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Choque de Reyes = A Clash of Kings
Choque de Reyes = A Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
Cuando los reyes estan en guerra, toda la tierra tiembla Ahora hay mas reyes en el reino que ratas en un castillo, afirma uno de los personajes de "Choque de reyes." Despues de la sospechosa muerte de Robert Baratheon, el monarca de los Siete Reinos, su hijo Joffrey ha sido impuesto por la fuerza, aunque quienes realmente gobiernan son su madre, un eunuco y un enano, como dice la voz del pueblo. Cuatro nobles se proclaman, a la vez, reyes legitimos, y las tierras de Poniente se estremecen entre guerras y traiciones. Y todo este horror se encuentra presidido por la mas ominosa de las senales: un inmenso cometa color sangre suspendido en el cielo. En esta novela prodigiosa nada es realmente lo que parece ser. Los protagonistas, trazados con una complejidad asombrosa, son capaces de hacerse odiar o amar desde las primeras paginas. George R. R. Martin, con pulso firme y energico, vuelve a ofrecernos un brillante despliegue de personajes en una trama rica, densa y sorprendente. Nos convierte en testigos de luchas fratricidas, intrigas y traiciones palaciegas en una tierra maldita, donde fuerzas ocultas se alzan de nuevo y acechan para reinar en las noches del largo invierno que se avecina."
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#CoverLove #weapon 🗡️⚔️

Eggs Beautiful 💙🧡💙 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Gorgeous 💙 2mo
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I am so excited to keep going with the #GOTchapteraday group! We finished a few days ago and I am in awe at the scope of plot and characters GRRM has created. I am looking forward to continuing the series and how these plot points will come together. 4/5

5feet.of.fury ⚔️ so excited! 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Most of the characters are moving on from their role or physical location in this book… except Catelyn who was about to do something crazy & 1 character who might be dead. I‘m the most excited for what Cat is doing next in A Storm of Swords.
Thank you to those reading along #ReadingWesteros
I am really debating posting the #readingschedule because it‘s spoilers, but we are starting 1/22 with the prologue & continuing on til 4/12.

5feet.of.fury ALSO if anyone wants to be added or removed from the tag list please let me know!! ❤️⚔️ 9mo
Roary47 I‘m ready! 🤩 I haven‘t been this excited for a series in a while. 🥰💛 9mo
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Bklover I am just loving this buddyread! 9mo
BethM Loving this too @Roary47 @Bklover !! I‘m ok with not posting a reading schedule. If I get behind I check on the daily post to see where I should be at. 9mo
BethM @Captivatedbybooks want to jump in at book 3? 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Finished this for the second time. Great book. So much better reading a chapter a day with #readingwesteros ❤️ come join us for book 3! Just let @5feet.of.fury know :)

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An amazing read from beginning to end. George R. R. Martin continues to deliver the most beautiful story with the most emotionally harrowing events.

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Not very often do I read a chunkster like this and then want to immediately follow it up with another one. This was wonderful! I am really enjoying this buddyread @5feet.of.fury Thank you so much!❤️

5feet.of.fury He left so many people on the road, but Catelyn had the biggest cliffhanger! I‘m excited for book 3! (edited) 9mo
Bklover @5feet.of.fury Me too! 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Bran dreams through his third eye & sees Winterfell burning, everyone dead. Meera &Jojen caution him against staying wolf too long. They emerge from their hiding spot to see Winterfell burned just as he said. Dying, Luwin tells Rickon & Bran to separate. As they leave Bran thinks “Winterfell‘s not dead, it‘s just broken like me”

& we‘re done #ReadingWesteros will return with A Storm of Swords ⚔️ 1/22/24

Bklover I just love this! I really love when Bran is the wolf, although I don‘t want him to forget how to talk! 😶. Oh, and I had actually forgotten where they were hiding 🫣 9mo
Roary47 This would have been the biggest spoiler when documenting chapters. I love that they are okay, and glad they are splitting up just in case. I hope Theon is actually dead and not playing possum. I strongly dislike him along with Joff and Cersei. 9mo
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Doppoetry I am glad that Bran is safe and hiding where they did was smart 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 I know! GRRM had us going for a few chapters. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Bklover @Doppoetry I didn‘t remember that‘s where they hid, it was risky, but no one had a reason to go down there. 9mo
BethM I love that line! I didn‘t remember/know this as it‘s different than the show. 9mo
Sargar114 A great twist there! I had forgotten that‘s where they hid, so was happy at the reveal. Thank you for hosting @5feet.of.fury 9mo
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#Reading Westeros #GOTChapteraDay

Just finished a day early. This is a re-read for me, so I'm noticing all the differences between the TV series, and the books. It's been a long time since I read the book the first time, so the TV series was most fresh in my mind.

Wonderful book, but brutal in the telling.

Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Since hiding is futile, they‘ve decided to make a fire. Stonesnake is sent on the arduous trek back to the Fist to tell of Jon‘s vision. Qhorin tells Jon that if they are caught by wildlings, Jon is to yield & join them…. & spy. After a night, they are approached. Jon yields, Ygritte vouches for him, but the others make him prove it by opposing Qhorin.

