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Ducks, Newburyport
Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
277 posts | 63 read | 8 reading | 122 to read
Latticing one cherry pie after another, an Ohio housewife tries to bridge the gaps between reality and the torrent of meaningless info that is the United States of America. She worries about her children, her dead parents, African elephants, the bedroom rituals of 'happy couples', Weapons of Mass Destruction, and how to hatch an abandoned wood pigeon egg. Is there some trick to surviving survivalists? School shootings? Medical debts? Franks 'n' beans? A scorching indictment of America's barbarity, past and present, and a lament for the way we are sleepwalking into environmental disaster, Ducks, Newburyport is a heresy, a wonder - and a revolution in the novel.
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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"... come to think of it, they might be FUELING gun crime, the fact that for all I know there may be perps getting ENERGISED by my pies, and comfort-eating them after they carry out there crimes, the fact that what if my cinnamon rolls have given some gunslinger the energy to, to shoot his wife or something, for no reason, the fact that that could be my new pie slogan, "The Family Annihilator's Reward," oh dear, for the love of Mike..."

LeeRHarry This is just the weirdest book ever. 🙄 3mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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"it's kind of like a sex guide written by David Attenborough, the fact that to get to the lilium phallowoppia, you nympho facto push past sprays of spermatozoa adorning banks of chastity beltia, culminating in a flopswear jettison at the summit of the mons veneris in a naughty... orgium of velvet chasms, breasts, chests, clefts..."

Kitta 😳 3mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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I did it! All 1000 pages of this chunky SoC "novel" about Trump-era America.

I'm guessing you all know my feelings already... if not, here's part 2 of my Reading Vlog.



Librarybelle Congrats! 3mo
Susanita You read it so we don‘t have to! 👏🏻 3mo
Ruthiella Well done! 👏👏👏 3mo
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julesG 🥳🥳🥳 3mo
Hooked_on_books Great job finishing! That‘s a major accomplishment! 3mo
slategreyskies Yay! On to something (anything!) better! 👏✨ 3mo
AnneCecilie From your postings on this, I apparently had forgotten a lot in this novel. Or maybe I just loved all the talk about art, literature and baking so much that I ignored everything else 3mo
Branwen I am honestly still just very impressed that you made it all the way through! What an accomplishment! 🥳🎉🎉🎉 2mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Not far from the finish line... and Love Island isn't on tonight, so I may get an extra hour in 🤣🤣

julesG 🎉🎉 3mo
Ruthiella You can do it! 👍 3mo
Bookwomble You hate it - stop now and use it for kindling! 🔥📘🔥😄 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Bookwomble I could never burn a book... no matter how hard it trolls me 🤣🤣 3mo
slategreyskies You‘ve got this! The final push! 👏👍 3mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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CW: more flipping fatphobia

the fact that I'm starting to feel PERSONALLY VICTIMISED by the books I'm reading today

The. Body. Is. Not. An. Apology.

dabbe #wtf???? 😤 3mo
Sace The more posts I see on this book the more I am glad that I passed on this one. 3mo
Jari-chan That's just terrible 😔 3mo
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lauraisntwilder Wow. I'm officially "unstacking" this book. 3mo
slategreyskies WTF! That‘s brutal. That sort of thing pisses me off! Okay, well I guess I‘ll go do some more hate reading! 3mo
Branwen I am even more relieved that I never finished this book! 🙄 3mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Me: I feel kinda guilty about posting that salty video yesterday... maybe I was too harsh...

Ducks: "people will wear bikinis
people who really should think twice about it"



julesG Nope, you weren't too salty 3mo
Andrea313 Oh, ABSOLUTELY NOT. 🤬 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @julesG @Andrea313 I have half a mind to review this book in a series of ill-advised bikinis 💃💃💃💃 3mo
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julesG 🤣🤣🤣 3mo
Andrea313 @RaeLovesToRead I support it! 👏 3mo
slategreyskies lol you crack me up! Just because: 👙👙👙🤣 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @slategreyskies At least someone is getting enjoyment out of my suffering reading this book hahaha 3mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Hooked_on_books You are so hate reading at this point! “An email would have had a purpose!” 😂 You crack me up. 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Hooked_on_books Haha 😅 It's not terrible (I'll probably give it 3 stars), but it is NOT a fun reading experience. This book BADLY needs an editor. Clearly I just love suffering 🤣 3mo
Hooked_on_books Several years ago I tackled Infinite Jest with a Litsy buddy read group, which is the only way I could‘ve gotten through it. I‘m proud that I finally read it, but I really didn‘t enjoy it, so I feel like I understand where you‘re at! 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Hooked_on_books Infinite Jest is on my list 😅😅 (see post below calling for assistance) I expect I will hate it. A friend recommended it, but it's the same friend who recommended House of Leaves so the trust isn't there 🤣 3mo
slategreyskies Okay, I finally watched your video! Omg yes, it could‘ve been an email! 🤣 3mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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@slategreyskies I made a logo! (With AI. Obvs)

If anyone is interested in buddy reading the following books over the next few years, I'll be looking for company in my masochism.

