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Angel Mage
Angel Mage | Garth Nix
24 posts | 17 read | 35 to read
A new fantasy masterpiece from Garth Nix, bestselling author of the Old Kingdom series. More than a century has passed since Liliath crept into the empty sarcophagus of Saint Marguerite, fleeing the Fall of Ystara. But she emerges from her magical sleep still beautiful, looking no more than nineteen, and once again renews her single-minded quest to be united with her lover, Palleniel, the archangel of Ystara. It's a seemingly impossible quest, but Liliath is one of the greatest practitioners of angelic magic to have ever lived, summoning angels and forcing them to do her bidding. Four young people hold her interest: Simeon, a studious doctor-in-training; Henri, a dedicated fortune hunter; Agnez, a glory-seeking musketeer; and Dorotea, icon-maker and scholar of angelic magic. The four feel a strange kinship from the moment they meet but do not suspect their importance. And none of them know just how Liliath plans to use them, as mere pawns in her plan, no matter the cost to everyone else . . . Fans of Cassandra Clare, Holly Black, and Leigh Bardugo will fall in love with Angel Mage, a feminist fantasy that takes place in an alternate European world ruled by fearsome magic and deadly passions.
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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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Captures the flamboyant mood of the Three Musketeers, though the story is not a retelling. There‘s a queen and a cardinal, but they‘re background to a YA plot involving 4 youngster, magic, and angels.

Not for everyone, tho. Good fun if you don‘t mind the background situation—systemic discrimination turned terrorism.

Also, interesting choice—a character-driven book relaying on the plot & the characters‘ quirks instead of on their growth.


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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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The Maid of Ellanda had returned to Ystara, and soon all would be well. For Liliath, at least.

(It's been nearly 2 years since I last read this. Putting this book at the top of my reread list!)

Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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A swashbuckling tale of musketeers and angels and magic and political intrigue set in a very alternative pre-revolutionary France which was so much fun! I loved the characters and the magic system and I just wish this had been a duology! #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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Not so patiently waiting for these authors to release a new book so that I have a reason to haunt a bookshop 🤩🤩🤩

Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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"Anger rose up in Liliath, eclipsing the pain. She could not die. She had a destiny that could not be altered by mere mortals and crossbow bolts."

Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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Retrying this beauty and already enjoying it way more than the first time I tried it

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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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This was my Illumincrate pick for July. It is from the October box last year. I did enjoy it not loved it.
It has to do with Angels, angelic magic, icon making and a person Liliath coming back after 137 years asleep to find her lover Pelleniel. She needs the help of 4 people Simeon, Henri, Agenz and Dortea.
I thought the ending a bit meh, after the build up it was rather flat. But I still overall liked the whole book. #bookcovers

Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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This is quite a good book but just not what I had expected. However, this book has kept me interested throughout and has been an enjoyable read. Hope to see more great things from this author in the future. I recommend this book to anyone interested in fantasy. I found the book to be well written, using intelligent prose and holding just the right amount of humour. It‘s not that I found it lacking, I just found it difficult to focus in some areas.

Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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About to start on my 8th book of the year.

I was a little disappointed on not reaching my personal goal last year, but am starting off strong! 💪🏻💪🏻

Nute You‘re a Rockstar! 4y
mangokittty @Nute thank you! I'm happy with my progress so far this year. 😊😊 4y
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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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Starting one of my new books while enjoying some hot chocolate in my book nerd mug! What a great way to end a great day! 🎅🎄☃️📚💕

LindseysLibrary303 This is a book I‘m debating on. I‘d love to know what you think of it when you‘re done! 5y
Branwen @Theeclecticreader Absolutely! So far I'm really enjoying it! It's really really different from his other works! 5y
Nutmegnc Im trying to get into it but it‘s a slog for me. I don‘t understand why, I‘ve read everything he‘s written and loved it. 5y
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Branwen @Nutmegnc Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! 😥 It's definitely taking me longer to read than I had originally expected, I think because the mythology of the world is really complicated, but I am enjoying it so far! Maybe if you set it aside and went back to it at a later time? 5y
Nutmegnc @Branwen I got the audio book as well to see if that helps. Just have a hard time getting into it. 😢I‘ll keep trying. 5y
Branwen @Nutmegnc I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! 🤗💕📚 5y
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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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Ugh I am LIVING for this gorgeous dust jacket artwork! #bookmail #tbr

