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How Stella Got Her Groove Back
How Stella Got Her Groove Back | Terry McMillan
11 posts | 20 read | 9 to read
Stella Payne is forty-two, divorced, a high-powered investment analyst, mother of eleven-year-old Quincy- and she does it all. In fact, if she doesn't do it, it doesn't get done, from Little League carpool duty to analyzing portfolios to folding the laundry and bringing home the bacon. She does it all well, too, if her chic house, personal trainer, BMW, and her loving son are any indication. So what if there's been no one to share her bed with lately, let alone rock her world? Stella doesn't mind it too much; she probably wouldn't have the energy for love - and all of love's nasty fallout - anyway. But when Stella takes a spur-of-the-moment vacation to Jamaica, her world gets rocked to the core - not just by the relaxing effects of the sun and sea and an island full of attractive men, but by one man in particular. He's tall, lean, soft-spoken, Jamaican, smells of citrus and the ocean - and is half her age. The tropics have cast their spell and Stella soon realizes she has come to a cataclysmic juncture: not only must she confront her hopes and fears about love, she must question all of her expectations, passions, and ideas about life and the way she has lived it. Told in Stella's own exuberant, dead-on, dead honest voice, How Stella Got Her Groove Back is full of Terry McMillan's signature humor, heart, and insight. More than a love story, it is ultimately a novel about how a woman saves her own life - and what she must risk to do it.
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#3books #havebeenmadeintoamovie @OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I liked the miniseries of Little Fires everywhere better than the book. I have not watched the movie for The Hate You Give. I equally loved the book and movie for How Stella Got Her Groove Back.

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚🎬 4y
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There were parts that irritated me. Fat people were put down and maybe I took it personally because I'm fat. A lot of cussing.

However, it made me want to go to an island and find me a twenty years old hunk.

This is probably my last #FancifulFebruary Bingo post. @4thhouseontheleft I really enjoyed participating and I wouldn't have read Obama's work if it wasn't for this bingo so I thank you for creating it.

alisiakae I‘m glad you enjoyed it! Sorry this book wasn‘t a 👍 5y
revenge4porgy Try Too big to Miss Sue Ann Jaffarian. Think Roseanne Barr meets Nancy Drew. (edited) 5y
Butterfinger @revenge4porgy thank you for the suggestions. I couldn't find the book you wrote, but I found three others written by an Erica Abbott. Are you and she the same? I am a fifth grade teacher so disabled in math is right up my alley. 5y
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BeansPage Love it! 5y
Andrew65 Can‘t beat some Georgette Heyer. 😍 (edited) 5y
Geenie Cannot wait 🎉 5y
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#MOvember I read this book many moons ago and it was such fun. ( movie was great too) Feeling overworked, Stella takes a little #Holiday to Jamaica looking for sun and relaxation but what she encounters might upend her no nonsense existence.

Cinfhen And bonus play for #GetIntoTheGroove 🎶🤘🏼❤️😉 5y
TrishB Double points 👍🏻😁 5y
julesG Good one! Should I read the book? I only know the film. 5y
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Cathythoughts Nice one 👍🏻❤️👯‍♀️ 5y
Cinfhen I read it wayyyyy back and liked it then / not sure how I‘d feel now @julesG I think it‘s light and fun for the #Holiday season 5y
CarolynM I have fond memories of this one too @julesG I say give it a go. 5y
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#dreadlockholiday got me thinking of the film where Stella (Angela Bassett) jets to Jamaica with her girlfriend Delilah (Whoopi Goldberg) for some fun in the sun.
That‘s the best I can do for today‘s #WanderingJune 🤷‍♀️

ravenlee Story time - my sister and I worked at B Dalton around the time this movie was big. Customer asked my sister for “How Stella Got Her Groove.” Sis handed her the book, then customer got very upset. She swore “How Stella Got Her Groove Back” had to be a sequel and she wanted the first book to see how she got it in the first place. Yelled at my sister and demanded to see a manager...it became legendary in our little store. (edited) 5y
Cinfhen Hahaha that‘s a great story!!! And B. Dalton brings back some good memories @ravenlee 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Ha! Some customers! 🤦‍♀️ @ravenlee 5y
BarbaraBB @ravenlee Great story! And a good choice, @erzascarletbookgasm 5y
CarolynM I nearly went with this one too🙂 @ravenlee Some people🙄😖 5y
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October 18th . Happy Birthday 🎂 to Terry McMillan and Rick Moody!

