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Silent Victim
Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
Emma's darkest secrets are buried in the past. But the truth can't stay hidden for long.Emma is a loving wife, a devoted mother...and an involuntary killer. For years she's been hiding the dead body of the teacher who seduced her as a teen.It's a secret that might have stayed buried if only her life had been less perfect. A promotion for Emma's husband, Alex, means they can finally move to a bigger home with their young son. But with a buyer lined up for their old house, Emma can't leave without destroying every last trace of her final revenge...Returning to the shallow grave in the garden, she finds it empty. The body is gone.Panicked, Emma confesses to her husband. But this is only the beginning. Soon, Alex will discover things about her he'll wish he'd learned sooner. And others he'll long to forget.
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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#ScarathlonDailyPrompts #Victim #Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash From my emotional support pile of Amazon First Reads 🙃 +6pts

Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell

There‘s a lot going on in this psychological thriller. Trigger warnings include eating disorders, grooming and predatory behavior, abuse and more. This is one of those stories where you aren‘t quite sure who to believe, and whether or not mental illness is at play. It kept me going until the end.

Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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My favourite part in this book is Emma‘s husband. He knows about her starving-binging-purging cycle, her anxiety and even her darkest secret, yet he stays with her till the end. Though its hard to believe what his wife confessed to him, and that every time he wanted to leave Emma alone because of her past, he reminds himself that the day he took the vows as her husband, he shall stay through thick and thin with her no matter what happens.

Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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My favourite part in this book is Emma‘s husband. He knows about her starving-binging-purging cycle, her anxiety and even her darkest secret, yet he stays with her till the end. Though its hard to believe what his wife confessed to him, and that every time he wanted to leave Emma alone because of her past, he reminds himself that the day he took the vows as her husband, he shall stay through thick and thin with her no matter what happens.

Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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I had been very excited about this book so my own take on it is disheartening. Perhaps my expectations were too high. Perhaps you will enjoy it more than I did. But it isn‘t something that I, personally, would recommend.

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2473812276

Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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My dream car ~ right down to the color!

CaliforniaCay Mine too! I like the older ones better than the newer ones but I hear they are hard to maintain. But a girl can dream right? 😎 6y
Addison_Reads New beetle or old-school beetle? 6y
ElizaMarie I have a white beetle aNd I love it so so much!! 6y
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Gaylagal2 I had and drove a 1968 white VW Bug for many years. It was my first car with a sunroof (it leaked and I didn't care!) and the heater was steam and had a little turn crank on the floorboard. So awesome ❤️ I froze my ass off in that car but loved it and still miss it!!😉 6y
abookishbutterfly @Addison_Reads I am sure I could never afford an old school Beetle. A modern Beetle will suit me just fine. But not the recent models with the longer fronts. It doesn‘t look right or cute to me. It worked on the older ones. I‘ve just gotten so used to seeing the other shape over the last several years and don‘t like the recent change. 6y
abookishbutterfly @CaliforniaCay Yeah, I had a friend with an old Beetle and it broke down a lot. It would still be nice to have but I won‘t set my sets too high. Haha 6y
abookishbutterfly @ElizaMarie I‘m jealous! 6y
abookishbutterfly @Gaylagal2 That‘s awesome. I hope you were able to get some pictures with it. 6y
Addison_Reads @Butterflyamore I understand that. I asked because I'm partial to the old beetles too. 💜 My husband and I have a classic VW parts yard here in TX with over 200 old school VWs. We sell parts off of them to keep others alive. If I ever come across a reasonably priced yellow bug, I'll keep you in mind. 😁 6y
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell

I enjoyed this much more than I expected to.


Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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Decided to do the 50% off 6 months of Kindle Unlimited deal and this is the first book I'm reading 😊

Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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The past always finds a way to catch up with our present... Well this book took me by surprise! It took me a few chapters to fully commit to this book but once I was in, I couldn‘t stop reading! Such an intense psychological thriller that keeps you double-guessing until the end! Definitely looking forward to reading more books from Caroline Mitchell #AMustRead

Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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While I wait at my doctors appointment, I always read! So I guess I don‘t mind the wait! 🤷🏽‍♀️📖🤓

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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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Thanks, @JoeStalksBeck - I finished this one today! I‘ve been terrible lately in neglecting my kindle but I added audio to this one yesterday and switching between the two, finished this fast-paced thriller quickly! Told in three voices, with short chapters across two timelines, I thoroughly enjoyed this!!! And it was fun to #AudioColor this dress since Emma owns a dress shop!

TorieStorieS @JoeStalksBeck Thank you!! A fun read/listen!😊👏👏😃 6y
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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In 2002, and Emma is a teenager who becomes infatuated with her art teacher, Luke. After things go too far, the only way Emma can continue with her life is to end his.

In present day, Emma‘s husband gets a promotion that requires the family to pack up and move, but before Emma can leave she has to dig up Luke‘s body and make sure he can never be found. Too bad she can't find him.

