ffers a profound lesson about courage, perseverance, and personal growth.
ffers a profound lesson about courage, perseverance, and personal growth.
“Life begins when you get back up.“
t reimagines the classic tale of Humpty Dumpty with a powerful message about resilience and overcoming fear. After his great fall, Humpty struggles with the courage to climb again, but his determination leads to an inspiring transformation. With heartfelt storytelling and breathtaking illustrations, this book reminds readers that the end of one story can be the beginning of something extraordinary.
After the fall by Dan Santat is a fiction book about the classic character Humpty Dumpty. Instead of just talking about his fall, it goes through and talks about how he got back up again, recovered from his fall, and learned to fly. It was published in 2017. It was the 2019 winner of the Indie Discovery Book Awards. I think this is a great way to talk to children about trying again even after having a scare.
#SpringIntoReading Day 18: The story tells the aftermath of what happened to our hero, Humpty Dumpty, After the #Fall. The men from The Kings County Hospital patched him up well and good, but as the image above says: “There were some parts that couldn‘t be healed with bandages and glue.” An extraordinary story of courage, self-determination, and resolve to not allow one‘s anxieties to rule one‘s entire life. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-hvS
After the Fall How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again by Dan Santat is truly an inspiring story. I would use this book as a RA or recommend it to a student who may be going through a rough time (IR). This PB is an adaptation of the classic Humpty Dumpty story (TL). #LAE3414Sp19
Everybody knows the tale of how Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall, but his life after the fall is a tale not too many people know! After Taylor presented this book in class, I just HAD to read it for myself. This fun twist on a classic TL tale would be a great addition to your classroom library, and would even be used as a great S! #LAE3414sp19
This Caldecott winner TL children‘s book such a cute book that extends from the story Humpty Dumpty. In this book, Humpty Dumpty is scared to live his life and super scared of heights. He one days gets the courage to go up on the wall and when he‘s up on the wall there is a twist that no one expects. This would be great as a SR for the class. A lesson that would work great for this book is to teach students the format of a story.
I‘m not crying. You‘re crying.
This book was required as a summer reading program for teacher credit. I read it with high hopes, but got to the end and didnt understand the ending.
I even reread it like 5 times, but the ending is so bazaar I just cant get over it.
#worstreads #2018
Scholastic Book Fair: come for the volunteer hours, stay for the picture book pep talk.
Making up for all of the spiders I‘ve posted this past week with a super-cute meme.
Credit: Rachel Greenberg & WholesomeNsuch Art
We all know Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, but do you know what happens after Humpty Dumpty decides to face his fear of heights and climb that wall again?!? #KindnessReads #tdscampread18 #bookbento
Summer Reading has started at my library and, although it irks the parents, I love seeing kids sprawled on the Library couch and chairs, lost in a book they checked out just minutes ago. #summer #library #raiseareader
Limping around after his horrific fall, Humpty Dumpty has become anxious and especially afraid of heights. But he overcomes his fears and the climax is even better than he ever imagined. Great illustrations, and a wonderful moral-based story. #picturebook
When we fall, we get back up. A tale of experiencing trauma, facing fears, and overcoming anxiety. I love the lesson, and the art, but when he faces his biggest fear, it seems a bit too easy, according to my child with anxiety. Still a great read, and I wouldn‘t be surprised if it ends up being honored by the Caldecotts.
5⭐️ So most people know that Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, and had a great fall. In this version, all the king's men COULD put Humpty together again. But he wasn't whole, and now he was afraid. He was afraid of heights and of falling. But he was determined to overcome his fears. After all, he had new lessons to learn and goals to reach. The lesson in this book is spot on and well done. I can see this book being around for years to come.
I have been in a reading slump. I can't seem to want to read. I don't know if it's life in general with family drama, the picture book project at work that annoys me, or my own picturebook project. So I'm going to try and get myself back in the mood. I'm doing this photo challenge only with my cart is books I have checked out from the library.
#janinbooks18 #anticipatedreads
I have no idea how to interpret what I read, but I loved it! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I think this might‘ve been my favorite picture book of 2017. I really thought it was going to be a cheesy story with fabulous illustrations but it turned out to be a fabulous story with fabulous illustrations. Even at it‘s most surface interpretation, it is a story of getting the courage to try again after a fall but it could be plumbed much deeper for kids who have experienced trauma (IMO). The transformative reward at the end is beautiful.
Best review I can give of this cool & pretty book that turns Humpty Dumpy into a tale of resilience? Wee boy likes it so much he sat down to read it at the post office & would not get back up when the line moved! #readingtantrum #kidsbooks #retelling #resilience
Santa hit an awesome indie bookstore to celebrate Small Business Saturday! #shopsmall #indiebookstores #kidsbooks
I became excited when a classmate read this in class I had to go out and read it to my niece! An inspiring story about Humpty dumpty‘s climb to reach his goal on top of the wall. This is a great way to show kids to always get back up and try again! This TL would be perfect for a S or RT to see his “climb”. UDL: 3.1 of background of the original tale. EL: 4
After I️ Fall, written and illustrated by Dan Santat, tells the sweet story about Humpty Dumpty and his comeback from his embarrassing fall off the wall! This story is great for a read-aloud, as I feel it encourages self-confidence and a belief in ones self! A UDL I️ found was 9.2-9.3, which facilitates personal coping skills as well as self-assessment and reflection. An ESOL that can be applied is 3, which encourages self talk/positive thinking!
After The Fall, a F picture book, by Dan Santat is the story of the well-known Humpty Dumpty, the struggles he faced after his great fall, and how he got back up again. After reading, this book immediately made it to my list of favorites! This heartbreaking, inspirational picture book makes a great RA to teach students that failure happens to everyone, but when they overcome them, they can and will reach new heights.
This TL sequel to Humpty Dumpty is one of my favorite books and is great for S (hint hint). The story of how Humpty Dumpty persevered past his hardships is inspiring and the plot twist ending is so heartwarming! http://www.stemread.com/after-the-fall/ this website includes activities and discussion questions that introduce students to failure and determination. #ucflae3414f17
Today‘s storytime at work. #humptydumpty #dansantat
Funny how after all these years I never wondered what kind of egg Humpty was.
This book clears that up. I kind of just loved it.
I am a big fan of Dan Santat. This is one of his best. It's amazing.