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Joined September 2016

Reading is life. Find me on insta: @wildwoolcrafts
Mary, and the Wrongs of Woman | Mary Wollstonecraft
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I'm bailing on this book for now. It's too serious and too much for me in the current lockdown climate. I need escapism right now. I'm not totally abandoning it as it does seem like a good book from what I've read so far. It's just not the time.
This was my #bookspin selection for April.

MaleficentBookDragon I totally understand. No heavy books for me right now. I'm reading the tagged book by Agatha Christie so I can watch the Amazon Prime series this weekend. Pure escapism. 4y
Foxyfictionista @MaleficentBookDragon exactly! I hope you enjoy it! 4y
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Bloodline | Claudia Gray
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🚀🚀🚀 I was 2 when Star Wars came out. I grew up with it and Princess Leia was one of my first heroes. So reading a book like this is tricky. How do you write a book about a character who has become an icon? I think it's incredibly difficult to do. This wasn't a bad book but it read like fan fiction. Really good fan fiction but it didn't fully hit the mark for me. This is possibly why I've never read Star Wars books until now. That cover though.

Jari-chan I started reading the books after falling in love with the movies, since the books give the characters and the whole universe more depth and deeper thoughts. But as always, there are hood ones and not so good ones. I'm sorry that you've seem to have started with one of the latter 😕 4y
Foxyfictionista @Jari-chan I don't think it's the case that the book isn't good; all I see are great reviews of it. I think it's the case that the original three films live in my head as something perfect and pure and all other Star Wars books and films are just noise to me. I've never been interested in reading any of the books before but I was seduced by the cover. 🤷‍♀️ 4y
Jari-chan @Foxyfictionista If the movies were already perfect to you, then you might really don't need the books 😊 If you enjoy them as they are, that's all that matters. Star Wars is great either way 😊❤️ 4y
Foxyfictionista @Jari-chan Yeah, I that's how I feel. I like that they exist, but they just aren't for me. 😊 4y
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Instead of posting a list for @TheAromaofBooks #bookspin, I thought I would post a picture of my 20 books that are in the mix.

TheAromaofBooks Great pile!! 4y
Foxyfictionista @TheAromaofBooks thanks! Looking forward to see which one gets chosen! 4y
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🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️ I enjoyed this book. It's an interesting time period and I would like to read more about it.

This was my selection for March's #bookspin with @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great review!! 4y
janeycanuck I think there‘s a second one! 4y
Foxyfictionista @janeycanuck yep. There is and it's on my shelf. 4y
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Honourbound | Rachel Harrison
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⚔️⚔️⚔️ This was my first 40k book. I was actually drawn to it because it was the first one I've seen that was written by a woman. It did not disappoint. It was action-packed and really fun. I didn't give it 5 stars for two reasons: I would have liked a bit more character development and interaction between the characters and I think that bits of the story were lost on me because I'm unfamiliar with 40k lore. I really enjoyed it though.

Mtroiano Do you play Warhammer? My husband is obsessed! It‘s killing him not to have friends over to play during isolation 4y
Foxyfictionista @Mtroiano I don't play. My husband used to play and once upon a time I used to enjoy painting the little figurines but other than that, I just appreciate that these things exist. Is there any way for your husband to play online? My hubs plays X-wing and has been able to play with his friends online. 4y
Mtroiano I‘m not sure if there‘s a way to play online. He‘s worked hard to build and paint his army. The game board is 6ftx6ft so technically if he plays outside he can maintain social distancing 🙃 4y
Foxyfictionista @Mtroiano that's understandable. A lot of work goes into those armies! Hopefully we won't have to be stuck inside for a long time. 4y
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🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 This was a really fun book. There are a lot of facts about the planets and moons in our solar system and it's conveyed in an entraining way; as though these places were actually holiday locations. Very imaginative and informative.

