Thank you @OliviaV for tagging me!
1) 😢🐟😂💻✍️💔
2) The Outsiders
3) Today Tonight Tomorrow ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 1/2
@thereadingpal @Pearrr @Sparklemn
Thank you @OliviaV for tagging me!
1) 😢🐟😂💻✍️💔
2) The Outsiders
3) Today Tonight Tomorrow ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 1/2
@thereadingpal @Pearrr @Sparklemn
Although people might feel it's just a John Green ripoff, the book did make me laugh and feel for the characters. Although, yes the author did try to make the characters really quirky and maybe went a little overboard there yet the entire story is strangely endearing in a way and I know from personal experience the pain of heartbreak described is pretty accurate. So that was something I liked. It's pretty enjoyable. It has a movie too not as good.
I thought this would be a cute YA love story, but it really isn't. Instead, this is more of an unlove story, about Henry and Grace who come together and split apart like atoms. I really enjoyed this book. It made me think back to the teenage years of first crushes, first loves, heartbreak and redemption...of putting broken pieces back together, trying to hold on the best way we all know how.
Book 91/2021 finished 14/4/21 Audiobook ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
So hard to believe this is the writing of a debut author - absolutely outstanding
🐣 I‘ve been sat reading out in the garden this week, lovely warm weather. Missed reading outside.
🐣 #Booked2021, #LitzyAtoZ
This was a heartbreaking tale of bittersweet first love 💔 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
I loved the characters so much but the story was just so sad, a real tear jerker. I wanted to know what had happened to Grace to make her the way she was. My heart was so invested in this story of first love and now I really want to watch the movie to compare them both. A definite 5 ⭐️ from me.
Up next for me...I‘ve heard many things about this book and know it‘s a movie on Netflix too. So I‘ll read the book first then watch the movie 🎥
I really enjoyed this YA romance. It felt a little deeper than most.
I love this shout out to 10 Things I Hate About You!
Rating: 3/5 ⭐
The book was so beautiful I liked the type of facebook conversation that happened between Henry and Grace.😍😍
Its a deep book and has a lot of meaning the characters were so well written even the secondary characters.
Its a great read.
Currently 👓📖 Film adaptation will be out Aug 21st on Prime #bookstoscreen
Gripping story but felt like it was trying too hard to be quirky and relatable to teenagers
I totally loved this book. I would totally recommend it. I loved the story and characters. I cant wait till this comes on Amazon prime video.
Started off very John Green (which I don‘t think John Green even does well) but about half way through it switched and became a YAL romance story I couldn‘t put down. Still dislike most of the side characters for being eccentric for the hype, but the struggle and conflict the main characters have and face is a twist on typical YAL romance that puts it above the rest. Would recommend!
Me: tries to take nice pictures of my books
Henry James: gets very jealous all the attention is not on him so he casually lays on the books
I didn't like this but I didn't hate it. I felt like the author was trying too hard. Overabundance of sarcasm and witty banter, sure, but lacking in growth and development of characters. The writing was mediocre, the story a plain and unmemorable fish swimming in the vast sea of contemporary.
Still reading this, just had a thought.
I love how in 'Our Chemical Hearts' Henry recognizes there are different versions of Grace. He not only recognizes this, but he accepts each version. He wants to spend time and get to know whichever Grace shows up. He's grateful for all of her...
I think we all have that. Different sides to us. Different versions for different days, different situations. How lovely is it to have a person accept each side?
Jody, thank you so much for all my birthday goodies. They socks are so cute I can't wait to wear them. I have been wanting to read the book for forever. It was so sweet of you to think of me! Litsy friends are the best!
Super cute little book, it‘s definitely different than other “love stories” but it was still a good read about a first love for Henry Page. I love that the author included the text messages and the cute little powerpoint, there‘s even a letter written on a typewriter and i love that they changed the font so it looked just like that. A pick for sure!