Mance is already marching on the Wall.

majkia I went ahead and read the last chapter. Whew. Looking forward to A Storm of Swords. 9mo
Roary47 @majkia I finished a while ago, but agree! Timeline is it starts Wednesday? 9mo
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5feet.of.fury @Roary47 @majkia 1/22 for ⚔️Storm of Swords 🗡️ I left a buffer zone in case anyone needs to catch up (or take a little break) but I think I‘m one of the very few NOT finished 😂 9mo
Bklover I‘m not finished either! I can‘t wait for Storm of Swords. Oh, and poor Jon. 9mo
BethM Im not finished either! And I agree with @Bklover what a horrible time for Jon 9mo
Doppoetry What a shame about Qhorin. Rest in power ✌️ ☮️ he was so cool and definitely one of my favorites. 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Tyrion is in the infirmary in severe pain. The milk of poppy knocks him out. He dreams of Jaime making him a knight, he dreams of Tysha. Tyrion awakes again, says no more milk of poppy. He asks the Maester to removed his bandages, fearing that Cersei is keeping him sedated. He thinks that she sent Ser Mandon to make sure he didn‘t return from battle. He finds out his father has arrived & taken role of Hand. He asks for his own guard & maester.

Roary47 Poor Tyrion. 😭 9mo
Bklover @Roary47 That pretty much says it all. Totally unappreciated. How awful to be so unloved. 9mo
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Doppoetry I do wonder how much of Tyrion's whole perspective is paranoia and how much of it is “reality“

This is just speculation but if I was Cersei I would have killed him when he was recovering instead of supposedly monitor him and report to her 🤔
5feet.of.fury @Doppoetry with the amount of psychological warfare within the Lannister family, who knows. I agree, if she wanted him gone, Pod was the only one watching & he doesn‘t have enough status. But if she was behind it, it does explain Mandon. 9mo
BethM @Bklover spot on! @Doppoetry @5feet.of.fury I bet once she found out the assassination failed she was hoping that keeping him drugged he would never awake. 9mo
BooksNBowls @BethM I agree with you!! She was definitely cutting loose ends 9mo
BooksNBowls @Doppoetry that‘s a great point honestly I would go crazy myself if I was in Tyrion‘s position 😅 9mo
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I'm just getting started but I don't think Oak-cakes would taste very good 🤭

Doppoetry I do hope they caught this typo in newer reprinting 9mo
5feet.of.fury Mine also says oakcakes… 🌳 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Maester Luwin counsels Theon; he cannot hold Winterfell. Rodrik & Theon parlay, it goes poorly, he still wants to put his 17 men agains Rodriks 2000. He has Rodrik‘s daughter. A hostage will die ever dusk &dawn if the host doesn‘t retreat, starting with her. He knows they will attack, Luwin tries again, tells him to take the Black. As he considers, Reek returns with Bolton men. Reek reveals himself to be more powerful & crazy than he can handle.

5feet.of.fury Theon you absolute arsehole 9mo
majkia @5feet.of.fury Indeed. But he's about to get his own. 9mo
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HeyT Theon is the worst. 9mo
Roary47 Too much pride to see reason. 🤯 9mo
BethM Gosh I hate this chapter 9mo
Bklover @BethM I‘m with you, Beth! (edited) 9mo
BooksNBowls @BethM when I saw a Theon chapter I outwardly groaned lol we must suffer through 😂 9mo
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I am officially caught up on the chapters from all the holiday chaos. Thankfully I went to bed early the other day so I managed to get enough sleep to finish the Sansa chapter.

there are 4 chapters left in the book which is bizarre to me! but I am so happy

Doppoetry I also can't help but feel a bit suspicious of the hair net and Ser Dontos as well. I am convinced he is stalling to get Sansa in more trouble and is being paid off by someone to do so. Though maybe that's just me being paranoid. 9mo
5feet.of.fury Yeah what is up with the hairnet? 9mo
5feet.of.fury Do you want me to add you to the #ReadingWesteros tag list since we synched up? 9mo
Doppoetry @5feet.of.fury Sure! 9mo
Bklover @5feet.of.fury I want to know if about the magic hairnet too! 9mo
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Almost caught up but I can't help but make parallels between this sentence and House of the Dragon

Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Lord Tywin is proclaimed “savior of the city”, he will assume governance.Ser Loras will serve in the Kingsguard. Tyrells betroth Margaery to Joff, her marriage was not consummated with Renly -who “went off to war”. She‘s a better wife than a traitor‘s daughter. Sansa will be kept as a ward. She‘s glad she won‘t have to give him her maidenhood.Dontos tells Sansa she is still in danger but they will escape the on the wedding night &gives her a gift.

