To be a good writer, you have to be a good reader.
I‘m reading through this for a class, and while it is inspiring, it‘s also kind of like “how can I EVER write that well” lolololololol
To be a good writer, you have to be a good reader.
I‘m reading through this for a class, and while it is inspiring, it‘s also kind of like “how can I EVER write that well” lolololololol
I forgot to post This! But this was my pick for the current round of mark-up book club and it was very very good. A tough read at times and maybe a little slow to get started, but interesting characters, and a really propulsive, exciting final stretch. Excellent depiction of a small town and really incisive
We started making dice !!! Because I need ANOTHER hobby right? Lolololololol. To be fair, I‘ve read five books this month already, so I‘m ahead of my goal. This set turned out badly, but it‘s only our second try so I‘m okay with that lol
Just got the next book for the mark up book club! 📚 ❤️ This is one I‘ve wanted to read for awhile, so I‘m excited to start! Hopefully I can spend a big chunk of tomorrow reading!
This one just wasn‘t for me lol. I read the first half, but then the second half just.... I skimmed it but didn‘t really care enough to attentively finish.
So I didn‘t love everything about this book, but. I raced through this! It is so readable and if you pick it up, I totally recommend waiting until you have some time to read it in one or two sittings. All the problems kind of melted away and I got so sucked in as I read! This was an interesting mystery and I‘m glad I read it. Extra bonus: it‘s about a New Years party and I read it Dec 31 lol
So this was... okay. Lol. I didn‘t love it. I didn‘t even like some of the plot. I am Very Sensitive, so anything that happens to kids really really upsets me. I did like the main character though.
@sweetpealsd The book should get to you on the 8th! Sorry I didn‘t get it in the mail sooner! 😫
So this is the only book I read so far this month ??? I feel like that can‘t be right but I also can‘t remember any others 😅
It was okay! Not great but not bad.
So... I have a slightly more detailed review on goodreads, but for now: this was disappointing and I think that‘s my own fault because I love Clue so much lol. This is not really a “solve” type mystery and there wasn‘t much investigating. And it‘s part of I believe a trilogy, so overall too many unanswered questions. A quick and pretty enjoyable otherwise read though!
I didn‘t love this, but it wasn‘t bad! It surprised me, which was basically all I wanted lol. It‘s been a few days since I read it (nearly two weeks I think actually) - I need to start reviewing right after I read!
This is what I was considering for the book club! I have other choices lined up if anyone has already read it/doesn‘t want to read it though !!!
Reading through this and I‘m really enjoying it so far. The conversations remind me of The Gilmore Girls a little bit
My #currentlyreading book! I do love a good mystery and this has been a fairly enjoyable series so far!
“The books transported her into new worlds and introduced her to amazing people who lived exciting lives.”
I haven‘t used Litsy in forever but I‘m back! Hello! Matilda was one of my absolute very favorite books as a child, and I love books for these same reasons.
Oof this was reeeeeeeeeally close to a pan but the end is worth pushing through to get to. Mostly. It was a tough read! Great writing, though. Also this is in the mail !!! Can‘t wait to get the next one! Annotating is HARD.
Longer review coming....? Maybe.....? Lol I‘m still processing!
This is a quite short, a collection of stories about Maud, the eponymous lady up to no good 👵🏼. They all felt the same to me? Like I enjoyed one okay, but I felt like I didn‘t need to read the rest really. Not bad, though. I just didn‘t enjoy it overmuch
NOOOOOPE. I was looking forward to this book so much and it was not.... it was not what I wanted at all. Uh, it was not my cup of tea. It was bad. I read a good chunk and then, kind of fed up, I decided to skim a bit to see if the rest would be worth reading. Nope.
🔴 MINOR SPOILER 🔴 Warning for animal cruelty, I wish I hadn‘t read what I did, honestly, considering the ending
1. Yes! ...partially. I have things I would like to do maybe someday, but it‘s all very nebulous
2. Yes! Writing a novel. I have three good ideas I‘m thinking on and I hope to pick one and finish it this year.
3. Yes! Traveling! That is so far outside my comfort zone: people and change are two things I handle poorly. 😂😂😂
4. I meant to bring this on our recent trip but I forgot it at home so I read something else
Four ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - I‘m biased though, because I do love Pride and Prejudice. This is essentially a very very close retelling if the story in terms of the plot, but the characters are really different in a lot of interesting ways. The love story is important to the book, but it‘s really a story of the sisters and the family more than anything else. I really enjoyed it! Longer review on my blog soon!
