Up all night with a sick kid so I'm exhausted ... but now is as good a time as any to sneak in some pages
Up all night with a sick kid so I'm exhausted ... but now is as good a time as any to sneak in some pages
Second book of hers and again I loved it. I‘ve bought several more to enjoy. Keeps you guessing right until the end.
Hamish‘s locked up for the rest of his life for the abduction and murder of 3 young women and he gets countless adoring letters every day. He's handsome, charismatic and persuasive. His admirers are convinced he's innocent.
Maggie, a successful lawyer and true-crime writer, only takes on cases that she can win.
Hamish wants her as a lawyer, to change his fate. She thinks she's immune to the charms of a man like this. But maybe not this time.
Because I am finding my book club read slow going, I am going to press pause and read this trifle.
I'm not sure where to start with this book, the first thing which intrigued me was that the chapters included emails as well as handwritten letters, I loved this idea as it made you feel fully immersed within the storyline.
This book seemed pretty straightforward until the last quarter where I felt that everything was just turned on its head.
I love books that make me gasp out loud and this book made me do it twice!
Well, I should have waited to do my sock Sunday because my socks for today match my cupcakes lol!
If you missed it in hardcover, how's your chance to read DAISY IN CHAINS by Sharon Bolton in paperback!
A woman need not cook, wash, or clean for a man (or a woman) OUT of prison either!
Such a good palate cleanser in the crime/psychological thriller genre. Much needed after the Behind Her Eyes disappointment. Bolton never fails! Take an alleged wrongly convicted killer, add a lawyer working to find the truth, and a detective that wants the case to stay closed, and the story might seem to be predictable. But mix in a bunch of nutcase supporting characters and plot twists and the story is turned on its head. Highly recommend.
??? #PsychologicalThriller #CurrentRead
Starting this over lunch today, by one of my favorite psychological thriller authors.
I haven't really enjoyed my last few reads but pretty certain this will break that streak. I love her stuff.
FYI, her novels tend to be on the darker side.
If you enjoy Gillian Flynn's earlier works like "Sharp Objects" or "Dark Places", you'd probably enjoy her.
(Sidenote: She also writes as 'S.J. Bolton)
It's a cold, rainy day so Maya and I have decided to snuggle down under our blankets with a favorite #crimethriller author.
#crime #thriler #braincandy #dogsoflitsy
Mir hat das Buch gut gefallen. Ich kann es jedem empfehlen, der mal was anderes lesen möchte, als die üblichen Ermittlerkrimis. Den Schreibtisch habe ich als etwas distanziert empfunden, was dem Lesefluss allerdings keinen Abbruch getan hat. Das Ende war für mich auch gar nicht vorhersehbar 🖒
This was pretty good and succeeded in pulling me out of my reading slump. I found it a little predictable, though, guessing the major plot points ahead of time. ⭐️⭐️⭐️and a half!
It's been a while. I've been in a hideous reading slump. Hoping this crime thriller will get me out of it ...
Loved my first Sharon Bolton experience. It's written from a different perspective to most thrillers in that the killer is already behind bars at the start of the novel and Maggie Rose, reclusive and eccentric lawyer, is approached to re-examine the evidence to try and get him released. Innocence is not the issue as far as she is concerned - she simply needs to ensure that the case was built on a solid foundation. Recommended.
This was a great read! I have read many of Sharon Bolton's books and this was my favorite. The plot kept me guessing and kept me reading. I enjoyed the way the author added various documents (letters, articles) through out the book. I would definitely recommend this book!
Probably one of my favorite Sharon Bolton books.
Daisy in Chains is one of those books that really keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time you‘re reading it. It is a constant guessing game where you‘re wondering who to trust and I had the slightly uncomfortable but rather enjoyable feeling of being manipulated myself. The biggest question was is Hanish guilty or innocent? I read the final few chapters at a manic pace and was left completely breathless and stunned by the ending.
Wow this book is fantastic so far! One of those that make me want to hide in my room with the door locked until I finish it. My family doesn't like when I do that 😂
I love reading books where I'm not quite sure what to make of--or whether I like--the main character. This novel, featuring a true crime writer who takes on the case of a serial killer, fit the bill.
Look at this beauty that came in the mail yesterday from Minotaur Books. Can't wait to dive in. I love me some Sharon Bolton 😍
Some books and book-adjacent things that I got for my birthday 😊 what a lovely day it's been!
Oh My God what a book. What twists and ups and downs. The last 10 chapter at are perfect in their plot. Hamish Wolfe a doctor accused of killing 4 women but did he kill them all ? The book felt realistic and amazing and totally recommend it
This book is proving to be a fine book of 2016 in the crime genre. So far TWO THUMBS UP.
Front and centre of all the books I've read in June. Daisy in Chains, Sharon Bolton
Love how the prologue is hand written letter and documents as they would look like in the real world. That's a plus from the beginning.
He loves her. He loves her not.
I read amazing reviews about this book and some people are saying it is the best crime book of this year and one must read it.
...and everything thing else immediately gets shifted to the back burner (& I'm reading some awesome stuff right now! It's brutal!)