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Margos Spuren - Die Filmausgabe
Margos Spuren - Die Filmausgabe: 4 CDs | John Green
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Paper Towns | Green, John
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Paper Towns | Green, John
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#ItTakesAllKinds Day1 Road Trip

"Nothing ever happens like you imagine it will… but then again, if you don‘t imagine, nothing ever happens at all."

@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️🖤❤️ 7mo
Eggs Loved this book 📚❤️📖 7mo
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Paper Towns | Green, John
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BethM Ooof I just can‘t with his books. 7mo
Eggs Really liked this one ☝️ 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great photo 💛 7mo
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Paper Towns | Green, John

I love this book more than i love most people

Paper Towns | Green, John
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Book #27 of the year: “Paper Towns” by John Green

Very similar to “Looking for Alaska” with the mysterious, curvy dream girl who loves pranks and disappears, leaving a lovestruck boy to unravel the strings. Green did a better job of humanizing her and challenging the “manic pixie dream girl” stereotype.

Pappersstder | John Green
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Paper Towns | John Green

So, this isn‘t the typical book I normally read, but I‘m glad I did! I don‘t know if it‘s because I finally experienced the freedom the book talks about, but I definitely related to both Quinton and Margo. I‘m glad I finally gave this book a chance because i enjoyed it more then I thought I would.

Paper Towns | John Green
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Somehow this was the first book I've read by John Green, but it certainly won't be the last. I really enjoyed this! It's a contemporary young adult novel with elements of mystery. I look forward to recommending it to my nieces :)

Paper Towns | Green, John
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I plucked PAPER TOWNS off La TBR this morning because I needed something short after my last long-ass read. At first I thought it might be too American High School for me, but I‘m 75 pages in now and I think we‘ll probably get along.

EXCEPT, I thought this was about childhood friends on a road trip to identify paper towns (fake places mapmakers add as a sort of a signature), and it doesn‘t seem to be that at all? Huh.

Paper Towns | John Green
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Paper Towns | Green, John
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Getting ready to start this one. I loved The Fault in our Stars so I have high hopes for this one. Pay no attention to the weeds that I need to pull lol. I‘ve been reading a lot and I‘m not quite ready for the gardening to begin 🤣

Paper Towns | Green, John

4 stars.. I don't remember loving this?! Maybe i remember the movie suckeeed

Paper Towns | John Green
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I dont blame the book. I literally just cannot read YA anymore. Ill just have to be happy remembering how cute the movie was.

BittersweetBooks I struggle with YA too now, which is sad because it used to be my favorite! (edited) 4y
Quill_Cadence I also struggled with this. 4y
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Paper Towns | John Green
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Book 45

Tera66 I did this one on audio and loved it! 4y
rather_be_reading @Tera66 i mite have to try tht! 4y
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Paper Towns | John Green
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I‘m gonna post a book (or series) from my TBR every day until I‘ve shared the lot. No descriptions. No explanations. Just a whole bunch of books I haven‘t read yet.

This is Day 24.


Powered_By_Plants I just got given this one the other day. Looks like a great read ☺️ 4y
MandaMT I like this idea! Curious about what other people have sitting in their stacks. 4y
xicanti @Powered_By_Plants I hope so! It‘s certainly a cool idea. 4y
xicanti @MandaMT it‘s been fun. I kind of wish I hadn‘t adhered to the traditional No Explanations thing, though. I like explaining why I chose each book. (I added this one to a $6 grab bag at the library because I‘d just read THE FAULT IN OUR STARS.) (edited) 4y
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Paper Towns | Green, John

I love John green but this is not one of my favorites. To me the character kind of fell flat. The story was alright.

Paper Towns | John Green
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Paper Towns | Green, John
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The MC is obsessed with this girl and literally ignores his own life to find this girl who has a history of running away.

Not a fan at all, but it was on my shelf and now it has been read (listened to).

Texreader I had same reaction to this one. Turned me off of John Green. (edited) 4y
TheBookHippie Not a fan of it either 😬 4y
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Paper Towns | Green, John
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The concept was good, but the characters fell flat.

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Paper Towns | John Green
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“Everyone demented with the mania of owning things. All the things paper-thing and paper-frail. And all the people, too. I‘ve lived here for eighteen years and I have never once in my life come across anyone who cares about anything that matters.”

