Rereading this in preparation for Tom Lake. I haven‘t read it since high school - 44 years ago!
Rereading this in preparation for Tom Lake. I haven‘t read it since high school - 44 years ago!
After reading Tom Lake, I had to go back and revisit Cherry Orchard. I first studied this play in high school. Was great to read it again.
This is the first play by Chekov that I‘ve read. It‘s part comedy and part tragedy, and I found it quite interesting how the social and political aspects of the setting came through in the dialogue. I have access to a recording of a version done by the National Theatre (thanks online library collection!) and I‘m excited to see it performed!
Thanks @TheWordJar for the link to a Buzzfeed quiz : Which Classic Author is Your Soulmate? I‘m embarrassed to say I have never read anything by Anton Chekhov 😂🐉
Two of my Goodreads voted to read this play in August ... so today I will read it.
#classics #classicplays #RussianLit #audiobook
I wasn‘t a fan of this one.
I really enjoyed The Seagull earlier this year as well as some of Chekhov‘s short stories, but found most of the characters in this play to be so self-defeatist that I couldn‘t care about them, either.
All I cared about were those cherry trees, and what they represented to me.
Part comedy, part tragedy. The Gayevs are Russian aristocrats who are deeply in debt and on the brink of losing their estate. They spend the whole play dithering and refusing to act on any of the suggestions that would enable them to save their home. Lots of political/social commentary.
A search for books with #cherrypie in the title turned up more beefcake than baked goods (not that there‘s anything wrong with that), so I decided to go with a classic instead for today‘s #MarchMunchies prompt. Meanwhile, at this time of year the mention of cherry trees usually refers to the blossoms around here. I hope the snow doesn‘t delay the blooming! Sorry #notsorry if this post isn‘t bookish enough!😜
This is a gorgeous play, and if you're daunted by Russian names, I suggest the audiobook version. The different actors in the LA Theater version do a lovely job. Chekhov's play about pride and memory in society resonates even today.
This is lovely as an audiobook! Ensemble cast, JUST like seeing the play. I've never tried an audioplay before. #overdrive
Day 46: Almost half way done with this project and I have realized that I really like to draw, even if they are super simple
#ashsbookmarks #the100dayproject #bookmark #craft #cherry #cherries
Finally it's here! Magnificent spring day.
I'm not bailing on the play, I just am bailing on reading it serialized. I'm not sure this is the best format to read a play, and certainly not a Russian play without having a cast of characters with all nicknames and patronymics. Does anyone have a preferred translation?
I enjoyed this short play about a destitute aristocratic family dealing with loosing their beloved Cherry Orchard. The idea of those lovely trees being cut down does break my heart. I found the play quite entertaining.
This was amazingly written. The story plot is beautiful, there's tragedy, comedy, insightful, thought provoking. I would recommend reading this as you watch the play being acted out. It helps you understand better. Together it completes the beauty of this book ,
"Perhaps man has a hundred senses, and when he dies only the five senses that we know perish with him, and then other ninety-five remain alive."
Anton Chekhov's tragic comedy The Cherry Orchard now available in Serial Reader.
Perhaps man has a hundred senses, and when he dies only the five senses that we know perish with him, and the other ninety-five remain alive.