#currentlyreading this Much Ado About Nothing retelling. Do you like Shakespeare retellings? #ya #retelling #nothinghappened #mollygbooth
#currentlyreading this Much Ado About Nothing retelling. Do you like Shakespeare retellings? #ya #retelling #nothinghappened #mollygbooth
Fierce and feminist #ThePoetX by #ElizabethAcevedo was only the second book in verse I've ever read but it's made me a fan of hers and this genre for life!! #poetry #youngadultfiction
I am so hyped for Leah on the Offbeat after seeing and loving the Love, Simon movie. I need more from Becky's universe! #leahontheoffbeat #lovesimon #simonvs #theupsideofunrequited #beckyalbertalli
I read White Rabbit and forgot to post my review. There are not enough #ownvoices m/m thrillers. You need to check it out--it's simultaneously hilarious and suspenseful. I adored it and need more from Caleb STAT!! Pick this one up when it releases in 2 weeks!! #whiterabbit #calebroehrig #youngadult
When even the dedication of the #nationalpoetrymonth book you pick up ignites your soul #thewitchdoesntburninthisone #amandalovelace #poetry
Let's all collectively scream at this #areaperatthegates quotes. Only a few more months before we here more from Elias, Laia and that hateful Helene #sabaatahir #youngadult #fantasy #anemberintheashes #atorchagainstthenight
Have heard nothing but great things about the feminist novel-in-verse #bloodwaterpaint by #joyMcCullough #ya #feminist #nationalpoetrymonth
I love sassy and sarcastic historical fiction, don't you? Can't wait to dig into #myladyschoosing #quirkbooks #ya #historicalfiction
I read an early copy of #whiterabbit by #calebroehrig and was blown away--a book so steeped in pop culture and wait was also so heartbreakingly real and honest. You all need to be aware of this book and pick it up when it comes out later this month. #youngadult #fivestar #lgbtq #ownvoices #contemporary
I can not wait for Ashley Herring Blake's GIRL MADE OF STARS!!
#ya #girlmadeofstars #ashleyherringblake
I am so excited for Puddin to release! I pre-ordered from Blue Willow Books so I could get the swag along with my signed book! #puddin #dumplin #juliemurphy #youngadult #ya #contemporary
Here are all the reasons to read #MyPlaineJane
#ya #historicalfiction #youngadult #myladyjane #jodiemeadows #bodiashton #cynthiahand #janeeyre #harperteen #epicreads
Can I be honest? My most anticipated book of the year is #RestoreMe by Tahereh Mafi. Just read this quote!!
What book are you most looking forward to this year?
#ShatterMe #TaherehMafi
So excited that Jeffrey Self narrates the audiobook for #AVeryVeryBadThing!!
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays #ireadya
Just over halfway through with #ClockworkPrincess and am pretty sure this entire series will be a 5⭐️ series for me, which is totally surprising because I hate read the entire #MortalInstruments series by #CassandraClare. Have you read this series? Am I going to be absolutely devastated at the end?
#yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #yawednesdays
Beautiful inside and out, you should pick up #WildBeauty by #AnnaMarieMcLemore STAT.
#magicalrealism #ownvoices #diversebooks #ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
Read to start a revolution? #Moxie is your next read!
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
Nigerian fantasy arc #BeastsMadeOfNight #giveaway going on Twitter right now! https://twitter.com/yawednesdays/status/914193013940908032
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
We created a cocktail in honor of Little Knife, one of our favorite short stories from #TheLanguageofThorns by #LeighBardugo which is out today
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
Want to win these 10 books/arcs plus an arc of #Warcross? Retweet and follow us on Twitter before noon tomorrow 9/7 (hurricane Irma hanged our plans): https://twitter.com/yawednesdays/status/903286398844887041
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
#asemidefinitivelistofworstnightmares is filled with all these joyful conclusions to events that occur in the book. Tomorrow on the blog, we post our favorite quotes, but today, enjoy a sneak peek!
