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The Gates
The Gates | John Connolly
Funny, scary adventure with a dachshund, demons, science - and footnotes.
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The Gates | John Connolly
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What really made this book was the writing — quick and clever, with strong characters and a plot that actually sort of made sense through the farcical nature of it all. Samuel is quirky and charming, and we root for him all the way through. A bit more on the horror side than I like, but enjoyable regardless. An excellent potato chip book.

The Gates | John Connolly
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Exactly what I always think when watching Midsomer Murders…😂

The Gates | John Connolly
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Completely random grab off the TBR — I didn‘t even look. Can‘t remember when or why I picked this up but when one of the taglines is “Madeline L‘Engle by way of Douglas Adams”, I know I‘ll enjoy it!

The Gates | John Connolly
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I put this on my TBR because I really liked the Book of Lost Things. This one was just okay. A gate to hell opens on earth and all the demons come out to play. I saw there were other books in this series, but I probably won‘t continue.

LiseWorks You may like the Charlie Parker series. 6mo
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The Gates | John Connolly
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#BookSpin #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

This dark comedy by one of my favorite authors felt a bit like a YA version of Good Omens. A boy and his dog witness their neighbors opening up a portal to Hell but no one believes it.

There are quirky characters, especially some of the demons, and the story was fast-paced and just fun to read.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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This was a fun read with several humorous moments. I really liked Sam, his dog and Nurd.

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The Gates | John Connolly
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New video up! This is the 1st video of my Halloween themed book reviews for 2020.

This weekend, I'm reviewing the Halloween themed dark comedy "The Gates" by John Connolly.

Christopher_Tallon I thought this one was so-so. Good writing, just not quite right for me. Have you read anything else he wrote? 4y
BookwormOfTheDamned @Christopher_Tallon not yet. But I plan to finish out this series. I think his adult books are supposed to have a different flavor. 4y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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Good Omens for the junior set. So much fun!

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The Gates | John Connolly
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This is a literal Laugh Out Loud book. Similar in feel to Hitchhikers Guide or a YA version of Good Omens. It was a quick fun romp.

The Gates | John Connolly
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#BookReport @Cinfhen

I don't know what the hell happened between pic collage and Litsy, but the cover of the tagged book is missing and I'm too annoyed to figure out the app foolery.

You'd think with all this extra time I'd have more than one finish. 🙄 (My house is super clean though.)

Bookzombie Yay for a super clean house! 🙂 4y
Cinfhen Hahaha, it‘s always something, right?!?! Unfortunately, my housekeeping is not on point. I‘m soooo busy in the kitchen. Comfort cooking seems to be my go to. 4y
Sace @Cinfhen I can say confidently that cleaning is my comfort activity....I mean when I feel like I have time. Normally I don't clean very thoroughly. Weird. 4y
Sace @Bookzombie Right? It's so relaxing to read in a neat and orderly environment. 4y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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Young Samuel Johnson witnesses the opening of the gates of hell. All hell breaks loose. He saves the world the end.

A cute book probably made better by being a well narrated audiobook. I wish Boswell the dog had a larger role.

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The Gates | John Connolly
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Now that I've decided to check this out from my local Hoopla library, I'm sure my hold from the Brooklyn Public library will come in.

The Gates | John Connolly
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This book came out when I worked at the library. I would often think about checking it out but never did. Only to have to read it for book club a decade later. It has a Good Omens/Christopher Moore sense of humor but I must say I am getting tired of fat jokes/or weight being mentioned in a way that feels like it‘s supposed to be a judgement.

The Gates | John Connolly
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A very late and well deserved breakfast after a 3 mile dog walk and a trip to Sainsbury's on the busiest day of the year! I bought this book for the cover, but happy to say that I'm also enjoying the story so far.

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The Gates | John Connolly

Scientists accidentally open a portal for demons to come to earth. I didn't finish reading this one. The plot is interesting, the writing is good--I don't know why, it just didn't grab me. I'd recommend it to people who like dark humor and irreverent paranormal stories. Connolly is pretty funny and a very talented writer. This particular book didn't float my boat, but I'd be willing to give Connolly another try down the line.

The Gates | John Connolly
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The Abernathys don't mean any harm by their flirtation with the underworld, but when they unknowingly call forth Satan himself, they create a gap in the universe, a gap through which a pair of enormous gates is visible. The gates to Hell. And there are some pretty terrifying beings just itching to get out.... #Demons #OctoberXFiles

Join in on the photo challenge on whatever days you‘re up for it! http://litsy.com/p/eUtoT09EU3B1

Cinfhen Your description make this book sound fantastic 🧡 6y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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I adore this book and the audiobook is outstanding!

