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Conversations with Friends
Conversations with Friends: A Novel | Sally Rooney
A sharply intelligent novel about friendship, lust, jealousy, and the unexpected complications of adulthood in the 21st century Frances is a cool-headed and darkly observant young woman, vaguely pursuing a career in writing while studying in Dublin. Her best friend and comrade-in-arms is the beautiful and endlessly self-possessed Bobbi. At a local poetry performance one night, Frances and Bobbi catch the eye of Melissa, a well-known photographer, and as the girls are then gradually drawn into Melissa's world, Frances is reluctantly impressed by the older woman's sophisticated home and tall, handsome husband, Nick. However amusing and ironic Frances and Nicks flirtation seems at first, it gives way to a strange intimacy, and Francess friendship with Bobbi begins to fracture. As Frances tries to keep her life in check, her relationships increasingly resist her control: with Nick, with her difficult and unhappy father, and finally, terribly, with Bobbi. Desperate to reconcile her inner life to the desires and vulnerabilities of her body, Frances's intellectual certainties begin to yield to something new: a painful and disorienting way of living from moment to moment. Written with gem-like precision and marked by a sly sense of humor, Conversations with Friends is wonderfully alive to the pleasures and dangers of youth, and the messy edges of female friendship.
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#SummerSouls #Friends I think Rooney has a new one coming out . Intermezzo,September 24, 2024.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks On my shelf 💛 3w
Eggs Great choice 💛 3w
sarahbarnes Yes! Can‘t wait! 3w
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⭐⭐This book was about not particularly nice people entangled in awkward relationships.Usually I find these books can be done quite well and keep me engaged throughout with wittiness and banter between the characters, this one just didn't quite hit the mark for me. It gets messy and it stays pretty messy. I found Frances's self centredness to becoming more and more annoying and I just didnt really gel with any of the characters. It was an ok read,

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8-9 Apr 24 (audiobook)
Two university students befriend a married couple resulting in some complicated relationships. Seemingly like all Rooney characters, they are intelligent and articulate but totally incapable of discussing their emotions or feelings for each other or anything of real import. Their idea of love is very different to mine. Frances is particularly frustrating.
Yet I enjoy Rooney‘s writing and was compelled to keep listening.

CarolynM Almost exactly how I felt about this one. She couldn‘t even tell her mother about a diagnosis of endometriosis!🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ 3mo
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I mostly hated this. I loved Rooney's other 2 books but this one did not sit well with me. Mostly centered around an affair between a handsome actor and a young college girl. I was mildly intrigued by one character's struggle with endometriosis but it was such a disappointingly small part of the story. It's a so-so because it still illicted a strong reaction out of me, even though it was a negative one, so I'm still a fan of her writing 😆

Reggie I liked this because it made me think of all my bad choices in my 20s. lol, and that last line is very-the heart wants what the heart wants!!! Great review! 4mo
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I really liked Rooney‘s debut novel, which I finally got to after reading her newer ones. The characters frustrated me a good amount of the time, but I expected that. There were a few parts that snuck up on me and took my breath away with the realness. And that ending - I loved it.

BarbaraBB My favorite Rooney! 4mo
batsy @BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes The Rooney I've yet to read! So now I'm extra looking forward to it 🙂 4mo
Reggie That ending, lol. Very- the heart wants what the heart wants!!!! Loved this book. 4mo
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Read for library's book group, this coming Monday. Some random thoughts:
Why can't people just say what they mean?! 😒 (I know: it's my perennial lament.)
I find that tone of ironic detachment particularly exhausting, and it led to my feeling fed up with every character long before the end.
I'm soooo glad my 20s and 30s are way behind me!
They drink wine like I drink tea.
Oh, FFS!!! 🙄 (re. the final line).
It's done well, but it's not for me.

TrishB Same! Great review. 8mo
Anna40 Agree. Great review 8mo
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After Tomorrow, Tomorrow.. I was again in the mood for something contemporary and I turned to Sally Rooney. The thing with her books is: I read and think „but tbh, this is boring“ - and then I think: „but this is life. This is exactly what people are like!“ So yes, lots of points for accurately picturing Life. Nevertheless, it was too long.

