Going to start watching this tonight. I read the book last month.
Going to start watching this tonight. I read the book last month.
Words, words words words, words, words words, words, shocking ending. That‘s basically it. Looooong sentences broken up into many comma-phrases, with very little action. Then an ending that made me go “wait, what??”
I have been eager to read this classic for years. I love a good classic especially a gothic ghost story like this one. The beginning started out fine but towards the middle I found my attention to be wavering. Some parts of the writing was confusing and wordy, and I ended up second guessing myself. Nevertheless, I think the plot is open for interpretation.
#bookfitnesschallenge @wanderinglynn
I have a love/hate relationship with the Goodwill bookshelf. This was an "accidental/unintentional" #bookhaul- pocket classics with graphic renderings! Because it wasn't on purpose, I could only grab 8; there were about 15 different classics! It was such a hard decision narrowing it down!!
The synopsis beckons; and that's where it ends. I should've probably read the print copy because I got nothing from the audio. I had planned to give it another try after I'd read a few more classics. I can listen to Emma Thompson all day. But reviews and comments have demoted "Turn" from So-So to Pan.
I'm honestly trying. Emma Thompson is a wonderful narrator. Lovely, actually. Still, the material... the list of chores at home are more compelling.
Finally finished this up. I almost bailed but decided to stick it out. The stories are ok but I wasn't really invested in any of them. Of them all it was actually the last story that caught my interest.
It's Sunday which means laundry and Taqueria yummy!!! Trying to get into this one. It's being a little slow to grab me but I've been distracted. Getting ready for the @litsybookclub discussion of Rebecca in 30 minutes. Hope to see lots of you on there.
Not able to participate in the readathon this time because I have to work tonight but still starting my day off right. Hot cereal, strawberries, egg, tea and trying out this classic.
Ugh! I had to stop. I am half way through 130 pages. I cannot go on. It is so boring. I am not interested in the governess, the children or the ghosts. And the writing is a drag. There is a lot of punctuation for a modern reader, so I had to reread the sentences a lot to really understand what the author was trying to say. Time to start something new.
Just started The Turn of the Screw last night. I don't think I have read anything by Henry James before. His language took a minute to get used to. I have not read anything with so much punctuation in quite a while.
I know I said end of day but since this is an Audible deal read by Famous British Legend Emma Thompson (thanks @rubyslippersreads !) AND the votes seemed to be pretty decisive, I thought I would go ahead and announce that our first novel for #ghostsoflitsy will be Henry James' Turn of the Screw. It's on Serial Reader, too! Our discussion will begin around Oct. 15! Look out for this week's short stories, too! 😱👻👫🎩🕸#scaretober
Further to my review of this edition, the "Other Stories" in this are cool and much easier to read. One of them made me cover my face with the book at the end as it was so creepy. These stories have encouraged me to read more James (but never again The Turn of the Screw - at least not for a while).
The plot is great and the kids terrifying in their perfection, but James' writing is such a drag. The prologue was cool and had me hooked, but when he switched narrator he lost me. The writing became dense and hard to follow, and for me the story lost some of its impact because of it.
So far the children in this book are weird and creepy without having done anything weird and creepy. I'm getting a real "Village of the Damned" vibe. Or maybe "The Omen".