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How to Be Eaten
How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Maybe I wasn‘t an ottoman, but I had transformed in that basement too. It was like there had been an earthquake inside of me, like I had been hollowed by it, and now I was left to live in the ruins. Who could ever really understand but them? Tonight I will go back home, and they will be there, talking, telling me over and over about how they lived and how they died. Mostly how they died. I will never get to tell them my story, because it‘s ⬇️

JenniferEgnor my duty to listen, because what I do get—isn‘t it enough?—by pure, stupid luck, I get to live. 6d
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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AI‘s creepy rendition of the misogynist murderer from Bernice‘s story, Ashton/Bluebeard.

How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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I knew I should be grateful—for the sky, for the sun, for days at all—but I wanted to escape, to shoot out of the atmosphere into the blackness of outer space, or else I wanted to fold into myself, like origami, so that I could see only the darkness of my own inner edges. But even then—or especially then—I knew the dead women from my dreams would be waiting, stretching their bony, decaying hands out to me, begging me to give them faces, to give⬇️

JenniferEgnor them names. 6d
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann

If you‘re looking for a modern “fairytale “ twist this book is for you!

I loved sinking my teeth into each character‘s individual story. What makes this book great is that each character has their own flaws that make them relatable to people in the real world. Each story is different but you can see why certain characters made the decisions they did. I would definitely read a part two.

How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Started this book yesterday 😇

How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Adelmann gave me not just re-imagines, but well written characters, diverse in looks and tone, modern world building that has it's own personality and such an interesting story that intersects and weaves — letting each character have her moment and say her side of the story before the surprise of a reveal that I never could have seen coming.


How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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When I picked this up at the library, I couldn't remember why it put it on hold (podcast rec, possibly?). The librarian mentioned that she had tried it and put it down after 20 pages, so I was worried. I didn't need to be.

If you like a darkly humorous fairy tale retelling set in modern times (and don't have too many triggers), this one might be for you too.

Plus it was my #bookspin pick this month!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 9mo
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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I really like retellings. And I did like this one. It was a cool concept. But, I feel like if you're going to make some super obvious and to their story, you shouldn't go completely off the rails with other ones. Some stories were magical where others were not at all like the author couldn't decide if they wanted it to be magical or realism. 3.5/5

How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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This was my book club‘s read for September. The premise is fantastic: group therapy sessions for women who‘ve survived—well—the cover gives you a good idea of where this is going. I was wary going in, since the person who chose it gave a caveat that there was some “body horror," which did not sound like my jam, but it turned out to not be extreme. I could have done without some of the gross descriptions, in the first couple tales especially. ⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) I found several parts really distasteful (which sounds very Victorian, but it‘s how I felt!), and other parts were a bit too obviously "moral of the story.” But the fairy tale re-imaginings were spot-on, as was the feminist take on society‘s treatment of women using media shaming and victim blaming. And there‘s a point where the women push back against trite, stock therapy phrases (e.g. “let‘s stay with this,” etc) and it is FANTASTIC. (edited) 10mo
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Short but impactful, well worth the library waitlist!
Super interesting concept, felt surreal but also so so relatable and current. If you‘re into feminism, fairy tales/folklore, and modern fiction, this is it!

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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Did a little shopping after lunch, including a stop at the local indie bookstore #bookhaul

April decided my new t-shirt was a pretty comfortable bed #catsoflitsy

ShelleyBooksie Great photo! 11mo
dabbe Hello, Adoeable April! 💜🐾💜 11mo
RaeLovesToRead April!! 👋🏻😊 11mo
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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TFW you slide in at the very last minute of the eleventh hour. 😅 Made it to my branch library 3 minutes before closing time and managed to return my loans and check out the tagged book, a hold pickup. Whew! Feeling lucky. 🍀

How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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“Personal trauma, public figure.” Five women meet for weekly group therapy sessions in modern NYC. Each has a traumatic story that hit the news—and which also happens to correspond with a traditional fairytale—yet is very much about women‘s lives today, as well as our fascination with watching the suffering of other people. Dark, funny & feminist. The audiobook is brilliant.

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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Pounded some ecoprints onto a bandanna today while listening to a fairytale mashup. #audiocrafting #Litsycrafters

Leftcoastzen That is beautiful! 13mo
Lindy @Leftcoastzen Thanks! I used a bandanna that had been faintly coloured in a nearly exhausted dye bath. I‘m happy with it now. 13mo
DinoMom That is so lovely. I have never heard of this technique before . So cool 13mo
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Lindy @DinoMom Thanks. I had only tried this on paper before. I really like the effect on cloth. 13mo
Catsandbooks Love this!! 🌸🌼 13mo
Lindy @Catsandbooks Thanks ☺️ 13mo
CatLass007 So pretty! 9mo
Lindy @CatLass007 Thank you 🌸 9mo
CatLass007 You‘re welcome. 9mo
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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This was a very unique fairytale retelling. A support group of women meets once a week to tell their stories of survival. They've been labeled by society as liars, gold-diggers, and whores, and all they want is for the truth to be told so they can move on from their trauma.