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#VolumesAndVocals Day 25: #EscapeRupertHolmes - we are in the part where the main characters escaped to Étables France and the affair becomes too intense for comfort. As 21 yo daughter claims while we read aloud: “the audacity!” Paired with strawberry cheesecake while we are in our Abu Dhabi weekend escapade.

Eggs 🍓🍰❤️ 12mo
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#VolumesAndVocals Day 20: #B4HeCheatsCUnderwood - daughter and I are only in the first few chapters in our book club of two as we read aloud to both Snickers and the husband (we are making our reading very audio-book like), but there is a #B4HeCheats vibe to this entire story - am I right? Lols

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛💛💛 12mo
marleed Love this happy pic. It is all goodness! 12mo
Eggs How fun🤗🤩 12mo
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#VolumesAndVocals Day 19: We are #FeelinGoodNinaSimone as little girl Snickers will be spending the entire summer with us while her Dad vacations in Glasgow, Berlin, Paris, and the US - and daughter and I do a book club of two as we read tagged book for June.

dabbe Hello, Sweet Snickers! 🖤🐾🖤 12mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So cute 🐶 🐾 12mo
Eggs Lovely 🐕‍🦺📚🤗 12mo
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A pair of college friends meet a older couple and their lives become entwined. It‘s an unconventional love story/coming of age story of sorts. Compelling but didn‘t blow me away. Lots to discuss though. I could see it being a great book club choice.

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Young, former lovers Frances and Bobbi become entangled with an older, married couple and messiness ensues. I didn‘t like this one as much as Normal People but it was still an enjoyable read if ever so slightly tedious and cliche. Most of the characters were fairly unlikeable but there was also a realistic element to it, especially the modern communication and relationship building.

BarbaraBB Lovely picture! 1y
i.z.booknook @BarbaraBB Thank you 😊 1y
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I swear, I enjoy Sally Rooney's writing and how she conveys physicality and setting so simply yet effectively, but GOD do I want to smack most of her protagonists. Too! Much! Interiority! Serves! No one! #contemporarylit #literaryfiction

SamAnne ❤️ 1y
CarolynM It was the refusal to communicate that frustrated me in this one. 1y
kissmehardy @CarolynM I find that most of Rooney's protags would be better served by actually having a genuine conversation with a loved one at least once rather than assuming ironic detachment above all else. 1y
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My first thought about this book was “I'm going to DNF this“, but after a few pages I found the characters rather interesting, so I kept on reading and hoping. I didn't even make it half-way through the book. Sadly, Rooney makes the same mistakes as many others: the relationship becomes more important than the characters. And so to me the book became more and more dull. And now back to the library it goes.

Ruthiella I‘ve read all three of her novels and don‘t get the appeal. 2y
Jari-chan @Ruthiella Wow, that's impressive! 😱 2y
Ruthiella @Jari-chan They keep getting on various award lists and then I “have” to read‘em! 😂 2y
Jari-chan @Ruthiella Maybe at some point she'll write something you like 🤭 2y
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I really loved “Normal People” and enjoyed “Beautiful World, Where Are You”. Rooney‘s writing is sharp, but this one is my least favorite of her novels. I didn‘t really connect with the characters and being in Frances‘ head made me feel a bit detached and depressed.🎧

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#AlphabetGame Letter C

This was a 5🌟 read for me. From the. It went downhill between me an Sally Rooney but this one I loved!

merelybookish Haha. I love all her books including this one. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! This one is on my shelf! 2y
batsy I'm curious to see what I think of this one! I really liked Normal People but was let down by how Beautiful People ended. 2y
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Believe It when I say Sally Rooney writes the most real and unlikeable women characters. This is a story about Francis and she living her life on her own terms mostly.

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Unfortunately my least favorite of the three Sally Rooney novels, though I still thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I‘ve been wanting to dig into the new Hulu adaptation after loving Normal People, so I needed to finish this book first. Similar themes/motifs present in her other novels: characters who can both express themselves beautifully in long discursive conversations and emails but also keep their truest feelings opaque to each other.