Started reading this a few days ago, definitely different from any regular “love” story i suppose, but i love that the author includes this cute little powerpoint the main character makes, instead of it just being all story, and all words.
I don't know anything about this book, but I wasn't expecting to find it at the dollar store.
This book.....this book was amazing. This book touches your soul. This book makes you appreciate the love in your life. It makes you miss those you've lost. It makes you think about the bigger picture. It Rips your heart out and mends your soul all in the same breath. What a beautiful story this was!
I am absolutely loving this book! I have not been able to put it down since I started reading it. Anxious to see how the story pans out!
My sister shared this book with me because she loved it so much! I'm looking forward to this story!
Fans of John Green and Rainbow Rowell will absolutely adore this book. A love story that will lift you up and break your heart over and over again. Funny, heartbreaking, witty and charming.
How I love YA and this one came highly recommended !
This book could ruin you. So much pain in it from basically all the important characters. It almost makes me wonder if love is even real or if we just make it up...
Just started this book and I am in love with it.
“Don‘t you find it strange that whenever anyone asks you to describe yourself, you draw a blank? It should be the easiest thing in the world to talk about-I mean, you are you-but it isn‘t.”
Very impressive debut novel. It is an engaging, captivating, moving, beautifully written very sad story. Realistically smart, adorkable and witty style. Quick but fulfilling, meaningful read.
This book did wonderfully in showcasing how experiences can change/shape your life and that people around you ought to be mindful of it.
Stories with happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet
But love is scientific, man. I mean, it's really just a chemical reaction in the brain. Sometimes that reaction lasts a lifetime, repeating itself over and over again. And sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it goes supernova and then starts to fade. We're all just chemical hearts.
Top three have the *!!
Nine books this month. Maggie was for American Lit and a reread.
15 of my 100 goal for the year. School and life are interfering with my reading time. I need to be a hermit.
Not all books are meant to be happy. Real characters make mistakes. Good YA that‘s bittersweet.
And this cover. ♥️ 🐟
Low key weekend and I don‘t start classes until Wednesday. Diving into this one from @sunflowers so it works for my #MtTBR! It‘s a definite YA feeling weekend for me.
My mom in law is here to help as my husband has back surgery Tuesday. She‘s a reader too so it‘s great. She knows I always have books abound so she reads mine instead of packing too many 😄 she grabbed Glory Over Everything (which I‘m reading too) so I just grabbed this!
I love this book because it tells you what love is: a chemical reaction and it's that easy, or at least it sounds like it.
@sunflowers was my #litmailholidayexchange match and she lavished me with amazing gifts! I have my plans for holiday.
Sorry, Family, I cannot pay attention to you. I have coffee, a mug, and books to read! Now go use my HP cookie cutters and bake! 😂
This book is a big NO. Sorry, the main character is a fucking idiot and a fucking selfish that does not care about Grace's depression. He loves her in her good days but he says how unfair the situation is for him in her bad days. And this is just an example. This book has been awful for me, sorry. I can't recommend it to anyone.
I changed my mind. Not liking it at all 😭💔. Absurd romance. And the main character... He's an idiot, sorry not sorry.
I'm liking it. Not loving it yet but it seems like it's going to get better. I like the author's writing tho so I can see that I will like this book more than i like it now. 💫
Current read including my bookmark I made myself 📖🐼
#ourchemicalhearts #bookmark #panda
This book was not what I thought it would be. The back cover (ARC, so may be different now) tells a story of love between two unconventional people. Instead it's a story of grief, of depression, of losing yourself, that's emotional and thought-provoking and so well-written that I can't believe it's the author's debut novel. 4.5/5. #recommendsday
Starting into this one tonight! It's one of the books I picked up awhile ago but am just now starting into it, way later than intended 😰 I finally had a chance to unpack my books after my move and realized I haven't read most of the books that I have left after donating some and losing some others, and yet still have a decent sized collection.
It was an emotional read but I didn't connect with the characters and they weren't real enough to me so I was a little disappointed