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The House in the Night
The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
51 posts | 25 read | 9 to read
Illustrations and easy-to-read text explore the light that makes a house in the night a home filled with light.
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The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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While not specifically a Halloween themed picture book, it occasionally makes its way onto those lists anyway with its themes of dark and light, and has become my favorite seasonal picture book over the years. The illustrations are sublime, and pulling it off the shelves once a year as the days start to get shorter is always a moving experience. #scarathlon #skeletoncrew @Emilymdxn

bookandbedandtea I read this to my kids when they were little. I wonder if I got rid of it as I can't remember seeing in the books I saved for my grandson. 🤔 9mo
IndoorDame @bookandbedandtea It may turn up! I‘m never sure where I keep kids books anymore. I have so few left. It took me ages to find my copy of this one this year. 9mo
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The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

This book would be an ideal bedtime story. The black and white illustrations with the use of only one color brought warmth and focus to the home and the other nighttime symbols.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

“A home full of light“

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

Published in 2008, receiving the Caldecott award. This story is very simplistic, and it uses minimal words to describe the feelings and things that the author associates with being at home. Creating a warm and comforting sense using glowing pictures.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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Andrew65 Fantastic 👏👏👏 (edited) 2y
TheSpineView Fabulous 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
DieAReader 🎉🎉🎉 2y
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 2y
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The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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One of the first hits on my search for ‘Halloween children‘s books‘ was this gem that I already own. I‘ve never thought of it as Halloween-y or scary before, so it was really cool to read it in that light this year.

#scarathlon2021 #teamslaughter +26 @Clwojick

Linsy Looks beautiful! 🖤 3y
IndoorDame @Linsy it is! Very unique illustrations style 3y
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The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

“ in that hose burns a light. In that light rests a bed.“

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

The illustrator here chooses to use no colors in her book. She uses the dark tones to convey the night time feeling.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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The house in the Night by Susan Marie Swanson and Beth Krommes was the 2009 Caldecott winner. This book is one of those comforting books to read before bed to a child. They use of no colors sets the scene of nighttime and creates a calming tone. I am not a personal fan of absolutely no color in books but I think it's also done really well here.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

“and on the bed, waits a book“

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

I like the colors used throughout the book. Even though it's mostly shades of grey, the yellow lights, moon, and stars stick out really well. It makes sense and sets the mood since it's a story that takes place at night.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

I like this cute little bedtime story for children. If it was being read in school, the teacher might be able to read it before nap time to soothe the kids.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

“A home full of light.”

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

I think this book could have had so much more detailed words with its wonderful illustrations.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

I liked this book, but it wasn‘t my favorite. I liked how the pictures were black and white with a hint of yellow, but the words of the story were just very simple.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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I love seeing this boy engaged in books. 😊 I'm not sure Iike the haircut... only because it makes him look 9 instead of 3. Not ready for the little boy to become a big boy. 😭

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

“A home full of light.”

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

The highlight of yellow really brings in the aspect of the light that the book addresses in the beginning.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

A very relaxing story that almost sounds like a lullaby. I can‘t help but think of Goodnight Moon when I hear this story.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

“On the moon‘s face shines the sun.”

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

The illustrations are so beautiful and I love the relaxing tone to the story. Definitely a good one to read before bedtime.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

The illustrations are beautifully done in black, white, and gold. The language is simple and relaxing, like for a bedtime story. The plot is engaging for young children and keeps them turning the page.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

“In the house burns a light.”

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

I really like the black and white pictures with little bits of yellow in it.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

The House in the Night is about things inside of a house. This is good for younger children and has simple text.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

“Through the dark glows the moon.”

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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I love the use of black and white on the pages with the extra hints of yellow and orange. They are very calming colors and illustrations.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

This bedtime story is a great way for children to understand and feel the presence of nighttime and falling asleep. It creates a magical mood that helps children feel comfort and curiosity.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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“ a home full of light.”

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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The illustrations in this book are unusual in the sense that everything is black and white except for rays and splashes of yellow scattered in the book. It‘s simple yet beautiful.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes

This book was published in 2008 by Houghton Mifflin Company. The words in the book are simple yet poetic. It takes place outside of the house and narrows in on a book and what the book is about and then expands back out to the whole house.