Branwen Wooow! 😍 5y
Cailey_Mac @Branwen right!😍 5y
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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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#GratefulReads - Book over 500 pages
This was from Illumicrate October box and it is just over 500 pages.
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻📚❤️ 5y
Lucy_Anywhere OoooOoooh - need to add this one to my TBR! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty cover!! 5y
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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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I got my book signed! It was an extra specially good night because not only did I get to see my much beloved Garth Nix - he was ‘in conversation‘ with Amie Kaufman who is hilarious, asks great questions and can generally be relied on for quality banter ☺️ and then I went to see the new Terminator movie 🍿

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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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Another #giveaway happening on my Instagram!!! Head on over to enter to win Angel Mage!!

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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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The book I‘ve been daydreaming about holding in my hands... that I‘ve had all weekend and not read a single page 🥴🥴🥴 send help!

Is it the Sarah J Maas cover quote? It took me ages to get over the Stephanie Meyer cover quote on The Hunger Games...

Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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I'm still processing the end of this book and I need some time to just sit and think about it. After that I'm definitely gonna need more of this.

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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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And today‘s #fantasy read.

DuckOfDoom It looks beautiful. Is it a standalone fantasy, a new series, or a the new book in a series? 5y
Vinjii @DuckOfDoom So far it‘s a stand-alone! 5y
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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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Garth Nix signing at the Ann Arbor Library! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

BookmarkTavern 😱 I‘M SO JEALOUS! ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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“Necromancy is not a viable career path” - Garth Nix to children who write him that they want to be necromancers after reading the Old Kingdom books.

Attended a panel where Garth Nix and Veronica Roth talked about their new books. They also answered questions about their old series.

CoffeeCatsBooks 😂😂🧟‍♀️ 5y
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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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#OctoberTBR shelf featuring library books! Books for review! Books I meant to read during the summer and never got around to #Spookathon picks. Realistically I will get through only a third of these, unless it's a #nosleepOctober but I'm a mood reader so I need the options 😅

sharread Wow, I like them all. Awesome 👍👻🎉🎊 5y
Worldforreading @sharread Thank you🎃 5y
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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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Got this to review because I am a sucker for a Three Musketeers-inspired story! #angelmage #garthnix #gollancz #fantasy

Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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Look what I won in a raffle at #worldcon2019!

Have started it, just a few chapters in. I'm very intrigued.

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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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Granted, Garth Nix‘s Old Kingdom series is a favorite so I was already inclined to like his new book. But the Three Musketeers vibe and setting are even more enjoyable than expected because he pairs it with an interesting historical set-up and more importantly, cool magic. I loved the magic and the characters. Those are my key needs fulfilled.
But the ARC had no map.
I am counting the days until it pubs in October (2019) so I can get me my MAPS.

aeeklund SO good to hear you liked it! I‘ve been terrified to start it! 5y
elkeOriginal @aeeklund Don‘t worry - it‘s Nix! 5y
Centique OMG I‘m so excited to hear this. Love Garth Nix! 5y
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Angel Mage | Garth Nix
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While amazed and excited a friend gave me this ARC (Garth Nix is a favorite!), when it comes to #bookswithmaps ARCs suck rocks😣
Despite this disappointment, this gorgeous fatty is my holiday weekend read.
Review TK when I come up for air.
#mapsinbooks #bookswithoutmaps #mapsoflitsy

LeahBergen Aargh! 5y
Lindy ...the invisible map... 5y
elkeOriginal @Lindy Which is not useful for navigating the kingdom! 😹 5y
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