Each map is stunning, There is so much detail in each map.
The essays that accompanied each map were incredibly insightful in its analysis.They were easy to read, concise, and flowed nicely.
My issue with this book is the size of the maps. Even though they take up a whole page, the maps are still too small to fully appreciate.
Together, the essays and the maps create a beautiful book that will make you want to re-watch the movies.
Currently Reading: Cinemaps, which is yet another book from @quirkbooks. This book features maps of 35 popular movies including Jurassic Park, Star Wars and Clueless.
QOTD: What is your favorite movie of all time?
AOTD: That‘s a tough one. I honestly can‘t choose.
Guardians of the Galaxy, Rushmore, Jurassic Park, mothercussin' Labyrinth
Awesomeness not pictured: P.J.'s Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Breakfast Club, Mad Max: Fury Road, Shaun of the Dead
The Wizard of Oz, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Star Wars (maps of all 3 of the orig trig included, and the 3 good Indiana Jonses), Ghostbusters.
Awesomeness not pictured: Pulp Fiction, North by Northwest, Clueless, The Shining
You guys.... YOU GUYS!!! The minds behind Plotted: A Literary Atlas made a book of maps of movies! This is a real thing that I am really holding in my hand! Interiors to follow.