Kimberlone I hope that wherever her writing goes next, she tries something new. I‘ll be disappointed if her next book includes yet another set of a middle class characters obsessed with debating Marxism and capitalism (is this a European thing?). I started the show last night and while not as engaging as Normal People, its advantage over the book is that much of my frustration over the characters‘ lack of communication is improved by the actors body language 2y
AlexThomas I haven‘t read this one (have read the other two) because I was a bit weirded out by the Lolita-seeming relationship in it. Should I give it a go? 2y
Kimberlone @AlexThomas I definitely would not describe the relationship as Lolita esque. The age difference is only 10 years, both are fully adults (even if there is a difference in maturity), and the relationship is 100% consensual, so don‘t let that stop you from reading this one. I think if you liked Rooney‘s other books, there will be a lot to like in this one too. 2y
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Anyone else having trouble getting their conversations in Litsy? That tab never loads for me.

vivastory I've had this happen a few times. 2y
The.Great.Catsby Wait, what? There's a conversations tab? Is that a website specific feature? I definitely don't have that on the app. 2y
swishandflick @The.Great.Catsby I believe it's a feature that is only available on the web version. 2y
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Here 👏 For 👏 It 👏


I just realized I never submitted a review for this and that should probably tell you everything you need to know. It was hard to get through. Like “what‘s the point of this” hard. The characters are foolish & not in an honest, Normal People kind of way. It‘s like you‘re watching them blow up their lives for no reason and THEY DON‘T EVEN CARE

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Sending my next therapy bill to Sally Rooney.

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I tried it for book club but I dumped the book halfway through and hit up a summary site to know how it ended. Definitely not my jam. Vapid narcissists with the luxury of time and money having to work around their sexual lusting after each other only to end up back with their original partners. The end.

rockpools I absolutely don‘t need to read this now. Thank you! 2y
CampbellTaraL @rockpools I felt a twinge of guilt thinking I was being harsh, then I re-read the synopsis and nope, nothing at all intelligent about this group of characters. Saving readers prescious reading time! 🤪 2y
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Found a lovely new reading spot this evening to start my reread of this book before the adaptation comes out next week.

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UNPOPULAR OPINION 🚨 Conversations With Friends is a better book than Normal People. It‘s a better rendering of intimacy, and the way we perceive ourselves and each other. It‘s more readable and interesting, it‘s more dynamic, and I liked it much better. Maybe I shouldn‘t have been so quick to write off Beautiful World, Where Are You? after all. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/conversations-with-friends-sally-rooney/

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Guess I need to get reading if I want to have it done before the show comes out…


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I got this book from @Blerdgal_Fenix for #jolabokaflodswap21 and I saved it for a rainy day, which came this weekend. I tend to do that with authors I like, wait on reading their backlist for a while. This novel has a lot of what I like about Sally Rooney, but it feels like a novel told in thirds. ↘️

ReadingEnvy The first third introduces us to Frances, who is an observer and not an emoter. She is best friends with Bobbi, who used to be her girlfriend. I liked this section because there were bits that made me laugh, both in how ridiculous they show Frances to be, but also in now it shows Rooney understands this certain kind of thinker, the people who live in their heads, who secretly judge everyone around them. ↘️
ReadingEnvy The second third is the majority of the book, where Bobbi and Frances get wrapped up in the lives of a wealthy older couple (as in, they are in their 30s.) This third was very readable of course but felt to me like it travels pretty common ground, and worse, it's with people who struggle to communicate even though they like each other. (I say worse but the author does this intentionally, and I think the reader can engage in their frustration.)↘️ 2y
ReadingEnvy The third quarter deals with a lot of fallout from decisions made but also throws Frances back into struggles with her family, including an alcoholic father. And then Marianne - yes that Marianne - shows up at a dinner party and I was thrown. It has nothing to do with the story of this novel but if you've read Normal People, you will definitely recognize her and possibly go looking in Reddit to figure out where in her story this novel lands. 2y
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ReadingEnvy @Reggie this may be my favorite too but I need to think about it a bit more. 2y
Reggie I just love the last sentence in here. It‘s very the heart wants what the heart wants!!! And the other day I was trying to think of the book that featured a character with endometriosis and wellah here it is. So thanks. Lol 2y
ReadingEnvy @Reggie sounds pretty painful tbh 2y
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No one who likes Yeats is capable of human intimacy


sally rooney is the modern day john green (derogatory). pretentious and dry and not a single character is like-able.