Crime & Punishment
Infinite Jest
S. (Ship of Theseus)
Other exhausting book-mountains!!!

Who says reading has to be fun??

Join me!

P.S. I am not reading House of Leaves again. The line has to be drawn somewhere.

RaeLovesToRead @Liz_M Thanks! 😅 I'm fully expecting it to be just me, hehe. May make a vlog for my YouTube 3mo
BarbaraJean “Who says reading has to be fun?” 😂😂🤣 I‘d actually be interested in buddy-reading Crime & Punishment! I own a copy and previously tried and failed to get very far. A buddy read would be nice motivation to forge ahead! 3mo
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Librarybelle I‘d be interested in Crime and Punishment and maybe Ulysses, though I‘m really debating that one. I‘m not sure I‘m quite ready to take on Ulysses yet, though may be willing in a buddy read format. 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @BarbaraJean A couple of others (on the #ducksbuddyread) have expressed an interest in reading Crime and Punishment too... I was thinking of reading it later in the year, but dates are very flexible! @Leniverse @Caroline2 We can confer! 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Librarybelle There's been most interest in Crime and Punishment so far, but Ulysses is the one I really don't want to let defeat me! I read a few pages and was like What the Dickens is this!!!!!! 3mo
Librarybelle @RaeLovesToRead I recently attended a webinar about Bloomsbury Day with some of the participants saying the best way to read Ulysses is with a group…it gives you enough reason to read it. I‘ve never attempted it! 3mo
Leniverse I won't read Ulysses again. I need at least another decade to forget how much I disliked most of it. 😂 As for C&P, I prefer not to start challenging books late in the year, but I'll be ready and keen on 1. January (well, maybe the 2nd 😅) if that's soon enough for you. 3mo
Caroline2 count me in for C&P 👍 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Librarybelle Well so far there are two of us... but we may be able to recruit for a #jamesjoyceathon 🤣🤣 @Caroline2 @Librarybelle @BarbaraJean would you like a new year 2025 C&P readathon, or would you rather start it in a few months? I'll be starting another huge tome after Ducks, but not decided which yet! 3mo
AnneCecilie I could be interested in joining in on the reading of Ulysses and C&P, but it depends a little on when you plan on starting. 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @AnneCecilie What are your preferences timings-wise? It will be more of a vague start month / no pressure or deadlines, readalong if you like kinda thing!! 3mo
AnneCecilie I‘m down for low key, I was thinking more about having time to get hold of the book/ books and maybe @Leniverse is on to something with a start in the early new year. 3mo
Librarybelle Starting C&P in early 2025 sounds good! 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Librarybelle @BarbaraJean @Leniverse @Caroline2 @AnneCecilie (have I tagged everyone) so let's provisionally say we'll aim to read Crime & Punishment in the New Year 2025 and once I've finished with Ducks, I'll see who wants to join me for Ulysses. We'll have the whole rest of the year to finish it 😐 If we even can. I only made it a few pages last time! 3mo
Librarybelle Let me know about Ulysses - no rush to finish Ducks! - and I‘ll join you. We‘ll see how we do! 3mo
BarbaraJean 🎉🎉 As far as timing, I‘m up for whatever works for others—starting in the New Year sounds great! 3mo
Larkken I‘m interested in joining- that logo is too cute! 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Larkken I'll make a list of interested folk and message you when the next book is happening! 😊 You should see the failed attempts at creating a logo (fun with AI...) Many attempts were made!!! 3mo
Kristy_K I might be interested in reading Crime & Punishment! It‘s been on my tbr and shelf forever. 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Kristy_K I will add you to the tag list!! 😊 3mo
Cuilin @RaeLovesToRead depending on the timing and other buddy Reads I would definitely be interested in a buddy read of Ulysses and maybe Crime and Punishment. 3mo
wanderinglynn I‘m interested in (finally) reading Ulysses & Crime and Punishment. They‘ve both been on my shelf for a long time. 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Cuilin @wanderinglynn It'll be a pleasure to have you both on board. At the moment I'm considering a September start for Ulysses, New Year for C&P, and maybe if you want some extra suffering before then see how many Albert Camus novels you can blast in the meantime? 🤣🤣 3mo
slategreyskies This is so cool! I love the logo! It definitely made me laugh! After Ducks, I‘ll be working my way through The Eighth Life and also Kristin Lavransdatter. I‘m not interested in Crime and Punishment, but I could possibly join in on Ulysses or Infinite Jest. I‘ve been meaning to read both of those. Have you already done War and Peace? How about Anna Karenina? I was just looking at the unread chunksters I have on my shelves. lol 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @slategreyskies I have done War & Peace, but not Anna Karennina yet... I also have The Eighth Life on my TBR. Ulysses probably gonna happen September ish! I will keep you all posted. (P.s. did you see my salty midway YouTube vid? Haha) 3mo
slategreyskies Also, I‘ve so gotta check out your YouTube channel. I think you added a link on a post somewhere a while back, but I forgot to check it out. Definitely gotta remedy that! I‘ll give you some likes and a follow once I find you over there. 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @slategreyskies There's a link on yesterday's Ducks-related post haha. I'll post another vid when I've finished 3mo
Branwen I have been trying to read Infinite Jest for YEARS! I would happily join you in reading that together! 3mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Three pages of just listing types of sandwiches, desserts, cocktails, and artificial additives. Whyyyyy? 😩


