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Who Moved My Cheese? for Teens
Who Moved My Cheese? for Teens: An A-mazing Way to Change and Win! | Spencer Johnson
Presents the author's parable about change framed in a story about a group of high school friends trying to handle change in their lives.
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Motivating book when setting out to uncharted waters


Good Teaching by Fiction

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change is happening everywhere and I wil do better when I can adjust to it quickly.

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what you are afraid of is never as bad as what you imagine. The fear you let build up in your mind is worse than the situation that actually exists.


"What would I do if I weren't afraid?"


Whatever parts of us we choose to use,
we all share something in common:
a need to find our way in the Maze
and succeed in changing times.


Intresting little story about the importance of adopting to situations.




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Bloody hell @TrishB 😂

TrishB 😂😂😂 OMG! Someone‘s lost their tea! 5y
arlenefinnigan @TrishB I'm curious as to what book it was in. I'm gonna ask them. 5y
TrishB They will answer too! 5y
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arlenefinnigan @TrishB don't know if you're on twitter but the replies 😂 5y
ljuliel Yuk. 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Wow, that‘s some kind of awful! 5y
TrishB I shall have a look- it‘s the funniest account in the uni! 5y
diovival Noooooo 😂 5y
TheKidUpstairs At least it was still wrapped! 5y
CarolynM This is the perfect answer to @MrBook 's question of the day! 😂😂😂 5y
MrBook 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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Stack 2/3 for #SelfImprovement Display replenishment. 😊

Have you read any of these?!

#LitsyLovesLibraries #MrBooksDisplays

Gissy Who moved my cheese? Long time ago. 5y
TiredLibrarian Had to read this one for a work related discussion. The author had a good thing going: write a simplistic fable that can be read in an hour, and market it like hell to businesses & groups. 5y
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@howjessreads #friyayintro

1. Look, I just don't want to change AND THAT'S TOTALLY FINE THANKS!
2. I haven't watched TV for over 4 years now but I liked dark stuff like Peep Show.
3. Cereal & coffee most days. Pain au chocolate as a treat. I love a full English fry up but rarely have the time/energy.
4. British Summer Time. Ha! ☔🌧☔
5. Black Assassin. I'd totally listen to that band!!!

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A random email address, bought this little gem, which I had on my TBR list for more than 10 years and just never gotten around to, to my attention again. This is a very quick and very inspiring read. 😎😎😎

gaurang_1901 I know right? It is a must read. Explains quite a big concept in such a few words. 5y
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*"When you don't find your Cheese, change the Maze. "*

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Truly Inspiring in a very simple way.

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This was interesting, if a bit patronising and 'woo woo'. I'm sorry but I'm never going to hear phrases like 'negative energy' and 'let go of your fears' without rolling my eyes. Also, I think people might be entitled to be annoyed about their cheese being taken away. Mmmm. Cheese. Yeah this book also made me quite hungry. A lot of interesting stuff to think about though.

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#ReadHarder challenge 3:a business book

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Accurate. #worthit 🎅🏼🧀😆

Mitch I‘m definitely in the cheese coma stage! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Mitch I definitely don't know what day it is. 😆 6y
kstadt929 🤣🤣🤣 6y
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erinreads I know it‘s Friday, but I had to go look up the date. 😂 Sliding into the final phase a little early, too! 6y
Stacy_31 I definitely have not known what day it is for at least 3 days. 😂😂😂 6y
JacqMac I have no idea what day it is. I have set an alarm, so I remember when to make the kids take out the garbage. Also, my pants are a little tight. 6y
Hestapleton Um the middle is too accurate. So much cheese. So much confusion. Send help. 😂😂😂 (edited) 6y
BarbaraJean Yep. I‘m working from home. I haven‘t washed my hair since Wednesday. I think. 😂🤣 6y
speljamr I've worked the last two days from home. Definitely in stage two of that graphic. 6y
JoScho Accurate AF 6y
Laura317 Forget the cheese. I‘m on a Christmas cookie high. I don‘t know what I‘m supposed to do, so I just read until someone tells me what to do. 😂 6y
Samplergal No kidding. Almost forgot a doc appointment yesterday as my days got blurry. And cheese. Oy vey! 6y
Crazeedi Someone mixed up the days this week! 🤪😉 6y
j9brown Literally me 😂 Ate half a block of leftover cheese for dinner yesterday! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🤣🤣🤣 6y
sprainedbrain 😂😂😂 6y
Tove_Reads Still no packages?? 🤯🤦‍♀️ I‘ve been waiting for a package from the 🇬🇧 for 2,5 weeks... let me know when you get them (3), so we can open them together. 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Tove_Reads I was about to email you! I have one of your packages so far. Our national post office was on a partial strick before Christmas, so a lot of our mail is backed up, coming & going. Some of my stuff is getting through no problem & some is taking ages. 🙄 You should be getting just 1 package from me. I'll let you know when I get the rest of yours. 😊 Happy New Year!! 🥂 6y
Tove_Reads I‘ve gotten yours ages ago. Posted about it back when I got it. The other two need to get there this week! (edited) 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Tove_Reads I see it now! That's good. I got the first one right before Christmas so the other 2 should be arriving very soon, maybe even today! 6y
Tove_Reads Still no packages? I‘m getting worried. 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Tove_Reads Not yet, but really don't worry. I am certain that it's a Canada Post problem. There is a huge back log from the postal strike that happened before Christmas 6y
Tove_Reads I‘ve been waiting for books from the 🇬🇧 for nearly a month... 2 separate ones. I wonder if there‘s a lost books collector somewhere in the world whom the books end up with if they never make it... 😂 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Tove_Reads Oh to be that guy! 😆 I'm confident they will show up soon though. 😊 6y
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An hour read..which taunts u so much..

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Starting a new one, should be quick

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A metaphorical account of our life's one of the greatest fear.. dearth of resources. loved it as this was a book i completed in my high school and made me think a lot.

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚👍😀Hope you enjoy it here! 7y
RaimeyGallant Nice review! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo just put some together. 7y
Chelleo Welcome 🤗 7y
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A ridiculously quick read that is a cute comparison of complex thinking and simple thinking. I found the anecdote a little too simple, but the overall message was good.


I just loved the question, "What would you do if you weren't afraid?" Oh! This short story could be a game-changer for you. &, it'd take you just a couple of hours max. to finish this motivational fable. Definitely, a must-read.

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"Sometimes...things change, and they are never going to be the same.....That's life! Life moves on and so should we." #oneofmyfavoritebooks

MrBook Good quote. 8y
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Hey book, I did, from the fridge where I transformed it into this amazing dinner. #thatswhitecheddarnotbutter #evenIhavemylimits

DebinHawaii Yum! 🧀👍😋 8y
ApoptyGina69 Ha ha! I just posted a pic of a big salami platter seconds before I saw this. I have a Castello blue softening on the counter. 8y
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britt_brooke 😱😱😱 8y
britt_brooke At least they finally scored. There's still time. Maybe. 8y
Treatyoshelf @britt_brooke I'm at Urgent Care now. I'm not saying it's related but I'm not saying it's not. (It's not, haha.) 8y
britt_brooke @Treatyoshelf 😂 Uh oh! Hope all is okay!! 8y
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I never leave Minneapolis without a stop at the airport Surdyk's. #heartland16

BookishMarginalia Yum! Safe travels! 8y
Desha Haha lol 😜 I think you did....❤️ 8y
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Smangela This is a really REALLY quick read but it kind of reinforces things that we already know and reminds you that you CAN deal with change, more than that you can thrive from it 🧀 8y
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We had a course on this book at work, and each of us was given a copy. I honestly haven't read it, but I understand what it goes over from the course. #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept #workplacebooks @RealLifeReading

MrBook Great book 😊👍🏻. 8y
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We had a course on this book at work, and each of us was given a copy. I honestly haven't read it, but I understand what it goes over from the course. #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept #workplacebooks @RealLifeReading

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You guys, there are boxes and boxes of my books in the garage. As of yet, there are no shelves to place them on and my husband wouldn't appreciate book piles in the living room. I'm so jealous of everyone's #augustofpages and #bookphotochallenge. I'm dying over here! 😫😲😵😭

OSChamberlain That's insanity!! How could anyone NOT love piles of books strewn in the rooms of the house?! That's a dream for me. 8y
TheSpinecrackersBookClub Oh no! That's really horrible. Hmm why not make use of online photos of books maybe? Or some of the books on your kindle? 8y
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DragonSadhana @OSChamberlain I don't know! If it weren't for the fact that he makes me happy in general, I'd never have married him. I guess nobody's perfect. 😢 8y
DragonSadhana @TheSpinecrackersBookClub You're right. I'm going to try for some of the days to do online photos and kindle. 8y
TheSpinecrackersBookClub Hope it will make you feel a bit better 😁 8y
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This book is about change management. I read this when I was in the early years of my working life. It taught when to keep fighting, when to let go and move on. It taught me that life always offer you a better option if you are willing to recognize and look for it. you need not suffer unnecessarily.