From our book sale at work today
From our book sale at work today
My to read list from the library was inspired by Stephen king...
My current listen... I have eight hours to go. Liking the story, but I really do not like Harper! I hate these "perfect" characters in books that seem so superficial. This is the first book I've listened to with a female narrator, and I'm wondering if that it part of my issue... maybe I'm just not a huge fan of the narrator
Newest listen at work... finished in two days. It's a short listen (less than ten hours). I read the book years ago and liked it, and why not enjoy it again during #sharkweek
Finishing up the lost world on audiobook... the book is so much better than the movie! I guess that's not too shocking
Current listen at work. Read this a while back... really enjoying it for the second time!
I happened upon the tv series years ago, and fell in love. Probably one of my all time favorite shows! Had wanted to read the book since, but never got around to it. Decided to listen to the audiobook... the book was great! Thinking about rewatching the series and maybe finding the movie
Listening to this while I'm at work. Wasn't too sure I'd be a huge fan of audiobooks, but I made it through the entire Harry Potter series so I figured I'd try something new. Can't say that I'm giving it my undivided attention, but really like the story. Loved the tv series based off of this book that was on years ago!
Not meant to be funny, but seriously... raw hamburger?!?
I won't say this was the best book I ever read, but it wasn't bad! It did take me forever to read it, though. I didn't find it to be a slow read, but I've been busy lately and would pick it up and read a chapter at a time. I've had this book for years and never read it for some reason
Some light reading... the captain underpants are for my daughter!
Haul from the past two days... the book in the top right corner was from target, the one to the left of it I received from Amazon, and the others came from a yard sale this morning.
I really wanted to love this book, but it was odd. Not bad odd... just strange. Very well written, however.
This is pretty awesome!
Got this today! Excited to read to my daughter
This was a super quick read, and a borrowed book from work. Found it interesting but really not a lot of new information. I'd be willing to look into the actual workbook to see what benefits I could find. Plenty of good ideas here.
Thrift store haul today... already own "quiet" on my kindle but thought it was worth owning in paperback. The other looks pretty interesting as well.
This was a very odd and creepy book. I wouldn't call it scary, really, but definitely disturbing in that I'm pretty sure I've known men like Joe. Yikes! The entire story is written in the second person. I can't say that this was my favorite book that I've ever read, but I'll probably read the sequel. I did get a kick out of the endorsement on the front by Stephen King and all the mentions of him in the story!
Mystery books revealed... Can't say that I would have picked up many of these on my own, but at five cents a book I think I got a pretty good deal. Out of these there are probably half that if at least attempt to read, and most of the others I'm sure I could find homes for (my family reads a lot)! If they still have these next time I'm at the library, I will definitely purchase another mystery bag (or two)!!
Taking a chance at the library today and buying a mystery pack of books... Exciting! (Had to renew my checkout for pressure because I hadn't gotten a chance to start it)
Finished this last week and was surprised at how much I liked it! I've been really into "scary" books lately, but I'm not easy to scare, so many have fallen flat. I nearly book this book down after the first part because it was so intense! I found the story to be great, and though the first part was intense, I'm glad I stuck it out and read the whole book! I did go to the store to get more of his books, but our store didn't have many... Boo!
Today's find at a church rummage sale. The bookmark had been left inside by the previous owner.
Having worked in customer service my whole adult life, this really made me chuckle!
The top three I bought the other day at books a million (sadly, our only local bookstore). The question is, which do I read first? Or should I read one of the MANY others (including the remaining pictured) on my list?!?
Finished this one a couple of weeks back as well. I was surprised with how much I enjoyed this book! I found it to be extremely well written. To me it was like a combination of "the stand" (Stephen King) and the tv series "survivor." Great first novel and an easy read, one that was hard to put down!
Read this a couple of weeks back, but haven't yet reviewed. This had been on my TBR list for a while, and I finally found it in the book bus. The writing was fine, and there was a huge twist at the end... That I really did not see coming! I think I was kind of angry at the ending of this book, because at first it did not make sense to me... Until I realized that it tied up everything. Had I read this book when I was 16 probably would have loved it
This line made me laugh in a not so humorous part. Teehee.
Started this last night... So far a quick read. Have a couple others I have finished recently but haven't reviewed.
Was going to do the #booktober challenge but so far I've only posted once. Didn't want to miss #bookmarks especially after I began reading yesterday and realized my bookmark unintentionally matched the cover @RealLifeReading
You know, I downloaded these a few weeks ago and forgot all about them! Whoops! #shortstories #harrypotter #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading
Tons of maps, had trouble picking just one! Maybe not as beautiful as maps in a lot of other books, but helpful to understand the places spoken about in the book! #mapsinbooks #somethingforsept #sharkbooks #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading
Somehow forgot to post my #favevillain yesterday! Loved bellatrix, as crazy as she was (and even though she killed my favorite character in the series)! I think helena bonam carter did an amazing job portraying her in the movies as well! #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading
Finished this one about a week ago... Loved it! Suspenseful and definitely kept me on my toes! This book was all I hoped it would be (and more). I definitely didn't guess right on this one. #couldntputitdown #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading
Fitting, as I'm starting training for my first marathon this week. Missed posting yesterday... #booksquotes #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading
Reading during my lunch break. Trying to get into this book. It's written well but I haven't had a lot of time to read it, unfortunately. #readingoutside #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading
I wasn't even joking. My #patronus is a salmon.
Some of my #scarybooks these are basically my TBR for October. Although, if September is any indication, I won't get through even a third. #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading
#blameitonlitsy these are some of the books I've acquired since joining Litsy in July. I'm also not counting the library books I've checked out and the couple of ebooks I've downloaded. And I have tons more on my TBR list. I was already in #BOTM but since joining Litsy I've been getting three books a month, rather than just my monthly selection. Now to find time to read them all #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading
No shortage of #womenwriters in my collection! #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading
Book haul today from the #ymca yard sale. Four books for two dollars! They had others at a different table as well!
My rainbow isn't the prettiest, but I was able to find these! I have tons of books of what I though was every color, but they all seemed blue/black/grey on the spines! I also was a little short of time. My daughter helped with these. #bookrainbow #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading