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American Wolf
American Wolf: A True Story of Survival and Obsession in the West | Nate Blakeslee
45 posts | 36 read | 63 to read
The enthralling story of the rise and reign of O-Six, the celebrated Yellowstone wolf, and the people who loved or feared her Before men ruled the Earth, there were wolves. Once abundant in North America, these majestic creatures were hunted to near extinction by the 1920s. But in recent decades, conservationists have brought wolves back to the Rockies, igniting a battle over the very soul of the West. With novelistic detail, Nate Blakeslee tells the gripping story of one of these wolves, a charismatic alpha female named O-Six for the year of her birth. Uncommonly powerful, with gray fur and faint black ovals around each eye, O-Six is a kind and merciful leader, a fiercely intelligent fighter, and a doting mother. She is beloved by wolf watchers, particularly Yellowstone park ranger Rick McIntyre, and becomes something of a social media star, with followers around the world. But as she raises her pups and protects her pack, O-Six is challenged on all fronts: by hunters, who compete with wolves for the elk they both prize; by cattle ranchers who are losing livestock and have the ear of politicians; and by other Yellowstone wolves who are vying for control of the parks stunningly beautiful Lamar Valley. These forces collide in American Wolf, a riveting multigenerational saga of hardship and triumph that tells a larger story about the clash of values in the Westbetween those fighting for a vanishing way of life and those committed to restoring one of the countrys most iconic landscapes.
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A solid nonfiction narrative about the obsession, loathing, and politics of the reintroduced Yellowstone wolves. The journalist was respectful in the portrayal of rural norms on hunting and trophy killing, and I'm anti-trophy killing for any reason. I enjoyed the wider lense on Rick McIntyre, the long-time ranger who has spent over 40 years watching wolves. I recommend McIntyre's wolves trilogy in addition to this one.

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🎃 I‘m named after a James Taylor song called “Sarah Maria” with a slight change — my middle name is Marie
🎃 I‘m thankful that fall weather is returning. We had a snap of deep winter cold and I‘m not ready for that!

AllisonM89 You and my oldest have the same name! 4y
Cosmos_Moon I love names after songs 🥰 very cool. 4y
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The plight of grey wolves in the United States is an appalling story.

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#7Days7Covers #CoverCrush Day 4

How about you, @SW-T , care to join? 7 days, 7 covers you love, no explanation. Try to tag someone new each day.

Anyone else interested, consider yourself tagged as well! I‘m loving seeing everyone‘s cover choices.

Lindy Love this cover. 5y
vivastory This hashtag has been fantastic not only for the splendid cover design, but it's made my TBR grow. Stacked! 5y
Hooked_on_books @vivastory So true! And this book is great. I just loved it. I think I read it on audio, which was well done. 5y
batsy This cover is so compelling! Can't look away. 5y
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AMERICAN WOLF is one of the best books I have read lately. The Yellowstone National Park wolves and the story of their their post-90s re-introduction are compelling, and the politics surrounding their story are unbelievable. I bought this book in Silver Gate and read it while at Yellow Stone National Park. Beautiful.

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Pick! A constant struggle/balancing act between wildlife conservation and management. I remember learning about trophic cascade a few years ago and it was stunning the positive impact reintroduction of wolves had on Yellowstone. Makes you wonder about imbalance in other environments.

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Wolves, man, who knew? A great audiobook- perfect for a road trip. Pick.

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So, I‘ve had this on my TBR for who knows how long and I decided this would be the time to get to it. However in my mind it was about Wall Street, but turns out it‘s actually about wolves. Not that there‘s anything wrong with wolves. Giving it a try.

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Here‘s my last finished read of 2018 and my 💯th book read this year. I stopped reading American Wolf midway through a few weeks ago when I realized it was going to annihilate me, exsanguinate me, wring every last bit from me. I finally found the courage to finish it, wracking sobs and tears blurring my vision. It‘s a powerful book about: heart. Canines have long held my heartstrings. I will ugly cry for them forever. I howl. 😭🐾😭🐾😭🐾😭🐾😭🐾

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I know there‘s one more week, but I think my top ten list for the year is pretty set. Part One: ‪Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine, American Wolf, Circe, I'll Be Gone in the Dark, and All the President's Men‬.