RaeLovesToRead I KNOW RIGHT 3mo
RaeLovesToRead But the lists are not as bad as HoL 3mo
RaeLovesToRead And at least they aren't upside for NO REASON 3mo
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Leniverse @RaeLovesToRead The lists were definitely not my favourite part of HoL. But I wouldn't mind a bit of upside down at this point. Might as well. Might relieve the monotony. 😆 3mo
MicheleinPhilly *sits in the corner smiling smugly* Glad I got out as soon as I could! 3mo
Leniverse @MicheleinPhilly 😂 Yes, you did the wise thing by taking one look and bailing. After 200 pages I feel invested. Trying not to think about how that leaves 800 pages to go 😵 3mo
MicheleinPhilly If I had a physical copy I‘d probably try harder but as it‘s on my Kindle and cost a buck or two it‘s “Outta sight, outta mind!” 3mo
RaeLovesToRead Don't miss out on the Creek-listing action later on 3mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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People often ask, "is there anything less interesting than listening to other people recount their dreams?"

Yes. Reading a book where a pretend person recounts their dreams. At length.

This book isn't bad, but it really, really needs an editor.

tpixie lol your review. 3mo
Suet624 Hahaha 3mo
thegreensofa Pickles fluff!! 👀🫶 3mo
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kspenmoll Oh you made me laugh! 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @tpixie Not a review yet... I'm only halfway through 😵😵😵😵 I don't suspect the second half will be much different though.... 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @thegreensofa That's actually a life-size cuddly chicken 🤭🙈 3mo
slategreyskies I‘m almost to halfway! 48%! We‘ve got this! 😊 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @slategreyskies I'm sure there is something in the rulebook that says reading shouldn't be actual torture 🤣🤣🤣 I'm over 600 pages in and I've still got basically a whole book to go. I question my life choices.... 3mo
slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead Your commentary and the back and forth between us is making this buddy read so much more fun for me! I think I‘d have bailed by now otherwise. I just passed 500, but I might have a block of reading time this afternoon while my son‘s in therapy. If I don‘t get called back to join the session, I‘ll be in the waiting room with my Kindle and Ducks. 🦆🦆🦆 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @slategreyskies Haha... same. We are suffering for art. I use the term "art" very, very loosely. Are we doing Ulysses next? I think I'm going to call this new book club the #torturedpoetsbookclub. Yes. That is a Taylor Swift reference. I should use it in any booktube videos I make to get extra views from lost Swifties ? 3mo
Leniverse What gets me is that I can almost never remember my dreams, and here is this woman rattling off at least a week's worth of dreams that she can recall vividly. Like, all of them spring to mind in the course of a couple of hours while she's making cinnamon rolls. Does she keep a dream diary? HOW DOES SHE RECALL THEM ALL?!? 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Leniverse I wonder what will happen in the next 400 pages. Maybe she'll go to the dentist again. Maybe she'll have a dream that she found a balloon. 3mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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A list of creeks. None of which mean anything to me.

