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Wintermdchen | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson

This book is okay. I probably would have read this book when I was a teenager. I feel like if someone reads this book, it needs to have warnings to go along with it. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars.

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson

tbh it makes sense that i liked this in middle school. very much something you would read during your teen angst stage and pretend it‘s life changing but it‘s really just triggering. don‘t bother

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Truly chilling story. Listening to Lia‘s journey, hearing her mindset as she battles her eating disorder, was just eye-opening. Definitely a great read 💙

Victoriahoperose Love this author so much. Definitely a book that stays with you. 4y
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So this book got me in the feelings. It kind of shows what could be going on when someone becomes anorexic. It is written kind of journal style so you need to know that going in so you don‘t think they made a mistake with crossing out words. Good book. Ending felt a little rushed though.

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Playing catch up....

#QuotsyAug20 #campfire


Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Days 7,8,9 of #adventrecommends I fell behind on this & decided to group the last few days. Some YA novels I have liked. TW for Wintergirls-self-harm, eating disorder @emilyrose_x

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson

I read this one intending it to be a guilty pleasure book, full of cheesy drama dysfunction. And while there was absolutely plenty of drama and dysfunction, it was raw and real and heartbreaking, while somehow also feeling like a fever dream. The writing was beautiful, the thought processes from someone suffering from an eating disorder was realistic,and the "is it a ghost or hallucinatiom" added just the right amount of curiosity for the reader.

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Winter's cityside
Crystal bits of snowflakes
All around my head and in the wind🎶

#biginjapan #wanderingjune @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

Cinfhen I LOVE this song 🎶🎶🎶🎶#onceAnEightiesGirlAlwaysAn80sGirl 🙌🏻#NeonAndSpandexForever 5y
Eggs 🤣👏🏻😂 Do you remember the 80s clothing line Units?? @Cinfhen (edited) 5y
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Brilliant books by Laurie Halse Anderson just keep piling up for me--Wintergirls is one more to add to the list. Protagonist Lia is dealing with the death of her former best friend Cassie; Lia is also struggling to maintain her recovery from an eating disorder, one that originated during her friendship with Cassie. Wintergirls is largely an interior novel, one that immerses the reader in Lia's thoughts and emotions. (continued in comments)

UnabridgedPod Anderson depicts the beauty and pain of Lia's relationships with her family, particularly her younger half-sister Emma, with such vividness. This is an excellent, heartwrenching, poetic novel. I can't wait to discuss it on our Laurie Halse Anderson episode of Unabridged!

What books by Laurie Halse Anderson would you recommend? Can you think of any books to pair with Wintergirls?
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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I had a difficult time with this book. I understood what the author was going for in her writing style, and it was successful for the most part. But I did not relate to the main character at all, and I found myself frustrated with her. I also thought the ending was a little too neat. This character has major issues, and I didn‘t buy her sudden revelation.

athorne That cover, though. 6y
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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This book felt very familiar... authentic but not as fresh, I guess as I was hoping for. I liked the visual imagery though and this #audiobook was well performed! I actually mostly #AudioDrove (bad weather made for an extra long commute!) but this was an earlier #AudioColoring image that fit the #winter theme for the #monthlymotifchallenge

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson

An honest and believable story of anorexia. I wish a bit more time was given to the healing process. But it was engrossing and interesting.

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson

When I first read this book, I was on a week-long vacation with a boyfriend I was quickly tiring of and four of his closest, dweebiest friends. I got sick of them and opted to visit the resort‘s indoor pool instead of going to the spa with them to get massages. The slow, dripping words in this book were accompanied by echoed shrieks of children and splashes. The icy winter setting clashed with the steamy Virginia air.

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Cinfhen I‘ve heard good things about this author but I‘ve yet to read anything by her 6y
Mirazzles I read this book years ago. I don‘t remember all the details but I was very young when I read it. It is quite sad but a good read if I remember correctly. Speak is another book by this author and it really well done I also recommend the graphic novel adaptation of speak :) (edited) 6y
TrishB @Cinfhen I‘ve read a couple - this one and Speak. Think they‘d be too YA for you, though they are very well written YA. 6y
Cinfhen That‘s why I haven‘t read them @TrishB 😘#SoManyBooksSoLittleTime 6y
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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1 and 2. Sort of. Nothing fancy. Just time with family.