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#getmovin #ibelieveinathingcalledlove

Stella is a successful career woman and single mum in her 40s. She has it all together except on the love front. Her friends convince her she just needs a holiday fling and Jamaica is the place for it. But could Stella‘s holiday fling change her, and would that be good or bad?
This seems like a light beach read but I still remember it 20 years later so Terry McMillan‘s doing something right!

Blaire I need to read this! 6y
eanderson Love it! 6y
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CarolynM Yes, this one sticks in my memory too. She's a clever writer, the lightness of touch is deceptive. 6y
Centique @CarolynM that‘s a brilliant way of describing it 🙌 I‘m going to add some more TM to my TBR mountain. 6y
Reggie I respected Terry because she has Stella on the beach reading one of her other books, Waiting to Exhale and then has her not like the characters in the book. Lol I liked this book and loved the movie with Angelina Basset. 6y
Cinfhen Fun choice!!! I loved the film 6y
Centique @Reggie I haven‘t seen the movie, sounds like I should! Yes, so funny Stella gives her a critique 😂😂 6y
Centique @Cinfhen I really need to watch it don‘t I? 😍 6y
Cinfhen Yup!! It‘s a total feel good film 6y
Cinfhen And Taye Diggs 🙌🏻 6y
Centique @Cinfhen he looks lovely! 6y
batsy I enjoyed this book! 6y
Centique @batsy wow, more people remember it than I thought! You would have been quite little when it was published 😁 6y
batsy Not that little, 16 based on the Litsy blurb 😆 I read my sister's copy a little later, I think? Good fun (was a backlist reader even then 😂) 6y
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I skipped day 9 so I'm doubling up today. I was trying to avoid politics that day! Another great one #publishedinthe1990s. Although this is a rare book where I enjoy the movie better. Because Taye Diggs. 😍 #photoadaynov16 @RealLifeReading

RealLifeReading Taye Diggs...😍😍😍 8y
Dragon Oh yeah, Taye Diggs!! 8y
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I gave it a go. I did. I tried but I don't like her writing style. I'm not a fan of the narrative. It feels like one continuous run on sentence... Our narrator is a 42 year old woman and I have read over 100 pages of ramblings. I'm looking for another 1995 now

Marla Her books are hard to stay with. I bailed too. 8y
TheNextBook @Marla I just read her newest book and it was better than this. But it wasn't great either 8y
Onceuponatime Yikes, that does look tough to stay with! 8y
TheNextBook @Onceuponatime I couldn't do it. I had to put to it down. 8y
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I'm feeling very indifferent about this novel right now, so her writing this about one of her previous novels is kind of hilarious.

mrsbatman85 Haha clever!! Sounds like something I'd do 8y
SusanInTiburon Funny! That would keep me going another 50 pages. 8y
TheNextBook @creepycomforts @Susanintiburon interestingly enough the story has gotten better since this! 8y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa Hahahaha! That's pretty great all on its own! 8y
TheNextBook @Riveted_Reader_Melissa it was until I realized that I couldn't take it anymore. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I just passed your post where you bailed! And we all have to do it sometime, life is too short! 8y
TheNextBook @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Thats what I just told my husband. I said I cant do it, life is too short to read books we dont enjoy 8y
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The next book on my list is....
And just like that I feel like my mother. I remember her reading thhis when I was a kid. This is part of theme for this year "Reading through 30 years". This is 1996

Heatherine Loved this book!! 8y
Captivatedbybooks Ooo i like that idea of reading through 30 yrs! 8y
TheNextBook Yep! I turn 30 this year so I am reading a book from every year I have been alive! It's been interesting. Another way to diversify my reading 8y
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