Tamra I am anxious to read American Wolf! 6y
MarriedtoMrT Eleanor‘s on my list, too! ❤️ 6y
AvidReader25 @Tamra It broke my heart and was so well written! 6y
AvidReader25 @MarriedtoMrT It was one of my first reads on 2018 and I still think about those characters. 💙 6y
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I loved this book about the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park. Even though it was difficult to read about the times when animals were jeopardized or killed, the stories of love and triumph outweigh the painful parts. Also, I listened to this on audiobook and thought the narrator‘s voice suited the subject perfectly.

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No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity.
But I know none, and therefore am no beast.
—Richard III

#octoberxfiles #awolfatthedoor

Tamra TBR for awhile! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Tamra It‘s in my TBR also! 6y
Cinfhen Excellent choice✔️another book I‘ve yet to read... 6y
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I loved this book, as should be evident by the fact that I read it in the span of less than 12 hours. Definitely hard to put down and I may have lost sleep staying up too late to keep reading, but it was totally worth it.

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Next up

SkeletonKey This looks reeeeally interesting. 6y
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I had to start this audiobook twice as I had some focus issues with this one. The problem was with me and not the very good narrator. I still really liked this book about Yellow Stone wolves, their supporters, and their hunters. I knew the wolves would be fascinating but had no idea how interested I would be in the people and politics that surround them.

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Based on their reactions to cows, I‘m having trouble imagining these two as relatives of the wolves in this fabulous audiobook.

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#TBRtemptation post 3! This is the story of O-Six, the feared and celebrated Yellowstone wolf. Hunted to near-extinction in the US by 1920, conservationists have brought them back to the Rockie, leading to an epic battle over the West. This narrative non-fiction book looks at the O-Six, the powerful, intelligent, motherly alpha female. She contends with hunters, ranchers, politicians, and other wolves. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

Hooked_on_books This book is so good! 6y
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Started the s one about the wolves in Yellowstone on the recommendation of a LibraryThing friend. It‘s fascinating.

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Gripping tale of wolves and politics.

In the mid nineties, wolves were re-introduced into Yellowstone national park, sparking a decades-long political battle between pro-wolf and anti-wolf activists. We follow the wolves, their fascinating story of pack battles, survival, and tenderness, their dedicated watchers, but also the other side - the farmers and hunters who fear that the wolves endanger their way of life. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬇️

Gezemice Photo is of O-Six, the charismatic alpha-female that so many lovingly followed. Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2352143207 (edited) 6y
Hooked_on_books I loved this book! 6y
Lcsmcat We used to go wolf spotting in Yellowstone in the wee hours of the am. 6y
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Gezemice @Lcsmcat Wow, really, that is amazing! I feel like I need to go do that too! Bit far from Illinois, though... 6y
Gezemice @Hooked_on_books It is an eye-opening book. 6y
Lcsmcat @Gezemice We lived out west then, and went to Yellowstone every year. They sell laminated charts of the various wolf packs, listing the new pups each year. One June we got to see pups that were about 3 months old, just coming out of their den in Dunraven Pass. 6y
Gezemice @Lcsmcat That‘s amazing! Wolf pups... are adorable. 😍 6y
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This nonfiction book follows the real Yellowstone wolf, 06, as the legal battle rages to determine if wolves are a protected species. This one broke my heart.

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I picked up this audiobook because it‘s nominated for a 2018 non-fiction Audie. I wouldn‘t give it an award... but I am rating it as a “pick.” I want to call it “uneven” but I‘m not sure if that‘s a reflection on the writing or on me. Non-fic isn‘t my genre of choice. There were moments in which I was completely rapt, & moments in which I was “doggone” (🙄😉) bored. Review continued (more favorably!) in comments below. 👇🏻