TorieStorieS Yay!!!! 😊 6y
Guildedearlobe This is one of my all time favorite series. I love his Charlie Parker books as well. 6y
JoeStalksBeck @TorieStorieS thanks for getting me this book! 6y
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TorieStorieS You are so very welcome!!! Connolly is my favorite so I love to share his books- plus I had a feeling this was right up your alley!!! 😃 So thrilled you are loving it!!! 👏👏👏 6y
JoeStalksBeck @TorieStorieS got my husband listening to it ! 6y
TorieStorieS Oh wow!!! My husband isn‘t much of a reader but has been subjected to many sections of Connolly‘s books... and even has helped me track down signed copies!! I hope your hugsband loves this one too!!☺️☺️☺️ 6y
JoeStalksBeck @TorieStorieS I meant to tell you that there are two professors in there that I recognize. Hilbert and Planck. David Hilbert was a physicist who worked in Euclidean space and infinite sets. Look up Hilberts Hotel. Max Plank is a grandfather of quantum mechanics. Won the novel prize for discover quanta better known as photons which make up light :) . Made me love the book more :) 6y
TorieStorieS 🎉🎉👏👏 Connolly is just the best!!! 😊 6y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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So we went kayaking today and yes I listenedto an audiobook while the husband swam. I must say that this book is wholly not was I expected.! And the science stuff is epic! I adore it! Well this damn thing won‘t let me tag Toriestories 🤬🤬🤬

Craftylikefox Love that one! I still want to read some more from Connolly 6y
CaitlinR This is a John Connolly that I haven‘t read. Thanks! 6y
TorieStorieS So glad you‘re loving it!! There‘s more to the series too!! 😻😻 6y
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KathyWheeler I loved this book! 6y
JoeStalksBeck @toriestories I do love it! I need the others! 6y
TorieStorieS Yay!!! I‘ll keep my eye out for you!!! 😘 6y
lute Love this author! Check out his Charlie Parker series! 6y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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Samuel Johnson would definately be a #gryffindor for such a young boy. He sure has some bravado. Having his dachshund Boswell definately helps. If he can manage such evil at 11 (much like a certain other gryffindor). I think he would fit right in with the gold and red! #muchlove #brave #strong #reckless #loyal #characters2017

LibrarianRyan 👍🤓 7y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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Another. I think John Connolly is an #attractiveauthor #junebookbugs @RealLifeReading

Balibee146 Ooooo yes, got that clever / sexy vibe going on 7y
Seshat Totally, @Balibee146 and the Irish accent. 7y
Balibee146 @Seshat hadn't occurred to me about the accent!! 7y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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Too funny xD

AnnieReads This book is so funny! Loved it!! 7y
Bookzombie I love your bookmark! 7y
Euri Love the bookmark ❤❤❤❤ 6y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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Absolutely delightful read, charming in its own demonic ways. 😈😉 I love Connolly's writing and tone, and his characters are quite fun (& funny!) This was a quick read too, which is just what I was looking for. • I have no idea why I only gave it three stars in 2010, but I've updated my review to ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5. • #samueljohnsonVSthedevil • reread #readharder2017 #usedbookfind

Cinfhen Cool cover❤️ 7y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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Next reads: It's been so long since I read The Gates, I can't remember who I lent it to, let alone why I only gave it ⭐️⭐️⭐️ on Goodreads (this copy is a recent #usedbookfind from Amazon.) I'm also trying to read more nonfiction and both of these appeal for different reasons. #thisisagoodproblemtohave #bibliophileproblems #latenightdecisions #thisiswhathappenwhenitakea3hrnapinthelateafternoon #noschooltomorrow #teachersoflitsy

Cinfhen Our book club had the best discussion after reading 7y
RealBooks4ever Love your hashtags! 😆💜 7y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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I will put "Mrs. Abernathy" on that list too. I love a good villain...especially a demonic one who decides he actually enjoys being a suburban housewife. This list is fun! #charactersonthenaughtylist

lauren.lerner She's such a great villain. 7y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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Samuel Johnson from this series by John Connolly is a rad kid. #childprotagonist #photoadaynov16 @RealLifeReading #day16

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The Gates | John Connolly
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#13 I'm always a sucker for a pet sidekick. Especially a smart one! #boswellthedachshund #muchlove #sidekick #octphotochallenge #booktober

GlitteryOtters Animal sidekicks are the BEST! 💕 8y
Larkken That book is excellent! And weiner dogs have so much personality, such a great choice. 8y
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The Gates | John Connolly

Quick, humorous read. I enjoyed it.

lauren.lerner This is the review that inspired me to revisit this read after seven years, so thank you!! 7y
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The Gates | John Connolly

I met John Connelly today. We talked about hadron colliders. It was wonderful. Fan girled out pretty hard on the inside, I think I kept it cool on the outside though. No picture due to playing it cool.

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