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Running Loose
Running Loose | Chris Crutcher
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Louie Banks has it made. He's got a starting spot on the football team, good friends, and a smart, beautiful girlfriend who loves him as much as he loves her. Early in the fall, he sees all his ideas of fair play go up in smoke; by spring, what he cares about most has been destroyed. How can Louie keep going when he's lost everything?
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Faith: Taking Flight | Julie Murphy
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Food comas are good for reading.

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Faith: Taking Flight | Julie Murphy

I read the Valiant comic book and liked it so I thought I‘d give the YA novel a shot. It was a fun light read. You get a lot of Faith‘s fan girl stuff like in the comics and see her interest in journalism start to blossom.

Faith: Taking Flight | Julie Murphy
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So this book just kinda sucked.. Im pretty sure her super power was blindness, not flight lol. It's sooo obvious how all of the characters are soo toxic, even Faith. She turns her back on her friends multiple times and keeps soo many secrets from everyone that she just didn't need to. Maybe this book was more for a very naive audience? I thought it was going to be a badass plus sized superhero book.. boy was I wrong..

Faith: Taking Flight | Julie Murphy
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I like this dedication. 😊

My next #NovelNovember challenge read. Book 3 of 3. My goal is to read 3 books, but since I seems like I‘ll be done with the 3rd book before the 22nd I‘ll keep on going.
😁 🙌🏽 @Andrew65

#YesiReads #YAfantasy

Andrew65 👏👏👏🙌😍 4y
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Faith: Taking Flight | Julie Murphy
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I read a graphic novel about this character a while ago, but the novelization was a little different. The first bit of the book didn‘t grab me, but once faith got back to school and her life I was more in.

Faith: Taking Flight | Julie Murphy
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Mini book haul from B&N last night courtesy of my Mom. 🥰📚📖

Faith: Taking Flight | Julie Murphy
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Very different from Julie Murphy's other storylines but I couldn't be more excited for a plus sized superhero who is dealing with some real life issues. Still navigating the grief process of her parents deaths, her grandmothers declining health, drugs, local disappearances, and her own relationships and feelings about Johnny and Dakota, Faith is perfectly flawed and the unique heroine I've been waiting for. Can't wait for the second half.

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Faith: Taking Flight | Julie Murphy


Full review on my GoodReads.
Would read sequel
Good book if you like Love Triangles (I don't sadly which is partly why me & this book didn't click)
How Faith got her powers is kinda unclear & confusing
Diverse character ❤
Lots of fandom talk
Grandma Lou ❤

Probably not going to do a quote pic for this book 😔

Faith: Taking Flight | Julie Murphy
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Also preorder pin for Faith. I love Faith!

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Faith: Taking Flight | Julie Murphy
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Faith Herbert is based on a Valiant Comics storyline Harbinger series from 1992. I read the first comic & Faith was more of a Trekkie than she was a fan girl of teen fantasy tv like The Grove in Julie Murphy‘s book. But nerdy is nerdy. Murphy takes some liberties with the character, sort of changing her personality a bit but this novelization of a comic book hero isn‘t half bad. Faith is angsty, obsessive, emotional and also strong. I like her.

AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie something u might like??? 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Lol, I can hear Edna from The Incredibles now, “NO CAPES!” 😂🤣😂🤣 4y
Moonprismpower @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm hahaha! That‘s what I posted on my Instagram! 4y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie Haha yeah it would definitely be something I would be into! 4y
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Faith: Taking Flight | Julie Murphy
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Has anyone else read this? There‘s a fake show called the Grove in its 21st season and it says this show influenced The Buffy series but Buffy came out in ‘97 and this show would‘ve premiered in ‘99. I guess it could mean later influenced Buffy but still seems off? Anyone? Input? Also anyone read the Harbinger comics where this superhero originated? I haven‘t but now I want to.

Eyelit It sounds like editor did a bad job with date/fact checking on the buffy bit... lol. I‘ve read both the Harbinger and Faith comic book series and enjoyed both. Faith is a great character and I‘m glad to see she‘s getting a full length novel! 5y
Moonprismpower @Eyelit oooh great! So I watched a video on YouTube of a guy reading the first comic where Faith appears. Faith is definitely a trekkie/trekker but she also seems to have no friends and is quite rude and suspicious of people. And yet she is also very trusting and quick to take action or make decisions which is the only shared quality so far in the book. I wonder if this is a true origin story or if Murphy‘s just making it up w/o creator input. 5y
Moonprismpower @Eyelit well I just looked it up. Looks like Murphy is working from the 2016 comic editions not the original 90s one. I‘ll have to read both! 5y
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Faith: Taking Flight | Julie Murphy

Very good, very dramatic. I had a feeling I knew where it was going and then COMPLETE LEFT FIELD. It‘s very much a Julie Murphy novel and, while it was short, was very enjoyable.

Faith: Taking Flight | Julie Murphy

Edelweiss actually granted me an ARC???? Bless you

Running Loose | Chris Crutcher
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This week really held me back from out of door exercise, but I made up for it at the gym. The only problem is that I can‘t listen to Audible while in a BodyPump or BodyCombat class! So less book, more sweat! Here‘s a picture of my pupper, Jackson. We did make it outside yesterday and today for good long walks! So that counts too! Overall: 2 cardio/interval classes and 2 long walks with canine! #BookFitnessClub #BFC

cathysaid Awww...look at his smile 😀 5y
BookwormAHN So cute, nice job 👏🏻 5y
Readergrrl He‘s a good boy. Mostly. 😂😂😂 5y
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AprilMae Good job! And good boy!!! Give him puppy squeezes from me ❤❤❤ 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 And someone looks happy to be outside! ❤️🐶 5y
bewareofwords He‘s looks too sweet. 🥰 Great work! 5y
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Running Loose | Chris Crutcher
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Well, I've had enough! I had to escape and quit my shitty job. Guess who'll have a bunch of time to read 😎