5feet.of.fury Where does everyone think Renly is? How is the gift vengeance for her father? We‘re running out of book here 😅 also them granting Harrenhal which they don‘t actually hold to Littlefinger…. So shady (edited) 9mo
majkia And not one mention of Tyrion. And LIttlefinger is slimy, agree! 9mo
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Bklover My favorite part of this chapter was the horse pooping on the floor💩😂 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Bklover right? Perfect gift for Joffrey 9mo
Bklover @majkia I agree- poor Tyrion doesn‘t even get a mention! Oh, and I just can‘t quite picture Joffrey doing all this cheek kissing! 9mo
Roary47 Sansa was so excited she wasn‘t marrying Joff. Then bubble burst. Well… he can still take you to bed honey. 😱🫣 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 I know, she barely got to enjoy her freedom…. Joff is so self centered tho, I hope he forgets all about her 9mo
BethM Renly is dead. Dead dead. Lol. The gift confuses me but has Varys all over it. Shady yes but he also has a thing for Cat and power so it makes motivational sense for him. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @BethM they are letting everyone think Renly is alive & I don‘t get ittttt. 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Gendry blames Arya for the deaths in Harrenhal, & that they traded 1 Devil for another.
While bringing water to Lord Bolton, she overhears the men talking about Tywin‘s strategy …& then of Winterfell. That Winterfell has fallen & her brothers are dead. She refuses to believe even as she despairs that she may be stuck in this life. She asks Gendry for a sword, asks him to run with her. She secures horses & she escapes with Gendry & Hot Pie.

Roary47 I was surprised in her ability to slaughter the guard. Of course she was treated really poorly. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 I know, it was so ruthless 9mo
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majkia @5feet.of.fury But she knows what's coming, even worse folks than those in Harrenhall now. And it isn't as if she hasn't been in the midst of nothing but horror for months. I'm always so surprised how different Arya is from Sansa. Go Arya! 9mo
5feet.of.fury @majkia I totally agree, but it was clever & cold as ice for a nine year old. You are right, I am so glad she‘s getting out of there 9mo
Bklover @majkia @5feet.of.fury She also thinks her brothers have both been killed, so I think that helps fuel her anger. @Roary47 (edited) 9mo
Roary47 @Bklover That is a valid point. 9mo
BethM I forget she‘s NINE. Come on GRRM 😂 9mo
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I'm the slowest most tired reader in the world but lord I'm trying. (orange are the chapters I've fallen behind on) 😭

Will be reading the Tyrion chapter in a little bit

Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Dany earns her 1st braid from her victory over the maegi. The remaining Warlocks plot against her. They have worn out their welcome anyway as Xaro turned bitter after failing to coerce a dragon from her.
She thinks again of the prophecy, her brother Rhaegar‘s baby “the prince that was promised”.
Dany &Jorah are attacked & 2 men, Arstan &Strong Belwas assist them, they were sent by Illyrio to bring her (& her dragons &khalasar) to Pentos.

Bklover Foreshadowing. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Bklover lots and lots 9mo
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Bklover Yes! 9mo
BethM That can‘t be their names right? I‘m going with Varys and the old kings guard dude who fled. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @BethM I didn‘t even consider anyone sneaky! I think Varys is too into espionage for a bold tactic like this, but we‘ll see! 9mo
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With all the holiday nonsense over, I can start my arduous journey of catching up to ACoK. I feel bad I've fallen so far behind, but it couldn't really be helped.

Happy reading to us all!

Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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The goldcloaks turned when Cersei called Joff back to the castle, mobs are fighting to get out.Cersei goes to get Joff, Sansa tries to soothe the people. Resigned to her fate,she goes to her bedchamber. The Hound waits for her, his drunken behavior is erratic, she doesn‘t go when he says they could escape.He leaves her &she sleeps, awakens for victory bells. The men Stannis took from Renly betrayed him. Dontos says Renly himself lead the vanguard

Sargar114 Imagine what would have happened if she left with him??!!! 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Sargar114 I probably would have gone with the crazy man at this point 😅 9mo
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BooksNBowls @5feet.of.fury right? Like pick your poison, Sansa 😅 9mo
BethM @Sargar114 @BooksNBowls right?! Like use your head girl! Go with the scary man! But I also loved her natural inclination to calm folks down and help Lancel when Cersei peaced out. 9mo
Sargar114 @BethM she could be a good leader if she just would get out of her fantasy world of how the world is supposed to be. It‘s funny cause Cersei, as terrible as she is, tries to get her to see the world as it is. Sansa is by far the most frustrating character…in this way so much like Ned and it could lead to her demise like him as well 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Sargar114 I can agree with that, she‘s focused on “when I‘m queen everyone will love me” & expectations of being polite/ladylike as Ned was with honor & morality, meanwhile people around them are taking advantage of their nature. 9mo
BooksNBowls @Sargar114 I agree! I can‘t wait to see her character arc progress as she ages and matures! 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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They take out the men with battering ram & head for the mud gate. Tyrion feels the “battle fever” Jaime had explained before, dancing through swords. Cutting through Stannis‘s forces but men still cross the Blackwater from 3 small ships. There; Tyrion‘s men are overwhelmed, he nearly drowns. Ser Mandon appears &tells Tyrion to take his left hand. As Tyrion reaches for his hand, Ser Mandon‘s sword slices into his face. Tyrion is saved by Podrick.

