I LOVE JULIE BEAUFORT-STUART SO MUCH. 😭😭😭 Oh, what a perfect prequel. Establishes so much of the Julie we know and love from CNV, but also a cracking good mystery. #yalit #historicalfiction
I LOVE JULIE BEAUFORT-STUART SO MUCH. 😭😭😭 Oh, what a perfect prequel. Establishes so much of the Julie we know and love from CNV, but also a cracking good mystery. #yalit #historicalfiction
It's a gray & rainy day, perfect for sleeping in, then some #audiosouping 🍲I like this book but I am finding myself content to just listen to it on Sundays when I make soup. Maybe it picks up as the story unfolds? This is Ina Garten's Lentil Vegetable Soup & it smells heavenly.. The finished product will be lunch & a blog post for #soupersundays later.
A little #audiosouping for #soupersundays. This is Mark Bittman's Chinese-Style Peanut Soup with Tofu & Bok Choy from How to Cook Everything Fast. Really tasty--it reminds me of a Thai satay sauce & it's vegan. Link to recipe is below. Slowly making my way through this book, enjoying it so far but only listening to it when I make soup. 😋🍲💜
Doing a little #audiosouping to this book. (I think it was an Audible Deal a few months back.) The author's code Name Verity is still on my #TBR list but I have been on hold at the library for it for ages. Enjoying this one so far and it seems like a good fit for the simple potato leek soup I'm making. The finished soup will be lunch & a blog post later today. #audiocooking #sunday
4 ⛤⛤⛤⛤
A YA mystery that I loved listening to, but I'm not convinced that this should make the shortlist tomorrow for the #TournamentOfBooks #theRooster #TOB2018
This was not the cover on my audiobook but I love it!
I'm not sure why this book is in the #tob2018 longlist it's such a strange pick. #EclecticReaders
My drink tonight. Actually every night 😆🍷😍❤
#11thHourReadathon @EclecticReaders
Prejudice against Travellers in the book made my skin crawl. But then there is Lady Julia Lindsay Mackenzie Wallace Beaufort - Stuart standing up for what is right. Julie, as she prefers to be called, is just the kind of heroine I love; gutsy and sassy. Also cracking good mystery. The narrator of Audio book does awesome job with Scottish accents.
I'm really enjoying this. Cracking good mystery. I like Julie. Narrator is doing a great job with Scottish accents.
Disappointing. I was fascinated by the historical material and loved learning about Scottish Travellers and river mussel pearls. But the characters and the narrative itself fell flat. I never felt emotionally invested in the characters nor did the central mystery add any tension. The treatment of bisexuality was very blase, which I guess in one way is nice but on the other hand felt very strange for a landed gentry teen girl in 1938 Scotland.
Five of us in a hotel room in Canon City, CO (where actor Glen Ford once slept, according to the sign on the door.) Chances I'll get to read my book...slim.
Wishing you all a bookish & relaxing post-Thanksgiving/regular Thursday evening. ☺️
I am learning a lot of cool things in this #YA book! Like about Scottish river mussels that make pearls and Scottish Travellers, nomadic people who are considered a specific ethnic group in Scotland. Also there's a cool bisexual girl character. #BisexualBooks #QueerBooks #QueerYA
A fun ya mystery with murder and pearls and theft. Set in Scotland before World War Two, it touches on interesting points that are not common in ya fiction.
Not bad. Not Code Name Verity of course, and sometimes it didn't feel like I was really reading about the Julie / Verity from it - but what can you really expect? The mystery wasn't too hard to crack early on and it was a wee bit too long but I enjoyed it! (Oops. Only have picture of the two books. 😚)
Sitting outside on this beautiful breezy day reading The Pearl Thief. Tunes softly playing on the Jambox in the background. 😊
I'm not a booktuber, but I watch them all the time. I thought I'd participate in #booktubeathon starting on Monday. There are seven challenges, which I definitely won't finish, but I thought I'd choose books for them anyway and give it my best shot. Maybe I'll finish two.
Challenge 1: A person on the cover - The Pearl Thief by Elizabeth Wein. I loved loved loved Code Name Verity, and this is a story (mystery?) about Julie when she was younger.
A prequel to Code Name Verity. Definitely a more light hearted read - it was enjoyable to see how Julie developed the skills and personality put on display in Code Name Verity.
What was your favorite book you read during the month of June?
