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Il Professionista
Il Professionista | John Grisham
17 posts | 55 read | 9 to read
Dopo aver giocato la peggior partita nella storia del football americano, il solo posto disponibile per Rick Dockery, in Italia, nella squadra dei Parma Panthers.
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Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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I picked this up on a whim at a habitat for humanity down in Pittsboro, North Carolina a couple years back and honestly did not expect to like it. A bit simple throughout but I couldn‘t help getting vested in the characters and the story as a whole. I enjoyed the pieces of Italian history, architecture, and opera throughout and I would say overall that this was a fun and enjoyable read.

Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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Really can‘t even tell you why this is a so-so and not a complete pan. I enjoyed the brief blurbs of Italian history when they came up, took me back to when I went and had me longing for another trip. He described the games with some angst and fervor, you couldn‘t help but want to know how it ends for the Parma Panthers. Ultimately, not riveting nor a stellar plot. Alas, I have read worse. Definitely not a WOW.

Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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I don‘t read a lot of sports novels but #playingforpizza is hands down my favorite. I‘ll admit, it‘s probably a bit more about the food than the football but I love the story!
2- I‘ve always been more of a player than a watcher when it comes to sports but my family always gets together to watch football and that‘s always a good time. Also involves alot of food 😜

Thanks for the #Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 😊 3y
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Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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1. I haven't read many books centered on sports, but the tagged book was the first one that came to mind. A very different book for Grisham.
2. Golf...ha ha! Just kidding! Football of course. Almost time for American football season to start. I love it even though it cuts into my reading time.
Thank for the tag @TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday
Wanna play? @audraelizabeth @Buechersuechtling @ReadingIsMyHobby @Onceuponatime @TheBookDream

TheSpineView You're welcome and Thanks for playing! Have a great day! 🏈🏈🏈 3y
bookishdawg Football!! Go Niners! ❤️🏈😂 3y
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Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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Two more bingos for a total of three now. I feel better. 😁#BookSpinBingo

This book was funnier than I expected. A good but not great read.

wanderinglynn w00t! 3 bingos is awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I only have 1. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Look at you go!!! 4y
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Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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I have been reading Anna Karenina this week and I wanted a break from all the Russian politics 😅 so I picked up Playing for Pizza. Playing for Pizza is a very simple and quick read. It‘s kind of no brainer to be frank. Football lovers are definitely going to enjoy it. This is my first non legal fiction by Grisham and I have to say Grisham is much more fun in the courtroom.

tpixie Welcome to Litsy! 💕 4y
Shaleen @tpixie Thanks😁☺️ 4y
tpixie @Shaleen yes!! 🥳📚♥️ 4y
HeathHof Hi! Welcome to Litsy🎉 4y
Shaleen @Mynameisacolour Thank you😊 4y
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Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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Well this was a fun quick read. Earning $600k as a third-string professional American football player or tackling (pun intended) the same position for a club team in Parma, Italy for $20k and free pizza. Go for the pizza!

#ReadingEurope2020 Italy #ReadTheUSA2020 Ohio. (I know a very unsophisticated choice but I‘m working through my JG stack).

NikkiRobson73 Loved this one ! 4y
Madelpadel Every Grisham book I‘ve read or seen has had to do with court cases- how didn‘t I know he‘s written books on other topics?! 4y
marleed @Madelpadel It‘s kind of fun to read him out of the courtroom. 4y
marleed @NikkiRobson73 I thought it was fun too. I notice JG books don‘t have very high Litsy ratings. Without intention I notice that I‘m drawn to novels intended for a female audience. I really enjoy working down my tall mostly thrifted JG stack because it‘s outside my typical novel and I read best when I change things up. 4y
RamsFan1963 This is the only Grisham book I've ever read, court room thrillers aren't my thing, but I enjoyed it very much. 4y
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Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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I posted a blurb of this book, but didn't intro it. I'm almost done with it- the douchebag protagonist kind of grows on you. Isn't that how it is in real life too? 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️ I'll let you know if I don't hate him by the end.

Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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"Of course, but it was my turn." YIKES.???‍♀️

Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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OriginalCyn620 Me too! Good choice! 5y
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Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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Adding a couple fiction titles as replacements on my #SuperBowl Display. Have you read either of these?

#LitsyLovesLibraries #MrBooksDisplays

JulAnna I read Playing for Pizza years ago. I remember it as ok, not great. 🤔 6y
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Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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Something light, fluffy and easy.....to help balance several deep hitting novels in a row....

knittedgnome I need to start some fluff. Actually I thought I did but ended up being a murder mystery. Next one for real! 6y
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Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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Finished this short book by John Grisham. Not going to ever be an Earth shattering book, but it was a Read I really enjoyed, and I know nothing or have any interest in American Football. Quite an amusing story with a failed footballer playing American Football in Italy. The narrator did a good job of keeping me interested and listened to (even with work) within 36 hours.

SqueakyChu I didn‘t think I‘d like this book either, but I did. I knew all the football terms, although now I only follow soccer. I did like learning that Parmesan cheese (the REAL Parmesan) is from Parma, Italy. I don‘t care for legal thrillers so this was the right book for getting me to read a work by John Grisham. :) (edited) 6y
Andrew65 @SqueakyChu I don‘t know the football terms but that didn‘t spoil my enjoyment. Another John Grisham book that I loved that isn‘t a legal thriller was 6y
SqueakyChu @Andrew65 I haven‘t read that one yet. I stacked it to try. Thanks for the recommendation! 6y
Andrew65 @SqueakyChu Hope you enjoy it. 6y
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Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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Started listening to this book on my commute today. I know exactly nothing about American Football, but quite enjoying this book - very different to the usual John Grisham fare! #audiobook #25inFive

benchley1 As an American, all I really know is "football minutes " and real minutes are not the same thing 6y
SassyBookworm This I gotta read!!! I love football!!! & pizza 🍕🤣 6y
EadieB @benchley1 so true! I think it‘s 1 hour of actual playtime that takes at least 4 hours because they constantly stop the clock between plays. 6y
Andrew65 @Chrysta23 Hope you enjoy it, American Football in Italy! 6y
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Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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Had this one on my shelf and since it‘s football season and a quick read, I gave it a listen. I quite enjoyed Grisham‘s baseball novel (Calico Joe) — more than I expected to, actually. But this one...meh. It wasn‘t bad, but the story was just mediocre and predictable.

Playing for Pizza | John Grisham

A different style of storyline whereby not much of a story about a lawyer but footballer instead. A good read

Playing for Pizza | John Grisham
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Speaking of the '80s. You don't need to bribe me with Pizza Hut to make me read (but it helps). Here's to reading challenges for kids! #octphotochallenge #80stoysinbookform #booktober

Soubhiville Oh I loved Book It! What a great program! 8y
Lacythebookworm Book It, YES!! 8y
TheNextBook @Soubhiville @Lacythebookworm and they still do it!!! Kids can still earn free pizza from reading! 8y
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bookwrm526 Yes!!!!! I earned so many pizzas!!! 🍕 8y
britt_brooke I remember Book It! 😁 8y
LibrarianRyan They also do an adult version. Or did an adult version last year. 🤗 8y
Bookzombie I loved Book It! 8y
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