An interesting climax that required an expositional slog to get to. For the full review, please visit http://benjamin-m-weilert.com/index.php/2020/02/06/book-lightless-2015/
An interesting climax that required an expositional slog to get to. For the full review, please visit http://benjamin-m-weilert.com/index.php/2020/02/06/book-lightless-2015/
Ok, ok I know it‘s supposed to be #light for today‘s #NoteworthyNovember but this is what I think of when I saw the prompt. I was excited so I checked Book Outlet to see if maybe they had a copy and guess what? They do. I ordered it and it‘s on it‘s way. That‘s how much I liked this book - I‘m buying a copy of my own. I‘ll post a picture when I get it.
#Space, the final frontier. I don‘t read a lot of books about space or set in space, which might be a little odd given that I grew up watching Star Trek and Dr. Who. The four books in the photo are books with space that I‘ve read and loved in the last year and a half. I found Lightless and Sleeping Giants because of Litsy, and don‘t regret that! #30daysofreadathon
This audiobook was strange for me. I liked it, but dont think I liked it quite as much as others have. Most of the action is psychological, which frustrated me since the world and the science fiction set ups were so good. I am invested enough in the story that I definitely need to know where the story goes from here. (But it almost makes me mad that I care so much about it! It's like I love it in spite of myself) (37-counting my books here now)
I'm trying so hard to continue bc the premise seems so cool, but I am struggling through this audiobook...seems like it's taking forever to make any progress! 😥
So I missed out on #litsypartyofone. I only logged 15 minutes. Shame on me. However I did finally get lights in the bedroom the office and the dinning room. I have been walking around the front of my house with a flashlight for weeks. Plus light make it easier to read. Plus, living room was painted, two chairs and a swing pained, and LOTS of yard work. I suggest NOT buying an old nursery if you don't like yard work. I will play #litsycatchup today
So last week, I finished the Eclectic Readers Podcast MadLibs Reading Challenge. This made for a goofy and interesting way to prioritize my reading in a way I haven't in a very long time. This also helped me clear some books from my TBR list that have been there for too long. The biggest unexpected surprise for me was Lightless by C.A. Higgins. I'll definitely be reading more of her work. #ERMadLibs
My ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review for Lightless by C.A. Higgins. This book caught me by surprise in all the best ways. Freaking loved this book. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1508674672
#scifi #CAHiggins #Lightless #writercrush #ERMadLibs
So, I'm about three-quarters of the way through Lightless, and C.A. Higgins just revealed the secret mission of the Ananke. I'm not sure if every reader would share my reaction, but I love it! I think this is a great twist, and I can't help but wonder where she plans to go with this. Freakin' awesome! #SciFi #Lightless #CAHiggins #LovingThisBook #ERMadLibs
Since C.A. Higgins references the Laws of Thermodynamics in her novel, I keep thinking about the song, "The 2nd Law: Isolated System" by Muse. #ReadingMusic #GoodSong #SciFi #CAHiggins #Lightless #Entropy #ERMadLibs
I love that even as humanity in C.A. Higgins' Lightless has conquered interstellar travel and advanced to create artificial intelligence, the emoticon still lives. This exchange made me smile and was a nice human touch to this grim story. The intentional shortening of "you" to "u" was also nice. #CAHiggins #scifi #Lightless #emoticon #emoticons #ERMadLibs
C.A. Higgins keeps pealing back the layers on this story, and it's impressive how well she controls this plot without sacrificing character. I picked this book to fill a slot in a reading challenge and wasn't very motivated about reading this book. Now that I'm in it, I think I've found a new author to add to my list of those to watch. #CAHiggins #scifi #ERMadLibs
I'm about a quarter of the way into Lightless. This book moves quickly, and it keeps ratcheting up the tension with each page. It's a story of a universe built on the belief of a system in complete control, but within this ship, that sense of control is evaporating. #CAHiggins #Lightless #SciFi #tension #suspense
What's most interesting about Lightless so far is just how much it doesn't tell the reader. Backstory on the characters introduced so far? Next to nothing. Higgins gives the reader more about the pair of antagonists she's introduced, making for an interesting level of tension where the reader trusts no one, including the POV. #Lightless #CAHiggins #scifi #suspense #tension #pov
I'm a third of the way through the Eclectic Readers Podcast MadLibs Reading Challenge. That leaves eight books for me to read between now and the end of June. Kevin Hearne's Hounded has me moving more quickly again. I've just started Lightless by C.A. Higgins, and judging from the opening pages, this book will be another fast-paced story. I've never read anything by Higgins, but I'm liking the story a lot so far. Straight to the action. #ERMadLibs
“Her lips were colored like bruises, a red so dark and deep that it touched into purple.
Althea had known women like this woman before. This was the kind of woman who preferred the company of men to the comfortable logic of Althea‘s machines, who looked at Althea with her awkwardness and her impatience and her wiry tangled hair and smirked among others like herself behind their hands.”
Alternates between slow and fast-paced, and for the first quarter or so you don't know where it's heading. I had an inking about half-way through. I enjoyed the sciency aspects of the story. Of course, it is sci-fi so that is to be expected. Other reviews suggesting it's reminiscent of shows like Firefly aren't far off as there is a governmental entity that sees and knows all. Post-apocalyptic fans might like it for that reason.
I've completed three of my nine book-long #novembertbr, two of which were holdovers from October. This has my attention right now but I'm also reading The Girl with all the Gifts. I have 9 books out from the library and I really need to get that stack down so I've been focusing on them.
Listened to this one on audiobook. It was a lot of fun, especially if you love sci-fi & the television series Firefly. I think it would make an excellent movie - tonnes of suspense and good looking characters. And technology that I imagine would be similar to Minority Report. A good read to get your techy nerd on.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I liked this book, but didn't love it. The premise sounded great: 3-person crew on an experimental spaceship on a secret mission? Sign me up! However, it quickly became focused so solely on power and politics and very very very long interrogation scenes between a boring sociopath and a suspected terrorist. Yawn. I was here for the quirky singularly focused ship's mechanic, Althea, but bored by the ambiguously defined System vs Malt-y-Nos.
It's #FunFridayPhoto time! Today's challenge: a photo set off-planet Earth. Not only is LIGHTLESS not on Earth, it's not on any planet at all - it's set entirely in a spacecraft! AND WHOOO-OMG IS IT GOOD. It's crazy-smart, crazy-fun science fiction, with a dash of 'WOW THAT GOT DARK FAST, SOMEONE HOLD ME.' It's like 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY meets FIREFLY. And there's now an excellent sequel! 🚀✨❤️
Anya sleeps while I head to work. But, I am listening to Lightless on audio, so at least the drive will be fun.
Just read this in the Penguin Random House Audio newsletter: "On Thursday July 28th, starting at 10 AM ET, for 24 hours we‘re giving away a FREE audio download of LIGHTLESS by C.A. HIGGINS. Visit our Facebook page or our Volumes app on that day to access the download." Has anyone heard of this one?
I'm still uncertain about this book. It was a good psychological thriller but I felt as though it tread a beaten path. AI gone rogue seems to be a common theme and while this was better than most, I wasn't head over heels for it. I'll read the sequel because I'm not sure where it can go.