Also, if I was naming creeks and small waterways, I'd probably manage a grand total of 3 before thinking about LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE

Oryx I think I fast forwarded this bit. Maybe the puddings too 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Oryx If you were reading on audio it was probably easier to zone out. I mean, I suppose The Iliad has that Naming-of-Ships chapter..... And there was that parties-that-Dorian-Grey-attended chapter.... BUT STILL! 3mo
slategreyskies I picked up a hard copy of this from the library the other day, not because I intend to read the hard copy (it‘s way too heavy!) but because the kindle version doesn‘t have page numbers, and it‘s driving me crazy. So, I‘ve been reading mostly on my kindle, but moving the bookmark forward in the hard copy as I go. The funny thing is that the spine of the book is only creased until the halfway point, which would suggest that everyone bailed. 🤣 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @slategreyskies 3 of our buddy reader buddies have bailed already 🤭 3mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann

the fact that boys Ben's age are so sweet, so soft-cheeked, and most of them don't carry weapons yet

Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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the fact that, by my calculations, if you removed every instance of the phrase "the fact that" from Ducks, Newburyport the book would be 109 pages shorter


Sace This book sounds like something I would like, but the fact (🤭) that it 1000 pages and stream of consciousness makes me hesitate. 3mo
Sace PS I read a non-fiction that overused “and yet”. It drove me bonkers. 3mo
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Caroline2 It‘s driving me insane 🤪 why keep repeating the same phrase through 1000 pages?! It feels v gimmicky 3mo
slategreyskies Okay, that made me laugh! 😂 3mo
Leniverse @Sace You are welcome to join the buddy read, or just keep an eye on the hashtag and see how many of us bail 😅 3mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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the fact that I'm just chilling out reading some Ducks, Newburyport, and I hear some munching, crunching, lunch, punch, hunch, ba dum bum tsh, and I think oh good Pickles is eating her food for once that's nice when all of a sudden who walks past but MR YOWLY, thieving ass cat, ass hat, pack a mac, ball sack, and I'm like who invited you in for breakfast, breakfast, The Breakfast Club, David Beckham, anyway, anyone want a free cat?

Leniverse 😂 3mo
Caroline2 You needed at least two more ‘the fact that‘s‘ in there 😂 3mo
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Caroline2 I‘m gonna give it another go but I think I‘m gonna throw in the towel soon, I have so many books waiting to be read this month 3mo
Bookwomble Am I the only person whose stream of consciousness is grammatically correct, punctuated and spell checked? I struggle with SoC novels as they entirely do not relate to my interior narrative! 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Caroline2 clearly I'm better at driving a story forward than the author.... 😋😉🙃 Also, you can't DNF a buddy read. You have to suffer to the bitter end!!!!! We can do Ulysses when we've finished Ducks... 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Bookwomble I also think in sentences, and it took a good while to get used to the constant POINTLESS NOISE that peppers the narrative of this one. I found girl, woman, other brilliant though. (There's a reason why it won the booker with Atwood over this one.) 3mo
MicheleinPhilly I still haven‘t started it and may bail before I do! 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @MicheleinPhilly It's not as annoying as House of Leaves!!! 😊😁 3mo
julesG 🤣🤣🤣 Not as annoying as HoL is high praise! 3mo
dabbe 😂🐾😂 3mo
Ruthiella Other cats‘ food tastes BETTER than what Mr. Yowley gets at home (even if it‘s the exact same thing!). I know this. My cat concurs. 😹 3mo
Ruthiella Also, FWIW, I found Ducks really rewarding. At some point the narrative became hypnotic and it just carried me along. I even started thinking that way (the fact that). And there is a story arc…it just takes a while to get there. (edited) 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Ruthiella I am led to believe we are not the only house in the neighbourhood that gets Mr Yowly inviting himself in for lunch 😅😅 It's funny you should say this because when I was editing my latest video on YouTube I noticed that I came out with THE FACT THAT at least once.... whuuuut.... get out of my brain, book!!!! 3mo
The_Penniless_Author He's probably there to pick up Pickles. Haven't they been dating for some time now? 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author If by "dating" you mean he likes to sniff where she's been sitting and try to see how close he can get to her before she hisses at him? (Also, after a chat with a man at the handicentre, it turns out he may have been two timing Pickles with his cat! The man calls Mr Yowly "Elsie" which I think is hilarious.... he looks nothing like an Elsie!!!!) 3mo
Chelsea.Poole The fact that this review caught me totally off guard and yet I knew right away where we were headed…great job being super Ducks. I had no idea you all were doing a buddy read of this!! I read nearly half and then life got in the way. I should really finish that thing…. 3mo
slategreyskies How far along are you in the buddy read? I need to pick it up again. I‘m part of the way through, and if I‘m close to where you‘re at, I‘d join in on your buddy read if you all didn‘t mind. 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @Chelsea.Poole @slategreyskies You guys are more than welcome to join us! 😊 It's a casual buddy read and we're going at our own pace. I'm about 100 pages in. 3mo
slategreyskies Ah, okay. I‘m about 300 in, so I‘ll definitely join in. I‘m excited! I think, as part of a buddy read, I‘ll actually have the motivation to finish it now. 😊 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @slategreyskies Yay! Use the hashtag and I'll tag you when I post about it!!! 😊😊 3mo
The_Penniless_Author Elsie? Is Mr. Yowly actually a MRS. Yowly? Maybe she hasn't been serenading Pickles after all, just coming by to yowl some neighborhood gossip with her. 😸 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author I'm not sure. I haven't sexed the cat 🤣 I assume he's a boy because of his size, his yowling and all the seat sniffing. You can't get anywhere near them. Mx Yowly moves like greased lightning! 3mo
The_Penniless_Author That does sound like Linus, all right. Maybe your neighbor's just a little off his rocker. 😅 All right, Mr. Yowly it is! 3mo
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Every time I hear munching now I'm on high alert... like HE'D BETTER NOT HAVE SNEAKED PAST ME AGAIN!!!! 3mo
The_Penniless_Author No barrier on Earth can prevent TRUE LOVE! 😻❤️😻 3mo
jenniferw88 😂 😂 😂 3mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Anyone read this? I ask because I have no idea what I‘m actually reading here. It‘s just one huge run on sentence of a stream of consciousness that goes on for 1000ish pages. I actually do not hate it. Im actually am really getting engrossed in it.