//-John Green, Paper Towns

#Johngreen #Papertowns

wanderinglynn Sorry for the late welcome! But Welcome to Litsy! 👋🏻 4y
Hif.saa @wanderinglynn thank you. It‘s even better than what I expected 💕 4y
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Paper Towns | John Green
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“Tonight, darling, we are going to right a lot of wrongs. And we are going to wrong some rights. The first shall be the last; the last shall be the first; the meek shall do some earth-inheriting. But before we can radically reshape the world, we need to stop.”

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Paper Towns | Green, John

175 pages. A bit of John Green strike. I read those either early in the morning, or after hard day at work, so eventually they started to blend. Problematic is similar everywhere but in the end it is a YA literature. Would recommend either for light read or for a teenager.
#papertowns #agloe #johngreen

Paper Towns | John Green
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1. There was a time when everyone was swooning over John Green. I read two of his books & found him to be just amazingly pretentious. He was also one of those authors who was always giving life advice to fangirls on tumblr & just... ugh. Still not over the “sex is like Cheerios“ analogy & it's been years. 😂
2. I can't think of a specific match - I just love reading in cozy places!!
3. Chocolate!!!

#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Sargar114 Oh that‘s funny about John Green. Currently reading tagged, at first I was meh, but it‘s ending better. I can see why it‘s more YA though. I myself would read another, but probably not go out of my way to 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag I‘ve never read his books but I quite like the vlogbrothers videos 🤔 (Hank Green on TikTok is especially fun) (edited) 4y
AlaMich “Sex is like Cheerios?” I‘ll have to google that one! 😳😂 4y
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Eggs Great responses 🥳🤣🤗 Thanks for playing Sarah🧡📚👏🏻 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Sargar114 - I'll readily admit that part of it is probably due to just having a completely different life philosophy, so a lot of his conclusions just don't jive with my personal perspective on life haha At the time it just felt like everyone was practically worshipping him & I just felt like his writing was pretty mediocre lol 4y
TheAromaofBooks @AlaMich - I can't remember the exact analogy but it was basically like “it's okay to have sex with lots of people if you want because if I eat Cheerios, Cheerios aren't mad that I've already tried other kinds of cereal first“ & just - it just felt extremely trite & flippant & I saw it being shared around by kids in the 12-14yr old range which felt a little too young to be encouraging them that having sex with a variety of partners is equivalent ⬇ 4y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) to eating both Cheerios & Lucky Charms. I got what he was saying, but I think sexual activity should be approached with a little more thoughtfulness than a trip down the cereal aisle... 4y
AlaMich That‘s an...interesting way of looking at it. 4y
Revenge4bess I think Agatha Christie is overrated; unfortunately dated. I wish there were a YA version of some of her mysteries. 4y
Revenge4bess Would love to read Percy Jackson inside Buckingham Palace(my version of Mt. Olympus) 4y
Revenge4bess Chocolate and caramel also black licorice 4y
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Paper Towns | John Green
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This was my #bookspin for September. I'll get there eventually. At first I thought: great, another boy with his mysterious unfathomable girl. But I started to enjoy it halfway during the search for Margo, although it was all a bit unrealistic. It is a bit formulaic. I'm going to give it three out of five stars. @TheAromaofBooks
TBR since July 7th. 2019, 305 pages

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 4y
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Paper Towns | Green, John
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I read Looking for Alaska earlier this year and I felt this book was quite similar.
If I was a teenager or maybe in my early 20's I might have enjoyed these coming of age stories a bit more, but I would recommend them to my girls when they become teens.
I might also suggest Green's work to my 18yr old son as they both have male protagonists.
I have The Fault in our Stars on my shelf, I think that might be the last of Green's I'll read.

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Paper Towns | John Green
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Although I read this before, I still really enjoyed it the second time round. I kind of read it in a different way though, and had a very different opinion on the characters, which surprised me, as this never happened to me before. Over all, I really enjoyed reading it, and it has a lot of good laughs and likeable characters.
Read from 11/08/2020 - 19/08/2020

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Paper Towns | Green, John

This was a re-read for me. I‘ve read it once before in high school for a group project and disliked it very much then. When I re-read it a few days ago, I still disliked it but not as much. Paper Towns is my least favorite of the John Green books I‘ve read so far. Rating: 2 ⭐️

Paper Towns | John Green

The journey of Quentin after his young love- Margo Roth Spiegelman and her mysterious adventures makes an incredible storyline written by the bestselling author John Green- highly recommended! The writing, the characters, everything makes the reader fall for the deep secrets of Paper Towns.

Powered_By_Plants Welcome to Litsy 🥳 🎉 4y
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Paper Towns | John Green
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“in the end the listening exposes you even more than it exposes the people you‘re trying to listen to.”

