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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
Every year, Ceyala "Lala" Reyes' family--aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, and Lala's six older brothers--packs up three cars and, in a wild ride, drive from Chicago to the Little Grandfather and Awful Grandmother's house in Mexico City for the summer. Struggling to find a voice above the boom of her brothers and to understand her place on this side of the border and that, Lala is a shrewd observer of family life. But when she starts telling the Awful Grandmother's life story, seeking clues to how she got to be so awful, grandmother accuses Lala of exaggerating. Soon, a multigenerational family narrative turns into a whirlwind exploration of storytelling, lies, and life. Like the cherished "rebozo," or shawl, that has been passed down through generations of Reyes women, Caramelo is alive with the vibrations of history, family, and love.
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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros

This was a book club pick that I normally wouldn't have chosen for myself. It was really hard for me to get into. I found myself skimming and even skipping the long footnotes because I didn't understand if those were part of the narrative or actual historical context and then I just decided I didn't care.

Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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1. Just heard about this on #WSIRN
2. Maybe
3. Walking, yoga, swimming
4. Canine analog to my brat cat (stolen from Twitter)

Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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Ack! Between a pick and so-so!
The storytelling is a pick! Vivid and lush!
The audiobook is a so-so. It is read by Cisneros. I found her voice distracting and too childish for the tales. While the narrator can be a child, the voice she gave was much too whiny..
Bonus: I bought a dinosaur dress and IT HAS POCKETS!! 🦕 🦖

JoScho That dress is amazing!!! 6y
saresmoore I‘m shopping in the WRONG PLACES, that much is clear. I love the dress! 6y
minkyb That is a special dress! 6y
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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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Sitting in the car waiting for the hubby. Listening to this one from my #mtTBR Happy Good Friday for those who celebrate it.
Side note: fighting the grey with funky earrings that remind me of cat toys. #takethatdepression

Lcsmcat I could never wear earrings like that precisely because my cat would attack them! 6y
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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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"Life is always more astounding than anyone's imagination... Even with a lifetime of experiences, life takes one by surprise."

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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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Another favorite #hispanicauthor

Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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Books Read: 31
Favorites: Caramelo, by Sandra Cisneros and The Road to Little Dribbling, by Bill Bryson

britt_brooke Wow, excellent month! 👏🏻 7y
TrishB Amazing 👍 7y
Reviewsbylola I didn't enjoy It but I really want to read Caramelo. 7y
Brie @Reviewsbylola I thought It was overlong and there were some parts I really didn't like/agree with. But I highly recommend Caramelo. 7y
Sace I also struggled with It. 7y
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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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While this book features a large and vibrant ensemble cast, it focuses on the coming of age of Lala, a young Mexican-American girl. Lala's family travels down to Mexico every summer from the U.S. to visit family. The ties between the family are tangled as the rebozo that reappears throughout the novel. Cisneros tackles class, race, immigration, colorism, gender, and dysfunctional families. Lovely interconnected stories and poetic prose.

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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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"Tell me a story, even if it's a lie." #epigraphs

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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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I usually read in this chair, most likely with a cat on my lap obscuring the pages. #jubilantjuly #catsoflitsy

Reviewsbylola I've been meaning to read this book for years!! 7y
TheBookStacker Love that pillow! So sweet! 7y
Brie @Reviewsbylola Me too! Finally started it. I thought it would be good for the season, a summer road trip novel. 7y
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Brie @TheBookStacker Thanks! I got it at Target. 7y
Lmstraubie She's such a sweetie 😻 7y
RealLifeReading So cute! Both the kitty and the pillow! 7y
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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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So much to love about Caramelo. The language is beautiful, fresh, poetic. This is what I truly love in a book--the way those words all fit together to create feeling. Similar to The House on Mango Street while Celaya is young, this goes beyond and stretches to tell the story of the grandmother, the aunt, the parents. My one gripe is that these stories cause it to drag a bit in he middle. But it's a really a beautiful story if you can be patient.

catebutler I've been so curious about this book, ever since I saw you mention it. Definitely adding to my list! 7y
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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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Tell me a story, even if it is a lie.