Mine was The Pearl Thief by Elizabeth Wein!
I read 5 books in total last month and some of them were giants so I'm happy with the progress I made! Hopefully I'll get to more during July! I'm planning on taking a long weekend to do some reading soon!
#junewrapup #harrypotter #jkrowling #neverfade #alexandrabracken #thepearlthief #jamespatterson #dianagabaldon
I wasn't sure this #prequel could live up to my love for #CodeNameVerity, but it did 100%. Being in Julie's world/mind again felt nostalgic. I think TPT could stand on its own (mystery, coming of age, etc), but the foreshadowing of CNV made me ache for Julie & her future self. It also made me long to visit #Scotland again. Added bonuses for me: numerous references to #MaryQueenOfScots, #Shakespeare, and even a #sassenach. #ya #historicalfiction
"He took off his shoes and stripped efficiently down to his underwear -- why is it right for BOYS but not for GIRLS to do this?"
Seems a little awkward to be reading a book about Scotland while looking at the Pacific on a beautiful, sunny day, but this quote kind of fits my location. Still LOVING The Pearl Thief and seeing Julie's cunning personality develop as an adolescent. Now I want to re-read Code Name Verity! #ya #scotland #historicalfiction
4.5/5 stars!
A prequel to Code Name Verity, we get to spend a summer with Julie before she became Verity at her family home in Scotland.
It was a fun story filled with mystery and murder and a fun assortment of characters! It wasn't at all what I was expecting but I still really enjoyed the book!
#thepearlthief #elizabethwein #20booksofsummer #historicalfiction #candle #novelheartbeat #flowers #haveread
First post! I just started reading The Pearl Thief this morning and it's definitely not what I was expecting (I read Code Name Verity forever ago and don't remember much about it) but I'm really enjoying it so far! So far it's a bit more of a mystery than historical fiction but I do love a good mystery!
#currentlyreading #thepearlthief #elizabethwein #historicalfiction #nowreading
By complete coincidence I started reading this book on the exact date when the story begins 😱 #kismet #serendipity #codenameverity #ya #historicalfiction #scotland
I finished The Pearl Thief over breakfast and had to think a while before writing my thoughts. I've really enjoyed Wein's novels and was excited to read this, but it just didn't grab nor hold my attention like her others. I don't know if it was missing the life and death struggle I've come to associate with her books or something else. It seemed somehow too flippant and slightly unrealistic to me. A toss-up between so-so & pick.
#YA #NetGalley
Oh, my Julie, I love you so. And I love a quiet but rich coming of age with a little mystery twist.
You had me at the end-paper map. (Anybody else love books that have maps of where they're set?)
Just started reading the Pearl Thief and I'm sucked in to the story straight away. Loving it.
Finally finished reading and reviewing this beguiling book. Its accurate portrayal of a crumbling social strata in 1930s Scotland is as poignant as meeting up with the feisty Julie as a whip smart open hearted nosy teenager. https://trishtalkstexts.wordpress.com/2017/05/07/review-the-pearl-thief/
It's already released in the US and the UK and due in June to Australia 🇦🇺 and New Zealand 🇳🇿
#bittersweet #netgalley #bloomsbury #elizabethwein
No, no, no. Fun period mysteries are my go to genre when I want something light but this is ridiculous. I've rarely read a more unconvincing protagonist. Lady Julie is so profoundly Mary-Sue (and I HATE that term), and so "modern" and so utterly unbelievable as a 15 year old everything she did and said made me furious. Oh and the plot, dull, unoriginal, obvious and so SLOW. Ugh.
Bulgakov said wine so... Wine. What can I say? He's my hero. Plus homemade roasted cauliflower and garlic chowder and focaccia. Shame I don't really care for the book alongside
"How long does it take? How do you ever hold on to anybody?"
Without inserting my entire life story here, this is something I feel A LOT, particularly as someone whose family has spent summers in the same place for over 50 years (which is nothing on ancestral estates, for sure).
Reading this in March Madness commercial breaks, so let me also say that the Michigan/Oklahoma State game was SOMETHING.
It's hard to know which of us loves this book more. Of course, they've been using it more as a pillow than reading material... #lazybookday #amreading #arc #hyperion #elizabethwein #thepearlthief #prequel #booklove #bookcat #bookdog #sharingiscaring #readinginbed #yafiction