Maybe this is why listening to others is so hard for us.

Edit: Add me to the “I don‘t like Margo” list. And the ending? Meh.

Paper Towns | Green, John
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Paper Towns | Green, John
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I enjoyed reading this book. Ben was hilarious.

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Paper Towns | Green, John
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I had to steal my daughter‘s book, couldn‘t think of any book pertaining to #rain !!

“Poetry is just so emo." he said. "Oh, the pain. The pain. It always rains. In my soul.”


OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻📚🌧 4y
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Paper Towns | John Green

I really enjoyed it and I felt interested in the story. The ending was a little disappointing but still good.

Paper Towns | Green, John

Summary : Quentin Jacobsen has loved Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar all his life . One night , she invites him on a spontaneous journey to get revenge on the people that have hurt her . The next day , she disappears and Quentin finds clues that she left for him , or so he thought . He embarks on a journey with his friends to find her and gain her love .

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Paper Towns | John Green
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Up next for my book club with my students!!! Looking forward to this one Just finished and....I wasn‘t a fan. Margo was selfish. Q was unrealistic. The teacher in me was so mad at the whole gang. I did laugh at some parts, mainly when it had to do with Ben and Radar. Still, a flop. My students loved it, though.

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Paper Towns | Green, John
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Genre : YA Fiction , Mystery
Date Started : 01/22/20
Date Completed : 03/01/20
How did you choose this book : It was gifted to me.
Who was the protagonist; what was his/her problem and how was the problem resolved ?

Paper Towns | John Green
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Te Araroa kilometers tramped: 1354.8 of 3005.3

Books completed on trail: 22

The book wasn‘t so captivating but I finished it in front of a campfire with a cup of hot chocolate.

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Paper Towns | Green, John
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Paper Towns | John Green
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From a distance, I mean. You can't see the wear on things, you know? You can't see the rust or the weeds or the paint cracking. You see the place as someone once imagined it.

John Green, Paper Towns.

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Paper Towns | John Green
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“it is easy to forget how full the world is of people, full to bursting, and each of them imaginable and consistently misimagined.“

Paper Towns | Green, John
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Read my first John green in one day while feeling ill on my day off (which isn‘t fair). It‘s odd finally reading a book that‘s such a big part of pop culture - I feel like I already knew so much of it and almost didn‘t have to read it. But if I think about what it would have been like to read before it was such a big deal and if I‘d been younger I‘d have adored it so it‘s a pick.

Scochrane26 Back when John Green was new, my teens at camp often said this was their favorite of his books. 5y
NovelGirl82 This is my second favorite of his books, and the first one of his that I read. It‘s still an enjoyable re-read for me. 5y
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Paper Towns | Green, John
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*Sorry I am just posting this now... I really did wanna post it yesterday! This sickness needs to leave our house!*

Hey there my #NWC family!! Here is week 2 of the November Book Challenge. Have fun with your answers!!

Paper Towns | Green, John
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I really didn‘t like Margo. I didn‘t enjoy the “ride” enough to say I enjoyed the book. I‘ve read others by John Green and enjoyed it... but this one I couldn‘t get into or really enjoy. Hmm now considering if it‘s worth watching the movie...

#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)
@AkashaVampie , @AnansiGirl

AkashaVampie aww im sorry you didn't like the book. Maybe the movie will be better for u! 5y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie Haha its okay. I think other people were saying how much the liked to so.. It seems like its one of those “not for everyone“ types of stories.

I can't find an easy way to stream it. So I might end up renting it from YouTube? Maybe I don't know if I will watch it actually. If its super similar to the book I doubt I would enjoy it
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie have you checked out the trailer for the movie? Maybe try that first. I can look around to find the cheapest way for u to watch it. 5y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie yeah I saw the trailer. Didn't look bad or anything. But didn't draw me in too much. I will look around to see if I can watch it though. I mean it did peak an interest 5y
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Paper Towns | Green, John
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Paper Towns | Green, John
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So maybe it‘s the psychiatric nurse in me and has me enjoying this page :)

#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)

Paper Towns | Green, John
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It‘s still a struggle to read this one... but sometimes there are some cute little snippets.

#NovelWatchingCrew (#NWC)

AkashaVampie Y did I just think of It at the last part of that quote. 5y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie we all float down here !!!! 🤡 5y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie sad thing is I've never seen nor read It 5y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie !!! Girl! Get on that!! 5y
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie I know, I need to! 5y
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