How to be Eaten is a dark look into how women are often treated by men and by society. I love that the author used fairy tales as the background stories for each woman.

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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Final Girl Support Group meets Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Horror and empowerment, bit more gore than I expected.
Exposes the flaws in generations of women being raised to seek a heteronormative happily ever after as the only way to be fulfilled, or for their life to have value, and, if they sought or were coerced into something else, they no longer deserve the fairy tale ending. Hints at a lot of unlearning/feminist reframing society need to do. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality Focus on media coverage, (overwhelmingly not in their favour) is a handy analogy to how the heroines of these classic tales have stories told about them, but don't really have voices of their own, and how 'IRL' they would be flawed, rather than one-dimensional paragons of virtue.

⚠️ Physical and psychological abuse, misogyny, internalized misogyny, ableism 2/2
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Incredibly creative use of fairy tales to create a whole new modern story. Wonderful writing. Such a quirky, unique read. Loved it.

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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Today was my last day of work until January!

MoonWitch94 Yay!!!! Enjoy & relax! 2y
MicheleinPhilly Nice! I still have to work next week but have already told everyone that I am “working” in name only. ☺️ 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome!! Enjoy!! ❤️ 2y
Ruthiella Yahoo! 2y
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Also I fished this last week and it was really interesting, I think I liked this one, premise was good and I am a sucker for heavy character driven books.

How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Sadly, Ashlee E, I quite resemble that remark. Or whatever.

How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Dark riffs on fairy tales have always been my thing. They're *meant* to be dark.

How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Super fast read and one of the few books to where I wasn't sure how exactly it was going to end. Which was hella nice! I liked the twists the author did with fairytales. Definitely a 5 out of a 5 for me.

How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann

This was an okay read, I liked the telling of the fairytales through the lens of traumatic experience. It was an interesting take though the ending left something to be desired. 4 stars.
#Scarathlon #TeamMomistermash 15pts + 1pt participation

How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann

Interesting use of modern storylines to retain fairytales, but overall the story was trite and far fetched

How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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This is horror. Sort of. It's modern retellings of fairy tales set in NYC told as a mix between Group and a reality show. And one of them is Bluebeard. And that's my fav. So there you go.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks 😘

TheAromaofBooks I quite like this cover. 2y
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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How to be Eaten is an intriguing premise; it's a modern-day support group of the women that needed rescuing from classic fables, like Red Riding Hood and Gretel. Each chapter is one character's telling of their story, some more gripping than others. I was disappointed; the characters weren't dynamic and the twist is obvious. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Why do people do this?!

Writing in a library book is so obnoxious!

kspenmoll Agreed! It‘s rude & selfish! 2y
LiteraryinLawrence Nooooooo! That‘s monstrous. 2y
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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Next up!
This one reimagines classic fairtytale characters that are in a support group for trauma. Should be interesting!

How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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4☆A dark and edgy reimagining of fairytale heroines and trauma narratives. Adelmann's flowing prose kept me from putting this book down! It's a unique form of the trauma narrative and there were some great lines throughout! If you enjoyed Nightbitch or Carmen Maria Machado writing you may enjoy this one! #bookreview #bookblogger

ICantImReading Loved this one! 2y
Bookalong @ICantImReading yay! Have you read her other one? 2y
ICantImReading @Bookalong I haven‘t! If you read it, what did you think of it? 😊 2y
Bookalong @ICantImReading I loved it! 2y
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How to Be Eaten: A Novel | Maria Adelmann
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I‘m surprised I haven‘t heard more buzz about this addictive and brilliant feminist retelling! I was hooked from the premise - reimagined classic (and modern) fairytale protagonists process their traumas together in a support group - and it delivered! It‘s wickedly smart with a strong voice and sharp teeth; a dark and dazzling novel I wanted to devour.

Addison_Reads Great review! I'd never heard of this but now I must read it. 2y
Chrissyreadit This sounds brilliant!!! 2y
ICantImReading @Chrissyreadit @Addison_Reads It was only on my radar because I saw it was the Belletrist pick for June. I was surprised there weren‘t holds for it through my library and that I was the first to post about it on Litsy! I hope others also enjoy it, it seems like it‘s too special to fly under the radar! 😊 2y
Julsmarshall Oooh! Sounds interesting! 2y
ICantImReading @Julsmarshall I thought it was so good!! 🐺🤍 (edited) 2y
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