Roary47 I‘m so glad he still has people loyal to him since he was hurt so badly. 9mo
Bklover I like Podrick! 9mo
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5feet.of.fury @Roary47 @Bklover so glad Pod was there! 9mo
Sargar114 Pod! 🖤 9mo
BooksNBowls Good ole Pod! So who do you think commanded Ser Mandon to kill Tyrion? Cersei? Joffrey? Hmmmm… 9mo
5feet.of.fury @BooksNBowls I‘m hoping to get more info on that! That was a quick heel turn from Mandon, I thought he was gonna be a shadow baby for a minute 9mo
BethM @BooksNBowls hands down had to be Cersi 9mo
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📚Currently reading:

📕A Clash of Kings - A chapter a day.
📕The Goblin Emperor - A chapter a day.
📙Lord of The Necropolis - Reading before bed.
🎧Night of the Hunter - From time to time.


I got to read 2 days out of the 7 this week. An absolutely atrocious week for reading, but to be fair, the last week of the end of the year is a very hectic time for me. I hope in the New Year I will do better.

Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Sansa overhears the status of the ongoing battle, & watches on nervously at the frightened people around her. Cersei expresses her disdain for being on the sidelines due to queenly/womanly obligations. & how her upbringing split from Jaime‘s because of gender. She tells Sansa the disgusting truth of what may happen to the women if the castle falls. …& that Ser Ilyn is there for them. Cersei will not fall to Stannis alive.

Bklover While Sansa seems to have opened her eyes to some degree she still seems very naive to me. Cersei, of course, is still 👿 9mo
BethM Of course he‘s there to kill you Sansa, duh. 9mo
BooksNBowls Cersei is so unhinged lol 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Tyrion is watching the carnage. He sacrificed Joff‘s fleet to draw Stannis in. 8 ships landed, Joff is going to catapult traitors at them. They are also being attacked from the Gate. The Hound is refusing to continue fighting in the bursting wildfire, he says to open the gate & they‘ll kill the enemy as they come in. Tyrion realizes the Hound is not fit to continue, so he leads. “If I fight they must do the same, or they are less than a dwarf”

Roary47 You tell em Tyrion! 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 proud of him for leading from the frontlines, can‘t ask people to do what you aren‘t willing to. 9mo
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Bklover Go Tyrion! I have gotten carried away and read ahead several days. This part is riveting! 9mo
BethM He‘s brave! 9mo
BooksNBowls I fell behind a bit, catching up today! Tyrion would have made a great king. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @BooksNBowls ❤️ Tyrion has such good leadership skills 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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5✨ Had to finish this early since I didn‘t want to put it down. Just wow! So much happens in this book with 9 POV (I believe I counted correctly). It picks up right where it left off in the first book where everyone in a different region is going for the iron throne. We have 2 new POV in this book that we didn‘t previous have. One was a detestable character, the other wasn‘t the bad. ⬇️

Roary47 Characters I didn‘t like in the first book I started to feel for in this one. There were some surprises, there is quite a lot of dying since naturally we are at war, and it ends in a pretty good spot for all the characters. However, it leaves you wanting more! #ReadingWesteros #GOTChapteraDay 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Davos is in his element in the war fleet on Blackwater Bay, he recalls his smuggling days. Their enemy lures them close. Davos smells a trap. But their archers take out Joff‘s army. Ships ram eachother. Then they are assaulted by wildfire. Lannisters planted a ship full &when it is struck by The Swordfish it erupts. Davos‘s ship goes up &he‘s in the water. Lannisters have raised the chain & trapped the ships & any survivors behind a wall of flame.

Roary47 In the next book I‘m going to have a checklist of each character. It might spoil a bit, but pretty sure this is the last Davos chapter. 😱 What‘s going to happen to him will hopefully be mentioned in another chapter. Not that he‘s a favorite, but we are nearing the end. (I‘m probably going to finish it today since the battles keep me at the edge of my seat) 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 a couple posts down under the #readingschedule hashtag is the schedule & it shows the characters plotted out, I was worried about it being spoilers, but you have to put in effort to read my chicken scratch so 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 9mo
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Roary47 Ooo yay thank you! My ebook doesn‘t let me see the chapters. I‘m on Jan 5th now. 🤩 So much exciting stuff is happening. That last chapter is the biggest spoiler. 🫣 (edited) 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 luckily we know at this point, that would have been a big one! 9mo
HeyT This chapter made me sad because I kind of liked Davos 9mo
5feet.of.fury @HeyT same, I hate Stannis, but Davos is never scheming, his agenda is really straight forward & there‘s something to be said for that. 9mo
BethM No way this is the last we see of him. Come on man, should‘ve listened to his gut! Also, guys were totally keeping this up for the next book right?! 9mo
Bklover @BethM I sure hope so! I‘m ready! 9mo
5feet.of.fury @BethM @Bklover we will for sure! Probably take a week or 2 in case anyone fell behind over the holidays & wants to catch up, but I‘ll post a schedule in the next couple days! 9mo
BethM Yaaaassssss 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Sansa sees Joffrey off to battle. She goads him a bit on how Robb always commands his men from the frontlines. Sansa goes to pray for her family but leaves as the septon starts the prayer for Joff. All the highborn women are held in the Queen‘s ballroom, she sees Ser Ilyn, the King‘s Justice, carrying Ice. He‘s there to protect them if the sellswords change sides. Cersei again points out what a silly girl Sansa is, believing in “true knights”