monalyisha 1/3: Ultimately, Blakeslee drew me in to stories about individual wolves, & into the political, emotional, & legal drama about wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park. Hearing about how it affected the surrounding ecosystem in unexpected ways (such as an increase in avian diversity - who would‘ve thunk it?!) was fascinating. (Curious about how MORE predatory animals made the local bird populations spike? I‘m an expert now! Ask me how! 😅) (edited) 6y
monalyisha 2/3: I also grew to love Rick McIntyre, the park‘s socially awkward but wildly passionate “wolf interpreter.” The epilogue found me sitting stationary in my driveway, listening to the untamed sound of wolves howling, teary-eyed & happy to have stepped out of my literary comfort zone. (edited) 6y
monalyisha 3/3: A final note: I was really amused by the way that Mark Bramhall, the otherwise impressively-eloquent narrator, pronounced the word “wolf” as “woof.” 😅🐶 (edited) 6y
Gezemice I loved this. I will be thinking of it for a while. 6y
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“To Rick, the Druids [a wolf pack at Yellowstone National Park] were like the Kennedys: American royalty.”

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Started a new audiobook today (a nonfiction finalist for the 2018 Audie Awards). I‘m not so sure about it yet, especially as a #bunmom. It started with a vivid description of what a rabbit‘s dying gasps sound like. 😪

I did giggle (although I don‘t think I was meant to) at the phrase “bouncing ovoid rump” (in reference to an elk‘s haunches). 🍑 I guess we‘ll see how it goes! 🤷‍♀️

Gezemice I also recoiled from that bit - as the owner of two adorable bunnies 🐰 6y
monalyisha Right, @Gezemice ? I was like, “Oh boy. I don‘t know if I can do this!” Glad I stuck with it. 6y
Gezemice @monalyisha Me, too! I loved it. And who cares for elks... 6y
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Just ordered all of these audiobooks, per Littens‘ suggestions, the 2018 Audie Awards List (& a couple from my own TBR list).✌🏻 You know I‘ll keep you posted.

TrishB Loved Red Sister 👍🏻 6y
monalyisha @TrishB that‘s good to hear! Did you read it in print or listen? 6y
TrishB Read - so no idea what the narration is like! 6y
UrsulaMonarch Cool! I don't know why I've never thought to listen to poetry via audiobook!! 6y
monalyisha @UrsulaMonarch Right?! That‘s what I thought when I saw it on the Audies list. 🙌🏻 6y
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A heartwarming, educational and political look at the American wolf. Considered to be the # 1 predator in the country, But no, man will always have that title.
I‘m almost positive the grey wolf in the photo is 0-Six (the star of the book). 🐺

monalyisha Wow! That‘s so not how I was picturing the collars to look! Those are no joke! 6y
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Reading about #wolves with this little alpha beside me. Snowing outside here in #Nashville and James Moody on the record player. We have arrived! #hygge #dogsoflitsy

BookishMarginalia What an adorable pic! 💜 6y
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A combination of the politics, the wolves, and the hunters while wolves are reintroduced to Yellowstone. I'm writing this review with two dogs on my lap, so you can probably guess which parts of the book were my favorite. Even though most of the wolves have nothing but a number instead of a name, the author does a pretty amazing job of giving a feel for how they work and live as a pack, and shows their personalities. The end devastated me.

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I‘m loving this book, besides following the wolf families and telling their stories, it‘s full of interesting ways their reintroduction into Yellowstone has changed the park

monalyisha This is an aspect of the book that I found especially interesting, as well! 6y
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Do yourself a favor read this book now....

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Reading one chapter from each and the back around again. These books compliment each other. Bleed into the next.

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Cables are still down in my backyard.
Back in the hammock.
Today marks our 101st day without electricity.

