Tried this before an upcoming trip to France. The personal story is lovely but I couldn‘t get into the specific history of all that animal-based French food. Not the right moment for me.
Tried this before an upcoming trip to France. The personal story is lovely but I couldn‘t get into the specific history of all that animal-based French food. Not the right moment for me.
Read my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin and my first nonfiction of the year (towards my goal of 12). Finished Ove and going to see Otto tomorrow. Alas, so many good books left on the board. I really need to read faster! #BookSpinBingo
Look what arrived today! The cover is so pretty! 😍
I am so late finishing my second first #LMPBC book for this round. I am getting both this one and Rivers of London in the mail today. #GroupL #GroupV This one was a soft pick for me. I enjoyed it mostly and it could be my mood lately but I just couldn‘t get over that she was complaining a lot about getting to spend literal years living in France. 🤷🏻♀️
Hey #LMPBC #GroupV! Here are some picks from my TBR shelf. Don‘t mind the kitty butt in the shot. She wouldn‘t move. Let me know what you like, don‘t like, have already read.
Here are my picks for what to read for #LMPBC #Round13 #GroupB Y‘all let me know what you‘re interested in reading! @babyruth2510 @cwarnier @Kangaj1 Links in the comments.
A few books set in Paris, which I‘ve only visited through reading so far! I‘ve read the tagged book and want to get to the other two soon.
#Paris #LitsySpringBreak
Carla is a cheese fiend. Maybe she senses all the talk about cheese in this book? :)
I don‘t read much food writing but I enjoyed this mix of memoir and travel/food writing. The author builds each chapter on a particularly French food and the region that it comes from. I enjoyed the food history. But the best part was her finding her own way in Paris while her diplomat husband was away for a yearlong assignment in Iraq. It was good to read this for a little bit of armchair travel during COVID, but it did make me hungry!
I read this book because it‘s the December 2020 selection for the #ModernMrsDarcy book club. I enjoyed hearing about Ann‘s travel adventures, but I‘m not big on food memoirs (or memoirs in general, although I liked Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichl a lot). I enjoyed the #flightpick for this month (Relish by Lucy Knisley) much more. Maybe I found it more relatable. #mmdbookclub
Lovely food memoir, that is a love letter to Julia Child.
“When journalist Ann Mah‘s diplomat husband is given a 3 year assignment in Paris, she is overjoyed, but soon he is called away to Iraq on a year-long post—alone. Ann must reinvent her dream of living in Paris—one dish at a time. So she explores the history and taste of everything from boeuf Bourguignon to soupe au pistou to the crispiest of buckwheat crepes. Somewhere between Paris and south of France, she uncovers a few of life‘s truths.” #TBR
#heartsandhardcovers #wanttogotoparis
Of course I do!
Enjoying this immensely. I actually went out and bought it so I can browse through it and also have it for next time I go to France. 😍
#funfridayphoto This memoir chronicles a year in the author's life when she lived in Paris and explored cuisine from the different regions of France. It made me really jealous that I couldn't do the same.