Roary47 She prayed for Arya! 🥹 I loved her inner monologues when she was talking to Joff also. 🤣 I hope she can snag ice at some point or get it back for her mom. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 I missed that! Good, I‘m glad she‘s thinking of her sister! 9mo
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Bklover @Roary47 I was happy that at least Sansa remembered that she had a sister and actually prayed for her. Maybe she‘s growing up a bit! 9mo
BethM @Roary47 I agree! I think in her inner monologues we see her come more into her own ideas with some spunk and sass. 9mo
Roary47 @Bklover @BethM I am hoping she is coming into a more likeable character, but it could just be her period hormones mellowed her out now that she has a period. 😅 9mo
BethM @Roary47 I‘ve never known period hormones to mellow anyone 🤣🤣🤣🤣 9mo
Bklover @BethM @Roary47 😂😂😂 9mo
Roary47 @BethM Well, I‘m a total jerk and then my first day I mellow. 🤣🤣🤣 9mo
BethM @Roary47 I pretty much remain a total jerk 😂 9mo
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“I hope I don't cry this chapter“ I foolishly said to myself

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I think these books are very much Not For Me™ I feel like this was a bunch of horrible people making horrible decisions and if I ended up feeling anything good towards a character they get killed off or something terrible happens to them. Reading this a chapter at a time with #ReadingWesteros was a good way to get through this until I ended up getting behind and accidentally finished the whole thing when I tried to catch up.

Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Asha arrives. The deeds he does to keep the castle are getting to Theon, Ironborn are struggling with living with their enemies& Asha has only brought 10 men for him to hold Winterfell. She mocks him for killing the boys, encourages him to come to Deepwood Motte. he recalls how he stopped Maester Luwin from taking the bodies to the crypts. Theon dreams of the dead & wishes he left was Asha, revealing what he & Reek did to the miller‘s sons.

Roary47 Oh thank goodness. Still don‘t like him, but he doesn‘t have the Stark boys. 🥹 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 I agree, but still, innocent kiddos. He‘s a dick. 9mo
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BooksNBowls @5feet.of.fury kids he grew up with, on top of that. heartless 9mo
Bklover He‘s just disgusting. 🤮 9mo
BethM He‘s just such a shitty human. 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Riverrun celebrates victories but Cat can only think of Bran & Rickon. She received word that the boys tried to escape &were taken at the mill &Theon mounted their at Winterfell.
At midnight Brienne comes &they go to Jaime in his cell. She asks him questions, which he answers truthfully. Denies that he sent the man to kill Bran &implicates Robert. Jaime taunts her with stories of the past &of Ned. As the chapter ends, she calls for Brienne‘s sword

BooksNBowls Great chapter, seems Cate doesn‘t have much to lose anymore.. Jaime sure does have some audacity!! Less than a month and we will be done, I can‘t believe it! I‘m loving these discussions. So glad to be a part of this! I didn‘t get on yesterday, but Merry Christmas everyone. ❤️ 9mo
Bklover Catelyn‘s life really is kind of a train wreck, which is sad, because she is a strong woman. That Jaime is something else. Somehow he seems creepier in the books. 9mo
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5feet.of.fury @BooksNBowls @Bklover Merry Christmas! I hope you had a good holiday! I think we finish CoK 1/9 SO SOON!! & I agree Jaime is such a creep, the way he told her about what he did to Bran 😡 9mo
BooksNBowls @Bklover definitely creepier!!! 9mo
Roary47 Bran and Rickon can‘t be gone. 😭 9mo
BethM I can‘t even imagine her pain. And merry Christmas to everyone as well! 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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They get news of the youngest Starks. Tyrion implies if Cat thinks Lannisters are working with Greyjoy, Cat will kill Jaime.
As dinner ends, Cersei reveals that she has Tyrion‘s whore. She accuses him of plotting against her, stealing her children, &plotting to get Joff killed. She has the wrong woman, but instead of gloating, Tyrion swears vengeance.
Shae is waiting in his room, but he is more concerned with the hidden door & the woman captured.

BethM I loved his quote about one day when she thinks she‘s safe. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @BethM yesssssss “a day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ash in your mouth and you will know the debt has been paid” 🔥 9mo
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majkia @5feet.of.fury 👍 9mo
Bklover @BethM I love that quote! 9mo
Roary47 That was a great quote. I‘m glad Tyrion stood up to Cersei. It‘s about time she falls off her pedestal. Was that doubt of his love for Shae at the end there? 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 Cersei deserves the worst. 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Because everyone left me alone early tonight I‘ll do tonight and tomorrow‘s chapter seeing as we have two events tomorrow 🤦‍♀️calm before the storm 😂 #readingwesteros #gotchapteraday #wintergames #gingerbreadgems

JenReadsAlot Merry Christmas! 9mo
BethM @JenReadsAlot merry Christmas to you too my friend! 9mo
Captivatedbybooks I need to get back and reread this series. I dont remember which booked I stopped at and kinda forget some of the details 9mo
BethM @Captivatedbybooks you‘re welcome to jump in with us! We‘re about 3/4 of the way through book 2. 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Qhorin guesses easily that Jon let Ygritte go.
Jon dreams of direwolves, of the weirwood, &his brother with 3 eyes. A vision of an ice river, giants, beasts, an army of thousands. Ghost is attacked by an eagle.
He tries to dismiss it as just a dream, but Qhorin makes him tell it.
They walk on & find Ghost, attacked as Jon had said, but alive. Qhorin has them head back, knowing that the eagle has seen them. &Leaves Dalbridge to hold off wildlings.

