New library stack - getting into vacation mode - only 10 days away yay!!!!
New library stack - getting into vacation mode - only 10 days away yay!!!!
This morning‘s library haul. A few reserves and a few that I just randomly picked up. Trying to pare down my TBR list and everything except the PW cookbook is on my TBR list! #timeforteaandreading
Just started this yesterday - it‘s fascinating, and sad, and I can‘t put it down!
Book mail! The best thing in my mail today! I love the look and the feel of the cover. #advancereaderedition #HarperCollinsPublishers #bookmailmakesmehappy
Picked up an Agatha Christie mystery and a few other books while at The Strand Bookstore in NYC today. #lovethebooks #iwantallthebooks
Oh. My. Goodness. I. Love. This. Book. Would someone please make it into a movie??
Page 9 and I'm already sobbing. OMG Fredrick Backman, this book has #allthefeels.
This book has been on my TBR FOREVER and I just figured, eh, time to read it. I love it; I mean, it's about a guy and his bookstore, what's not to love??? #bookstores #booklove #TBRpileisstilltoobig
Ummmm I don't know about this book. 30% in and I haven't figured it out yet. It's really scattered and I'm still not sure about the plot yet. But since I loved Maria Semple's "Where'd You Go, Bernadette?" I'm going to plow through it.
I love this mystery series. I read one, then read something else...and something else...and then pick up the next book in the series and say hello to Inspector Gamache and the tiny, mysterious town of Three Pines, where I could see myself as a resident (and probable character in one of the books). Gamache is like a modern-day, Canadian version of Hercule Poirot. If you like a mystery where you really can't guess "who done it", give this a try.
In my opinion, not worth the hype. Oh well. On to the next book!
Listening to this on Audible. I've read it 3 times over the past few years. Such a different experience to hear the author's words- and he is the one doing the reading.
This is what happens when my daughter and I go to a library used book sale. $37 for all of these beauties! Can't wait to dive in!
Not hating it, but not loving it either. Just eh. But I will finish it.
It's a non-fiction kind of week. #libraryhaul
Today's library haul. Trying to whittle down my Amazon wish list - haha is that every really possible???? What to read first?
Sometimes a book makes you cry - happy tears, hopeful tears, tears that make you remember how truly wonderful people in this world are. HOPEFUL - that is how I would describe this book. It also makes you remember the power of the written word, in this case the words and letters shared by two pen pals, a half a world away from each other. Read this book & make sure you have tissues!
I love a good "who-done-it". #mysteries #libraryhaul
Ran to the library to pick up one book on reserve, and while I was there I picked up the 2nd Inspector Gamache and this book. 2 week loan on The Singles Game = first book I started tonight. Like it will take me two weeks to finish a book....hahaha
Ran to the library to pick up one book on reserve, and while I was there I picked up the 2nd Inspector Gamache and this book. 2 week loan on The Singles Game = first book I started tonight. Like it will take me two weeks to finish a book....hahaha
Finished while waiting for my finger surgery to commence. Lesson learned: just fall, don't bother putting your hand out to stop yourself. This book was really trippy! It had been awhile since I read Babe's last book. Amusing. I knew how it would end the whole time.
Many books have made me cry, but this one - this one - made me cry & tore my heart out too. Big, ugly tears at the end. #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept #day7
I didn't realize how much I loved this book until I got to the end and had tears in my eyes.
I just couldn't get into this book. I thought the subject matter would interest me more, but it didn't. Oh well...
I just couldn't get into this book. I thought the subject matter would interest me more, but it didn't. Oh well...
Ok so here's my #uniquefact about me. I love Presidential history, which isn't so unique, but I can say the entire list of US Presidents, Washington-Obama, in ~10 seconds. This book was one of my favorites when I was about 8-9. Crazy, right? One of my uncles introduced me to Presidential history and then taught me how to say all their names. Not sure when I got so fast at saying them. When I learned, Ronald Reagan was POTUS. #augustphotochallenge
I have always loved this series. This book isn't hitting me like some of the other ones, but then I just read this quote...and it hit me, we all just want to fly, to know, to explore, to see what's out there...