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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A cute story about a book in a house lit up at night with a story book. The art was quite interesting but there wasn't much to the actual plot.
#raisingreaders #kidlit

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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Here is the key to the house

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The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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Cute night time story for all ages ⭐️

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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The House in the Night is based off of a nursery rhyme involving how everything is connected to a key, a home, and the light. The line and color used in this TL book is so beautiful, it won a Caldecott. This book would make a beautiful, short RA, as well as a S, SR, GR, or PR for younger grades. #UCFLAE3414SP18

erin.yarbrough This book would be great for understanding patterns and symbols in short readings (2.3 and 1.3). For an ELL, the font is large and the words are short, so this would be great for a beginner English learner (#27). 6y
erin.yarbrough https://www.eslkidstuff.com/lesson-plans/pdf/rooms-of-a-house-lesson-plan.pdf Here‘s a lesson plan for ESE students using these UDL principles! 6y
JenniferMc This looks interesting! I‘d love to read this. I love the illustrations. 6y
DrSpalding Beautiful image. Excellent choice. Nice EL/UDL ALIGNMENT. 6y
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The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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Currently working on a #Library Project- before today, all award winners were mixed into the genres and it would take a while to track down a list and its books for a teacher. NOW it is not so! Yesterday I finished Newbery, today is For Caldecott & changing it in the system 😳👍🏻✅ This Book holds special significance to me because it was the year my dad passed away suddenly, and even as a 16 year old finding comfort in it. “A Home full of Light”

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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I‘m always happy when one of our boys chooses this #bedtimebook. The illustrations are so gorgeous. That tiny Starry Night makes my heart flutter. 🤩 #caldecottmedal #raisingreaders

CaitlinR Gorgeous. 6y
batsy So beautiful. I love illustrations like these where you can get lost in the details. 6y
britt_brooke @batsy Me, too. And you can get lost on every page of this one. 💚 6y
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minkyb Beautiful. 6y
vivastory I've seen Starry Night a few times in person. Definitely one of my favorite paintings. 6y
britt_brooke @vivastory I‘ve seen a few other van Gogh‘s, but not this one and it‘s my very favorite. One day! 6y
vivastory I believe I saw it at MoMa NY. It's small! 6y
britt_brooke @vivastory I‘ve never really thought about it‘s size; that‘s good to know! We saw the Mona Lisa a few years ago and thankfully knew she was tiny beforehand, otherwise, I‘d have been completely shocked. She was still breathtaking, though. 6y
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The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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I just love this book, especially the illustrations. 😍 The 3 year old chose this for bedtime tonight. #caldecottwinner #raisingreaders

merelybookish So pretty! 😍 7y
DebinHawaii Gorgeous! 💜 7y
Bluebird Beautiful! 7y
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ferskner This book is amazing. My mom collects picture books and I made sure that this was in her collection. 7y
britt_brooke @ferskner It‘s breathtaking. 💚 7y
batsy That looks beautiful. Have you and your little one read this? The artwork is gorgeous and the story simple and gently conveyed 7y
britt_brooke @batsy No, we haven‘t. Adding it to our library list - thanks! 7y
BarbaraBB That artwork is gorgeous 😍 7y
TricksyTails 😍 So pretty! 7y
Cathythoughts Really wow illustrations 💫 7y
BekaReid Beautiful artwork! 7y
JazzFeathers Lovely illustration 😍 7y
TNbookworm Gorgeous💕 7y
kspenmoll Fabulous illustrations! 7y
lisakoby Stunning! 7y
Reviewsbylola So pretty! 7y
Anna40 Borrowed it from the library! My son and I both loved it! 7y
britt_brooke @Anna40 This makes me so happy! 💚 7y
Anna40 I think I will buy it. He wants to read it every night :) do you know If my love were a fire truck? I got it for his dad to read at bedtime. That's another of my son's favourites: ) 7y
britt_brooke @Anna40 We haven‘t read that one yet. I‘ll look for it at the library - thanks! 7y
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The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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Another gorgeous picture book... I'm not sure if I'm buying these for me or for Pippa!!

Ms.Story Wow! That is lovely! 7y
nicholes.book.nook @Ms.Story it really is!! The pictures just do not do it justice!! 7y
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The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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A few more award winners on hand; Caldecott Medal winners and Honors. The illustrations in The House in the Night are stunning! #awardwinning #toddleredition #raisingreaders

WoodyWoodson Love love LOVE Click Clack Moo 🐮🐮🐮 8y
Readingrobin Great selection here. Just spent my day talking children's 📚 and authors! 8y
mcctrish I love Click Clack Moo ( and every book by Cronin) but I really love One Morning in Maine 8y
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britt_brooke @WoodyWoodson Me, too! It's so fun! 🐮 8y
britt_brooke @Readingrobin Thank you! Sounds fun. 👍🏻👍🏻 8y
britt_brooke @mcctrish One Morning in Maine was a gift from my FIL who lived there at the time. Great book! And Click Clack Moo is so fun! 8y
RealLifeReading We've loved most of these books! 8y
Ellen Click Clack Moo is one of my favorites to read out loud 8y
kspenmoll Love all these. 8y
britt_brooke @kspenmoll ☺️👍🏻 8y
britt_brooke @Ellen Same here, it's so funny and cute! 8y
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The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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New book for my toddler! Really simple language, lush illustrations. I'm a fan!

The House in the Night | Susan Marie Swanson, Beth Krommes
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Love the use of color to focus attention on certain elements. This was the Caldecott winner the year my daughter was born.

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