Enjoying some outside reading on this lovely spring day
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Setting aside for now to start a book I was on hold 6 months for (Down the Rabbit Hole by Holly Madison)
#20in4 #BookBuddies2022 #KickTheSlump
Just not for me. Too mathematics based & referenced. I think maybe I‘m allergic to math & that‘s why it all gets tuned out or forgotten almost immediately. I‘ll be donating my copy to one of the nearest LFL for someone else to enjoy.
I did however, greatly enjoy the movie🎥 interpretation (🤫just, just finished watching it).
#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Good Will Hunting
I thought the writing and story was fantastic. It was hard to read only because it‘s such a complex, sad, and deeply moving story. All of us are broken and imperfect, yet despite that brokenness, have within such beautiful and incredible qualities. #biography
This biography of mathematical genius John Nash was made into a film that, if I recall correctly, saw Russell Crowe scrawling many a #Formula across his walls.
Halfway through and loving it. I‘m not a mathematician but their world and how it developed in the US is fascinating as told by Nasar. I‘m admiring John Nash for his passion and creativity.
Dr. John Forbes Nash Jr, widely regarded as one of the great mathematicians of the 20th century, who shared the 1994 Nobel Memorial prize in economics, struggled with #paranoid schizophrenia. In this biography, professor Nasar takes a look at his life.
This is a long book. I came into it interested in the psychological side of things and wanting to know about his experience with schizophrenia, but I'm a third the way through and it's so boring and all about Maths so far that I give up. Not for me.
Another week listening to this amazing podcast and they discussed the tagged book and the movie based off it (with Russell Crowe) and what was accurate and what wasn't. Maybe the best episode I've heard yet. Tune in! 📖 🎧 ❤
I find this book very valuable in understanding and awareness for mental health. It shows that it is more than possible to accomplish great things despite illness. I just thought that this was extremely dry and needed to be a little more accessible/ conversational.
Starting this audiobook, hoping it won't be as upsetting for me as the movie was.
TW: mental illness/suicide
I knew nothing about the film going in. We watched it in class, about 6 months after my grandma died. She had paranoid schizophrenia, & while hospitalized, mute & paralyzed after a stroke, she starved herself to death after being taken off her antipsychotics. I was crying so hard by the end of the movie I was late to my next class.
Story of a child prodigy which inspired the movie A #Beautiful Mind, (starring Russell Crowe) detailing a sensitive and intriguing analysis of John Nash, mathematical genius and Nobel laureate. I have not read the book, but the movie was wonderful.
Can't even pretend to comprehend how brilliant this man was. Even more astounding is his descent into madness and recovery.
#splashintosummerreads Day 2 I saw this movie in college and loved it. When I found out it was partially based on a book, I picked up the book. Sadly, I never finished it. It felt so slow, I put it down and never picked it up again. #bookintomovie #nonfiction
Someone's ( @M-D ) books are taking over my apartment!
This is on my #TBRS (to be read... someday); I saw the movie with my uncle when it came out in theaters, because we both love someone with schizophrenia. I'm apprehensive about the book, because I worry that it'll hit too close to home. But it really was a wonderful movie. #photoadayNov16 #day13 #disabilities #mentalillness
An excellent accounting of the life of the brilliant but disturbed John Nash. After reading this book I was so impressed with Ron Howard's skill in condensing Nash's life down to a compelling movie that was still true to who Nash was and how he had lived. #funfridayphoto
#photoadaynov16 - #inspiring
I remember watching this movie and being awed by John Nash. Once I discovered it was also a book, I jumped to get my hands on it.
Opening line:
"Among John Nash's earliest memories is one in which, as a child of about two or three, he is listening to his maternal grandmother play the piano in the front parlor of the old Tazewell Street house, high on a breezy hill overlooking the city of Bluefield, West Virginia."
#Dumbledwarf #bookgnome #openingline #abeautifulmind #sylvianasar