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The Twin
The Twin | Natasha Preston
In this twisty psychological thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Cellar, Emmy finds out that her twin sister, Iris, is trying to push her out of her own life--and might be responsible for their mother's death. After their parents divorced, 10-year-old twins Emmy and Iris were split up--Emmy lived with Dad, Iris with Mom. Now, after a tragic accident takes their mom's life, the twins are reunited and Iris moves in with Emmy and their dad. Devastated over Mom's death, Iris spends the first few weeks in almost total silence--the only person she will speak to is Emmy. Iris feels her life is over and she doesn't know what to do. Emmy promises her twin that she can share her life now. After all, they're sisters. Twins. It's a promise that Iris takes seriously. And before long, Emmy's friends, her life at school, and her boyfriend, Tyler, fall under Iris's spell. Slowly, Emmy realizes she's being pushed out of her own life. But she's just being paranoid, right? And Mom's accident was . . . just an accident. Right? It's not like she--or Dad--or Tyler--are in any danger. . . .
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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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#NewYearNewBooks Da 8 #Twins

I don‘t own this book. I will see if I find it used. I couldn‘t find a thriller with this word on the cover, maybe is lost in some stack. Any recommendation? It is a trope I don‘t like much maybe that‘s why I couldn‘t find anything in the places I looked up.

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Great choice 🌷 6mo
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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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I dig the tips of my yellow-painted fingernails into the firm leather seat as Dad drives us home on the verge of breaking the speed limit. He‘s anxious to get back, but I would rather he slowed down.
#TheTwin #NatashaPreston #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookperson #bookpeople #bookpassion #bookpicture #bookpictures #bookphoto #bookphotos #bookphotograph #Thriller #YoungAdult #Mystery #MysteryThriller #Fiction #Horror #Suspense 💙💙💙💙💙

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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Twins, ivy and iris, who haven‘t seen each other in a while, move in together after their mom tragically dies. Ivy, who lives with their father went into therapy to try and get over it. Iris joins Ivy‘s friend group and iris slowly starts getting more comfortable with the group. Ivy starts losing trust with her friend group, as iris has taken over. Ivy confronts iris of horrible things, but none of her friends believe her, not even her boyfriend!

Rory.Nicol If you like books that keep you interested all the way through, makes you question what happened, has a little bit of horror, and are full of suspense, this book is for you.
The novel is written in the first person view of Ivy. Natasha Preston uses many colloquialisms and writes initials as Ivy, referring herself as I, and me. She makes it feel like Ivy is really speaking to us, and tells the story greatly.
MissYaremcio Nicely done Rory! This looks like quite the thriller! 6/6 1y
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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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My heart is still racing even after reading this book. Just when I thought I knew what was going to happen in the end, it took me completely off guard. This book will definitely get your heart pumping. It completely took my breath away. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#TheTwin #NatashaPreston #book #books #bookkeeper #bookkeeperlife #bookkeeping #bookloot #booklist #booklust #Thriller #YoungAdult #Mystery #MysteryThriller #Horror #Fiction #Suspense #Contemporary ❤️‍🔥😮

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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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Ivy and Iris haven't lived together for years—when their mother and father divorced, each parent got custody of one twin. But after a tragic accident takes their mom's life, the devastated sisters are reunited, and Iris moves in with Ivy and their dad. Iris takes their mom's death especially hard.
#TheTwin #NatashaPreston #book #books #bookperson #Thriller #Mystery #YoungAdult #MysteryThriller #Fiction #Horror #Contemporary #Suspense #Audiobook 💟

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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It was a good book with lots of twists and turns. However, the storyline dragged on for me (just a personal opinion). Still a good book nonetheless!

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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This book was definitely worth reading. Again, another good story from this author. The ending definitely leaves you wanting more and wishing you could jump into the pages and do something for the main character yourself. If you like suspense and feeling like youre drawn into the story and can‘t put it down then you should read some of Natasha prestons books.

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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On to the next book… I really liked this author when I read “the lost” but looks like the reviews aren‘t that great on “the twin” but will give it a shot. 📚🤓

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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3/5 stars, and that‘s pushing it. I got into it about 3/4 of the way through. I‘m rooting the entire time for Ivy of course. So imagine how pissed I am with that shitty ending. Iris doesn‘t get caught? All I‘m left with is a “stay crazy sis”? I was hoping, praying that Iris‘s confession was somehow recorded. I was sad for Ivy. Nobody believed her. I‘m not satisfied. It‘s just too easy. I wasn‘t surprised at all.

