Cute contemporary read for the summer what you're looking for? SUMMER UNSCRIPTED could be for you. I enjoyed the theater bits, setting and main guy but I wasn't overly fond of the main character or certain aspects of the romance.
Cute contemporary read for the summer what you're looking for? SUMMER UNSCRIPTED could be for you. I enjoyed the theater bits, setting and main guy but I wasn't overly fond of the main character or certain aspects of the romance.
I LOVED WARCROSS! It's my favorite read of 2017 so far. This sci-fi adventure is set in a world where a VR dive game called Warcross has changed society forever. Emika Chen finds herself recruited by the game's creator Hideo Tanaka to become a player in the Warcross championships... in order to help him figure out who is trying to sabotage the game. S O A M A Z I N G! I was entertained from start to finish and need more, stat. HIGHLY recommend!
If you've ever enjoyed a horror film that's over the top with the situations and larger than life character personalities, then this one might just be a good pick for you! I love that Perkins' ability to create excellent characters and relationships is still undeniable with this one, though with the addition of some pretty macabre scenes.
I loved this book! It was wonderful to be reunited with Lara Jean and the others. It was also a great portrayal of a teen dealing with big changes in life! Loved, and highly recommend.
Another charming Dessen story to add to her collection! This one is about love, cynicism, grief and humor, with a side of wedding planning to perfectly complement it.
I enjoyed WINDFALL! It's the story of a girl in love with her best friend who gives said best friend a lottery ticket for his 18th birthday... and it turns out to be one of the jackpot-winning tickets. An interesting look at the consequences of sudden wealth on life circumstances, personalities and relationships!
Brief yet heartfelt, I really enjoyed this latest novel from Cath Crowley. She writes about grief and loss, about friendship and family, and about words and loving them so. Beautiful book - inside and out.
Favorite Sarah Dessen book! I loved Auden and could relate to her; I loved the romance in this story; I loved the actual story outside the romance. I basically loved everything around this book. Highly recommend ❤️
Powerful, gripping and opens up a very important conversation - BAD ROMANCE was definitely a hard book to read, but so well-written
Solid series ended featuring beloved characters, excellent battle scenes and seriously emotional moments. Loved it!
It was really good! Love how Buxbaum wrote about an unlikely friendship, and how two teens dealing with very different issues help each other out.
A delightful YA contemporary! Summer in a small town, girl trying to find this guy she is friends with online in real life... it's adorable.
It's a beautiful exploration of love, grief, community and tragedy. Once again, I'm thoroughly impressed by Haydu's ability to write an unusual, compelling tale.
I LOVED THIS BOOK! This historical fiction novel follows two perspectives - a young blind French girl and a young German orphan boy - and details their experiences during the World War. Intense, emotional and truly incredible - I would 100% recommend this book.
First things first, I'm most certainly checking out this sequel. That, in itself, is a good sign, wouldn't you say? I liked this one. It's not a perfect novel, and it could use a bit more development in terms of characters. But it was a fun, if slightly predictable, sci-fi read!
If you loved Anne of Green Gables or Jane Austen, definitely put I CAPTURE THE CASTLE on your TBR. It's a very simple story that chronicles a year in the life of a teen girl who happens to be a writer, and it's lovely. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and would highly recommend this classic!
If you loved The Lunar Chronicles, you're bound to love the first graphic novel set in this world. While it primarily follows Iko, familiar faces definitely pop up. It's funny, it's sweet and so entertaining! Looking forward to the next one.
I really enjoyed THE SUN IS ALSO A STAR. It's got an interesting juxtaposition of two perspectives, the feel of a movie and was just a really quick, thoughtful read.
I'm obsessed with the way Bracken finished off her YA time travel duology in WAYFARER. She really brings out the big guns, allowing readers to get to know her characters, discover more of the world and be really surprised by the twists and turns. Another brilliant piece of work!
It was a bit of a slow starter, but once it got good, it was REALLY good. Was very much entertained by the shenanigans and hijinks these characters found themselves in and would totally read more!
Fascinating setting, complex characters and intricate relationships with unexpected twists - And I Darken was a compelling new YA fantasy series starter.
