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Finished this book a few weeks ago and was somewhat disappointed. Overall, it had some interesting insights, but much of it was data and info gathered from other sources and summarized. Still, I took some notes and had a few good discussions about it since it was a buddy read with a friend.
I'm glad I read this book! This was a really informative self help book that gives extroverts insight into what introverts have to deal with on a regular basis. The author is an introvert herself, so with the research and interviews and polls, it feels like a breath of fresh air to know you're not alone and that you're being understood.
1. The Secret Lives of Introverts by Jenn Granneman
2. I have not read any witch books yet. Although I do have Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt. Any other recommendations of witch books that aren't romance?
3. I watched the first Saw movie last weekend. It's been awhile since I've seen it, and I really liked it.
I have been aware that I‘m an introvert for a VERY long time. This book certainly validated my preferences regarding social situations. It also deepened my understanding of some of my tendencies. For example, I prefer meaningful conversations compared to idle chit chat. I will also go out of my way to avoid casual interactions, with neighbors for instance. The book throughly addresses work environments and dating. #MountTBR
This book! 🐠 As an introvert this book was such a pleasure to read. The author discusses the power of introversion, tips for how to create safe and comfortable social and work lives for introverts, and even gives insight into the introvert world for the extroverts reading the book. It‘s a great read for any introvert or for any extravert trying to learn a bit more about the introverts in their life. 💙 #TheSecretLivesOfIntroverts #JennGranneman
This is not a book - but I bought this on a T-shirt for my kid for Christmas.
She immediately took it to her room. 😊
#quotsyJan19 #introvert
A bit of reading and lunch while waiting for my car to get a long overdue wash and vacuum.
I must be a true INFJ because a lot of these things make me crazy! 😱
What fun to meet many fellow introverts and Advocates! Thx @JoScho 🤗💕
I joined in too, doing the free personality test on 16personalities.com . My first time receiving this combination, and some statements were spot on, and others left me scratching my head. However, I know I‘m 88% introvert. #introvertorextrovert
Ha! About 3 or 4 yrs ago I took this test and I was a INFJ. I retook it tonight and turns out I'm an ISTJ! Reading the description of the ISTJ made me realize that it's a wonder I still have friends because it sounds like we are robots with no feelings. But then I realize Hermione Granger and I share the same personality type and everything was right in the world again 😅🤓
Really excited about this book. Found it while working at Amazon and had to deal with it at work. Went and bought a copy off Amazon. Only couple pages in and it's awesome already!!
When the town is having a "Sidewalk Sale," but the book store owner doesn't want to go outside.