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Vile Bodies
Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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In the years following the First World War a new generation emerged, wistful and vulnerable beneath the glitter. The Bright Young Things of 1920s London, with their paradoxical mix of innocence and sophistication, exercised their inventive minds and vile bodies in every kind of capricious escapade. In these pages a vivid assortment of characters, among them the struggling writer Adam Fenwick-Symes and the glamorous, aristocratic Nina Blount, hunt fast and furiously for ever greater sensations and the hedonistic fulfillment of their desires. Evelyn Waugh's acidly funny satire reveals the darkness and vulnerability beneath the sparkling surface of the high life.
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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Sparked the grand tradition of bright young things. It's also very funny.

#literature #comedy

Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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♥️ Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh ♥️ Always, I like it to be neat when I get back into it ♥️ I believe that cold pizza is a breakfast food ♥️ I‘m a UK size 5 (US 7?) ♥️ @LeahBergen @Stacypatrice #friyayintro

LeahBergen I‘m with you on the pizza! 👍🏻 5y
Sleepswithbooks Yes girl - cold pizza for breakfast!! 5y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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Eyelit Love this! 5y
LeahBergen I love this cover! 5y
Nute I like it! 5y
jillrhudy @Eyelit @LeahBergen @Nute she looks like she's about to slink/sashay down the boulevard to me. 5y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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I hated this book. I did force myself to finish it because I will wind up discussing it at a future book club meeting, but aside from the occasional chuckle, it was torture. My biggest regret? Since I bought a digital copy, it means I can‘t set the “Vile Book” on fire. ⭐️⭐️

MayJasper Wow. Must be bad. 5y
MayJasper Actually, I couldn't get on with Brideshead Revisited. I disliked most of the characters. 5y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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Currently reading. It was suggested as the “book after next” for one of my book clubs, and I had some open time in my reading plans, so I thought, “Why not?”

Well, I‘m bored. I like satire, but in small doses (short stories, articles, etc.). The huge cast of characters and constantly switching scenes makes it impossible for me to connect with anybody enough to make me want to keep reading.

I probably won‘t bail, but this is a rough go.

KarenJMcLean Makes me feel like an English major all over again — and not in a good way. 6y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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This #audiobook is much like listening to a theatrical production. It is funny and charming.

#Reading1001 #1001Books

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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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Here ya go @Cinfhen , my #bookoutlethaul 😅

I don‘t know whether to be ashamed or proud. 😂😂😂

A lot of it is for my kids though.

Cinfhen I literally laughed out loud when I saw the double columns 😂😂😂 very eclectic choice of books 😉 6y
Librarybelle I loved Jane Austen At Home! And, now I‘m thinking if I dare go back in, as I did not see the illustrated Jane Eyre. I already did purchase 23 today...🤣 6y
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TheBookAddict Be PROUD!!! just wonderful. 💕😍 6y
Melissa_J Wow!! Awesome 👏🏻 6y
bg_reads I love Book Outlet! Good choices! 📕💓 6y
LeahBergen A Little Princess! ❤️ And the Austen bio by Worsley is so good! 6y
LeahBergen Oh, and an Anya Seton. I have that one but haven‘t read it yet. 😄 6y
Sarah83 Great choices 😍🤩 6y
LauraBeth Proud! 🙌 6y
emilyhaldi Oh man, I haven't had time for this sale and I think its for the best... Alex is FREAKING about the amount of boxes labeled "books" in the house ? 6y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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I couldn‘t stand this one. I did not find it funny and I really don‘t see what this books adds to literature in general in order to be on a list of “must read” books. It was just awful. @Dulcinella @BarbaraBB @Sarah83 What a lot of shitty books we have chosen! #stdb2018

Kappadeemom Oh my gosh, I loved them 😂 6y
BarbaraBB Lol, yes, they are definitely not the best although I have only read two so far. I am still waiting for @Dulcinella to send me the next! 6y
Dulcinella @barbarabb @tricours they are at the post office. But the post office is on strike... 😳 6y
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Dulcinella But that should be finished next week. 6y
Ddzmini Love the use of the pic 🤣🤣🤣 6y
BarbaraBB Do you still have this one, Rebecka? Would you mind sending it back to me? I‘d like to get it back one day and I know that Claire should read it first but that‘s not going to happen I think. 6y
tricours Sure! But why do you think Claire won‘t read it? @BarbaraBB 6y
BarbaraBB I don‘t think she has found the time to read or mail one of the other books in her possession at the moment. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
BarbaraBB Thanks for returning the book, Rebecka! I love all your and @Sarah83 ‘s comments in it 💕 6y
Sarah83 @BarbaraBB I will read the next book this month... I was a bit stressed at work and couldn't read many English books. Hope to send it to you until the end of January. 💪 6y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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Vile Bodies has arrived! And some delicious chocolate ❤️ Thanks @Sarah83 ! But was there a notebook in there or not? The parcel was torn in so many places and had several holes! @BarbaraBB @Dulcinella #stdb2018