I was really swept up into this story of one girl's experience in New York during Hurricane Sandy. It was definitely well-done! The characters, especially main character Emilia, were relatable and the story so compelling.
I liked the concept a lot, and thought the way the story was told was pretty clever. But I wasn't particularly fond of the characters or relationships!
THIS BOOK! It was fluffy and wonderful, and I just loved that it was about falling in love for the very first time. Did I mention this is an F/F NA? Because it is and it was so fun!
Yay for this series! Loved reading about Cait and Mase, even though they did have some serious issues to deal with - both together and apart. Still, a very solid NA romance!
It took me a while to get into this one, but man, oh, man, when I did, it was great! Once again, it's a very unique setting and set of characters, with interesting themes woven in. Looking forward to book two!
So freaking adorable! Loved this M/M romance to pieces, even when the couple were having issues. I just really tore through this one!
Such a wonderful story! I thought it was super cute. Loved how spunky the main gal was! I did have a slight qualm with how one character's issue is fixed by the end, but I still enjoyed it.
A solid series finale! So much happened in this last book, and though it could be overwhelming, it all worked to make the story even more exciting and emotional.
A YA retelling of Much Ado About Nothing? Why yes please! Very cute, very quirky, with fun characters and the shenanigans they find themselves in.
I freaking loved this short story collection!! Tied together by the theme, all these stories are different takes on what summer is and could be. ❤️
This book was so stinking cute!! I loved reading about the trip around Europe with this fun group of characters, and liked the romance a whole lot too. Very fun summer read!
Beautiful writing in this one! Chokshi does an impossibly wonderful job of writing vivid descriptions and combining many different elements of Indian folklore. Just wish I could have connected to the characters more!
It pleases me to be able to say that I loved this sequel more than its predecessor! Schwab allows her character to deal with the the aftermath of the events in the first in a very realistic way, even as a whole new chapter begins for her.
I'm so happy I finally got the chance to read this! Really enjoyed the creativity Schwab put into world-building, and enjoyed Mac as a main character. Very well-paced and engaging!
Very quick read! The best part is, by far, the incredible way the author wrote about Wonderland. All the other elements of the novel were decent, but not remarkable.
The writing style of this novel is so great! Plus, I really liked the unique setting, and found the story engaging (though it did require me to roll with certain things).
If you're looking for an action-packed, fast-paced fantasy read, this one is not for you. Very slow start, though the set-up for the world and character is necessary. I wound up liking it enough to be curious about what happens next!
While I feel like this is a very well-constructed story, it unfortunately just didn't wind up being truly impressive. I liked the setting, and thought the plot and characters were okay.
Books that surprise me are always awesome! Loved the way this author told the main character's story almost as much as I loved the NOLA setting and Shakespeare references.
I love Emery Lord and her novels. This one is her upcoming release, and is just brilliant! Tackles the tale of two teens going through really tough situations with a hand both deft and light. So, so good.
Once again, Melissa Keil writes a story with really memorable characters and a plot that's easy to relate to, yet unique. Thoroughly enjoyed this story, particularly because I liked main character Alba a whole lot!
Haunting, atmospheric, beautifully written - I enjoyed my second Cat Winters read. I was completely caught up in Ivy's story, and what happens to her and to the place she loves and people she cares for.
Winters is a great writer. She combines historical and paranormal effectively, with a dash of mystery too. I found this crazy compelling!
This novel was fun! Told in a style that employs two separate storylines with similar details, it was initially a bit clunky but eventually worked out well. Very cute contemp!
It's always SO good to be reunited with my BDB family! I really enjoyed this one, even though Rhage and Mary are not my favorites. Their story was compelling, emotional and fun as always. Can't wait for more!
Let's get my one reservation out of the way: the pacing was weird for me at the start. But other than that, this book was so fun! It integrated real artists & artwork into a whimsical world, and had a pretty good adventure too.
People are the most complex art form in existence and never complete while breath is drawn.
A fascinating blend of western & fantasy. Solid storytelling, interesting characters, vivid descriptions all worked together to make it good. Slight reservations over how it was fairly predictable, but otherwise, I'm impressed.
I have mixed feelings about this one. There was a brutal dystopian society in place, and some themes worth thinking about. But the characters and plot points and narration was messy and could have been honed better.