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J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator
J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator | Wayne G Hammond
5 posts | 8 read | 8 to read
J.R.R. Tolkien, renowned author of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion, was an artist in pictures as well as in words. Though he often remarked that he had no talent for drawing, his art has charmed his readers and has been exhibited to large and appreciative audiences. In fact, his talent was greater than he admitted, and his sense of design was natural and keen. This book explores Tolkien's art at length, from his childhood paintings and drawings to his final sketches. At its heart are his illustrations for his books, especially his tales of Middle-earth. Also examined are the pictures Tolkien made for his children, notably in The Father Christmas Letters and the story Mr. Bliss; his expressive calligraphy; his love of decoration; and his contributions to the typography and design of his books. J.R.R. Tolkien, Artist & Illustrator includes 200 reproductions, many in color and over half published for the first time.
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LotR Book 1 Chapter 6 “The Old Forest”

Tolkien‘s own illustration in pencil and color pencil of Old Man Willow along the Withywindle

His son John thought that this drawing was inspired by a willow along the banks of the Cherwell near Oxford.

#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

BookwormAHN And the talent continues. That's a really great drawing 😺 13mo
Daisey @BookwormAHN Agreed! I love his own illustrations. 13mo
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Vansa This is SO beautiful 13mo
BethM It seems unfair to be that talented lol 13mo
JazzFeathers 🤩 l don't think l've ever seen this picture. 13mo
Daisey @JazzFeathers This is definitely a book I would add to your some day list. It's fantastic and includes a wide variety of Tolkien's illustrations. I still haven't read near all the text, but I enjoy flipping through just to look at the art and read snippets here and there. 13mo
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Just a few pages yet tonight . . .

#FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien

JazzFeathers 😍 5y
Daisey @JazzFeathers Yes! It is beautiful and informative. The text is pretty dense, and I didn't make it very far at all the first their night. 5y
JazzFeathers @Daisey I'm really intrigued. I think l'll get it very soon 😊 5y
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#7Covers7Days #CoverLove #CoverCrush Day 6

This is supposed to be without explanation, but this #bookmail arrived yesterday and I can‘t help but share. I love Alan Lee‘s illustrations of Tolkien‘s Middle-Earth, but I also enjoy Tolkien‘s own illustrations more and more all the time. Just look at this cover as an example!

@JazzFeathers I know life has been busy, but want to join in sharing 7 covers you love? Seems a good day to tag you!

JazzFeathers Noooooo! Is this the same book @Riveted_Reader_Melissa has? 😱😲 Jealousy to the sky! Thanks for the tag. I've seen lots of people taking part with some gorgeous covers. I don't own many, but l'll try my hand at it. 5y
Daisey @JazzFeathers No, it‘s actually a different one. It think it has a lot of the same art, but it also includes description/explanation by a different set of authors. I decided on this one based on cost and after reading another of their compilations a few months ago. 5y
JazzFeathers @Daisey Nice! I'm going to check all of them 😏 5y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa Nope, it‘s definitely different @JazzFeathers ...now I‘m tempted again @Daisey 😱😂 5y
Daisey @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m curious about the text comparison. The blurb for this one says over 200 reproductions of art from childhood drawings through his art to go along with the books. Of the illustrations relative to Middle-Earth, there‘s nothing I haven‘t seen elsewhere, including your newest book. It also has a lot of text by the authors/editors. @JazzFeathers 5y
Faibka Lovely! 5y
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My haul from the wonderful exhibit on Tolkien‘s art at the Morgan Pierpont Library in NYC. It‘s the only US stop for the exhibit before it goes home to the Bodliean. For lovers of Tolkien‘s mythology, it‘s worth the trip!

J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist & Illustrator | Christina Scull, Wayne G. Hammond
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Thought I would share this pic I took on Ljndesfarne last week - I‘m a) pretty proud of it as I have not had the camera out in too long and b) a bit obsessed with the idea that this is what the Lord of the Rings / Hobbit might have looked like If it had been set in Northumbria ...

Moray_Reads I spent a week there many years ago. It's a beautiful place and there's definitely something magical about it 6y
mabell Terrific photo! 6y
CarolynM Fabulous photo😍 6y
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LeeRHarry Lovely 😊 6y
LeahBergen Beautiful! 6y
Itchyfeetreader @Moray_Reads I am jealous I have been a few times as my in laws live outside Newcastle but always wondered what it was like when the day trippers left! 6y
Moray_Reads @Itchyfeetreader it's very quiet and peaceful. There's a wicked sticky plant in some areas called the piri piri, after one particular walk we literally had to throw clothes away because the flower heads are so difficult to remove! 6y
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