The Outsider | Stephen King
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This is my list for the March #bookspin selection (hosted by the delectable @TheAromaofBooks ). (The tagged book was my February selection.) Looking forward to seeing which one gets picked. Are you participating this time around?

TheAromaofBooks Oh my, delectable! *blushes* 5y
sheshedbooks Out by Natsuo Kirino? 5y
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Foxyfictionista @greenreads yep, that's the one. Have you read it? 5y
sheshedbooks @Foxyfictionista Yes! And Real World. 😄 I enjoyed both. 5y
Foxyfictionista @greenreads i actually didn't like Real World. I may have even dnf'd it. But i absolutely love love loved The Goddess Chronicle. So we'll see how Out goes. 5y
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The Outsider | Stephen King
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🍈🍈🍈 This was my #bookspin selection for February (run by @TheAromaofBooks). I usually love Stephen King but this book was kind of meh.

MicheleinPhilly Agreed! 5y
Foxyfictionista @MicheleinPhilly not just me, then 😉 5y
TheAromaofBooks Great review! Sorry this one wasn't awesome, but at least it's off the list!! 😁 5y
Foxyfictionista @TheAromaofBooks Stephen King tends to be hit or miss with me so it's ok. I'll keep reading his books from time to time. On to the next one! ☺️ 5y
TheAromaofBooks I definitely have some authors like that!! 5y
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Absolute trash. This is a load of self-indulgent, self-congratulatory twaddle. I made it a third of the way through before I pulled the rip cord. I didn't realise that this was the same author who wrote Eat Pray Love. Had I known, I would have left it on the shelf. Thankfully, it was a library book so no money spent.

Amandajoy Twaddle. Now that‘s a fun word. 5y
Foxyfictionista @Amandajoy hahaha it is! 😂 5y
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🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻 This book was beautiful. It's a wonderful story that's really well written. Looking forward to reading the next book.

Cindyelizavaz I enjoyed this series a lot! 5y
Foxyfictionista So far I'm loving it! 5y
mollyrotondo Oh I love this trilogy! The writing is just beautiful! I think book two was actually my favorite of the three. Can‘t wait to hear what you think. And this cover is stunning! 5y
Foxyfictionista @mollyrotondo there was the first couple of chapters of the second book at the end of the first book and it looks really good. Can't wait! 5y
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🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 Another great book in the series. It really messed with my emotions. I've become so attached to the characters over 8 books so I'm always scared to read what's going to happen to them. This is probably my favourite series.

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🦄 🦄🦄🦄 I'm not gonna lie. I love this series. This is the second book in the series and it is WILD. It can be tricky if the author has an idea that's out there as sometimes it doesn't work in the execution. But it works here. This is a quirky, yet cohesive story that is ridiculously entertaining.

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Bloodline | Claudia Gray
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These are the books currently in my tbr stack for #bookspin with @TheAromaofBooks

I'm pretty good at getting through my stack (although I constantly add to it). I'm not really a mood reader so I usually let my rpg dice app choose for me. I thought it might be fun to let someone else choose my bookish fate for me so here we are.

TheAromaofBooks I tend to use a random number generator to pick my next reads, too. Thanks for joining, and I'll be sure to tag you with the chosen number on Sunday!! 😁 5y
Foxyfictionista @TheAromaofBooks lovely, thank you! 5y
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🐙🐙🐙🐙 This was an excellent and very original trilogy. I read the first one ages ago but decided to reread and then continue on with the other two books. I really enjoyed these stories. This book is pictured with my current crochet wip.

JanuarieTimewalker13 Pretty wip!! And I love bind ups of trilogies!! (edited) 5y
Foxyfictionista @JanuarieTimewalker13 thank you! And me too! 💖 5y
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Once Upon a River | Diane Setterfield
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🦢🦢🦢🦢 This was a lovely book. It was a bit slow going but I don't mind that when there are so many interesting characters. It reminded me of Karen Maitland's books; historical fiction with an air of otherworldliness that makes you question what is real. I really enjoyed this read.