#DucksNewberyport #LucyEllmann #book #ebook #kindle

Leftcoastzen I finished it , it was just mostly stream of consciousness, I rode the waves of her thoughts. I‘d say I liked it, but could also see some might not finish it.🦆 5mo
Fr3NcHtOaSt @Leftcoastzen yeah it‘s weird at times to say the least. I just got through the part where she rambled about Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Little House on the Prarie and found it kinda interesting 5mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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After 23 hours, with 23 more to go, I have to set this one aside. I am interested in knowing her story but not enough to devote my precious time and attention to it right now. Maybe I'll pick it up again later.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
Deblovestoread 46 hours? That would be a struggle for me. 6mo
ImperfectCJ @Deblovestoread 46 hours of stream-of-consciousness, no less. It's a little crazy-making. 6mo
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Deblovestoread I commend you for getting halfway through! 6mo
merelybookish I loved this but it's not a minor commitment! 6mo
Hooked_on_books I‘m impressed you got as far as you did! I don‘t think I would have. 6mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Still chugging away on the tagged. I snapped this photo of a not-duck at school today. This fellow was singing his heart out. I don't know what he is...some kind of finch, maybe. Every time we move to a different region I have to learn new birds, and although we've been here 6 years, I still only know phoebes, ospreys, pelicans, cormorants, seagulls, condors, wrens, and quail. This is none of those.

ImperfectCJ Update: I think it's a house finch. The toughest for me are birds that exist all over but look different in different areas of the country. Like finches of many kinds. 6mo
Rissreads Beautiful bird! ♥️ 6mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Some people take classy restroom selfies. I take whatever this is. (Book-related because while taking the picture I was listening to the tagged on my little headphones, which are cleverly hidden in my hair.)

BarbaraBB Great photo 🥰 6mo
ImperfectCJ @BarbaraBB Thanks! I've been attempting to embrace my silly side (and break in my new boots...almost there!) 6mo
BarbaraBB Your boots and dress are 🤩 6mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Still uncertain if I can go the distance with the tagged book, but I listened to it while putting our new rug under the dining table, and it's grown on me a bit. (The book, not the rug. Although that's grown on me, too.)

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Lovely rug ❤️ 6mo
ImperfectCJ @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thanks! It wasn't my first choice, but my spouse and son preferred this one over my fave (muted blues). Now that it's down, I think it works quite well, though, so I guess they were trustworthy! 6mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Please tell me that the stream of consciousness doesn't go on for the entire novel. Please? So many people like this book a lot, but the stream of consciousness might break me.

(Rainbow from my walk today.)