1. Fantasy! I actually read almost no sci-fi at all. 🤔
2. Earth bound!
3. Tea fuel! I don‘t like coffee very much.
4. Scientific prowess! I love reading about both, though
5. Salty rivalry
6. LOTR!
7. Dystopia
8. Animal sidekick
9. Amphibians I guess? Lol
10. Either !!! Maybe slight preference for COMPLETED series lol
11. YA! I like YA pretty well generally
This one is a solid three stars. I definitely enjoyed it, and I really like mysteries where the reader has a chance to solve it too. There were a few things I didn‘t love - like way too much focus on the first part of the case, and it was a big exposition dump - by design - to give enough info to have the clues to solve it.
Hey #LMPBC round 5 group y !!! Any of these sound interesting or like you‘d want to read? I‘m nervous and want to pick a good book lol! I have really broad tastes so I have lots of others to choose from as well.
This was good !!! But I rated it So-So because it just wasn‘t like super memorable? I would rec it, especially to people who liked Star Trek, but I don‘t think it‘s going to stick with me. Full review on my blog and goodreads soon!
A very solid 3/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This has been a really quick read. #socksunday
Currently reading! This kind of went in the direction I was hoping it wouldn‘t lol, but I‘ve still got a good chunk left to finish so we‘ll see
Thank you again @Chrissyreadit - I don‘t read a lot of romance so I‘m excited to give this a try! 💚
#CupidGoesPostal Thank you so much !!! Oh my gosh I was spoiled I am so, so excited! I had trouble taking a picture because my cat kept wanting to investigate lol but thank you so much! I LOVE THE BOOKS !!! 😍 can‘t wait to get started reading them! And all the goodies! What an excellent Valentine‘s Day surprise.
I have a spinning bookshelf, which is one of my most prized possessions. But books do occasionally go flying off it. 😂 I like to play a game called was it the baby or the cats?
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Thank you so much! I‘m so excited! I did not anticipate the waiting for the 14th would be so hard lol
My #CupidGoesPostal 📦 gift !!! Blocked out for no “spoilers” lol (the books are in a bag 😉) Sorry this took me longer than expected to get out! Going to the post office today to send it! 🙌
#LiteraryLove Day 6: Soulmates
Even though it‘s super cliche, this is still one of my favorite books 🤷♀️😂 we‘re soul mates lol. This edition especially, because dang I love the typeface. It‘s not like the easiest to read, really, but it just looks so nice!
#LiteraryLove Day 4 playing Cupid
Sit back dear readers and let me play Cupid for you with a cute lil book you might enjoy. Do you like Neil Gaiman or Terry Pratchett? Did you know they wrote a book TOGETHER?! Do you like Douglas Adams (Hitch biker‘s guide to the galaxy) or Jaspar Fforde (Thursday next)? Then GET THIS BOOK !!! One of my top 10 of all time, and I am so incredibly psyched for the Amazon series !!!
Could I even claim my English major + librarian cred if I DIDN‘T have the collected works of Shakespeare? 😅
#LiteraryLove Day 3 Red Reads
#LiteraryLove Day 2: Admire.
This is a book by someone I admire and also I admire my child‘s tenacity at never letting me have any peace 😂😂😂 gotta love the little goofball, even if she does want to eat my books (or e-readers???) instead of letting me read them.
This is a weird “holiday” to have a book rec for, but if you enjoyed the movie Groundhog Day then this might be a book for you. The author describes it as Agatha Christie meets Quantum Leap which is not inaccurate. I didn‘t love this but I did enjoy it, and after forcing myself through a slow bump in the beginning I raced through it.
A quick review I did: https://thegrumpybibliophile.blogspot.com/2018/12/book-review-7-12-deaths-of-eve...
#LiteraryLove Day 1: My February TBR. I actually don‘t use a TBR that often, at least not in the usual sense, but here are a few books I‘m hoping to get read this month!
I couldn‘t find a picture of the book lol but this was so good !!! I ended up really really enjoying it. Can‘t wait to read the next in the series. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Review in my blog: https://thegrumpybibliophile.blogspot.com/2019/01/review-study-in-scarlet-women....
So I might have been wrong about my last post.... I left that book in my car so I‘m starting this one now too 😂 Anyone else bad about starting multiple books at once? I can‘t help myself sometimes. I love Sherlock Holmes though so I‘m interested to see how this adaption stands up.
A cozy featuring a librarian? Yes please! The first book in this series was pretty good so I‘m anticipating this one to be enjoyable as well!
This was disappointing. The beginning really hooked me but I just didn‘t get invested in the story. Overall very meh for me.
I‘m always on the look out for children‘s books to build up my daughter‘s library and this is a really lovely edition.
I needed a good YA read, so I started this one that looked interesting. About a third through it! (I haven‘t picked the other books I was reading back up yet....)
I‘m about halfway through this book... I loved the beginning but I got a little disenchanted. Please tell me the back half has the magic of the beginning? 🙈
I just picked up The Bear and the Nightingale but I haven't started it yet. On my TBR list... with so many others... Have a book rainbow though!