Nikki15 That sounds so crazy! 6y
Lovesbooks87 This sounds so good! 6y
BkClubCare @Nikki15 - agree! 😱 6y
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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I happened across this book at my local library and I‘m so glad I picked it up! It was an edge of your seat thriller and kept me wanting to read more! This is the first book I have read by Caroline Mitchell and I will definitely be reading more of her novels. This is a must read for thriller lovers!

Cinfhen Title and blurb sound intense!!! 6y
NikkiKey94 @Cinfhen It was definitely intense! There were lots a twists throughout! 6y
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell

Got all my ebooks downloaded in preparation for airplane mode! 🌎🛫📖📱📖🛬🌎

RaimeyGallant Smart! 6y
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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Just started this today and I'm Hoping It'll be a good read📚

Jess7 I picked this one up a kindle daily deal recently too! 7y
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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A fabulous tale of deception and intrigue with some twists I saw coming and some I didn‘t. At first the constantly jumping timelines annoyed me but I soon settled in and adapted easily. Not the most suspenseful book I have read but certainly not predictable.

Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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It was‘t exactly a mind-blowing ending but I was captivated enough to stay awake all night to finish listening so I definitely enjoyed it ☺️ My next dilemma is whether I go to sleep at 4:30am or just stay up. 📖👀⏰

Jhullie I‘m listening to this too. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. 7y
DebBates101 @Jhullie it took me awhile to get into it but i did like it. How far in are you? 7y
Jhullie I‘m 60% through and very intrigued. 7y
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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Just started this on my way home from work.

Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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Down to the line... grabbed this as my #kindlefirstreads ! What choice did everyone make?

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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell

This book started out pretty good, but about 30% of the way in it took a sharp turn. I found myself becoming upset at the characters and unable to believe the situations they were going through. Mitchell's writing style is disappointing, and honestly I found sexist undertones against women throughout most of the story which I found surprising.

Also, if your triggers are sexual assault and child predators, I'd stay far far away from this one.

[DELETED] 3803335244 Thanks for the review I‘m staying away due to your trigger warning! 7y
Lucas.Rencher I'm sorry love I know you were looking forward to this one 🙁 7y
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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I chose this as my Kindle First for February and just finished it. The story didn‘t ‘wow‘ me, but kept my interest. It‘s a quick read and I‘d still recommend it.

BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😸 7y
MargieW Thank you! 7y
RaimeyGallant Nice review. :) And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. 7y
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MargieW Thanks, I‘ll check it out. @RaimeyGallant (edited) 7y
CSeydel Welcome to Litsy! It is so much fun! 7y
Kimzey Welcome to Litsy! 7y
JoScho Welcome to Litsy! You will love it 💕 7y
BibliophileMomma Welcome to Litsy! 7y
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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What did you guys choose as your Feb #AmazonFirstRead? I chose this one and have been reading it in little bits in the morning. It's pretty good so far!

TNbookworm I chose this as well, glad to hear you are liking it so far☺ 7y
MaleficentBookDragon I chose Bone Music. I‘ve always wanted to try Anne Rice‘s son. My sister loves him. 7y
BibliophileMomma I picked this one too! 7y
cherinium Thanks for the reminder that I had not made my selection yet! I went with this one, as well. ✔ 7y
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell

I just could not get into this book. I persevered until the husband starting doubting her. It was just too far fetched and I really didn't care what happened to the characters. Too bad I wasted my Kindle First pick on this.

Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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Emma‘s darkest secrets are buried in the past. But the truth can‘t stay hidden for long. Emma is a loving wife, a devoted mother…and an involuntary killer. For years she‘s been hiding the dead body of the teacher who seduced her as a teen. When she returns to find an empty grave, she decides to confess to her husband, but this is only the beginning. This “Gone Girl-esque” thriller is very suspenseful. #TBR #KindleFirst #ReadingResolutions #Silent

TNbookworm I chose this as my Kindle First too! Glad to hear you like it☺ 7y
Songbird72 I chose it as my Kindle First as well but can't seem to get into it. 7y
Jess7 I haven‘t started it. I just summarized the summary of it from google. I purchased it, but haven‘t started it. I‘ve heard good things about it on here though. @TNbookworm @Songbird72 7y
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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Jess7 Ooohhh this looks good! #Stacked (edited) 7y
MatchlessMarie @Jess7 I have so many good Amazon First books that I haven‘t touched. I‘m gonna try to start making Friday my Amazon First books day again. Last month I had too many books going at once. #soml 😅 7y
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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My February First Reads pick. (Very hard to choose this month) What did you pick?

CocoReads I‘m still debating but this is in the lead so far! 7y
BlameJennyJane Still debating myself! 7y
MatchlessMarie I picked this one too but there were at least 2 others I also added to my TBR 7y
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