If I was on the beach, I would want a frozen margarita and a big bag of books! But it would have to be #laidbackbooks, nothing to make my head hurt too much. I would absolutely bring the Totlandia series - not only are they funny, light reads, but once you finish one, you want to start the next one to see what happens next to the crazy cast of characters.
My #libraryhaul. I better get reading!!!
I read this book a few years ago and loved it. I saw it at the library and thought it was widely different from my usual reads. It was inspiring and heart-breaking and fascinating. Being in the minor leagues, whether as a player, manager, or umpire, is not easy, and they are always hoping for "the call up" to the majors. A really eye-opening book. #augustphotochallenge #booksandsports #day5
Look what made it's way into my Kindle, thank you auto-download from my local library!! I've had this on reserve for awhile and I cannot wait to dig into it. I read Clint Hill's "Mrs. Kennedy & Me" and wow...the last few chapters made me cry big, ugly, all-the-feels tears. Really looking forward to this read because I love Presidential history!!!
Nancy Drew & and her friends George, Bess, and good old boyfriend Ned #FTW !!! As a kid I always wanted to be a part of their adventures, and my BFF and I would wander our neighborhood looking for a "mystery" to solve. #augustphotochallenge #day4 #bookishsquad
I'm really loving this book. Totally unrealistic premise - time traveling - but hey, it makes for a good read. Getting some reading time in at the end of the day.
Ok don't crucify me, but I just didn't love this book. I'm surprised I didn't read this as a teenager for an English class or something. Whatever. I read it over the past few weeks and was happy to see it come to an end!
Just started this yesterday - it's a good book so far - love the premise - very happy that there's 8 books in this series.
My daughter (on the left) and her friend reading the new Harry Potter book to some cats at the cat shelter. My daughter keeps calling all the cats "Crookshanks" regardless of their names.
I met this author last night while waiting for the Harry Potter release - she was volunteering at one of the craft tables. Had a great conversation with her and told her all about @Litsy - then I found her book and had her autograph it for my children. I am excited to read her book (and I hope she joins Litsy).
Long day yesterday but my daughter really wanted to hang out with her friends at a local bookstore and wait for the new Harry Potter. I ended up waiting too so that I could get a copy for my son who is leaving for Boy Scout camp today. Zzzzzzz
#FunFridayPhoto Stephen King's Christine was one of my first "adult" books, maybe the first - I was 9 and read it on a Girl Scout camping trip, far in the woods in a tiny cabin. The rest of the troop was reading "The Babysitters' Club" or "The Little House" series, but I had Christine. Probably not the best place for me to read that book, definitely explains why I did not sleep at all that weekend!!!! @Liberty
Definitely the best book I've read all year. Homegoing hooked me from the first page. So descriptive, so haunting in many places. I love how the ending just brought it all together.
My plans for the evening - a 2 hour train ride and a new book to keep me entertained.
I'm not loving it as much as I loved Me Before You...and again, as with a book I read last week, I'm getting annoyed with some of the choices made by characters in the book. Well, one character in particular. Less than 25% to finish so plowing through. Just curious, what do others think of this book?
Ok, let me just start by saying the Stephanie Plum novels aren't thought-provoking literature or prose, but I enjoy them. I like to imagine Ranger looks like Vin Diesel, which makes me very happy! Stephanie's antics always keeps me turning the pages - or swiping on my Kindle!
This book was sad, and horrifying, and frightening. Every sentence made me more thankful for the freedoms I have. Parts of it were frustrating too - did Ali & Zakia not understand the ramifications of their decisions? Overall, I thought it was a great read. Eye-opening!
Book 4 in the Harmony series. If you like the Mitford series you will also like this series. I have been working my way through this series on and off for a few years. Perfect "light" books that I go for after I've read something heavy or depressing. Or when I find them on my nightstand TBR pile!
It's finally my turn to read this book - I've had it on hold at the library for what seems like forever! I'm 6% in but I'm hooked already. I know I will shed some tears while reading this book.
That was me when the game changer that I didn't see coming SMACKED me in the face! I LOVE when that happens!