ImperfectCJ And I read all of Ulysses, so I'm not afraid of odd construction, there are just so...many...pages of it 6mo
Ladygodiva7 Is all of Ulysses stream-of-conscious? Cuz I just CAN‘T deal with stream-of-conscious. And sorry I don‘t have an answer for your question! 6mo
ImperfectCJ @Ladygodiva7 Nope, not all of it, mostly just the last section. The rest is just bizarre, and I ended up needing to read a book by Joseph Campbell to figure out what the heck was going on. After that, I didn't really LIKE Ulysses, but at least I could appreciate it. 6mo
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Ruthiella Yes, the whole book is stream of consciousness with small breaks from the perspective of a mountain lion. I felt it really paid off in the end, but your mileage may vary… 6mo
Hooked_on_books What a pretty picture! 6mo
ImperfectCJ @Ruthiella Ugh. Well, maybe I'll do this one on audio. When I try to read it with my eyes it takes so much effort not to skip around the page. But I like a payoff. And if it starts to break me, I can always take a break (or bail). 6mo
Ladygodiva7 @ImperfectCJ I probably won‘t read either then. Good job you for accomplishing it!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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For my #bookerdozen, the first six were easy to choose -- the 5⭐ and 4.5⭐ books (Ducks through How Late). The other six I chose from the many four-star reads that I was slightly more enthusiastic about and didn't seem to have been mentioned already.


Liz_M Ducks, Newburyport
The Satanic Verses
Lost Children Archive
A Brief History of Seven Killings
The Sea, the Sea
How Late it Was, How Late
Eva Trout
Do Not Say We Have Nothing
How to Be Good
Empire of the Sun
Remembering Babylon
CatLass007 I read Empire of the Sun when it was first released. It was excellent. I‘ve never read any of the others but Litsy is the reason for my growing Audible wish list. 8mo
Ruthiella I loved Ducks! It changed the way I thought for a while. I found myself talking to myself like that narrator. 8mo
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BarbaraBB Great list. I still need to read Ducks but I loved the Rushdie, Luiselli and Murdoch. I have Empire of the Sun on my shelves. Should read it soon! 8mo
Liz_M @graywacke I'd LOVE to see your #bookerdozen 8mo
Liz_M @CatLass007 Lila was excellent on audio. 8mo
Liz_M @Ruthiella the fact that a lot of narrate to ourselves that way 8mo
Liz_M @BarbaraBB Ducks is a commitment and not for everyone, but I loved the unique style. Empire is quite good in how the situation is presented as normal and only when you think about it, realize how disturbing it is. 8mo
vivastory I somehow missed the Hornby. Lately I have been reading the compilation of his Believer articles & have been loving it. Def want to read Empire. Ballard is a favorite. 8mo
Liz_M @vivastory I loved those books! I am especially fond of the books bought vs. books read lists. 💝 8mo
Graywacke @Liz_M have to think about that. Lost Children Archive and Empire of the Sun would both be on there. 8mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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I appreciate the insight into the mind of another that stream-of-consciousness allows, in that sense this book is a success. The narrator encapsulates 2019 in America very well in the book for a certain portion of our population. Our narrator skims the surface of fears, anxieties, and unresolved issues in her life, her family, her state of Ohio, and in America itself.

Yet I‘m at the end of this long novel I‘m left expecting something more.

Kaag There is no reflection on the political aspects of the novel. No solutions, options, or thoughts about where we can go from here other than wishing it were better. In the end that‘s just not something our narrator is offering, and much like our country, there‘s not a lot of talk about how we bridge the divide, how we overcomes our differences and create a better environment to raise our kids, a better life for ourselves and each other. 1y
Kaag Those books are out there and those are the books that will move the conversation, move our country, and the make the world a better place. I know I‘m expecting something from this book that it isn‘t trying to be. For what it‘s trying to do within the realm of being a mother, daughter and spouse and the anxieties and struggles that each entail she did well. But other than as a snapshot in time of a liberal view I don‘t think this novel survives. (edited) 1y
Kaag To survive the test of time I think what‘s needed politically is maybe having the husband a conservative. Finding a way forward. Reflection. That just wasn‘t her intent of the novel but I think she leaves herself open to criticism because it can be very political without providing anything deeper than liberal laments. (edited) 1y
SamAnne This is an excellent review. Planning to read it this year. What was reference to having a husband be. A conservative? (edited) 1y
Kaag @SamAnne Basically it‘s related to my criticism of the novel not going deeper. With only the liberal view being present there is no working through our troubles, only laments. I think having the husband as a conservative would probably negate a lot of the criticism I have, or some other mechanism to delve into the work that needs to be done in a lot of political/cultural areas. Interested to hear your thoughts 1y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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#AlphabetGame #LetterD

The minute I finished this, I knew I was going to reread it some day. I haven‘t gotten to that jet, but some day

Graywacke Quite a book! 2y
merelybookish Yes, it was a tour de force! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Still processing this one, but it was worth listening to.