Penny_LiteraryHoarders Are you kidding? You still don‘t have electricity? 🤯 How are you holding up? Hope all is better there every day. 7y
MicheleinPhilly 😡I sent my senators a nastygram about this yesterday. I hope you get relief from this madness soon. 7y
LeahBergen 😡😡 7y
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JacqMac This is unbelievable. 😡 7y
drokka This is so not right. 😤 7y
AmyG Unbelievable:( 7y
sammisho Sending love your way. 7y
saresmoore It is so insane! 7y
Laura317 This is ridiculous! We should all flood our representatives to demand action like @MicheleinPhilly did. I am so sorry that our government can‘t get it together to help. 😡 7y
minkyb Unacceptable which is easy for me to say. So sorry. 7y
JenP How terrible. Really unacceptable ☹️ 7y
Eggs 😤😤 7y
RebelReader I can't even imagine! Hope you get hooked up soon! 7y
Sungirl79 Omg that is horrible!!! I hope you get power soon!!! 7y
CouronneDhiver 😶 Seems like a ridiculously long time... 7y
LeeRHarry That is just plain crazy!😔 7y
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1. My first Nancy Drew book!
2. This year it's American Wolf 🐺 ❤️❤️❤️-loved it and it's pretty universal.
3. The Dark Side is much more fun than it's cracked up to be. So, Happy Birthday @jesshowbooks !
4. Lol!!!!!! But Texas is a big place so I'm not sure that question works here. Anyway, No.
5. #Frayayintro if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged!

TheKidUpstairs I love when you find one of those books that you can give to EVERYONE! 7y
merelybookish I'm glad to hear American Wolf is good. Been intrigued by the buzz. 7y
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An adventure story the famous Yellowstone Wolf feared by some idolized by others a true American adventure .Thanks @Crownpublishing

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Wonderful book!!!!

Tamra Sounds very good - stacked! 7y
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Was at work and saw this on the New Release shelf while I made a quick stop at the library. It follows the lineage of a female wolf and her pups while weaving in the story of ranchers, environmentalists, hunters and of course the wolves.

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ARC from Netgalley.

I loved this book! Probably one of the best nonfiction reads for me this year. This is an account of one wolf and her pack surviving in Yellowstone, a nod to wolf-lovers and watchers everywhere, a take on the politics behind wolf reintroduction and subsequent state laws, and a testament to the ecological impact of wolves.

If you‘ve ever been curious about grey wolves, or already love them, definitely check it out!

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This marvelous book interweaves the stories of humans around Yellowstone and the descendants of the reintroduced wolves. All sides of the story are told, which was an emotional roller coaster for me through joy, delight, anger, despair, and understanding. It makes me want to head out there and become a wolf watcher, though I would need warmer clothes. 🐺

catiewithac This is on my TBR list! I‘m just waiting on the library hold 🤓 7y
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Riveting non-fiction about the re-introducion of wolves into Yellowstone. Blakeslee does an excellent job of making everyone involved -- biologists, rangers, watchers, hunters, and the wolves come alive. Fascinating story and very well-written.

BibliophileMomma That cover. 😍 7y
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This is the true story of an all-American family, but it just so happens that this family belongs to O-Six, the alpha female of the Lamar Canyon wolf pack in Yellowstone National Park. American Wolf is a stellar example of nonfiction narrative, telling the story of one unique wolf as well as the history of wolves in the United States, their extirpation and recent reintroduction, their allies and those who cause them the greatest danger. - Melinda

UwannaPublishme Great photo! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
CouronneDhiver Nice team work 👍🏽 7y
TrishB Great shot 👍 7y
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Gissy Love this photo! 👌🏼 7y
Sydsavvy 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
monalyisha Omg this picture! 😂💖 6y
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This is riveting. I was going to listen for 5 minutes last night. Two hours later . . . 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #octoberreads

Lcsmcat We used to follow the packs when we went to Yellowstone every year. One year we saw pups playing on a hillside outside of their den. ❤️🐺 7y
Sydsavvy @Lcsmcat he is describing the crowds watching them. It's a fascinating story! 7y
Sydsavvy @Lcsmcat I keep thinking about y'all following the packs. I am just sure he's described what ya'll saw. Wow! It just amazes me. 7y
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When someone asks what you‘re reading and you blurt out “A book about WOLVES!” 🙈 Feeling like a twelve-year-old nerd again 🤓

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This got a must read in Entertainment Weekly this week, and I must say it caught my eye. Has anyone read it??? 🐺

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A book about the legendary Wolf 06 a Yellowstone Wolf a legend to people who feared or loved this wolf,& the juicy mystery The Sinner now a TV movie.

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Even my dog wants to read this book.

Sydsavvy 😂😂😂 7y
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