Bette I was surprised how much I liked it, completely agree with your review. 👍😊 5y
Foxyfictionista @Bette I wasn't sure what to expect so it was a pleasant surprise. 5y
jessinikkip I read this a couple months ago, it was such a wonderful book! 5y
Foxyfictionista @jessinikkip Wasn't it lovely? I could never really guess where it was going, and I love it when that happens. 💖 5y
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Meditations | Marcus Aurelius
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🌾🌾🌾🌾 This was a great book to end 2019 with. There were a lot of good things in here although a few things I disagreed with (he kept telling me to not read so many books). It was also important to keep a bit of perspective. Yes, we should be happy with what we have but when that comes from a wealthy emperor who was probably rich, the advice misses the mark. Overall, I got a lot of of this book and highly recommended it.

Cinfhen Hi!!!! You‘re back ❣️😁👍🏽 5y
Foxyfictionista @Cinfhen I'm back! I guess i just needed a break. Happy New year! 💕 5y
Cinfhen Here‘s to a wonderful new year 🥂 5y
Foxyfictionista @Cinfhen 🎉🎊🍾 5y
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All Systems Red | Martha Wells
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🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖 This book was a fantastic way to end my reading year. My only complaint is that it's a very short book. I really identified with the SecUnit (main character) who is awkward around people and can't control its facial expressions.🤣 I'm definitely looking forward to the next one.

Soubhiville I got this from a Xmas swap, can‘t wait to read it! 6y
Foxyfictionista @Soubhiville It's sooooo good! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 6y
AiBBot I leant the Murderbot series to my Dad to read. I actually miss it! I hope he read quick so I can get it back. 6y
Foxyfictionista @AiBBot this was the only one I've read so far but I'm looking forward to the next ones! 6y
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⛪⛪⛪⛪ This was a pretty decent story. As a child of the 80s, I enjoyed the nostalgia. It was missing something though and the ending didn't do it for me. It was pretty solid though.

Giant Days Vol. 8 | John Allison
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🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡 This volume was so much better than the last. I was kind of disappointed with volume 7 so it made me happy that this one found the whimsy I felt the previous one had lost.

DuckOfDoom I still have to go to my comic bookstore to pick up the second volume 🙈 it's been waiting for weeks 6y
Foxyfictionista @DuckOfDoom oh my goodness! Get thee hence!!😄 I love this series. (Even though uni was a long time ago. 😅) 6y
DuckOfDoom @Foxyfictionista I loved the first one! Even though I am no drama queen like her, I love the other Esther! We have a similar clothing style, too 😁 6y
Foxyfictionista @DuckOfDoom For some reason it makes sense that you would identify with Esther. 😄 Except for the drama queen part. 😆 None of them are really like me at all. But i love all of them! 6y
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Babylon's Ashes | James S A Corey
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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Another amazing offering in this series. I love it I love it I love it

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🐈🐈🐈🐈 I enjoyed this book however I didn't seem to be as emotionally affected by it as others seem to be. Perhaps people built it up too much for me but I think that part of the problem is that I'm not really drawn to contemporary books that have settings which are familiar to me. I prefer reading about the unfamiliar. It was a good story though .

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Circe | Madeline Miller
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🏛️🏛️🏛️🏛️🏛️ This was a beautiful book in every way. The cover is stunning and I loved the story. I love stories about mythology so this was right up my alley.

Reviewsbylola It really is beautiful. 6y
Foxyfictionista @Reviewsbylola I couldn't get over how much I love the cover!!😍 6y
Moray_Reads Have you ever read Medea by Christa Wolf? It's my favourite mythology retelling 6y
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Foxyfictionista @Moray_Reads NO! But I totally will now! I had no idea this existed. Thank you for the recommendation!! 🙏 6y
Foxyfictionista @Moray_Reads oh awesome! Thank you so much! I'm going to check these out. 😀 6y
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The Plague Charmer | Karen Maitland
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🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟 This is my second Karen Maitland book and it is safe to say that I am a fan!