BkClubCare 👏👏👏 This book is an accomplishment! 3y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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That fact that I love this time of year

Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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The MC of this book wouldn‘t shut up about tarte tatin, and since it‘s apple season, I decided to try my hand at it.

The flipping stage was definitely a challenge, especially since I decided to go with the traditional pastry crust, but it still held together surprisingly well. And it‘s delicious 😋

Leftcoastzen Beautiful ! 3y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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I think I liked it?

Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Been listening to this for months and finally finished it today.

It's amazing - I absolutely loved it. It's an incredible document of the state and concerns of the Western world (particularly the US at the current time). I loved being in the narrators head. It's so much more than I thought it would be.
I definitely recommend the audiobook if you aren't sure about this one - it was very easy to slip into the stream and just become absorbed in it

squirrelbrain Yay, well done! I loved how all of the disparate threads started to knit together towards the end. 3y
BkClubCare YAY!!! 😁 🦆 I think this book will stay with me forever. I might even reread via the audiobook someday. 3y
SamAnne This is on my list for winter. 3y
Ruthiella I loved this one too. 🦆 3y
cdreincarnate I read this one and enjoyed it, but I did wonder if the audiobook would make it easier or harder to get into the flow. 3y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Ah, Saturdays ☕️📖🐶🌞🌿

Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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I can think of worse ways to end a day🍷📖🌅🌲

Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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I started this book over the weekend. It‘s so weird! Has anyone actually finished it? It seems a little daunting.

Oryx I'm listening on audio and love it. Almost finished it 😃. I found it incredible in the breadth of things it covers - big issues and small. But, I'm not sure how it would be in print. Audio is definitely the easier route for this one I think. 3y
Graywacke Yes, made it through! Takes some commitment, but i did enjoy it. It‘s a pretty cool thing she did here. Good luck 🙂 3y
Lissa00 @Oryx Audio is a good idea! I might try that. 3y
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Lissa00 @Graywacke It‘s very interesting how she inserts these profound thoughts and ideas into what seems like a random stream of words. 3y
Megabooks Yes! I read the audiobook and gave it 5⭐️! 3y
Lissa00 @Megabooks Audiobook definitely seems like the way to go! 3y
Graywacke @Lissa00 i found two things interesting. One is how sometimes I think like that! And I feel like I know some people who seem to always think like that. (Although I‘m not in their head, of course). Also - it‘s interesting to me because it‘s not directly her forethought but it‘s still conscious. Curious to me what level of consciousness this narrative takes place. 3y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Ah, vacation! 📖☕️🌞🏖

Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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My only chance of getting through this doorstop of a book is on vacation. Wish me luck.

suvata Good luck with this one. I tried and tried but I just could not get into it. For some reason it was very confusing to me. 3y
SamAnne Oh, I‘m so torn on whether I should go down this hole or not. 3y
cdreincarnate @suvata It definitely takes some getting used to. 3y
cdreincarnate @SamAnne I think I‘m enjoying it so far? 3y
SamAnne @cdreincarnate hah! I will contemplate for January. 3y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Cinnamon roll update - they look like monstrosities, but actually tasted really good. I'm calling it a win.

@TrishB @squirrelbrain @Caroline2

TrishB They look better than anything I‘ve ever done (though to be honest that is definitely not a high benchmark to beat!) bet they tasted great 😁 3y
squirrelbrain They look fab! 3y
Hooked_on_books That looks scrumptious to me! 😋 3y
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Tamra Oh my, that looks amazing! I haven‘t had the patience to try making them so big kudos to you. (edited) 3y
Simona 🤤😋Looks delicious❣️ 3y
rabbitprincess YUM that looks so good! 😋 3y
Caroline2 Oh my….that looks delicious!!! 😃 😋 👍 well done! 👏 3y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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The hazards of reading a book that features baking and particularly cinnamon rolls. I'm trying some sourdough cinnamon rolls - last time I made cinnamon rolls, they were not so good. Hoping I do better with this recipe!

