Gobbled this up in a mere day and a half. Cronin really outdid himself with this one. Hoping it'll turn into a trilogy just like The Passage (which I LOVE).
Gobbled this up in a mere day and a half. Cronin really outdid himself with this one. Hoping it'll turn into a trilogy just like The Passage (which I LOVE).
So glad I followed this handwritten note in the front of this library book. Wanted to bail several times but held on. What a great book! And did not expect what the "castle" turned out to be.
When you see Stephen King references everywhere. Spotted this in a little Texas town during our weekend road trip.
Pretty good; did not see that twist coming. Although she is from Texas I felt like she wrote the characters based on how she thinks Texans speak and act....not how we really are.
I know I haven't reviewed anything in awhile, but I had to say something about this book. I have mixed feelings. On one hand I love that she gave us a bit of closure regarding the show (Baby Nicole, Hannah), but on the other I didn't get enough of Offred's future. I needed things from that. I need to know what happened to the Commander and Serena. I need to know what happened to Nick. And Luke? Why didn't they reconnect after her escape?
I only read 40 books this year, but that's okay. Out of all of them the best was The Dark Tower series. Roland's journey broke my heart and it has become a new favorite of mine. Not sure why I waited so long to read it, but glad I finally did!
#Libraryhaul Got 3 for me and 2 for my youngest, one of which is based on Greta Thunberg. Ready for bedtime!
Filled with great tips AND King's life - win, win!
Once again King knocked it out of the park. I don't think I've ever read a King book I didn't enjoy...he can make things that seem impossible possible.
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
📚 tagged The Institute
📚 Bird Box
📚 The cold weather! Living in Texas got me hot af!
This has been a long hard year. I made an ultimate life decision in February: I left the newspaper where I had been editor for almost 10 yrs. The stress was too much. It was taking a toll on my health. I know so many things about the seemingly normal ppl in this town that I cant even look at them the same. Now I'm a cashier in a grocery store. And when I get the what are you doing here questions I just smile. I'm happy. That's what I'm doing.
This has been a super slow reading year for me. I'll finish out 2018 with only 38 books to my name 😢 Usually my goal is 75 to 100 (depending on the length of books chosen). Alas, maybe 2019 will be better! Two of my favorites this year were Bird Box and Head Full of Ghosts!
I think I'm gonna bail on this book. I really was hoping for something more but it's really just the story of his grandfather (who is never named). While its semi-interesting it's not my cup of tea.
I'm loving Megan Miranda. Every time you think you know what's happening in her books she pulls the rug right out from under you. Always a surprise!
At first I wasnt sure about this book. I mean, it sounded like so many I'd read before (same premise, same characters). But then something happened and it roped me in so deep I'm still thinking about the story days later. Secrets, small town gossip, and so much more! I think I've found a new fave author!
READ THIS BOOK! My heart was breaking for Ginny Moon throughout her whole story.
This book kept me up late learning all these poor murdered families' names. I have to say, it gets a bit boring as the author walks you thru the history of DNA and fingerprinting, but the fact that they solved the crime is amazing!
June was a slow reading month for me. Between work (it was county fair time) and just not reading anything that captured my attention, I didnt get very far in my reading.
Still reading book 4 of GoT and the 1st book of The Gunslinger. Started reading The Other Wes Moore and The Man From the Train. Both are really good and have brought me out of my slump.
Here's to a better July! #readharder
@Ke633 #TellMeTuesday
1. A cabin somewhere in a forest near the mountains alongside a nice stream. Lots of trees. No people.
2. Well. My husband does. I can't grow anything!
3. Yes! My favorite are my hand drawn bookmarks from my daughter.
4. Eh, depends on what has to be done...
5. Every chore!
Has anyone used the Libby app? My librarian signed me up for it and I'm a little disappointed. It seems to have cheesy romance books and a bunch of other things I'd never read....maybe I'm not searching right? Youre supposed to be able to track your reading too, but I haven't figured out how. Tips appreciated!
Man. I have had a slooowww reading month since about the end of May. I've hardly read at all this month. Still working thru book 4 of GoT and The Gunslinger. Just grabbed this one 👆 from the library, hoping it'll pull me out of my slump!