FlowerFairy This looks very promising! 6y
Foxyfictionista @FlowerFairy she's so good. I can't recommend her enough. 6y
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Dragon Wing: The Death Gate Cycle | Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman
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🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉 I was unprepared to like this book as much as I did. I thought that it would be a Tolkien-esque story but it was surprisingly unique. Even though it has humans, elves, and dwarves it had a different take on the genre. I loved it!

American Street | Ibi Zoboi
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🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽 Sometimes I have a difficult time connecting with contemporary YA because I'm a golden oldie and am so far removed from high school that I couldn't even imagine what it's like to be a teenager these days. But I really enjoyed this book despite it being for a younger audience.

Sleeping Beauties | Stephen King, Owen King
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🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 This was a fanatic read. I really enjoyed it. I always wonder, though, how the written is split up in collaborations like this. Particularly when I'm so familiar with an author's style. This read like a Stephen King book so I wonder what his son's input was or if he has the same writing style as his dad. I've never read any of his other work so I don't have a clue. It was a good book though.

The Goddess Chronicle | Natsuo Kirino
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⛩️⛩️⛩️⛩️⛩️ I loved this book so muuuuuuch! It felt as though I was reading a folktale and that's totally my jam. ❤️ This was a gorgeous read.

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✒️✒️✒️✒️✒️ This was an excellent compilation of quotes from various writers on writing. I really enjoyed it and there was lots of good advice. I took a picture of a scarf I was making at the time because it matched the cover. 😄

valeriegeary Pretty! 6y
8little_paws Is this Tunisian crochet? I've yet to learn that--i knit and crochet. 6y
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Foxyfictionista @8little_paws this stitch is called a broomstick stitch or broomstick lace stitch. It involves creating a bunch of loops on a knitting needle and then crocheting them together. It's actually really easy to do and it's such a beautiful stitch. I'm only just learning to knit but I haven't been practicing much because I've been loving making scarves with this stitch lately. 6y
8little_paws Neat! I'll have to look into that. 6y
Foxyfictionista @8little_paws I'd love to see what you make! ❤️ 6y
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🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆 This book was magnificent and the cover is amazing! I loved everything about it. It was so original and imaginative. If you enjoy fantasy, I recommend this book.

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👑👑👑👑👑 I've been following this guy's blog for a few years now so it was nice to read this in book format. I was also able to see ones that I missed on his blog. This book is so inspiring as sometimes it feels like men are the only ones who make history. There were so many of these ladies that I had never heard of. I highly recommend this to everyone!

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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷This was beautiful and terrifying. I can't imagine going through the things that happened during the holocaust. I feel that this is one of those books that should be read in schools.

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A Wrinkle in Time | Madeleine L'Engle
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🕰️🕰️🕰️🕰️ This was a defining book for me during my childhood. I can't tell you how many times I read this long ago. I decided to reread it as an adult and was a bit trepidatious in doing so as we change over time as does our taste in books. I'm happy to report that this book holds up (at least for me). I'm not sure if I like the story because of the writing or because of the nostalgia but I still love this book.

DivineDiana I unfortunately did not read when I was younger. Did go to see the movie and enjoyed it. Bought the book, but still #TBR! 😕 6y
Foxyfictionista @DivineDiana I hope you enjoy it once you get around to reading it. 😊 6y
DivineDiana Thank you! 🙂 6y
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The Hate U Give | Angie Thomas
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🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀 Such an amazing book and so relevant to current events. My heart broke when I read how shootings in the US inspired Thomas to write this book. It's unfortunate that the people who need to read books like this won't.

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Planetfall | Emma Newman
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🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸 This book was fantastic. I wasn't really sure what to expect but it wasn't this. It was interesting in how it dealt with mental illness in a science fiction setting. The ending wasn't amazing but I forgave it because the rest of it was so good.