3. I do most the cooking. But I like when dad helps.

4. I like snow. Josh however not so much.

5. Miracle on 34th street (original Only!!) A Christmas, and a Claymation Christmas (which I haven‘t found in ages).

6. Hello everyone.


BethM Claymation movies are all on dvd, you can buy a holiday set at Walmart. 6y
LibrarianRyan @BethM I might actually have to go to Walmart and get a copy for my aunt. I don‘t have a DVD player anymore. But I will be looking for a digital copy later tonight. Thank you!! 6y
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Wintergirls was so great, I loved how it focused on what is like to have an eating disorder in a real, more accurate than usual way. I think people who are sensitive to things like this should take caution when reading!!

Also!! Go follow @OnlyNickles and @rcstinson1 !!

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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This book was very depressing. It was about 2 girls named Lia and Cassie who both struggled with anorexia. I give it a 6/10.

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Gives some shocking yet important insight into the mindset of those with body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and/or mental illnesses. I adore that the ending chapters are full of hope and that genuine positive changes can be seen in the broken (but slowly healing) main character, Lia.

Plot aside, Laurie has such a unique writing style. Every sentence is poetic or laid out so creatively that you really must stop and think.

Overall - stunning.

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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'There is no magic cure, no making it all go away for ever. There are only small steps upward; an easier day, an unexpected laugh, a mirror that doesn't matter any more.'

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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'I am beginning to measure myself in strength, not pounds. Sometimes in smiles.'

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson

Although it was a brutally accurate narrative and written by a talented author, this novel did not bode well with me. The author failed to emphasize the fact that Lia was mentally sick and subsequently promoted harmful ideals. The resolution of the novel sends the most halfhearted, insincere message of hope I have ever seen. It‘s just a bunch of pages of the narrator suffering and then it ends like “Oh, I‘m getting better now.”

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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I spent most of high school struggling with an eating disorder and it was at its worst during my senior year. Right after my 18th birthday and shortly before I graduated, my English teacher handed me this book, said, "Happy Birthday. I heard you were looking for this," and walked away without another word. I will forever believe that this book and that teacher saved my life 9 years ago. #TBTReads

julesG 💚 6y
Iamlisa22 Congrats to you for overcoming such a difficult issue. My daughter still struggles daily.. I will have to check out this book! 6y
SassyBookworm That‘s awesome! An insightful teacher and a book literally saved your life! Thank you for sharing! Hopefully this will bring hope to others who struggle 💗 6y
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TrishB Power of books and a wonderful teacher 💜 6y
BarbaraJean 💖📚💖 6y
LeahBergen Wow. 6y
LoveToReadLiveToRead That‘s a great story. 💗 6y
Smrloomis 🧡🧡🧡 6y
Hollie English teachers really are the best! 6y
jmtrivera Wow, thank you for sharing such a powerful story. 💜 6y
CaitlinR Congratulations on beating the eating disorder. Not an easy thing. 6y
Bookzombie This is such a powerful story. I‘m so happy that you beat your eating disorder. ❤️ (edited) 6y
ValerieAndBooks 💖💖💖 6y
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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I finished #Wintergirls as I finished my lunch today, kind of a weird book about a girls struggle with an eating disorder. Much of it comes across as a stream of consciousness from the mentally ill protagonist. If that's your jam, this one is for you. Not a bad book, but not my favorite

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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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My first book for March complete! I initially wanted to use this book for #Booked2018 but the prompt is #BodyPositive and I just don‘t think this fits—it‘s the positive that‘s throwing me off. This is the story of Lia frozen between life and death as she struggles with anorexia and self-harm. This was a good, but heart-breaking read; I love that Anderson doesn‘t shy from tough subjects.