Bklover Poor Dalbridge! Also, I didn‘t remember Jon having that dream/vision- so who is the eagle? 🦅 9mo
BethM @Bklover I‘m really seeing subtle divergences from the show now. He‘s not a warg in the show. I assume the eagle is some form of scout for the wildlings. Actually in the show later on there is a wildling that is a warg to an eagle now that I think about it. 9mo
BethM Loved the way they took care of Ghost, and Dalbridge‘s courage. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @BethM @Bklover I wasn‘t sure if it would be a wildling or a White Walker controlling it, but wildling makes sense with what he saw. 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Ser Dontos is still drunk, Sansa is still stuck &Traumatized from the townspeople‘s riot. Tyrion has closed off the City with Stannis‘s host approaching. She watches the city prepare as she sneaks back,caught by the Hound again. Sansa is getting used to his viciousness. She has her first period, knowing she‘ll now be considered a woman, tries to hide the evidence but the maids see. She meets with Cersei who gives advice as Sansa continues her act

Bklover You know, the expression on Sansa‘s face in this pic is perfect. It definitely reflects her “huh?” attitude. Having said this, I probably would react to her situation the same way. Just trying not to be killed. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Bklover yeah, there‘s nothing for her to do at this point but keep up the little bird act &try to survive 🙁 her best allies right now are drunken Ser Dontos & unpredictable The Hound, not much hope. 9mo
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BethM Was I the only one who was surprised that a man wrote about getting your period pretty accurately? 9mo
5feet.of.fury @BethM I agree, def captured the low key body horror so well 9mo
BooksNBowls I felt soooo bad for her trying to burn the sheets and stuff, poor girl! 9mo
Sargar114 It‘s interesting that Cersei is telling her to change her tune and stop lying about her feelings for Joffrey. While I feel bad for Sansa, her naïveté is so frustrating so much so that even Cersei is trying to give her advice in her own twisted way. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Sargar114 I think she‘s right not to trust Cersei. Cersei is trying to blame Joff‘s continued behavior on Arya, if she believes that she‘s more delusional than Sansa 😂 9mo
Bklover @BethM You‘re right! I hadn‘t thought about it but he does do a good job. 9mo
Roary47 Poor Sansa. I felt for her when she was burning everything. She doesn‘t want to marry Joff and now she could. 😭 9mo
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Often I find myself reading novels by male authors and 9 times out of 10 it's either women who are tomboys and afraid of anything girly or pink or just soft and aetherial women that float from scene to scene.

Either of those can be written well, but I can confidently say that GRRM gets the duality of women, their plights and relationships with themselves as well as men. He just *gets it*

Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Jon & Stonesnake separate from the other rangers & hike a perilous trail after a camp of wildlings. There were only supposed to be 2, but there‘s an extra - a girl. Unwilling to kill her, Jon takes her captive. Stonesnake, does not like this, she is a spearwife & would gladly kill them. Her name is Ygritte. She tells them to burn the bodies of the dead. Stonesnake throws the bodies off a cliff where they are eaten by Shadowcats.

5feet.of.fury We get ALOT of tidbits from Ygritte‘s story about Bael the Bard & how all the Starks are descended from Bael. The Stark who was flayed by a Lord (Boltons), that gods hate kinslayers even unknowing ones. The other rangers won‘t take Ygritte as a captive & order Jon to kill her. Ygritte says Jon can join with Mance. But he wouldn‘t abandon the Watch. He raises his sword, but in the end he lets her go. (edited) 9mo
majkia Wow. I hadn't remembered Ygritte's tale. More blue roses.... More prophecy. Rereading is doing a lot for me, anyway. :) 9mo
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Bklover @majkia Me too!! 9mo
5feet.of.fury @majkia @Bklover I haven‘t read this one! I‘m just hoping GRRM gets more of these books out soon so I can see what he had planned for all this before the show lost its way 9mo
BooksNBowls @majkia I loved hearing the history too! I don‘t remember them going into much in the show! (edited) 9mo
BethM This was so interesting! Also ended differently (at least so far) for Ygritte than the show. 9mo
Roary47 I‘m hoping by letting her go something good will happen for Jon. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 same. he deserves some good karma 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Theon awakes suddenly ¬ices the direwolves are silent. They are gone, along with Bran &Rickon;Jojen, Meera, Osha &Hoddor also escaped. Theon opts to wait til the morning to try to hunt them. But he doesn‘t want his sister Asha, currently sieging Deepwood Motte, to find he has lost the Starks. They follow the trail through wolfswood, finding evidence of the wolves but not the people. Reek offers another theory of where they may stop.