1. Ice Cream! I've never really liked popsicles, but I'd eat one if it's hot enough.
2. Beach Beach Beach! Although we're 4 hrs from the nearest one. We usually go to the lake #countrylife
3. Strawberries! With a little whipped cream
4. Depends. I love traveling but I also love staying home.
5. Print! I've never listened to audio books (my mind wanders) and I dont like eBooks (i need to feel the book and smell its pages).
This is so hard (and I know I'm a day late lol) but I've narrowed it down:
1. The Passage trilogy by Justin Cronin
2. I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb
3. It by Stephen King or Duma Key
4. Game of Thrones by GRRM
5. American Gods by Neil Gaiman
#manictuesday #isthatathing #allthebooks
Seriously, is anyone going to live in these books? Every time I get all comfortable with a character they die. George R.R. Martin is ruining my life 😭😭
Happy Mother's Day to all you awesome moms who are just trying to make it! My oldest daughter made me this bookmark and I love it!
Just bought it yesterday and already finished. This book scared the shit out of me...and you never really know why! I hope he writes a follow up. This would be a great series! Until then, I am suggesting this book to everyone!
Happy Mother's Day to me! I took a much-needed day off today so my husband and I went to Barmes and Noble and Olive Garden for lunch. It's so hard for me to choose books when shopping for them bc I get so overwhelmed and want ALL the books! #bookhaul #mothersday
Just read an article about Fox picking up this series for fall. Went to IMDB to check cast and found they had made two different characters into one character! What? You can't do that! Shauna was a prostitute. Babcock was a huge part of this book....and a man! I am so frustrated right now.
Starting #22 as I journey through the Stephen King universe in order! Easier than I thought it would be since he is so readable! Just finished Pet Sematary and only gave it a So/So....I didn't like Louis and I couldn't stand Rachel. #booksarebetter #readmore
Yall. Look what my dad found at a dumpster at his work! This and a bunch of other books, including a 1935 dictionary and A Midsummer Nights Dream. What is wrong with people?!
Looking out the back door of my office downtown bc we're under a tornado watch. Does this mean we can shut down and read?
OMG yall! Sometimes being a reporter is amazing! #ifdaryldiesweriot #heaven #hesmelledgoodtoo
Note to self: Stop looking at GoT pins on Pinterest! Too many spoilers!
Thank you @Pelican71 for my awesome mug and this book that's been on my TBR for way too long! I love the colors of the mug💜☕ #muglove #litsymail #bookmail
So it's taken me months to get this far. I think I've been reading this book since January....Usually I can fly right thru King's novels, but this one....I just don't know. It's good, then it's boring, then it's good, then it's boring. Right now it's GOOD. I am really liking Johnny Smith (I actually went to high school with a Johnny Smith...no psychic ability though), but feel awful for him bc of that coma and what he came back with.
Woo hoo I hit 4500! 🎉🎈🎉🎈
I am sitting here at an incredibly boring city council meeting wondering if it would be unprofessional to whip out my book 🤔
How does Stephen King write so well? I only wish I could one day be as prolific a writer. Duma Key blew my ass away! Great characters, nice little ghost story, lots of scary moments. As I continue reading through King's novels (in order) I am now reading The Dead Zone and Firestarter.
Marli Jane says a huge thanks to whoever sent these awesome handmade bookmarks to her! She was so excited and has already been using them. Thank yall!
I got Sansa Stark, altho I really don't know much abt her yet!
Loving the artwork in this book! The story is slow going, but sucked me in almost immediately. There are A LOT of names to keep straight and who rules what, but I love it. I wish I hadn't waited so long to start this series.
I think I just found my new favorite King book! I love when his books circle around and everything is wrapped up neat and tidy in the end. And despite the fact that Ralph Roberts is old enough to be my grandpa, I love him. He's my new hero♡
This book was magnificent. At times sickening, at times maddening, and at times understandable. I've spent my workday googling everything I can think of to learn more about the child and his family, as well as the murderer and his family. I wish the author had included photos in the book, but I understand why she didn't. What I just realized while searching for Jeremy's grave is he was born only 1 yr after me - had he lived, he'd be my age now.
The editors of this book better be glad this won't be used in a trial. JEREMY is the victim. RICKY is the murderer. I find it hard to believe this was overlooked.