I‘ve been putting this off since I got it, not wanting to get myself too riled up right before the election. Here we are post-election and it still doesn‘t feel safe... 😳
I‘ve been putting this off since I got it, not wanting to get myself too riled up right before the election. Here we are post-election and it still doesn‘t feel safe... 😳
It‘s not you, Anonymous— it‘s me. I‘ve been struggling to get through this book for 2 months. I made it to page 105 and I just can‘t do it anymore. I can‘t read any more about the lying, ignorant, racist, narcissistic POS that is currently sitting in the White House. I‘ve had enough of him to last the rest of my life, thanks. Here‘s hoping that very soon I‘ll never have to waste a single brain cell on him or his criminal family ever again.
I won't pretend this was easy to read. It was hard to see my worries about the state of our government echoed by individuals inside the White House. I did learn something, though... Did you know about the Presidential Papers? I kind of want to read them now. #anonymous #stateoftheunion #booknerdreads
Finishing this one on #Overdrive. Nothing surprising, just pathetic to hear it all reinforced. Hoping for the best in November, but I'd be lying if I said I felt confident.
I had sworn off Trump White House books, and yet...
It‘s taken months for the library hold to come in, but here it is!
To the surprise of no one, the president was acquitted of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress this week. Yesterday, he began firing those who testified against him.
Many have judged the writer of this book for hiding their identity. They say they will reveal themselves before the election; I imagine that revelation will come with a resignation letter.
A Warning contains nothing new in information, but it provides context 👇🏻
#WeeklyForecast looks quite similar to last week!
📚Finish tagged book
📚Continue #thejoyfulveganbuddyread, Mrs. Saint, and #NonfictionNerds Feb read, Inheritance
📚Resume #chronologicalkingread with The Waste Lands
📚#AuthorAmonth: Start The Nickel Boys
📚#ReadWithTBRCrew: Start The Cuckoo‘s Calling
I‘m also pretty sure I‘ll be reading more Locke & Key. Loving it after 2 volumes!
Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States.
Disgusting. Disgraceful. Underserving of his seat.
I ask myself a version of this question often. How is there so much support for a man who stands for nothing? Is a single issue worth it?
Friday night live. History is now. Adam Schiff on the screen. Who is in this book?
Honestly? I don‘t have words at this point; there is nothing to say that hasn‘t been said. A warning, indeed. We must do better. The future of our nation depends on it. #awarning #anonymous
I‘ve had to take my time with this, because I‘d like not to give myself a stroke over the fact that this administration, almost four years in, is such a goddamn circus and the nation as a whole has been made to look like clowns under the “leadership” of the biggest clown of all. The Tweeter-in-Chief is a mean-spirited idiot. Plain and simple. I honestly don‘t know how so many people are unable to see him for what he is. #awarning #anonymous
No matter how many of these books you read ,you find it‘s worse than you imagined.Around page 210 , the author quotes various Republicans that were dead set against Trump becoming president, now they are his closest allies.Trump is who he is , but all these duplicitous hacks that should pick defending the constitution rather than party and self interest need to be replaced by voting them out at the earliest opportunity.
I‘m about 100 pages in ,no great surprises yet .But his party changing doesn‘t seem to get talked about that much.If you are older, you might remember him hanging out and talking nice about the Clintons.🙄
Spending a few fairly-solitary hours in Children‘s, so luckily, if I start mumbling curse words to myself, there won‘t be anyone here to hear me as I start this. #awarning #anonymous #seniortrumpadministrationofficial
⭐️⭐️ I love a good political book and after reading the New York Times article by the author, I had some expectations from the book. I was disappointed to find that the book doesn‘t offer any new insight or behind the scenes looks at what happens. Instead, it reminds me of short essays put together for a writing class, with a self righteous tone and arrogance that‘s off putting. As a result, I find the book disappointing and barely worth a read.
I don't have Trump fatigue. I have Trump ultra-marathon, followed by a triathlon, exhaustion. Maybe it's that exhaustion, combined with the fact that I've already read a few of these "insider accounts," that makes it hard for me to rate this one. The writing is good, but the author isn't telling us anything we don't already know.
The author's answer when people ask him/her what it's like working in the Trump administration.
As I said below. This was frustrating. Whoever wrote this book has been in the administration since day 1. They recognize that Trump is incompetent and dangerous but have stayed on for three years now. If your job is that frustrating and you don‘t approve of your boss‘ actions, why would you stay? The writing is simplistic and it is basically nothing new, just a confirmation that it really is as bad as we think. ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️
I find this book a bit frustrating, because the author clearly has been in the administration from day 1 and doesn‘t approve of its actions at all, but stays and writes this book about how it really is as bad as we think.. but I definitely agree with this bit.
They warned the president about the eventual dangers of his out-of-control spending addiction. In one such meeting, Trump reportedly said, "Yeah, but I won't be here." I never heard him say those words, but they don't come as a surprise. That's how he thinks. What does he care if the federal government goes belly-up? By then it won't be his problem.
What we hear & see from Trump himself is bad enough. Imagine it in real-time behind the scenes, up close and personal. America is trapped in a nightmare and desperately needs to be awakened. Wake up, America...before it‘s too late.
"Finally, Hayek said, authoritarian types need to weld the group together by appealing to their basic human weaknesses. 'It seems to be easier for people to agree on a negative program--on the hatred of an enemy, on the envy of the better off--than on any positive task. The contrast between the 'we' and the 'they' is consequently always employed by those who seek the allegiance of huge masses.'"
Not the most fun I‘ve ever had reading but then again I didn‘t expect to. Nothing too surprising about the guy in the Oval Office sadly. I did enjoy the history additions that the author included. The sooner this “situation” is over with the better off our republic will be.
If you are someone who values our country and our freedoms, you probably don‘t like Trump. I know I don‘t. He was unfit for the office when he entered it and he is even more unfit now, facing impeachment. The author methodically points out the reasons he is unfit and why he needs to go. I didn‘t agree with everything the author says, but he certainly knows what he‘s talking about after seeing all the craziness firsthand. 4 out of 5 stars.
Well that was unpleasant. Just the fact of it I mean. Not much new information, just all of it in one place, with validation as the author is purportedly a Republican White House Advisor, makes my stomach turn. Some unfortunate typos and such in the rush to print, however I love that profits are going to a charity to benefit freedom of the press.
This is different from the others that came before it. Cultism is discussed as well as silent abetters. I wonder if we will know who the author is. Proceeds are going to a journalist cause. #nfNovember
It just came in from my library. I‘m through the first chapter. Nothing new yet. Everything we know about this unfit con man. Anyone else reading it? #nfNovember
It wasrough having to relive the current presidency in these 250ish pgs. I do really feel that everyone should read this book at some point before the 2020 election. It's clearly written by a Trump official so it was someone he appointed and therefore liked at some point. I am super curious as to who wrote this so I hope we do find out one day. After reading it, I'm thinking Dan Coats? or Steve Mnuchin? Anyone who read it, have a guess?