”
Ya‘ll in one of the stories a swarm of beautiful butterflies suffocates a woman! 😨
Still going strong with a great story and characters, right down to the baby boomer with those cherry red framed glasses.
1) I collect art made by friends 2) I like to be mysterious- I read naked books. 3) I usually get my books from the library or from @Quasifesto #Tripletuesday @MelAnn
Too cute for me, but probably great for pre college or mature JR high kid.
Who else is in the Slow Reading Club? 👋
“...the most obscene figures are not the ignorant ranting racists, but the legal minds who front for them, who ‘invent‘ for them the legislative proposals and the propaganda bulletins. They deliberately choose to foster distortions, always under the guise of patriotism, upon a people who have no means of checking the facts. “ -1962 J Griffin, Black Like Me
I‘m a little over halfway through and finding this (sadly) as much relevant to today as it is a good history lesson.
My modern day Frankenstein.
Ten years ago @Quasifesto created a Valentine‘s Day scavenger hunt for me in the library, and this was one of the book-clues he sent me to. Each book (philosophy, anatomy...) contained a hand written note musing the value of love from each discipline and the next clue. In the old card catalog I found a key to a study room. Therein the hunt ended with a proposal, which I happily accepted.
Urmmmm....When does Vol 4 come out!??
@Quasifesto turned me on to this graphic novel written by the author of “Y”. Best thing since Tank Girl! Can‘t wait to read the rest of the series. Art is good, easter eggs are fun, nostalgic 80s references, and I‘m a fan of time travel story lines.
“We can choose to create systems that can be opened without breaking; that tolerate deviance without collapsing; that regard the unfamiliar not as a threat, but as an opportunity.” Loved the way this book weaved the history of US copyright through the story of Aaron Swartz‘s life and advocacy.
I heard Mark Twain really loved cats, so I included a little kitten in my illustration of him as “the king of satire”.
I like Dove chocolates, but they need to hire someone else to write their inspirational musings! 😮📚
@Quasifesto found this awesome PM press deal! Get it at: https://secure.pmpress.org
That one time I accidentally met Neil Gaiman back stage at a nerdy librarian thing...
Does anyone else like to peek under the dusk jacket book cover? The Idealist is a pretty blue with silver foil stamp on the binding.