Been reading the tagged book. Life is still life-ing.
I don‘t have a pic of the book cover right now so I give you my cheese monsters (I was eating a string cheese).
#dogsoflitsy #litsypups #bookdog
Been reading the tagged book. Life is still life-ing.
I don‘t have a pic of the book cover right now so I give you my cheese monsters (I was eating a string cheese).
#dogsoflitsy #litsypups #bookdog
“Are you crazy?“
“The charge has sometimes been brought against me, but there's nothing in it. Just exuberant. Why do you ask?“
#dogsoflitsy #bookdog #wodehouse #therewillbebooks
Avoiding the snowstorm that isn‘t a storm by reading with this guy 📖
#Gambit #petsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #bookdog
Here‘s a random photo of Gambit post-grooming and looking very non-schnauzer-y.
I feel like I haven‘t been on Litsy in ages (Hi! How‘s everyone?!) because work is hectic right now but I‘m just popping on to say I did mail-out 1 of 2 today so: @JenlovesJT47 and @LA_Mead have #litsypenpal stuff on the way and a #horrorpost #nightmaresahead book is off to @MiyakoBunny 😁
#Gambit #petsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #bookdog
My plans today are to clean and then paint but while I do that, Gambit will hang out with my books so they‘re not lonely 😆
#Gambit #petsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #bookdog #shelfie
It‘s been a hectic week with house guests and far more plumbers than one should have to deal with but today is all about reading with Gambit 🐶📖 #AOGGbuddyread
#Gambit #DogsofLitsy #PetsofLitsy #bookdog
@KassKho I was right, he freaked! 😆 Gambit does a trick called “wave” — which is what it sounds like, he lifts one paw in mimicry of a wave— and when I told him to do it, he sat back and emphatically waved both paws 😂 What are these treats called? I‘ll have to buy him some more.
#gambit #dogsoflitsy #petsoflitsy #bookdog
@TricksyTails Gambit is ridiculous and never fails to make me smile so maybe this will help you too.. dog photos are always a good idea on a bad day. I‘m sorry today sucked but tomorrow isn‘t far away and I hope it‘s a thousand times better. #LetsMakeTricksySmile
#Gambit #PetsofLitsy #DogsofLitsy #bookdog
@TheKidUpstairs and thank you from Gambit! They were a hit and I think he was more excited for the treats than to have me home 🤣 The look he gave me when I paused to take a photo says everything (top right)!
#dogsoflitsy #petsoflitsy #gambit #bookdog
Happy holidays, Litsy fam! This Christmas pup and I went jump in snowbanks. I hope your Christmases are just as fun.. though maybe less cold and wet. And of course, filled with many lovely books!
#petsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #bookdog #christmas #gambit