@MrBook After all your tater tot posts, I immediately thought of you! Looks like I'm dining out this weekend!
@MrBook After all your tater tot posts, I immediately thought of you! Looks like I'm dining out this weekend!
I spotted someone enjoying a casserole supper recently at my local library.
Saw this on FB. @MrBook, you need to book a flight to Milwaukee! (Sorry, couldn't resist!) 😜 #tatertots
I know what you're thinking: books and clothes 🤔? Well, you know what I'm thinking? Yeah, that's right: different kinds of tater tot casseroles, and hopefully a gift certificate to Ore-Ida for a lifetime supply of tater tots 😎👌🏻!!!!! Ooh, I can't wait 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😆🙌🏻!!! #Christmas
Out for dinner and a movie with the Hubs and saw this and thought of you @MrBook #MrBookBookBabeKitchen
@BookishMarginalia has so kindly posted about this cookbook, which can be had for free as a Kindle ebook. Given the frequent mention of #tatertots on Litsy - mostly by @MrBook - I thought some research was in order. I'm not sure about broccoli in tater tot casserole and Chocolate Suicide does not involve tots. I'm actually quite put out about that. Yes, I'm hash tagging #tatertots now. For research purposes.
Now's the time, Littens, to give @MrBook a run for his money 💰in the tot-loving department! Remember: he's set the bar high! 😜😎
For @MrBook ...organic tater tots & homemade Dill & Chive Bean Dip/Spread. Delicious (& Litsy appropriate) reading snack. 😋 #readingsnacks
Is this one better then @MrBook ? 😛🤞