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Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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Repost for @Riveted_Reader_Melissa

#Nonfiction2024 is here! And it‘s a big challenge this year.

First, these are not the books you need to read…although if you haven‘t read them, I encourage you to read them.

These are banned books, and they are banned for subject matter they contain that we find objectionable for some reason.

Your challenge is to read a nonfiction book about a similar subject:
Examples on their page

Zuhkeeyah For those on StoryGraph, here‘s a link to the reading challenge: https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/70ec7238-8ac7-4da4-a5e5-ad0d499... 7mo
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Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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#Nonfiction2023 There's nothing I love more than a completely subjective BINGO! Really had fun with this one.

Is anyone doing a nonfiction challenge for 2024?

Amiable Yes, @Riveted_Reader_Melissa is again hosting a NF challenge: #Nonfiction2024 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Subjective is so fun isn‘t it! And yes, the new blank card is under #Nonfiction2024…. Add Template to the end of that tag to always find the blank one (edited) 7mo
willaful @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Thanks! It's a good reminder to keep up with some nonfiction reading. 7mo
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Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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Me: I‘m going to read more fiction this year!

Also me: Checks out 4 nonfiction library books for weekend listening…😏🤫

Happy weekend y‘all!!

JenReadsAlot I just added The Urge to my list! 2y
Megabooks @JenReadsAlot I started with that one. An hour in and really enjoying it! 2y
Cinfhen I need to find a GOOD NF. 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen the nineties was superb! The urge is fantastic too. Haven‘t gotten to the others. 2y
Cinfhen Ok, thanks!! I‘ll look for those two 2y
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Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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Just a reminder that #NonfictionNerds is still kicking after nearly two years! We have over 300 members, but just a handful who participate in the discussion threads. If you aren‘t already a member, or if you are but have been lurking, come say hi!

We‘ve read a lot of good books this year - some of which would never have landed on my TBR. For that, I‘m grateful.


TiredLibrarian Joined! Do you have a November pick yet? 3y
TiredLibrarian @dariazeoli I haven't read it, so I'll join you for that! 📔😊 3y
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Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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Yay! I read all the nonfiction books that I wanted to read during #nonfictionnovember last year. I wanted to read these books during #nonfictionnovember last year but I didn‘t get around to them because I added too many books to my TBR last year so I read them this year. When I participate in #nonfictionnovember again this year, I will make a brand new TBR.

Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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Here‘s how I did on #nonfictionnovember. Out of the books I chose for this, I only read 3. It was a lot of books though so I didn‘t think I was going to be able to read them all because this stack was kind of ambitious but I read the books that I had time to read from this stack. I thought I chose 8 nonfiction books but it was actually 9 books.

Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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#NFNov bingo update
Biography- Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
Diary/journal- What to do When I‘m Gone
Tough topic- Audrie and Daisy
Your choice- Book of Witchery
Children‘s picture book- Dreamers
Edit: About Animals- Unlikely Friendships

Clwojick woohoo! 5y
NeedsMoreBooks @Clwojick thank you! As I have already gotten a bingo, is it ok to read other non-fiction for the rest of November? And this is 1 pt, right? (edited) 5y
coffees 😲👏👏 5y
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Clwojick It sure it! ♥️ 5y
NeedsMoreBooks @Clwojick thanks! Reading non-bingo prompts for the rest of NFNov ❤️ 5y
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Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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#NFNov bingo update
Suggested by a friend- The Little Book of Hygge
Released this year- Dare to be You
Poetry- Salt
Law/ Court Cases- Tell Me How It Ends
On your TBR for 3+ years- Letter to my Daughter

Come-read-with-me @needs more books You‘ve done an excellent job and shared reviews of some great books!!! Way to go! 🎉 5y
NeedsMoreBooks @Come-read-with-me thank you! So have you. Enjoyed your reviews ❤️ 5y
Clwojick woohoo! and it looks like you have a Bingo too! 11 points! 5y
NeedsMoreBooks @Clwojick thank you! Yay 🎉 5y
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Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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Working away on my NFNovember reading goals. So far I‘ve really enjoyed everything I‘ve read. Thanks to @Clwojick and @rsteve388 for putting together this fun challenge. #TIL - I can‘t stop reading!

julesG 👏👏👏👏 You're just one True Crime or Graphic Novel away from Bingo! 5y
julesG Stupid me, you already managed one Bingo 🙈🙈🙈 5y
Bookwormjillk Wow! Great job! I‘m loving NFNov too. 5y
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ElizaMarie Are all these books non-fiction? (I mean since I can't see under the pretty flowers) Ooo and do you know where I can see a clean copy (just curious) I am working on the #BookishBingo right now but I don't like a lot of the prompts 5y
Come-read-with-me @ElizaMarie I found it at @Clwojick or @rsteve388. They are the ones hosting the #NFNov read 👍🏻 (edited) 5y
Clwojick You're doing great! 1 pt. 5y
Come-read-with-me @Clwojick I‘m having so much fun! Thank you for hosting this great reading project! 5y
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Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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Bingo update for #NFNov:
Graphic Novel- The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui
Female Author- The Happiness Project by Gretchen Reuben
Culture- How to be Married by Jo Piazza
Book about books- The Clothing of Books Jhumpa Lahiri
Makes me Smile- Am I There Yet? by Mari Andrew

Clwojick 1 pt. 5y
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Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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It‘s Nov. 1, so I‘m ready for #NFNov! Hoping to make a dent in my nonfiction collection. (Yes, that‘s 5 shelves‘ worth. In THIS room. 😬) I have the first 3 books lined up already, but after that it‘s fair game! Which ones should I choose? 🧐
@rsteve388 @Clwojick

SamAnne Me too! I have an American history book going already. But need to choose from my stack for the next! 5y
rsteve388 Wow diligent learner go get em! Can't wait to hear what about what you learn 5y
Tex2Flo DAUNTING! (but thrilling, too) 5y
coffees That is beautiful 😲😲😲 I only have like two rows of nonfiction on my shelf, need to change that in 2020 👀 5y
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Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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I‘m really excited for #NFNov ...I adore nonfiction, so it‘s a perfect opportunity to indulge.

I have quite a lot of nonfiction currently checked out from the library...will I read all of it in November? No. But, I have a lot of choices throughout the month. There are also books I own that work for other challenges I can do, and I have lots of ebooks.

The Eckhart Tolle audiobook is on loan from a friend - great time to start listening to that!

rsteve388 I am so excited that people are excited to do this! 5y
Clwojick Will my cat eat my eyeballs? 😂 I hope the answer is no. 5y
kamoorephoto @Clwojick I really want to read that too 😉 5y
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Librarybelle I guess I will find out! 😂 @Clwojick @kamoorephoto 5y
Crazeedi @Librarybelle a great idea, I need to peruse my shelves and kindle and line them up! 5y
Librarybelle @Crazeedi 😁❤️ 5y
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Nonfiction | Christopher Anderson
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Looking forward to #NFNov hosted by @Clwojick and @rsteve388

I have some presidential bios, brain science, and armchair adventure I need to finish up.

To join: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfBVYCLpiUfCfne0bs0kkU99tzHQ-5hrJCpRtn0...

SamAnne Looking forward to this! Will be great to have a little more non-fiction represented on Litsy. 5y
Clwojick woohoo! Thanks for sharing! 5y
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