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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Finished this one. That ending!!! 📚🎃😈 #scarathlon #scarathlon2021 #teamslaughter @Clwojick

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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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This was a pretty good thriller, but to be honest... I felt let down by the ending. All that build up and I did not get the outcome I was hoping for. Overall good read though!

rather_be_reading hate when that happens! 3y
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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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Slow paced but creepy, in every review people said they hate the ending and I definitely agree. Worth reading if you have free access, otherwise, skippable

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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I am glad I didn‘t read the reviews on this before I read it because they aren‘t good at all. But I did enjoy this book. Ivy and her twin Iris don‘t live together. But when Ivy‘s mom dies in an accident Iris comes to live with her and their father. Ivy is dealing with the death of their mother and trying to get to know Iris but she just feels like something isn‘t right with Iris. When things start to happen Ivy starts to wonder if Iris had 👇🏻

Lovesbooks87 👆🏻something to do with the death of their mother. I didn‘t really care to much for the ending. I wanted something more! 3y
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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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I really enjoy Natasha Preston's 80's/90's YA horror vibe, but this one let me down a bit. It was just annoying that both twins were... stupid? Like, the one keeps dismissing red flags, and the other one's motivations were... well, I'm still trying to figure that out. Still, it's a quick read. The ending was not my favorite though, and it seemed ridiculous.

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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Because I had received recommendations before to read Natasha Preston, I was looking forward to adding this author to my must read list. Unfortunately, this book did the opposite for me. The Twin was far too predictable with characters that are obvious and one dimensional. There was no point in which I was surprised or didn't see what was coming next. Sadly, this book was far too disappointing to give this author another try.

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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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Where‘s the end of the book. The whole thing was so bad and predictable. I find it hard to believe like a dozen characters in the book couldn‘t see through the B.S. included a licensed psychologist 🤷‍♀️. I‘m questioning my own judgement for actually spending money on this book and finishing it to the end 👎😭😭😭.
For those who may have watched All My Children back in the day it was like a bad Adam/Stuart Chandler storyline.

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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Thank you so much @TheDaysGoBy Danielle! I especially love the bookmarks but it's all great. These were actually the only presents I got to unwrap this year because I bought my own birthday presents...so I opened amazon boxes instead. Lol. 😘😘 I'll write you back soon and yes, this has definitely been a weird year!
#birthday #litsypenpals

TheDaysGoBy Aw I‘m so glad you got it! You‘re welcome! Hope you had a great birthday! 🙂 4y
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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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Starting Monday I'll be jumping into the #ReadYourSign challenge hosted by @clwojick and @Meow_catlady.
I want to read at least 7 books from my Gemini Prompt list:

Read a book that was published between May 21st and June 20th.
Rage & Ruin by Jennifer Armentrout

Read a book with your zodiac symbol in the title, on the cover or heavily mentioned in the book.
The Twin by Natasha Preston

Continued in comments

MidnightBookGirl Read a book with your element in the title, or on the cover, or heavily mentioned in the book. Your element is Air.
Death in the Air by Kate Winkler Dawson

Read a book with your spirit color in the title, or on the cover. Your spirit color is Yellow.
Recursion by Blake Crouch

Read a book written by a Gemini author.
Pursuit by Joyce Carol Oates

Your Ruling Number is 3. Read the 3rd book in a series.
Charms and Chocolate Chips by Bailey Cates
MidnightBookGirl Read a book with your Ruling Number in the title, the date published, or the total page count.
Three Sides of a Heart edited by Natalie C. Parker
Clwojick Great list! 🎉🌟 4y
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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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This was a good thriller but for me it was pretty predictable

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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Didn‘t really care for the ending at all!!!😕😕😕

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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This book definitely made me want to keep reading but I wasn‘t the biggest fan of the ending. I felt like it could of ended better with more being resolved. I would still recommend this book though! #thetwin

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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#BlameItOnTheTitle- I‘m a total sucker for a twin story, thanks to growing up on #SweetValley- but Ivy & Iris are no Elizabeth & Jessica (well, Ivy is a bit of a more athletic Elizabeth- but Iris is pure Margo...). Though the middle drags a bit, this is an overall engaging YA thriller that thrusts together two identical twin sisters after the sudden death of their mother. Iris moves back in with Ivy and her dad, & soon Ivy‘s life is upside down!

Tanisha_A Photograph 😍 4y
Slajaunie Love stories about twins as well. 4y
TorieStorieS Thanks, @Tanisha_A 🥰🥰🥰 4y
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TorieStorieS @Slajaunie I cant resist a synopsis that involves twins!! 🤣🤣 4y
JenlovesJT47 I‘ve always been a tiny obsessed with twins after growing up reading SVH books. I even married a twin! 😆 4y
TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 Nicely done!!! 🤣 4y
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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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Not my favorite. I found the writing clunky and somewhat repetitive. Eh...

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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Up next!

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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Starts off a bit slow, but the ending is fantastic. It took me a little while to get used to the writing type, as it's told from a teenager's point of view & the writing definitely reflects that. The first half of the book reminded me of books I loved as a tween, the Summer Boys or A-list series. The tone & high school setting have that effect. The last 100 pages is where it finally starts to take a really creepy turn so stick with it until then.

The Twin | Natasha Preston
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I love it when I get an unexpected ARC in the mail 😍🥰😍🥰

Geenie So super cool😎 💖🎉 4y
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The Twin | Natasha Preston
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A creepy psychological thriller a book about twins ,twins reunited after living apart since their parents divorce each twin went with a parent.Now that their mother is dead the girls reunite wonderful right not in this chilling book one twin is not the angel she seems,Drew me in from the cover 💃💕📚

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