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Dumplin' | Julie Murphy
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👑👑👑👑 I was surprised at how much I liked this book. It was quite charming. I generally don't like books that take place in the south east US. I lived there and it was the worst 14 years of my life (no offense to those of you who live there). I also hate beauty pageants so I'm not really sure what drew me to this book but it was really good. I'm glad I overcame my prejudices and read it.

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📖📖📖📖 This book was a lot of fun. The author created a really interesting dystopian future. And I enjoy reading books about books so... 👍

Also, I just realised that I took this picture whilst wearing my boxers of the Paris metro. Sorry. 😅

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Sex Criminals Vol. 1 | Matt Fraction
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💋💋💋 This comic was ok. I liked the premise but the execution didn't work very well for me.

Zelma I had similar feelings about it. It was an interesting concept but I wasn‘t drawn to read further in the series. 6y
Foxyfictionista @Zelma yeah, that's how I felt. Maybe it was trying to be too edgy. I don't know. I didn't hate it but I didn't love it. 6y
Squidapus Like you said, an interesting idea that it never went anywhere interesting with 6y
Foxyfictionista @Squidapus A shame really. Ah well. On to the next thing. 😃 6y
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☀☀️☀️☀️☀️ I liked this book much better than Everything Everything. It was quite sweet.

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🏥🏥🏥🏥 This book was good. It was really well written but the denouement was problematic and that bothered me. I did like the book though.

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🗡️🗡️🗡️🗡️🗡️ Another excellent book by Rowland. This is the 3rd in the series and it kept me on the edge of my seat. The stakes were really high in this one!

Pictured with my current WIP. I fell in love with this yarn and I'm currently trying to make a scarf in all 31 colours. This is scarf number 13. #hookersoflitsy

saresmoore What a neat project! I made a shawl out of this yarn and it turned out so awesome. It reminded me of phoenix wings. (edited) 6y
Foxyfictionista @saresmoore very cool! I have so much fun with this yarn. 😃 6y
kspenmoll Beautiful yarn! 6y
Foxyfictionista @kspenmoll I love it so much! 💜 6y
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Mossflower | Brian Jacques
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🐁🐁🐁🐁 I was a bit disappointed by the first book but this one was definitely way better. There were different characters and not as many clichés. This story took place way before the first book and it was really entertaining. I think I'll carry on with the series.

Bundori:: A Novel of Japan | Laura Joh Rowland
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⛩️⛩️⛩️⛩️ This is the 2nd book in this series and I really liked it. This is turning out to be a pretty solid series. I got number 3 from the library and am looking forward to seeing how this samurai detective gets on.

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Giant Days Vol. 7 | John Allison
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🖤🖤🖤🖤 This wasn't the best of this series but I still love these characters.

Nemesis Games | James S.A. Corey
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🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 I love this series so much. It just keeps getting better with each book. This one gives us a bit more background on each of the characters which is what I've been waiting for. So good. 💕

Best Served Cold | Joe Abercrombie
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🗡️🗡️ I think I've fallen out of love with Joe Abercrombie. I just haven't really enjoyed these books. So I'm going to leave him alone for a while. The women in his books don't feel like actual people to me and I find myself being really frustrated as I read. On to other things.

readordierachel That would bother me too. I'd rather there were no women at all than prop women who are just there to be catalysts (or ego boosts) to the men in some way. 6y
Foxyfictionista The problem is that the main character is a woman. But everything in the story seemed so male centric. It made me wonder if this guy had ever actually met a woman. He did write an interesting female character in one of his other series but these just didn't do it for me. 6y
Squidapus Something that Squidapus has taken as a good sign is he recently did an AMA where someone asked him about the criticisms regarding his female characters and he said he takes them very seriously and that he is striving to become a better writer and white women characters who do not disappoint his readers! So hopefully in the future he'll have gotten better at it! 6y
Foxyfictionista @Squidapus One can only hope! 6y
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Kushiel's Dart | Jacqueline Carey
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🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 This. Was. Epic. I've been meaning to read this book for such a long time and now that I've read it I can't believe it took me so long to get to it! I don't really even know what to say about it except that it is a work of art. I will be adding the next one to my tbr stack immediately.