This is also a good book for audiobaking

Caroline2 Yum! 😋 love me some cinnamon rolls!!! 😀 3y
TrishB Have to show us the end result! 3y
Oryx @Caroline2 me too. There's a high chance I'll be driving to a bakery for them tomorrow morning 😁 3y
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Oryx @TrishB that very much depends on the outcome 😜. Dough is definitely not my forte. 3y
squirrelbrain Good luck! You never know, they might be yummy! 😋 3y
Oryx @squirrelbrain hopefully! Or in definitely heading to a bakery if not. 3y
Liz_M Hopefully these will be easier than apple tartine? 3y
Tamra The aroma of cinnamon rolls is outrageous! 🤞🏾🤞🏾👏🏾 3y
Oryx @Liz_M I've just got to the tart tartine bit in the book. Definitely less complicated than that! 3y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Audiowalking with Ducks, Newburyport. I'm finding this an enjoyable, almost relaxing, listen.

squirrelbrain Gorgeous pic! I can imagine that this is a great listen. 3y
Oryx @squirrelbrain the narrator is great. I think I would have bailed on the paper copy, but I'm enjoying this. It's just like wallowing in lovely language and meandering thoughts. 3y
diovival Wow, that's a lovely view. 3y
Caroline2 Yes! I want to listen to this on audio too. 😉 👍 3y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Inspired by Ducks 🦆, I finally attempted the Apple Tarte Tatin. Yum! This is the pic pre-flip.
Next time, I will attempt the difficult version, just because. #iLovePie #LitPie

Ruthiella 😋Looks delicious! 3y
rajithr Wow! Looks yummy! 😋 3y
Cathythoughts Nice work 👌🏻 3y
Chelsea.Poole Whoa! Looks great!! 🥧 3y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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This is Bernard. Bernard is King of the Ducks and is very upset that this 1020 page book about ducks didn‘t mention him once! He will be implementing a law that all books about ducks must be dedicated to him!😡🦆

On a more serious note though, this was such a weird reading experience. I didn‘t want to pick it up, but when I did, I would find myself immersed in the stream-of-consciousness for a brief amount of time until I felt exhausted by it. ⬇️

candority I would find little tidbits that really resonated with me and gave me the energy to continue, but then I would find myself wading through several pages that just recapped old movie plots, listed random items, and endlessly repeated thoughts the narrator had already had. I started skimming heavily in the last quarter and almost missed the only real action in the whole book. I went back to read it, but at that point, I didn‘t really care. ⬇️ 3y
candority I think this book captures the anxiety of modern life and the stream-of-consciousness works well for that, but I don‘t think it presents anything new or that its length is justified. There are important things being said in this book, but it is nothing that you can‘t find written about in other novels that are more succinct and meaningful. Overall, I can‘t say that the book was worth my time or effort but I‘m giving it 3⭐️ because I finished it. 3y
Ladygodiva7 Wow 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 for reading stream of conscience book....I LOATHE stream of conscience books!!! You go girl!! 3y
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BarbaraBB Your review describes why I am still hesitating to pick it up. Kudos for finishing it! 3y
Kalalalatja I feel the same @BarbaraBB but I‘m so impressed by everyone who finish it! 3y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja Me too! And I keep thinking I‘ll be one of them one day! 3y
candority @Ladygodiva7 Ahaha thank you! 💪 They are very hit or miss for me, but I definitely understand your loathing 😂 3y
candority @BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja Thank you both. It‘s definitely an intimidating book and I was getting to the point that if I didn‘t read it soon, I wouldn‘t ever end up reading it. 3y
BkClubCare Certainly a sense of accomplishment. 👏 I think of this book as an important component of my 2020. (Took me months, such a strange reading experience.) 3y
candority @BkClubCare I finished it in 21 days, because I was afraid that if I put it down for too long, I would never pick it back up. I feel like I might have enjoyed it more if I didn‘t read it so quickly? But who knows? Definitely an accomplishment though and a reading experience that will stick with me! 3y
BkClubCare @candority wow! I think I started in April and finished in August 🤣 I would put it it away for 3 weeks at a time and then could pick it back up like I hadn‘t been away. 3y
candority @BkClubCare Seems like a good approach to me! 😊 3y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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I‘m just over half way through this book and I‘m definitely enjoying it while I‘m reading, but it takes a surprising amount of effort to pick it up. I have also found that I can‘t read it before bed, because it makes my thoughts race and my brain won‘t stop saying “the fact that...” followed by a bunch of nonsense 🤦‍♀️