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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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Quickly snagged a few books from a neighbor's book sale without taking the time to do any research. Anyone read any of these??

Reviewsbylola Love 1000 White Women. We need to read Caramelo together. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks No, but your pic is gorgeous!!! 7y
mjdowens 1000 white women was very good 7y
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LeahBergen I'm Thinking of Ending Things is trippy! 7y
TheBookAddict No, but I love Sandra Cisneros which means I NEED this book. 😅 7y
alisiakae I thought 1000 White Women was okay. I love everything by Sandra Cisneros! 7y
Mdargusch I found 1000 White woman very interesting. Hmmm this was in my LFL. Wonder if it's my copy they are selling. 🤔 7y
Cinfhen I heard good things about 7y
MayginReads Caramelo is really good. Good find! 7y
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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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Next up!

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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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Sandra Cisneros is my favorite #MexicanAmericanWriter. I've read a few of her short stories, poems, her memoir, and the classic House on Mango Street. I've never read Caramelo but I hope to fix that this summer. #maybookflowers #mexicanormexicanamericanwriters

Reviewsbylola Thanks for reminding me of this one. I've had an unread copy for far too long. 7y
readinginthedark The House on Mango Street is so good! I need to read this one, too. 7y
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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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Used book sale #bookhaul. This plus three board books for my son for $32 🤗🤗

TrishB Fab 😀 7y
Suet624 Fantastic! 7y
LeahBergen Wow!! 7y
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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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Celebrating #LatinxAuthors! Love her❤❤❤

rockpools So much love for Sandra Cisneros today - I hadn't heard of her before. Any ideas where I should start? 7y
Alfoster @RachelO Maybe House on Mango Street--sweet little vignettes that make up a novel❤! 7y
Kpiper I love all of her work, but I would probably start with The House on Mango Street. It's a short, easy read and Cisneros shines. 7y
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Alfoster @Kpiper Clearly we are kindred spirits! 7y
rockpools @Alfoster @Kpiper Thank you! I'll track a copy down somewhere - Kindle UK and my library don't seem to know about her :( 7y
rachellayown ❤❤❤ 7y
rockpools @kspenmoll Thank you 🙂 7y
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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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This is another one of those books where I can't remember the plot, but the feeling it left me with is as fresh now as when I read it. I highly recommend it! #fiction #reading

Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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One of my favorite books. #BookFace #ReadJanuary @RealLifeReading

Reviewsbylola I hope to read this soon! I've had it for years. 😬 8y
Godmotherx5 @Reviewsbylola I rarely re-read books because I'm a slow reader. This one! I've re-read it & loved it even more. I might be prejudice because I grew up where she did. 8y
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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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Only one left in the November TBR stack! It's been a good month so far and still time to make a bonus Thanksgiving TBR stack! 📚🐛

Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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Being a slow reader, I rarely reread books. I can only think of four times when I read a book more than once. Caramelo, Jane Eyre, Cannery Row & To Kill a Mockingbird are my #rereads. #booktober @RealLifeReading

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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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As Labor Day approaches, I highly recommend Caramelo on audio for anyone going on a road trip. Sandra Cisneros is the narrator. "Lala" travels with her family & she finds herself. Some of the narrative incorporates Spanish. Don't let that dissuade you. Embrace the culture & have a good laugh. If you can relate to it, even better!

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Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros
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As a first generation Mexican- American I hold this books dear to my heart.

Caramelo tells the story of a multigenerational family- the Reyes. Complete with stories of the rebozo, Awful Grandmother, lies, love, life. This novela tells us more about our families than what our mothers are willing to share about ours.

Caramelo | Sandra Cisneros

Tell me a story, even if it's a lie.

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