Leniverse I've been meaning to for so long too! I know I will love it, but my TBR list is just... exploded! 😆 6y
Foxyfictionista @Leniverse Drop everything and read this. You won't regret it. 😄 6y
BookishTrish My unread copy has a permanent home under my coffee table.... 6y
Foxyfictionista @BookishTrish Oh dear. Maybe it's fine to unearth it. 😂 6y
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The Muse: A Novel | Jessie Burton
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🎨 🎨🎨 I read this book for Cityread London and I must admit that I didn't find it amazing. I didn't engage with any of the characters and I found it a bit of a chore to get through. It just wasn't for me. http://www.cityread.london

Joanne1 I really enjoyed this one (on audio) but I remember connecting more with one storyline than the other. 6y
Foxyfictionista @Joanne1 I connected with one storyline more than another as well but I guess it was important to have both for the ending. I really liked how it ended but I just really had a difficult time being interested overall. 6y
Cinfhen It was a so-so for me too! 6y
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Foxyfictionista @Cinfhen At least we gave it a try! 😄 6y
Cinfhen It was a bookclub pick so bailing was not really an option 😜 6y
lynneamch Just finished this for bookclub and everyone really enjoyed it. We got into some good discission about why artists create and there was much curiousity about the war in Spain. For another sitation of a man getting credit for a woman's art, watch the movie Big Eyes. 6y
Foxyfictionista @lynneamch I'm glad you liked it! Sounds like you had some interesting discussions. Thanks for the recommendation! 6y
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👸👸👸👸👸I loved this book. It looks like some people didn't like this book because it wasn't scholarly enough and I can see that. It was dramatised somewhat but I liked that about it. It probably wouldn't have been as great if I was using it for research but it was a fun way to learn about an era that I'm not very familiar with.

The Count of Monte Cristo | Alexander Dumas
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💎💎💎💎This was a wild ride. It had a cast of thousands and everyone had a story which was connected with everyone else. The Count was OP and at times I had to suspend my disbelief a bit further than is comfortable but overall this was a really good story. I wasn't happy with the ending but I guess we can't always be. It was a long read (a few pages longer than War and Peace actually) but well worth the read.

Notafraidofwords I‘m 190 pages in. It‘s sooooo long, but I‘m intrigued. 6y
Foxyfictionista @Notafraidofwords It was quite daunting because I don't usually read books that big but I never felt like it got boring. I didn't always understand why certain chapters existed but Dumas played the long game with this one. I think you're in for a treat! Enjoy! 6y
Karkar I really liked this book! I was so glad that it read more like a current novel than some of the classics that have such old language. Not a slog at all for being over 1000 pages 6y
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Foxyfictionista @Karkar Yeah, I read it in 23 days which is a lot faster than I thought I would. It was quite gripping. 6y
DGRachel I love Dumas so much! Give me 19th c. French writers over Russian literature any day! (Says the girl who has been reading Bulgakov for nearly 3 months 🤬🤬) 6y
Foxyfictionista @DGRachel I prefer French over Russian as well. 😊 6y
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The Doll Funeral | Kate Hamer
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🌳🌳This was a whole lot of meh for me. I don't really remember how this book got on my tbr list. Probably from one of those listsicles (that I love) on bookish sites that I follow. The story wasn't cohesive and I didn't like any of the characters. I kept reading because I was curious as to how it would turn out but it was really disappointing.

Mommamanzi But at least you have perfect nails! Love that color! 6y
Foxyfictionista @Mommamanzi 😂😂😂😂😂 Thank you! ☺️ 6y
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