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
Did you know that today is #ReadABookDay? I made a list of #ya books that feature and discuss illiteracy. Are there any books you'd add to this list? https://yawednesdays.com/2017/09/06/readabook-day-reading-list/
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays #timekeeper #tarasim #sixofcrows #leighbardugo #sarahjmaas #rainbowrowell
This book took my breath away! If you are looking for an #ownvoices #lgbt character-driven story, #theybothdieattheend is everything your looking for. Check out our review: https://yawednesdays.com/2017/08/18/first-reads-friday-they-both-die-at-the-end-...
#ya #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays #adamsilvera #tbdate
See who author #LisaMaxwell fancasts for #TheLastMagician plus enter to win 2 #giveaway on the blog: https://yawednesdays.com/2017/08/11/the-last-magician-author-fancast-giveaway/
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
An insider's feminist take on old Hollywood gossip. This is such a juicy read!
#TheSevenHusbandsOfEvelynHugo #amreading #currentlyreading #audiobook
#TheSpecialOnes is mystery told from inside a cult run by a mysterious leader. You don't want to miss our interview with author #EmBailey https://yawednesdays.com/2017/08/04/the-special-ones-author-interview-with-em-ba...
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
What role did Dara play in her best friend, Aubrey's death? Some betrayals can never be forgiven.
SO excited to have #TheseThingsIveDone in my hands finally!!
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
When Dimple Met Rishi will be the book to read to beat those back-to-school blues. Hysterical and EXTREMELY romantic, you will tear through this #ownvoices contemporary. Rishi will definitely your newest book boyfriend.
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
#BirdieandBash left us floored, so we took it out skating with us one night to celebrate Candace Ganger's masterful new book. Have you read this beauty yet?
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
What would you do if you won the lottery and what would you do if you purchased the ticket as a gift for your unrequited love/BFF? This contemporary beautifully explores that topic with well-rounded characters, well-paced story and gorgeously simplistic writing.
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
Fun Middle Grade journey take on Alice in Wonderland. Not as good as Shatter Me series, and a totally different concept, but kept my interest.
#furthermore #taherehmafi #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
Just 43 more days until this beautiful book is out inte world! So excited for #warcross!!
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
Danny and Colton will be your new book boyfriends after reading Tara Sim's Victorian steampunk fantasy, Timekeeper.
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
I am such a sucker for a book with a map. This month's book club selection fulfills that with 2 maps so far...
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
How did Adam Silvera magic that his book starts on its release date??
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
This is actually a review for the whole book, which was a wild ride about a girl whose parents are spies, then murdered the. She becomes the target.
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
Loved Rainbow's take on Harry Potter fan fiction that started with Cathleen in Fangirl. I just can't decide whether I prefer the hard or paperback cover!
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
The intro to #CodeNameVerity applies as much to WWII spies as it does to today's resistance movement. "Passive resisters must understand that they are as important as saboteurs."
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
Have you read the #LoveIsLove #graphic novel yet? Pro-tip: the e-comic has MORE content!
Moxie comes out in just over a month and I can't wait!! This feminist YA focuses on zine culture!
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
"Welcome, Welcome to Caraval! The grandest show on land or by the sea!" Have you read this stunner yet? #caraval #ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
I am hoping to start this book soon, which Adam brought to us at the OCLS Book Festival a few weeks back. Have you read any of #AdamSilvera's books? Which is your favorite? #ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays #ownvoices #theybothdieattheend
"Prejudice begets prejudice, you see. Knowledge does not always evolve into wisdom."
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays #akatawitch
"Would you risk ending the world to do the right thing?" #theshipbeyondtime #thegirlfromeverywhere #ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
The disappearance of Flynn's girlfriend has him desperately trying to keep his secret from everyone. Caleb Roehrig's storytelling and unraveling is so very compelling. #ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookworm #booklover #bookblogger #bookaholic #bookaddict #yawednesdays
So far, this book is snarky and has more twists and turns than any spy novel I've read in a long time. You're definitely going to want to get your hands on this book when it comes out next month!
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #bookish
Jamba Alert: this adorable contemporary tells the story of what happens when a song about you blows up over the airwaves and people start speculating if you might be the muse? Full of witty, rapid-fire dialog amongst a tight-knit group of friends you'll want in your life, #whosthatgirl by @blairwritesbooks will have you snickering, shipping and craving Jamba Juice and, possibly, a sweet.
#ya #yalovin #youngadult #booknerd #bookish