Not quite a pick. Saunders is just in a league of his own and I love his absurd, disturbing weirdness. I liked the short stories but the novella in this collection fell flat for me. Definitely some great spots, but not my favorite Saunders.
Not quite a pick. Saunders is just in a league of his own and I love his absurd, disturbing weirdness. I liked the short stories but the novella in this collection fell flat for me. Definitely some great spots, but not my favorite Saunders.
Just starting this early collection of Saunders short stories and there‘s a lovely introduction by Joshua Ferris that perfectly captures what Saunders does so well. Can‘t wait to get started!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I mean, no one can write a short story like Saunders ... except Kurt Vonnegut. Or rather, the other way around. You know what I mean. These stories are a mix of social satire and absurdity. Always intriguing, often dark. This was his first collection, published in 1996, and consists of several odd occupations which is a common theme in his stories. Loved the “Author‘s Note” added in the 2012 edition.
I have a sense that God is unfair and preferentially punishes his weak, his dumb, his fat, his lazy.... He gives us a need for love, and no way to get any. He gives us a desire to be liked, and personal attributes that make us utterly unlikable. Having placed his flawed and needy children in a world of exacting specifications, he deducts the difference between what we have and what we need from our hearts and our self-esteem and our mental health.
“What a degraded cosmos. What a case of something starting out nice and going bad.”
Bleak and sharp short stories considering the darkness often found within humans. Fascinating and yet also horrifying in equal measures. Read my full review at: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/08/22/review-civilwarland-in-bad...
“...let‘s blame another gang for killing these dirtbags so Sam can get on with his important work. The Foleys agree. The police arrive and we all lie like rugs. The word spreads on Sam and the gangs leave us alone. For two months the Park is quiet and revenues start upscaling.”
Don‘t get me wrong, Saunders is a phenomenal writer and if a story gets me worked up it‘s because it‘s commentary on life is on point especially those turning a blind eye
Rereading this collection. Listening along to the audio version while following along on the page. Coming back to these stories, I can‘t help but really, really not like the (white) characters. They are clearly in the wrong with their racist motives causing a chain reaction of hatred and a cycle of oppression and maybe it‘s the news lately but I‘m tired of accountability not taking place and silence being the preferred method of communication...
Had a glass of wine too many the other night and went a little nuts ordering some George Saunders. 😆🤷🏼♀️ One should not be allowed to book shop while tipsy. #noregrets
I‘m looking forward to these regardless. I wasn‘t a great fan of Lincoln in the Bardo, but I‘ve loved the couple of short story collections I‘ve read.
In the author‘s note, Saunders writes that at the heart of this collection of short stories, is a question, “Why is the world so harsh to those who are losing?” There is heartache, abuse, futility, fear, discrimination, ridicule & more throughout these pages. Good things seldom happen & when they do, you may not even care because the characters are easy not to like. BUT, the stories are brilliant, the writing fantastic. Fabulous & recommended.
No C2E2 today. Just a quiet morning for some reading before visiting friends this afternoon. This book. Three stories in and I get the hype. The writing is fantastic, the stories are dark, weird, strange, funny, engrossing, appalling, unexpectedly poignant and, really, ALL the things, and I have little doubt I‘ll want to read more by Saunders once I finish this collection of stories.
On realism...
(From the introduction)
One nice thing about the kids wanting to get to school early (yes, that sometimes happens) is that I get to squeeze in a couple of minutes of reading. Add in cookies from my emergency stash and some hot tea and it‘s a pretty good morning.
I haven‘t read anything by Saunders and I think it‘s time to fix that. So, this book of short stories & a novella is my next “throw it in my bag and take it with me everywhere” book.
CivilWarLand in Bad Decline is Saunders first short story collection. Saunders is so good at conveying the vicissitudes of working class life. His characters are frequently humiliated, but find a sliver of hope or nobility.
Saunders never disappoints me. His first collection is dark, dark, dark but also cuttingly funny. And always human. His afterword was particularly great to read and gave so much context to the collection.
#GeorgeSaunders always knows how to punch me in the gut, rip out my heart, and make me feel way more than I‘m comfortable with. And also cackle like an insane banshee. Those are all very good things.
Saunders' debut places us in a series of strange dystopian settings. His characters navigate absurd realities, lamenting the unfair hand they've been dealt and hoping for something more. They do questionable things, and then seek redemption in a world that may not offer it. What I love about Saunders is that he consistently takes us to the far reaches of despair and post-modern irony while reassuring us that earnestness is still possible.
Kindle e-book deal 🎉 and other formats possibly... if you‘re interested, here is the publisher‘s link: http://www.randomhousebooks.com/books/160979/?utm_source=rh&utm_medium=email&utm...
Merry bookmas! My husband and I exchange gifts on Christmas Eve every year before the extended family whirlwind. So glad he knows to reference my Amazon wishlist 😊🎅
Some of the stories didn't really work for me, though the title story and the novella were both great. As always, I enjoy Saunders and his sense of humor, but this collection felt to me still a little unformed compared with his other work.
You know, I've never read this. Fixing now.
#MayBookFlowers Day 21 - So Bad It's Good
These books may be "bad" but they are oh so good!
The charming author's note at the back of the book might be my favorite part.
Loved this collection! Saunders writes the most brilliantly subversive characters and I find myself empathising with terrible people and hating on supposed saints. I am really hooked on this guy at the moment and I think everyone should give some of his stories a chance!
Bizarre characters, shocking imagery and sinister humor (all of which I'm quickly finding to be trademark Saunders) are all reminiscent of a Chuck Palahniuk novel but in short story form.
Starting my first Saunders short story/novella collection 📖📚
Getting further in this collection. Just finished Isabelle which was stunning. Oh George Saunders you brilliant man. I am far too excited for a certain novel arriving next week!
Little but exciting book haul today! Cannot wait for Lincoln In The Bardo so I might as well devour some more short stories whilst I wait
So now I'm off work for the whole week to heal and recover. So I'm doing this along with some wine and Bad Moms. Just need to not think for awhile. I'm so stressed.
Well I fractured my leg last night, so I'm on rest for awhile. Luckily I have lots of good books to read. But right now I'm just trying to block out the pain 😖
Sharp-witted, sharp-eyed satire. Saunders has an amazing imagination. A great read, but not if you need to be in your happy place.
My company at the car repairshop. Yikes. At least the company is good news. 😵
I like my short stories to be a little weird, so I enjoyed this collection. Saunders reminds me of Chuck Palahniuk...that great combo of twisted creepiness and humor. Definitely glad I finally got around to this one!
George Saunders is hands-down my favorite author. I was thrilled to see him speak at Symphony Space tonight and get a signed copy of the new edition of CivilWarLand in Bad Decline.
He introduced a reading of "Offloading for Mrs. Schwartz" by saying it was the first story he ever sold to The New Yorker. His wife threw him a "cupcake party" to celebrate and decorated with a banner of New Yorker covers she took off magazines at the dentist.
It's raining outside so time for some short stories! I just read the first story in this collection. I forgot how much I love Saunders! #readathon