Bklover Theon is not quite as dumb as I always thought he was. However he still reminds me of a kid dressing up in prince clothes and claiming “I‘m a prince!” with everyone rolling their eyes. 🤴👑🤴👑 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Bklover the fact that he wants everyone to thank him for not being a raper, as if people have no loyalties… 🙄 9mo
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BethM @Bklover @5feet.of.fury fun fact I have said: I‘m glad you smoked weed instead of shooting him, progress! 9mo
BooksNBowls @BethM 😂😂😂 9mo
BooksNBowls @Bklover agreed! It‘s giving Napoleon energy lmao 9mo
Bklover @BooksNBowls Yes! Napoleon energy is a perfect description 😅 9mo
Bklover @BethM 😂😂😂😂yes! 9mo
Roary47 Part of me wants to believe he doesn‘t go after them right away because he wants them to get away. I‘m going to just hope for the best of Theon for at least this because he has no other redeeming qualities. 😅 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Tyrion sends the Mountainmen into battle. He plots of how to fortify the city against Stannis. The Starks have taken Harrenhal but lost Winterfell, Tyrion knows Robb will have to turn North to defend his home. Shae &Tommen are both safe in disguise. The Alchemists say the spells are working better now than before. The magic had begun to fade when the last dragon died. Asks Tyrion if he‘s seen any dragons. Varys brings a list of traitors.

Bklover It seems that the magic is returning, I assume because of the dragons 🐉 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Bklover I thought that was a fun tidbit from the alchemist! I‘m sure news of Dany & her babies will reach them soon, but for now it‘s still a secret from even the most clever & cunning people. 9mo
Roary47 I‘m surprised it hasn‘t reached him yet that there are dragons again. We are like 75% through this book at this point and that happened at the end of the first book. That seems like a lot of time pasted, and a pretty significant change in their world. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 i agree! That merchant who tried to marry Dany knows, but I guess he hasn‘t sailed back yet 9mo
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Every time there's a Theon chapter. I swear. That man makes my blood boil

Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Went down hard with the stomach flu at 230 am. Slept on and off all day, hoping to get my chapter in tonight. While (god please 🤦‍♀️) the worst is over, I feel like I‘ve been hit by a bud. The body aches are horrifyingly sucktastic.

ElizaMarie Boo I‘m so sorry to hear that! I hope you feel better soon 9mo
DaveGreen7777 Hope you feel much better soon! ❤️‍🩹 9mo
Librarybelle Hope you feel better soon! 9mo
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dabbe Feel better soon! 💙❄️💙 9mo
Roary47 Oh no! Feel better soon. 💛 9mo
BethM @ElizaMarie @DaveGreen7777 @Librarybelle @dabbe @Roary47 thank you! Better today but not even 75% yet, hoping one more day of rest does it. 9mo
Chrissyreadit i hope you are close to fully recovered 🩵🩵🩵 9mo
BethM @Chrissyreadit I‘d say today marks 75%, graduates to a bowl of soup tonight, but cancelled going to a retirement party tonight and teaching yoga tomorrow. 9mo
Chrissyreadit Being sick is the worst. i‘m so sorry. 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Dany explores an ancient ruin with the help of a warlock & sees visions of the past & future. She gets lost in the maze of doors & goes on her own path instead of that shown by the warlock & she meets the Undying Ones. They claim to have sent to comet to guide her. They show themselves as blue faced & cold before the ruin is engulfed in flames. The warlock tries to attack Dany but the bloodriders intervene.

5feet.of.fury Any thoughts on these visions? 9mo
majkia @5feet.of.fury Real hints on the coming action. In particular the birth scene. Don't want to say more cuz of spoilers. 9mo
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BooksNBowls @majkia defintely some foreshadowing!! 9mo
BethM Definitely some foreshadowing. I was so glad she had her dragon with her! 9mo
Roary47 I appreciate no spoilers everyone. It is so interesting that she had the opportunity to see these things. Was that Ned she saw in the one area? It sure sounded like him. 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Arya is with Hot Pie when the warhorn sounds. Northmen are brought in as prisoners, she goes to Gendry& asks for his help to free them.He declines.Jaqen finds Arya in the godswood, she speaks the 3rd name as his own &will not rescind unless he helps. With Biter & Rorge, they free the Northmen. Jaqen changes his face, Arya begs to learn from him but she won‘t travel with him.The Northmen take Harrenhal, banners are raised& Arya serves Roose Bolton.

BethM This does not happen in the show. I also clearly don‘t remember reading this chapter the first time 😂 9mo
5feet.of.fury @BethM this chapter was so chaotic, my recollection of this season is spotty but I didn‘t remember anything about killing people with soup or Roose Bolton 😂 9mo
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BooksNBowls @BethM @5feet.of.fury I thought she just asked him to help them escape instead?? He killed the guards by the gates I think. There was something about she had to meet at midnight at the gates and they just walked out.. the soup scene would have been entertaining tho 🤣🤣 9mo
5feet.of.fury @BooksNBowls 🍲🍜🔪🔪 so strange 9mo
BethM @BooksNBowls you are correct 9mo
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📚Currently reading:

📕A Clash of Kings - A chapter a day.
📕The Goblin Emperor - A chapter a day.
📙Lord of The Necropolis - Reading before bed.
🎧Night of the Hunter - From time to time.