Mitch Ooh- marzipan! My favourite! 👍🏼 6y
Sarah83 Oh sorry. 😒 I thought, I wrapped it enough. Curious how long it was on its way. 🙄 No, all notes are within the book itself. 6y
BarbaraBB Glad it reached you. Looking forward to your notes! 6y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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What I love about the book is the publisher's edition... 😏 I mean, I liked the second part of the book much more than the first one. Maybe I read the book at the wrong time (because of the marriage's stress) but I had the main problem, that I couldn't remember all the characters. So many people visit so many other people and drink... Mhm. The second part, when less people are involved the action got clear to me. 😊 #stdb2018

Sarah83 @tricours I will send it to you on Saturday. 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘ve only read one Waugh so far but I have this on my TBR. 6y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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Breakfast and a book. Hope I finish this book this week... I really have my difficulties with it. 🤔 #stdb2018 @BarbaraBB @tricours @Dulcinella who wants to read it next?

Tanisha_A Nutella! 😛 Yummiest thing on the planet. 6y
tricours Send It to me! 😊 6y
JazzFeathers Really? What kind of difficulties? This is on my TBR. I want to read it as 'research' for my 1920s Europe writing project. 6y
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BarbaraBB I liked it better than you I think, even though I wouldn‘t recommend it to others. 6y
jmofo Yeah, Waugh can be a sticky wicket. I enjoyed audiobook of Decline and Fall but I think that was largely because Rik Mayall read it and I adore him. I did some research on Waugh and now I‘m even more disinclined to seek out his books. 😕 6y
Sarah83 @BarbaraBB the main characters nerve me. that's the main problem... 6y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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Finally #fridayreads 💖

ju.ca.no Perfect🤗 6y
LeahBergen Lovely! 6y
Sarah83 @ju.ca.no @LeahBergen thank you. Really need this today 💖 6y
Emilymdxn I love this book!! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did 6y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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So many books, so little time... I don't know, what to read this evening so I will read some pages in each book. #stdb2018 #1001swap @BarbaraBB @Dulcinella @tricours

Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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The decadence of the in-between years of the great wars was certainly vile if you were lucky enough to be in the right sort of class of people. Strange story, great characters.

TheBookKeepers Welcome to Litsy!! :) @LitsyWelcomeWagon #welcometolitsy (edited) 6y
RaimeyGallant Nice review! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻🌸 6y
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Jess7 Welcome to Litsy! 👋🏼📚 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 👍📚 6y
VenmariPasinos Welcome to the famiLitsy! ❤📚 6y
CarolynM Welcome to Litsy🌼 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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From the sublime (a Game of Hide and Seek) to the ridiculous. Waugh's biting satire of the self-styled "bright young things" of the interwar years is merciless. From the on-again-off-again engagement and fortune of Adam and Nina to the libellous gossip column of Mr Chatterbox to Mrs Ape's evangelical troupe of angels there's not a single redeeming feature among them but, oh, it is very, very funny. That last chapter though...

vivastory I still need to read Waugh. This one is on my radar, as is 6y
Moray_Reads I've read a few, enjoyed Brideshead Revisited, Men at Arms was okay, I enjoyed Scoop for a while and loathed it thereafter. This was the most consistently enjoyable for me 6y
KateFulfordAuthor Sharp and still relevant 6y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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Look at the lovely surprise that arrived in my mailbox today from @Mitch ! I‘ve only ever read Brideshead Revisited but liked it a lot so I‘m looking forward to when I can carve some time out to read this one.

Reviewsbylola What a lovely cover. 😍😍 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Yes, lovely cover! 6y
AnneCecilie Love 💗 the cover 6y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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Yeah. So great. 😍 Thank you for these cute accessories. 😉 I will try to read as soon as possible. 😍 @BarbaraBB

BarbaraBB No rush, I hope you‘ll like it! #1001bookswap 6y
LeahBergen Nice! 💕 6y
Sarah83 @BarbaraBB I really have to finish magic mountain. 😂 6y
BarbaraBB @Sarah83 I know 😂 6y
Sarah83 @BarbaraBB as soon as I finish it, it will be yours. 😘 6y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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Life is one big party, or isn‘t it? In the roaring twenties England‘s Young Bright People show their disapproval of the establishment by partying non-stop, thinking of nothing and caring for nothing. In the mean time Adam tries to gain enough money to be able to marry Nina. He gains some, he loses some, he doesn‘t mind. But then things start changing because nothing lasts forever.

#1001bookswap #stdb2018 #1001books #192019 1930

Sarah83 Maybe you can send it to me? In April I will have more reading time (hopefully) and I might manage yours and my book for the challenge. 😊 7y
BarbaraBB @Sarah83 I will send it to you! Don‘t feel obliged to read it in April though, we‘re in no hurry. And you still have Der Zauberberg to finish, don‘t you 😀😉?! 7y
Sarah83 Yeeesss... It's driving me mad.. about 300 pages to go. Meanwhile I dive into another Agatha Christie novel. I need some 'lighter' entertainment.. 🙈 7y
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Sarah83 If you want to, I can send you Der Zauberberg. It's a lovely edition, but I won't read it again. Obviously it's in German. 😉 But maybe it doesn't care. 😘 7y
BarbaraBB @Sarah83 Thanks so much for the offer 💕 but I have a copy already and my Deutsch isn‘t that good. The last book I managed to finish was Der Richter und sein Henker 😀! 7y
Sarah83 Ok. It might have been a gift because of its cover. 😉 Your German will be better than my Dutch. 😉 7y
BarbaraBB @Sarah83 Thank you 😘, I would love it for its cover (I saw your post of it) but i would feel so guilty for not being able to read it! 7y
Sarah83 When is your birthday? 😉 7y
BarbaraBB @Sarah83 November 13 😂 7y
Sarah83 Hmpf... That's a bit late. I will think about an event to send it to you without feeling guilty. 😊 7y
BarbaraBB Haha! 💜 7y
Sarah83 😊💖 I am good in things like this. 😉 7y
Sarah83 Other question: have you found a list of the 1001 books online for this challenge? Or do you use the book to mark the books you read? 7y
BarbaraBB @Sarah83 I use the app. It is perfect, do you know it? There is also a spreadsheet circulating. I can email it to you if you want? 7y
Sarah83 No I don't know it. An email would be kind. 😊 7y
LitsySwaps @Sarah83 we also have the entire list on our goodreads page (reading1001 group). It‘s in the bookshelf and in the general folder it‘s all in one message. (edited) 7y
LitsySwaps @Sarah83 oop. It‘s JenP forgot to log out of the LitsySwaps account 😬 7y
Sarah83 @JenP hihi. Thank you. 😊 7y
BarbaraBB @Sarah83 I have send you the list, but maybe you won‘t need it when it is in the GR group! Thanks, @JenP ! (edited) 7y
JenP @BarbaraBB no problem, whatever is easiest. The app is great too for tracking. 7y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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#stdb2018 #1001bookswap

I started this one, my own book for the swap. So far I am having a hard time getting into it. It‘s a short read though, so I will be able to send it on shortly. @tricours @Sarah83 @Dulcinella , any of you interested in receiving this one after I‘ve finished it?

Sarah83 Haven't started mine already. 😥 7y
Emilymdxn I remember the ending of this book really impressing me! I hope you manage to get into it 😊 7y
BarbaraBB @Emilymdxn Now I will! Thank you for your recommendation! 7y
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BarbaraBB @Sarah83 No hurry, we do one in three months, so lots of time to read! (edited) 7y
tricours My book is taking ages so I‘m not quite ready yet! 7y
Dulcinella Oh @barbarabb we do one in three months? I thought every month 😮. Quite a relief. 7y
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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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A playlist for your reads !!! 🎶🎹

Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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Got recemmeded this when I walked into my local Waterstones.
Seems interesting

Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh
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My pick for #MayBookFlowers #satire - my favourite Waugh. I think. I had a massive Waugh and Bright Young Things reading kick a few years back. It absolutely fascinates me still. And Stephen Fry's film of this - Bright Young Things - is really good too.

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Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh

All this fuss about sleeping together. For physical pleasure I'd sooner go to my dentist any day.

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