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Blood Infernal
Blood Infernal | James Rollins
What price will we pay for true salvation?As an escalating scourge of grisly murders sweeps the globe, archaeologist Erin Granger must decipher the truth behind an immortal prophecy, one found in the Blood Gospel, a tome written by Christ and lost for centuries. With the Apocalypse looming and the very foundations of our world crumbling, Erin must again join forces with Army sergeant Jordan Stone and Father Rhun Korza to search for a treasure lost for millennia, a prize that has already fallen into the hands of their enemy.The forces of darkness have crowned a new king, a demon named Legion, who walks this Earth wearing many faces. His reach is beyond measure even the walls of the Vatican fall before him. To have any hope of saving the world, Erin must uncover the truth behind man's first steps out of the Garden of Eden, an event wrapped in sin and destruction, an act that damned humankind for eternity."
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Blood Infernal | James Rollins
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At last, it is almost done...

(I just realized that this is also the last book in the trilogy. So... it IS almost done. 😁)


Josee.lit.a.lu.et.lira 😄 ❣️ those synchronicities 4y
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Blood Infernal | James Rollins
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90 minutes before I can leave work and go home and read. This week has been soooooooo long. #bookwormproblems
I‘m not reading at work. 😉

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Blood Infernal | James Rollins
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I‘ve caught the archeological adventure bug after finishing The Pharaoh Key. Up next is the final book in the Sanguines trilogy.
Though I really should try and get to 😴. #insomnia
Goodnight #Littens

Blood Infernal | James Rollins
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I'm having a #bookhangover and can't decide on my next read. I want something fast and fun before I start reading my #bookclub book next week. I (think) have narrowed it down to these three. Any thoughts on them?

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iread2much Changeless! 4y
PatriciaU James Rollins is always good and the one in your pic is a bit campy. 4y
Texreader I love James Rollins. Always my first pick. 4y
SaturnDoo I would have to vote for Changeless. For me, Sanctum was a bit cliched and boring. About the best thing it's got going for it is the pictures. The others, I've not read. 😊 4y
vlwelser Changeless is super fun. Also it's hard to go wrong with James Rollins but not sure whether I have read that one. 4y
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Blood Infernal | James Rollins
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Husband finally showed me the books he didn‘t give me for Christmas. What horrible event happened to these poor innocent books???

Rachel.Rencher Looks like a vampire with really big fangs went at the box 👿 7y
Leigh0906 😳 7y
GoldenGirl I don't blame him for not giving them to you 😔 7y
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heikemarie Wowww, a mastodon attacked@that box. 7y
OrangeMooseReads Holy moly 7y
Tamra 🙀 7y
cobwebmoth Oh, that's awful! 7y
TK421 Yikes! 7y
CrowCAH That‘s horrible! 😢 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 They must have been shipped by Amazon 😂😂😂 Sorry that stinks 7y
LeahBergen 😮😮 What?? They arrived like that?? Was he sent replacements? It looks like something burrowed into the box and chewed on that book. 😬 (edited) 7y
emilyhaldi Damn 🐭 7y
Ddzmini 😧😮😲😵 7y
mrp27 Yikes! 7y
KaatjeH 😱 7y
Cathythoughts Oh dear ! Oh dear ! 😱 (edited) 7y
Lmstraubie Oh, no. On a better note I love your avatar 😁 7y
Texreader @Lmstraubie Why thank you!! 7y
ValerieAndBooks Wow 😮 😳! Hope there are hassle-free replacements! 7y
Librosycafe Damn, someone in on them! 7y
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Blood Infernal | James Rollins
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My current read - love this series!

MrBook Nice pic! 8y
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