Another mediocre reading week, this time I even forgot to post on Sunday. Still haven't found a solution to the focusing problem other than “don't be tired.“ Hoping for this week to be kinder.

Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Through Summer‘s eyes, Bran climbs a tree in wolf form & falls. He awakes in his tower &believes now what Jojen told him. He recalls the prophecy “The sea has come.” He calls for Hodor or Osha & is stunned when Theon comes instead. Theon has taken Winterfell but the people are still Bran‘s. it falls to the young prince to decide to yield or fight. Theon surveys the people, including prisoner Reek who pledges himself to Theon. As does Osha.

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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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cat‘s brother rides to Battle. She reflects on her relationship with Ned, their sudden betrothal &the secret of Jon‘s mother.
Brienne shares her thoughts on Tywins likely strategy. Edmure was successful at stopping Tywin‘s crossing of the river.
She visits Ser Cleos &hears the “peace terms”. intrigued that they would trade the girls for Jaime, but concerned he only saw Sansa.
Edmure wins another battle, but she is still apprehensive to celebrate.

Roary47 I‘m hoping that Sansa escapes and both the girls end up with Robb or Catelyn while they are still trying to negotiate. 9mo
BethM I liked the last line of the chapter. You‘re afraid bc you know better Cat. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 @BethM after empathizing with Cat the last bunch of chapters, I felt as if this chapter was turning back towards what I didn‘t like of her in the first book… obsessing over Jon & making rash decisions. how she was asking ser Cleos about the girls… I‘m waiting for the impulsive decision to go swap Jaime 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Cersei is sending Tommen away. Tyrion goes to visit Shae, forgoing the secret tunnel. He is recognized. Fearing for Shae‘s safety he plans to disguise her as a worker in the kitchens.She declines & they fight, he tells her about Tysha. In the end Shae agrees so Tyrion goes to Varys to arrange it. Varys proposes Shae can attend to Lady Tanda‘s daughter.
Stannis has taken Storm‘s End & Dorne can not intervene before Stannis marches on KingsLanding.

Bklover This whole Shae thing makes me nervous. I‘m glad she won‘t have to work in the kitchens- I worry about how much Tyrion cares about her. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Bklover I‘m so worried, between enemies of the Lannisters & the power struggle they have with eachother… hopefully Varys can be trusted 9mo
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BethM @Bklover I‘m hoping Shae plays our differently than the tv series. I think it should 9mo
Bklover @BethM Me too!!!! 9mo
Roary47 @Bklover I‘m worried about this too. He mentioned his short comings about fighting. I hope she will be okay! I don‘t have show knowledge, but I hope it works out that they can be together. 9mo
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 I don‘t remember a lot from this season for some reason I remember Jon‘s plot & nothing else. GRRM loves to make his characters miserable though. 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Tensions are rising between the black brothers over the threat of Mance Rayder &the wildlings. Reinforcements lead by Qhorin arrive from Shadow Tower, but many are wounded, attacked by Mance‘s men.
Jon makes daggers from the dragon glass. He hopes Qhorin will have insight as to why the artifacts were buried. He finds out Mance plans to breach the Wall, this camp stands in his way. Qhorin pick Jon to help scout the mountains.

Bklover Sounds like things are about to get messy! 10mo
5feet.of.fury @Bklover I love Jon‘s chapters right now, they‘re so disconnected from all the other Westeros chaos, slowly hinting at their own dangers with a sense of foreboding. 9mo
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Bklover I agree! It‘s sort of like taking a break! Plus I love Jon (and Sam)! 9mo
BethM They‘re in so much danger, and it feels more pressing than the kings landing concerns. 9mo
Roary47 After the last chapter I‘m glad for the normality of this one, unless they want to add another zombie. 🧟 Just me? 😅 @Bklover @BethM @5feet.of.fury 9mo
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Clash of Kings | George R R Martin
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Stannis meets Ser Cortnay to get him to surrender Storm‘s End &Edric Storm (Robert‘s bastard)Stannis‘s men spread rumors that Brienne killed Renly. Stannis tells Davos he dreamt of Renly‘s death,says Renly brought it about by his treason. Davos tries to direct Stannis to KingsLanding where their true enemies are. Stannis worries it will look like defeat. Davos is sent with Melisandre to set Cortnay‘s fate, where she gives birth to Stannis‘s shadow

Bklover Can you imagine what went through Davos‘ head when Melisandre “delivers” the shadow?! 😲😱🤯 10mo
5feet.of.fury @Bklover truly disturbing to say the least. This was such an odd chapter 10mo
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BooksNBowls So in the show she only birthed one shadow baby, which killed Renley. Now she‘s birthed another for Ser Cortnay. Interesting.. 10mo
BooksNBowls @Bklover poor fella didn‘t know what he was getting himself into 🫣 10mo
BethM This is just super F‘d up 😳 9mo
Roary47 @Bklover I was just like… what did I just read? @5feet.of.fury I read it twice because I wasn‘t quite sure what I read. Creepy and weird… I second that @BethM 9mo
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Today has been an extremely stressful mess so I didn't get any reading done, so I will have to double my reading for tomorrow. Sometimes you're just having one of those days when everything goes wrong, and that *really* has been today.