tonyahoswalt Oh... I read this book the year it came out and loved it so much. 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 This is such a tough subject. When I was in high school there was a girl who died in the bathroom after making herself throw up. Problem was everyone knew. So why didn‘t anyone help. I like how more body positive activists are coming out. How the tv, mags,and books are trying more to project we all aren‘t the same. Beautiful in all sizes, colors, shapes. I don‘t know if I can read this one but raising awareness of issues is good. 7y
AndreaReads @ForeverNerdy That is awful; I had a friend who was bulimic in high school, and we didn‘t know how to help her. She ended up getting help eventually but it was a long road. That‘s also why I decided I wouldn‘t count this as my #BodyPositive novel because while it does raise awareness about body issues, it does not promote a positivity about our bodies. (edited) 7y
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[DELETED] 3803335244 I‘m sorry about your friend, my heart goes out to her. It‘s a life long struggle. I agree sometimes it‘s hard to know what to do. The girl who passed at our school, should have been in the hospital. And the school should have stepped in and raised awareness after she passed. But nothing was done (different time 90‘s). Tons of people face these issues. It‘s heartbreaking. Again sorry for your friend. If you find a great #BodyPositive 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Definitely share! I would love to read one with my older kids. 7y
AndreaReads @ForeverNerdy Thank you. Yes, something about the 90s—no one knew how to talk about it beyond showing us Karen Carpenter‘s story in Health class. And I will definitely share when I find one! 7y
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Spirit has more than one meaning. Which one did I chose? #spirit #Quotsy #QuotsyJan18 #LitsyQuoteChallenge

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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson

I read this book in 2 days. don't get me wrong I loved the plot and everything but I just did not like her writing style. In my opinion it did not have much flare.

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome back! 📖💙 6y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome back to Litsy! 📚 6y
Leftcoastzen Welcome to Litsy 6y
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 6y
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson

An excellent book

AceOnRoam Sounds so tragic😔 I've added it 7y
jb72 It is wonderfully tragic. The author really captures a teen girls body dysmorphia. 7y
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Laurie Halse Anderson is one of the strongest storytellers I've read. Her work is powerful in the sense that it's so realistic, relatable, and heartbreaking. This is someone who has done their research. If you are struggling with depression, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, or eating disorders, I recommend you not read this book. This book deals with a multitude of mental health issues and difficult situations that may be triggering for some.

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson

Wow. The writing in this book is both gorgeous and hard to read. Very beautiful, very tough, very good.

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson

In terms of where I'm at as a reader and a human in my life, this was a good pallet cleanser while I'm in between fantasy novels. It's not for everyone but I enjoyed Anderson's writing style.

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson

Such a chilling - and at times difficult - read but definitely worth it. I'd really like to read this book again at some point.

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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This book was a rollercoaster! Laurie is one of my favorite authors of all time but this was probably my least favorite.

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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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I honestly don't know how to wrap up my thoughts on this one. It was brutally honest , and sometimes hard to read, but it was also important. It covers some pretty heavy topics , but ones we shouldn't shy away from. I mostly just felt really sad throughout the story
3.5 ⭐️

TrishB Incredibly sad book 😢 7y
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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While this book was incredibly triggering for eating disorders and self harm, it was just an amazing story! Do recommend, with caution!

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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Proud of myself... 11 books in a crazy month where work was nuts and we were booked solid every weekend! As an aside, can anyone recommend what app they use to make those nice lists with pretty backgrounds and stuff... thx!

Wife Yes! I'd like some app ideas too!🌸 7y
bedandabook Me too! I always look admiringly at other people's posts. 7y
BookishShelly I just put text over one of my own pictures. 7y
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Cinfhen I've been using pic collage ~ it's super easy and fun!!!! 7y
Reggie Font candy 7y
Jerdencon @Cinfhen @reggie @BookishShelly Thanks for the suggestions! 7y
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Anyone else love a blind date with a book? I'm a sucker for them , they are the perfect gift , even for yourself ! Discovered this Etsy shop , which gives you an option of pre-loved books and coffee 😍
https://www.etsy.com/shop/mysteryboxbooks #Bookmail

BibliophileMomma Oh I need to check this out asap. 7y
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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These are the #YA books I received ☺️ #BookMail

Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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I'm struggling with this book as the author really lets the main characters inner voice shine through. I'm someone who prefers complete and coherent sentences. But it's intriguing and I can't seem to walk away from it! Add a warm blanket, the NBA playoffs in the background, my husband whisper-cheering and it's a pretty nice Friday night. 📚❤👫

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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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Wintergirls | Laurie Halse Anderson
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The wonderful thing about Spring? Everything is waking up and coming to life after a dark, cold winter. In Wintergirls, our main character is frozen (figuratively) through anorexia and self-harm--will she ever be able to thaw? One of the reasons I LOVE Anderson is that she tackles sensitive subjects and gives teens a way to open up about issues that they may not know how to talk about otherwise. #SpringCleaning

readinginthedark I need to read this one! Her others are so good! 8y
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