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Many of you may not know that this is our first holiday season with two boys we hope to adopt next year so of course today was crazy in good ways.

But I wouldn't want to go without thanking @Blerdgal_Fenix for sending me a book I've wanted to read for forever and a fun assortment of chocolates for #jolabokaflodswap21 - thank you so much! And how I loved the darker skin Santas!

Thanks to @MaleficentBookDragon for organizing everyone.

Prairiegirl_reading Wow! Good luck with the adoption! 💜 Merry Christmas!!! 3y
Leftcoastzen Good for you! Hope adoption goes well! 3y
BarbaraBB Merry Christmas 💚 May it be the first of many with the boys! 3y
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Bookzombie I hope everything works out! Merry Christmas! 🎄 3y
Reggie Merry Christmas, Jenny. And as much as Normal People destroyed me, Conversation is my favorite of hers. Hope you like it. 3y
andrew61 Have a wonderful break jenny and I hope Chris goes well for you and that it is very special with the boys . 3y
ReadingEnvy @andrew61 thanks Andrew.. it was a bit overstimulating for them at times but we managed overall. 3y
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I treated myself to an early-birthday book haul today, sucked in purely by the setting of each- Glasgow, Madrid, Dublin, London...can you tell I'm longing for a big trip? Damn this pandemic (and my finances!)! #BookHaul #NewIn

LiteraryinLawrence What a great way to travel during this time! 3y
BarbaraBB I know the feeling. Stuck in one place. 3y
Andrea313 @BarbaraBB I've been feeling it deeply lately. But I'm striving for positive thinking like yours, @LiteraryinLawrence- books will take us where we want to go! ❤️ 3y
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To say I devoured this audiobook would be an understatement. I love Rooney‘s flawed character-driven writing. #audiostitching

DrexEdit This is lovely! You are a very neat stitcher! 😍 3y
BookishTrish @DrexEdit Thank you! 3y
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I was very excited to learn there‘s a Sally Rooney novel I havent read yet!

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This was one of the most honest and compelling novels I've read in a long time. I loved the mood, the flawed characters, the writing style, just everything. I'll he thinking about this one for a while, I'm sure.

BarbaraBB Great review. I felt the same. 3y
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Okay, now that I've had time to read more of this book, I TOTALLY think it heavily inspired Taylor Swift's Folklore album. The love triangle, all the beach references, Florence's cardigan, the heat of the romance having to end after a wine-filled August...and the fact that Taylor wrote a blurb about this book for a magazine in 2019 aaaand Joe Alwyn is playing Nick in the Hulu adaptation. 👀 I'm loving this.

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Happy Saturday! I just started this one last night and I really like it. The writing feels hazy and a little rushed, kind of like when you're trying to recount what you did when you were drunk. I mean, there's a lot of wine flowing so it makes sense. 🥴

Lol, ignore my coffee. I got a milk frother and stirred the foam in and it looks really weird now. 😂☕

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm At first I thought it was one of those mug cakes. 🤣 Still looks delicious! 3y
kspenmoll Enjoying your description of reading this book! (edited) 3y
Rachel.Rencher @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Lol it does look like that! 😂 3y
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The book was filled with compelling characters, that continued to evolve through the story. The characters were the driving force of the story. #bookclubreads

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Out of three books I've read from Sally Rooney this one is stupidly my favorite lol

-- 5 ⭐️

BarbaraBB Mine too! 3y
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I like Rooney's writing style, it's so "casual" but never obvious.. the characters aren't very likeable so I didn't warm to them, but over all it was a good reading for me (and i still think Normal People is a better novel).

This was my #bookspin for October @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Ferrante does the juicy gossipy possessive frenemies story so much better. But Rooney‘s little observational asides, cinematic deflections to dry leaves in the corner or ladybug creeping towards the sugar bowl, create a vivid & intimate sense of place & being. Some “conversations”=gratuitous & threw off pacing. Opening sets up strong sense of discomfort & foreboding. Monogamy, sex, friendship, class, age, deception, ambition, art, alliances. 2017

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“Things matter to me more than they do to normal people, I thought. I need to relax and let things go. I should experiment with drugs.”

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